

   500 强的欧美公司
   500 强其他国家公司
   500 强以外的欧美公司
   500 强以外的其他国家公司
  就英文测试来说, 500 强欧美公司和 500 强以外的欧美公司最看重,毕竟工作中要用到,有一些还是工作语言,不测试不行。 500 强内外的其他国家公司,很多时候对英语也有要求,象日本、韩国的公司,只不过日本人和韩国人的英语口语,实在比较寒。
  外资企业一般只录用两种人:一种是名牌大学的优秀毕业生(优秀的标准参见各企业标准),一种是之前在外企工作的人(最好是同行)。如果你没有上述 2 个条件,一般是很难进入他们的候选,除非一些其他努力和条件。
  我是国内 3 流本科毕业,又没有外资的经验,可想当初进入外资公司的困难。好几次争取到了面试的机会,比如华纳和箭牌,对方对我的工作经验、业务知识很满意,英语测试也 OK ,但是最后拒绝我的理由都是一样——没有外资工作经验。
  我现在加入的这家 500 强,一个美国公司,是通过朋友推荐和自己努力最终成功入职的。所以这里可以提供的一个途径,就是朋友推荐。
  很多人看见外资公司在网上的招聘信息,投递了很多次简历也没有回复,这个很正常。我在做招聘的时候,就部门秘书的职位,从中专到硕士,简历多到来不及看,很多时候筛选就很简单:看学历和经验匹配度。学历过高过低的都会直接 OVER ,工作经历不沾边的也 OVER ,剩下的再看其他要求以及约见。
  所以靠简历,尤其是一份工作经历不符合的简历,很难有机会得到面试机会,因为求职的人实在太多,不符合条件的人也多,被第一关 DELETE 掉的,甚至有误杀的。
  一般来说,外企测试英语,有 2 种基本的类型:
  翻译部分的题目,很多公司都会是自己的企业文化、理念、公司历史等,至少我面试过 4 500 强都是如此。对这样的题目,如果你事先没有很好地浏览他们的中文和英文网站,一般是不好翻译的。
  英语作文来说,不是很难,大家都可以编 2 句,如果你实在写不满字数或者表达不清,我还是建议你学习一下英文写作再去面试,不然也浪费你自己的时间。
  作文内容一般会问:你 5 年之内的职业目标是什么?你是如何看待 XX 行业的?你希望在公司取得什么样的成就?……
还有些笔试是考阅读理解的,象我们大学 4 6 级的考试,给你几段文章,阅读后选择答案,看你基本的英语理解能力。
  个人认为这样的测试比较 HD ,至少不会在面试时就把自己的企业文化强行灌输到求职者头脑里,即便那些企业文化都看起来是十分理想和幸福的。
  我有个朋友,在私营公司做过进出口文员,后来去软件公司做程序,然后现在想去 NIKE 公司应聘销售。不说他的工作经历和经验是否可以得到这个职位,就他写的求职信,我看了之后也是汗了半天。他用很多种复杂的结构和语法,说明他多么不喜欢之前的行业和工作。我和他沟通了一下,他说他用的是美国最新的口语,而且表达了自己的真实想法,外企要看人品的,他不愿意做“修饰”。
  这里想说的是,除非你应聘翻译,或者一些中高层职位需要和外国人做工作交流的,一般的英语口语测试都很容易通过,不用紧张。不过 HR 都不喜欢这样的人:简历上写的是“英语听说读写流利”,结果面试的时候结结巴巴说不出来的。还有一些人一个劲强调,自己大学英语很不错,就是工作了没机会接触,现在生疏了,只有给自己一段时间,英语一定没问题。
面试英语 8 大常规问题:
   1 Who do you work for at present?
   2 Could you tell me about your work experience?
   3 Have you ever worked in XXX?
  你在 XX 行业工作过么?
   4 Do you have any experience of working as a department manager?
5 Would you please say something about your career experience?
   6 What is your chief responsibility working as a XXX in the XX department?
  你在 XX 部门做 XX 职位的时候,主要的工作职责是什么?
   7 Have you had any experince working abroad?
   8 What exactly did you do when you worked as a XX for XX Co.?
  你在 XX 公司做 XX 职位的时候,工作究竟是怎样做的呢
   1 Could you tell me why you want to leave your present job?
   2 I wonder if you could tell me why you decided to work for XXX?
  你是不是可以告诉我你为什么决定来 XXX 工作?
