The Product-Minded Software Engineer


1. Proactive with product ideas/opinions

Product-minded engineers don’t settle for getting a specification and jumping to implement it. They think about other ideas and approach the product manager with these. They often challenge existing specifications, suggesting alternative product approaches, that might work better.

2. Interest in the business, user behavior and data on this

When coming with ideas, product-minded engineers don’t just get these from thin air. They take the time to understand how the business works, how the product fits in, and what its goals are. They are also empathetic about how the product makes users feel and how those users benefit from using this product. They often dive straight to data about business and user metrics, getting their hands on this data however they can. They might access it directly - if this is possible - or approach the product manager or data scientists to get this kind of information. They do this because of their curious nature. This is the next trait I’ve observed.

3. Curiosity and a keen interest in “why?”

Product-minded engineers like to understand the “why?” behind all things. Why build this feature for the product, why not the other one? Why ship this first milestone, instead of choosing another one, that’s a lot simpler to build? How will things be measured - why don’t we choose a more thorough way to measure things?

They are autonomous in finding answers they can, by themselves. They turn to the product manager and other people in the business for other, product-related questions. Even though they ask many questions, doing this frequently, they manage not to annoy people, as they’ve built up strong relationships with them.

4. Strong communicators and great relationships with non-engineers

Product-minded engineers like talking with people outside engineering, learning about what and why they do. They are smooth communicators, making it clear they’re interested in learning more about how other disciplines work. I frequently see them grabbing coffee, lunch, or doing a hallway chat with non-engineers.

5. Offering product/engineering tradeoffs upfront

Because they have a strong understanding of the product “why,” as well as the engineering side of things, they can bring suggestions that few other people can. For example, when scoping the effort to build the product, the engineering effort to build a key feature might be significant. Many engineers would start to look for ways to reduce the effort and try to figure out what the impact of the reduced effort would mean for the feature itself.

Product-minded engineers attack this problem from both angles: both looking for engineering tradeoffs and what the product impact is. They also start making product tradeoffs, evaluating the engineering impact. They often go back to the product manager, suggesting a completely different feature to be built, given the product impact would be similar, but the engineering effort vastly smaller.

Juggling both the product and engineering tradeoffs and the impact of each is a unique strength product-minded engineers have. They can quickly go back-and-forth between the two sides of the same coin: product features and engineering effort and tradeoffs. Because they do it all in their head, using their engineering and product insights, they get to valuable conclusions remarkably quickly.

6. Pragmatic handling of edge cases

Edge cases are a funny thing. On one extreme, engineers often forget about many of these, having to come back to addressing them, after getting feedback from people testing the product or end users. On the other hand, handling all possible edge cases in a new product or feature can take a lot of time.

Product-minded engineers quickly map out edge cases and think of ways to reduce work on them: often bringing solutions that require no engineering work. They are focused on the “minimum lovable product concept” and evaluate the impact of an edge case and the effort of handling it. They come with good middle-ground suggestions: mapping out most things that can go wrong and bring suggestions on what edge cases need to be addressed, before shipping even an early version.

For example, if one in a thousand users might be hit by an error, they will consider the effort to fix it and think about what happens if they don’t do anything. Can customer support help the person in this case, during validation? Can the user just retry and succeed the next time? Can the product be slightly modified, so this edge case won’t occur?

7. Quick product validation cycles

Even before the feature they are working on is production-ready, product-minded engineers find creative ways to get early feedback. This could be doing hallway testing with colleagues, showing the work-in-progress feature to the product manager, organizing a team bug bash on the beta build, and many other, creative ways. They are continuously thinking:“how can we validate that people will use this feature, the way we think they will?”

8. End-to-end product feature ownership

Most experienced engineers own their work end-to-end: from getting the specification, through implementing it, all the way to rolling it out and validating that it works correctly. Product-minded engineers often go a step beyond this.

They consider their work done only after getting results on user behavior and business metrics. After rollout, they still actively engage with product managers, data scientists, and customer support channels, to learn how the feature is being used in the real world. It can take weeks to get enough reliable data to draw conclusions. Even though they might be working on a new project, they make checking on the results one of their top priorities. It’s not a time-consuming activity, but it needs that additional persistence from someone wanting to know: how is my work really doing?

When a feature performs worse than expected, they are curious to understand where the mismatch was. They are just as interested in finding the root cause between the product plan and the real world result, as they are to debug a hard-to-reproduce bug in the codebase. They’ll often spend a good amount of time debating hypothesizes and learnings with the product manager and data scientists.

9. Strong product instincts through repeated cycles of learning

A typical project for a product-minded engineer usually goes like this:

  1. They ask a lot of questions to understand exactly why the product feature is being built.
  2. They bring suggestions and tradeoffs to the table, some of which are included in the revised spec.
  3. They build the feature quickly, getting early feedback, as they do.
  4. After shipping the feature, they actively follow up to understand if the feature lives up to the expectation.
  5. When it does not, they dig deep, to understand why it did not and learn something new about product usage in the real world.

After each project, their product understanding deepens, and they start to develop better and better product instincts. The next time, they’ll bring even more relevant suggestions to the table. Over time, they become a goto person for product managers, their advice being sought well before projects are kicked off. They build a strong reputation outside the team, opening more doors for their continued career growth.

基于SSM框架的智能家政保洁预约系统,是一个旨在提高家政保洁服务预约效率和管理水平的平台。该系统通过集成现代信息技术,为家政公司、家政服务人员和消费者提供了一个便捷的在线预约和管理系统。 系统的主要功能包括: 1. **用户管理**:允许消费者注册、登录,并管理他们的个人资料和预约历史。 2. **家政人员管理**:家政服务人员可以注册并更新自己的个人信息、服务类别和服务时间。 3. **服务预约**:消费者可以浏览不同的家政服务选项,选择合适的服务人员,并在线预约服务。 4. **订单管理**:系统支持订单的创建、跟踪和管理,包括订单的确认、完成和评价。 5. **评价系统**:消费者可以在家政服务完成后对服务进行评价,帮助提高服务质量和透明度。 6. **后台管理**:管理员可以管理用户、家政人员信息、服务类别、预约订单以及处理用户反馈。 系统采用Java语言开发,使用MySQL数据库进行数据存储,通过B/S架构实现用户与服务的在线交互。系统设计考虑了不同用户角色的需求,包括管理员、家政服务人员和普通用户,每个角色都有相应的权限和功能。此外,系统还采用了软件组件化、精化体系结构、分离逻辑和数据等方法,以便于未来的系统升级和维护。 智能家政保洁预约系统通过提供一个集中的平台,不仅方便了消费者的预约和管理,也为家政服务人员提供了一个展示和推广自己服务的机会。同时,系统的后台管理功能为家政公司提供了强大的数据支持和决策辅助,有助于提高服务质量和管理效率。该系统的设计与实现,标志着家政保洁服务向现代化和网络化的转型,为管理决策和控制提供保障,是行业发展中的重要里程碑。




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