   3 Would you mind telling me why you think you are not suitable for XXX?
  你介不介意告诉我,你为什么认为自己不适合在 XXX 工作?
   4 What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
   5 What have you learned from your mistakes?
给大家提供一些 HR 、职业经理人常用的英文单词,可能帮助一些人进行面试英语的准备:
  ( 1
  目标 mission/ objective
  集体目标 group objective
  内部环境 internal environment
  外部环境 external environment
  计划 planning
  组织 organizing
  人事 staffing
  领导 leading
  控制 controlling
  步骤 process
  原理 principle
  方法 technique
  经理 manager
  总经理 general manager
  行政人员 administrator
  主管人员 supervisor
  企业 enterprise
  商业 business
  产业 industry
  公司 company
  效果 effectiveness
  效率 efficiency
  企业家 entrepreneur
  权利 power
  职权 authority
  职责 responsibility
  科学管理 scientific management
  现代经营管理 modern operational management
  行为科学 behavior science
  生产率 productivity
  激励 motivate
  动机 motive
  法律 law
  法规 regulation
  经济体系 economic system
  管理职能 managerial function
  产品 product
  服务 service
  利润 profit
  满意 satisfaction
  归属 affiliation
  尊敬 esteem
  自我实现 self-actualization
  人力投入 human input
  盈余 surplus
  收入 income
  成本 cost
  资本货物 capital goods
  机器 machinery
  设备 equipment
  建筑 building
  存货 inventory 2
  经验法 the empirical approach
  人际行为法 the interpersonal behavior approach
  集体行为法 the group behavior approach
  协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach
  社会技术系统法 the social-technical systems approach
  决策理论法 the decision theory approach
  数学法 the mathematical approach
  系统法 the systems approach
  随机制宜法 the contingency approach
  管理任务法 the managerial roles approach
  经营法 the operational approach
  人际关系 human relation
  心理学 psychology
  态度 attitude
  压力 pressure
  冲突 conflict
  招聘 recruit
  鉴定 appraisal
  选拔 select
  培训 train
  报酬 compensation
  授权 delegation of authority
  协调 coordinate
  业绩 performance
  考绩制度 merit system
  表现 behavior
  下级 subordinate
  偏差 deviation
  检验记录 inspection record
  误工记录 record of labor-hours lost
  销售量 sales volume
  产品质量 quality of products
  先进技术 advanced technology
  顾客服务 customer service
  策略 strategy
  结构 structure
  领先性 primacy
  普遍性 pervasiveness
  忧虑 fear
  忿恨 resentment
  士气 morale
  解雇 layoff
  批发 wholesale
  零售 retail
  程序 procedure
  规则 rule
  规划 program
  预算 budget
  共同作用 synergy
  大型联合企业 conglomerate
  资源 resource
  购买 acquisition
  增长目标 growth goal
  专利产品 proprietary product
  竞争对手 rival
  晋升 promotion
  管理决策 managerial decision
  商业道德 business ethics
  有竞争力的价格 competitive price
  供货商 supplier
  小贩 vendor
  利益冲突 conflict of interests
  派生政策 derivative policy
  开支帐户 expense account
  批准程序 approval procedure
  病假 sick leave
  休假 vacation
  工时 labor-hour
  机时 machine-hour
  资本支出 capital outlay
  现金流量 cash flow
  工资率 wage rate
  税收率 tax rate
  股息 dividend
  现金状况 cash position
  资金短缺 capital shortage
  总预算 overall budget
  资产负债表 balance sheet
  可行性 feasibility
  投入原则 the commitment principle
  投资回报 return on investment
  生产能力 capacity to produce
  实际工作者 practitioner
  最终结果 end result
  业绩 performance
  个人利益 personal interest
  福利 welfare
  市场占有率 market share
  创新 innovation
  生产率 productivity
  利润率 profitability
  社会责任 public responsibility
  董事会 board of director
  组织规模 size of the organization
  组织文化 organizational culture
  目标管理 management by objectives
  评价工具 appraisal tool
  激励方法 motivational techniques
  控制手段 control device
  个人价值 personal worth
  优势 strength
  弱点 weakness
  机会 opportunity
  威胁 threat
  个人责任 personal responsibility
  顾问 counselor
  定量目标 quantitative objective
  定性目标 qualitative objective
  可考核目标 verifiable objective
  优先 priority
  工资表 payroll
  策略 strategy
  政策 policy
  灵活性 discretion
  多种经营 diversification
  评估 assessment
  一致性 consistency
  应变策略 consistency strategy
  公共关系 public relation
  价值 value
  抱负 aspiration
  偏见 prejudice
  审查 review
  批准 approval
  主要决定 major decision
  分公司总经理 division general manager
  资产组合距阵 portfolio matrix
  明星 star
  问号 question mark
  采购 procurement
  人口因素 demographic factor
  地理因素 geographic factor
  公司形象 company image
  产品系列 product line
  合资企业 joint venture
  破产政策 liquidation strategy
  紧缩政策 retrenchment strategy
  战术 tactics
  追随 followership
  个性 individuality
  性格 personality
  安全 safety
  自主权 latitude
  悲观的 pessimistic
  静止的 static
  乐观的 optimistic
  动态的 dynamic
  灵活的 flexible
  抵制 resistance
  敌对 antagonism
  折中 eclectic
  激励 motivation
  潜意识 subconscious
  地位 status
  情感 affection
  欲望 desire
  压力 pressure
  满足 satisfaction
  自我实现的需要 needs for self-actualization
  尊敬的需要 esteem needs
  归属的需要 affiliation needs
  安全的需要 security needs
  生理的需要 physiological needs
  维持 maintenance
  保健 hygiene
  激励因素 motivator
  概率 probability
  强化理论 reinforcement theory
  反馈 feedback
  奖金 bonus
  股票期权 stock option
  劳资纠纷 labor dispute
  缺勤率 absenteeism
  人员流动 turnover
  奖励 reward
  特许经营 franchise
  热诚 zeal
  信心 confidence
  鼓舞 inspire
  要素 ingredient
  忠诚 loyalty
  奉献 devotion
  作风 style
  品质 trait
  适应性 adaptability
  进取性 aggressiveness
  热情 enthusiasm
  毅力 persistence
  人际交往能力 interpersonal skills
  行政管理能力 administrative ability
  智力 intelligence
  专制式领导 autocratic leader
  民主式领导 democratic leader
  自由放任式领导 free-rein leader
  管理方格图 the managerial grid
  工作效率 work efficiency
  服从 obedience
  领导行为 leader behavior
  支持型领导 supportive leadership
  参与型领导 participative leadership
  指导型领导 instrumental leadership
  成就取向型领导 achievement-oriented leadership
    Why did you leave your former company?
     Because I m working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible.
     Because I m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.
     Because that company didn t have a good future, so I needed to consider my future.
     Because I want to change my working environment, I d like to find a job which is more challenging.
     Because I had some private reasons, some family things.
     What are your great strengths?
     I m a good team player.
     I m a hard-working, persistent person.
     I m a fast-learner.
     I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues.
     I have strong organizational skills.
     In what specific ways will our company benefit from hiring you?
    我公司雇用你有什么好处 ?
     I think that my technical background is helpful for you.
     I have enough knowledge to market the products of your company.
     I m very familiar with this market and have many customers. I think your company will benefit from it.
     Your company will benefit from gaining a young energetic, bright, person.
     I know I am the right person for this job.
     What are your salary expectations?
     I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background.
     Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first? I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.
     I hope you ll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary higher than the junior secretary s salary.
     I expect to be paid according to my abilities.
     With my experiences, I d like to start at RMB4000 a month.
    以我的经验,我希望起薪是 4000 元人民币。
如何用英语表达“相关经验”( ZZ
  - Occupational Experience Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation. 有审计、成本会计和税务方面的经验。
  - Working experience in foreign company. 有在外资公司工作的经验者。
  - Five years experience in foreign trade or foreignowned venture. 5 年在外贸方面或外资企业工作的经验。
  - Experience working with foreign companies. 有在外国公司工作的经验。
  - Three years of Experience in personnel recruiting. Screening and interviewing. 3 年的人员招募、选拔和面试方面的经验。   
  - Some experience in product distribution. 略具产品销售的经验。   
  - Knowledge of U. S. Specifications and standards. 具有美国规格标准方面 知识。   
  - Sales experience of medical equipment and working experience in radiology department is preferred .有医疗设备销售经验及在放射科工作的经验
  - 1 year working experience in commerce or consumer products. 1 年在商 业或消费产品方面的工作经验者。   
  - International accounting and joint venture experience .有国际会计和合 资企业的工作经验。  - Have 2 year s programming experience. 2 年电脑编程的经验。   
  - 5 years experience in staff management .有 5 年管理员工的经验。   
  - Telecommunication services experience with China Post and Telecommunication Bureaus .有在中国邮电局进行电信服务的经验。   
  - Experience serving top-level managment 。具备为高级管理人员服务的经验   
  - Have one year experience in the same capacity with foreign company. 1 年在外资企业担任同样职务的经验。   
  - 3 years maintenance supervisory experience in electricity wiring mechanical engineering etc. 3 年在电线工程、机械工程等方面进行维修督导的 经验。   
  - Experience in export business . 有出口贸易的经验。   
  - Has the experience in training and supervising production supervisors and technicians. 有培训和督导生产管理人员和技术人员的经验。   
  - 2 years factory management experience . 2 年工厂管理的经验。   
  - Experience working in multinational environment. 有在多国环境下的工作 经验。   
  - 4 years relevant experience. 4 年相关经验者优先。   
  - 2 years secretarial experience .有 2 年的文秘经验。
  - Familiarity with international trade issues. 熟悉国际贸易问题。   
  - Have experience in the computerization of financial functions .有财务 电算化的经验。   
  - Three years experience in teaching English as a second language .有 年将英语作为第二语言的英语教学经验。   
  - Experience in marketing research analysis .有市场营销研究和分析的经 验。   
  - Working experience in advertising. 有广告方面的工作经验。   
  - Have experience as a receptionist .有当接待员的经验。   
  - Experience in building construction or steel industry. 有建筑和钢铁工 业的经验。
  - Substantial experience in selling technical chemical items. 有销售技 术、化学品的丰富经验。 5 years working experience and familiar with office equipment and electronic products design understanding the U. S. A. Asia market. 5 年工作经验并熟悉办公室设备及电子产品设计且了解美国与亚洲市场。   
  - Experience in project sales and service coordination .有策划、销售和 售后服务协调的经验。 Have 2 years experience in either media planning and account servicing on international clients .有 2 年媒介策划及对国际客户进行业务服务 的经验。   
  - 3 years relevant marketing experience in advertising and promotion. 3 年在广告和推销方面的相关业务经验。
我整理的关于 hr 方面的英语问题,可能对以后求职有帮助
   1:Explain any period of unemployment?   
     2:were you everfired ?  
     3:which job did you like best?   
     4:which job did like least?   
     5:in which job did you accomplish the most?   
     7:which supervisor did you like the most?   
     8:how did you shoose your occupation?   
     9:why are you interested this position?   
     10:describe what you would consider the ideal working conditions?   
     11:what do you hope to find in your next joob?   
     12:do you own a car?   
     13:do you own a car?   
     14:do you have company car?   
     15:are you indet other than a house and car?   
     16:give two refersence of successful business people?   
     17:how do you spend your leisure time?   
     18:if you had time and money ,what hobbies interests would you pursue?   
     19:in what social /sivic groupd are you active?   
     20:what office do you hold?   
     21:what has been your most successfull accomplishment to date?   
     22:what did you improve yourself last year ?   
     23:To what do you attribute you guccess so far?   
     24: what are the qualities of an ideal supervisor?   
     25:what goals have you set for future?   
     27:what do you do when you have personal problem?   
     28:what do you believe are you strongest personal qualities?   
     29:what do you believe are your weakest personal qualities?     
     the question above you must ensure and agree to provide any proof of citizenship by low, and that all answer are true and current to the best of your knowladge and you also authorize investigation of all statement answer and the other information
英语电话面试应急训练( ZZ
  很多外企在当面的面试之前会有一个电话英语面试,时间一般在 20~30 分钟左右,用以核实求职者的背景和英文表达力。新东方求职面试英语研究专家冯 ?J 建议,求职者在投递简历以后要做好各种充分的准备。
  如果你提前知道了电话面试的时间,则可以在面试时把简历、 coverletter 放在你旁边的桌子上,直接运用里面的句子回答问题。一些基本的问题,你可以事先准备好答案。通常,在电话英语面试的时候会提道:
   Please tell me something unreflected at yourC.V./about yourself/your experience/your activities. 谈谈你简历中没有提及的一些事情 / 谈谈你自己 / 你的经历 / 你参与的活动。
   An example of team work. 举出一个你参与团体合作的例子。
   Why do you choose this position ?你为什么选择这个职位。
   Why should we hireyou ?为什么我们应该雇用你?
  开放式讨论如 In formationTechnology (信息技术)或者 theroleofuniversityinso ciety (大学的社会角色)等,主要考查求职者的思维方式。
   pardon ?请再说一遍
   Would you please simplify the question ?您能把这个问题说得简单些吗?
   Would you please say iti nother words ?您能用别的话来表达您的意思吗?
   Would you please speak a little bit louder I can not hear you clearly. 您说话声音能大一点好吗?我听不清楚。
   May I call you back half an hour l ater May I have your phone number and recall you
   1 、务必选择一个良好的沟通工具和环境。
   2 、如果是觉得电话过于突然,自己没有准备好,可以礼貌地约定下一个电话面试时间,自己准备一个提纲或者英文简历,和对方电话面试时可以作为参照。切记不要象读课文,如果得到面试机会,还需要至少背熟英文简历,准备一些英文提问回答,免得电话面试口语流利, FACE TO FACE 的时候漏洞百出、结结巴巴,也是浪费自己的时间。
   3 、电话面试一般集中在 3 个问题:
面试英文须知( ZZ
   How are you today?
   Did you have any trouble finding us?
   What do you think of the weather lately?
  对方问: How are you today?
  好的回答是: I m fine thank you, and you? I m well thank you.
  不好的回答是: So, so OK Not so well
   I attended the University of Beijing from 1990 to 1993.
   I graduated with a degree in civic engineering.
   I am currently studying at the University of York and will graduate with a degree in Economics in the coming spring.
   I am studying English at the Seneca Community College.
   ABC Engineering Inc. have employed me for the last 3 years as a salesperson. I have been creating customer contacts for 6 months.
   I was employed by Jackson s Ltd. from 1995 to 1997 as a office manager.
   I worked as a production supervisor at the Heitz while I was living in New York.
  当谈及以前的工作成绩和表现,尽量用一些主动的,积极的,令人印象深刻的动词,比用名词或者系动词词组效果好。比如与其说 My job is to assist the senior scientist with unit testing 不如说 I assisted the senior scientist with unit testing. 与其说 I was responsible for the business needs analysis 不如说 I analyzed the business needs.
  问 : Tell me about yourself.
  答 : I was born and raised in Dalian, China. I attended the University of Beijing and received my master s degree in Economics. I have worked for 5 years as a financial consultant in Beijing for various companies including Rossi Consultants, People s Insurance of China and Pepsi. I enjoy playing soccer in my free time and traveling.
  答 : I ve just graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Computers Science. During the summers, I worked as a systems administrator for a small company to help pay for my education.
  评语 : 这个问题的目的是想大概地了解你,所以无需讲太多细节的东西。你的回答通常会帮助面试官决定下个问题问什么。除了给对方一个整体的印象,最重要的是着重讲和工作有关的经验。工作经验是大多数面试中最重要的环节,比学历更重要。
  问 : What type of position are you looking for?
  答 : I m interested in an entry level (beginning) position.
  答 : I m looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.
  答 : I would like any position for which I qualify.
  评语 : 对于一个英语非母语的申请人,许多公司期望你能从低做起,慢慢弥补语言方面的不足。就算你以前很成功有多年经验,也应当有这个心理准备。
  问 : Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
  答 : I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position.
  评语 : 尽量留最大的余地争取机会。因为只要工作拿到了,以后的事情就容易把握,主动性大多了。
  问 : Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
  答 : I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
  评语 : 提到过往工作经验时,注意越详细越好。新移民最容易犯的错误之一是讲过去经历时太过笼统。雇主是想知道你到底做什么以及你做得怎么样,你讲得越详细,他们就越能知道你是否在行。你可以换着用一些不同的词汇来形容,而且尽量不要每句话都用“ I ”开头。记得用过去时态。
  问 : What is your greatest strength?
  答 : I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time by which the work must be finished), I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime.
  答 : I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
  答 : I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager would always ask me to solve it. Last summer, the LAN server at work crashed. The manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the LAN back online. After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the LAN was up and running (working) within the hour.
  评语 : 不用谦虚,充满自信地把自己最好的方面都抖出来。记得要给一些具体的例子,举例时变化用词。
  问 : What is your greatest weakness?
  答 : I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when my co-workers are not pulling their weight (doing their job). However, I am aware of this problem, and before I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties.
  答 : I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisified. However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.
  评语 : 这其实是一个很巧妙的问题,你要讲得出一个其实是优点的缺点。比如工作太认真啦,对自己对人要求很高啦,工作很追求完美啦,等等。在讲到缺点后要记得说你一直在致力于改善。
  问 :Why do you want to work for us?
  答 : After following your firms progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that Smith and Sons are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of the team.
  答 : I am impressed by the qualitiy of your products. I am sure that I would be a convincing salesman because I truly believe that the Atomizer is the best product on the market today.
  评语 : 对这个问题你要事前做研究,通过看公司网站,其他有关信息等。越了解公司,对你越有利。
  问 : When can you begin?
  答 : Immediately.
  答 : As soon as you would like me to begin.
  评语 : 充分表示你想要工作!
  面试时招聘人员总会问你: "Do you have any questions?" 以前我们讲过,面试十七大忌中其中一忌就是用 "nothing" 来回答这个问题。问什么问题,对你的印象分有帮助,显示你是一个用心的人。一般来说,围绕着这些话题来问比较得体:
   the competitive environment in which the organization operates 公司营运所处的竞争环境
   executive management styles 管理高层的风格
   what obstacles the organization anticipates in meeting its goals 公司在达到其目标过程中预计会遇到什么障碍
   how the organization s goals have changed over the past three to five years 公司的经营方向在过去三到五年内有什么变化
  第一次面试,或者在双方未有确定的意向以前,除非是已经到了签 OFFER 的阶段,最好不要问待遇如何。那样显得你更关心公司能为你做什么,而不是你为公司能做什么。
   1. What are the main objectives and responsibilities of the position?
   2. How does the company expect these objectives to be met?
   3. What obstacles are commonly encountered in reaching these objectives?
   4. What is the desired time frame for reaching the objectives?
   5. What resources are available from the company and what must be found elsewhere to reach the objectives?
Prepare for the microsoft interview
   1. What qualifications do you have that make you fell you will be successful in
   this field ?
   Well, Firstly ,I think my technical background is helpfull to my this ,as my
   resume mentioned ,I have two years R&D experience .
   Secondly ,I have good communications and i am a team player .
   Finally ,i am quite fluent in both spoken and written english
   I think these qulifications will make me successful in my career . I am a hard
   work when I have something challenging to do .
   2. Teamwork
   Teamwork is very important during working ,because if all the team member
   cannot work with the others .The effiency of Teamwok will be very limited .
   Teamwok's goal is to make 1 plus 1 greater than 2 ,not less than 2. So,
   Teamwork it's very essential for every member of the team.
   3. About Microsoft and GTSC .
   Everybody knows Mircosoft's legend story on the operation system .It's great
   success benifits all of us ,it provide us a unique interface with the PC ,it makes erverybody fell
   easy to use it,Even my 6 years old nephew :)
   Both Working and Entertaiment on Windows will make lots fun. More important ,it
   provide a unique platform betwin the end users and applications provider.
   GTSC is to provide the essential
   support for the application providers . So give the nice support for the
   application provider ,will finally benifit us . that's what i am happy to see.
   4. How soon can you begin working for us ?
   Well , I need two or three weaks to go through all the necessary formalities. I
   will quit my current job first ,then transfer to your company .
5.What personality do you think you have ?
   Actually , I am extroverted . I like sharing activities with others .
   As to my personal weakness, Frankly speaking , I am quite
   6 My basic principle .
   You know ,in chineses there is a proverb " 塞翁失马,焉知非福?塞翁得马,安知非祸
  ? " which means Misfortune may be an actual blessing
   It remind me never be proud of get someting ,you must notice it may bring you
   some misfortune meanwhile
   and Never be depress on lost something ,May be it will turn out to bring some
   7.Self Instruction
   My name is Percy Pan , you can call me Percy for short .
   I came from hubei province ,After graduated from
   the wuhan Comunicate and Condunt Academy ,I have been working in shanghai
   wellhope information technology ,this is a company delicate to the E-gove and NGN R&D .My main job is related to VoIP ,which was the basic communication platform for the company's
   total solution for gov.And I acumulated my work experience on this company.
   I learned how to resarch , analyze, design,realize,and validate a product. With our effort ,Now ,our products is runing in the gov intranet.
   and the gov workers now is enjoy the convenience bring by our product.
   I am very happy to see my job benifit the others .
   8. Why do you left your current job.
   On the one hand, I like work with people ,other than machines,So Having worked
   for 2 years , I think my technoloy beckgroud is enough for me to realize my
   On the other hand ,Mircorsoft was a leading company on OS field, Technical support
   was really fit me.
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