【VDN】【基于价值分解网络的多智能体协同学习】【Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning】


Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning


Abstract 摘要

1 Introduction 引言

1.1 Other Related Work 

1.1 其他相关工作

2 Background 

2 背景

2.1 Reinforcement Learning

2.1 强化学习

​2.2 Deep Q-Learning 

2.2 深度 Q -学习

 2.3 Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

2.3 多智能体强化学习

3 A Deep-RL Architecture for Coop-MARL

3 A Coop-MARL的Deep-RL架构

4 Experiments 实验

4.1 Agents

4.2 Environments

4.3 Results

4.4 The Learned Q-Decomposition

4.4 Q -分解

5 Conclusions 

5 结论

Appendix A: Plots 


Appendix B: Diagrams 


Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning




Abstract 摘要

        We study the problem of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning with a single joint reward signal. This class of learning problems is difficult because of the often large combined action and observation spaces. In the fully centralized and decentralized approaches, we find the problem of spurious rewards and a phenomenon we call the “lazy agent” problem, which arises due to partial observability. We address these problems by training individual agents with a novel value decomposition network architecture, which learns to decompose the team value function into agent-wise value functions. We perform an experimental evaluation across a range of partially-observable multi-agent domains and show that learning such value-decompositions leads to superior results, in particular when combined with weight sharing, role information and information channels.

1 Introduction 引言

We consider the cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) problem (Panait and Luke, 2005, Busoniu et al., 2008, Tuyls and Weiss, 2012), in which a system of several learning agents must jointly optimize a single reward signal – the team reward – accumulated over time. Each agent has access to its own (“local”) observations and is responsible for choosing actions from its own action set. Coordinated MARL problems emerge in applications such as coordinating self-driving vehicles and/or traffic signals in a transportation system, or optimizing the productivity of a factory comprised of many interacting components. More generally, with AI agents becoming more pervasive, they will have to learn to coordinate to achieve common goals.

Although in practice some applications may require local autonomy, in principle the cooperative MARL problem could be treated using a centralized approach, reducing the problem to single-agent reinforcement learning (RL) over the concatenated observations and combinatorial action space. We show that the centralized approach consistently fails on relatively simple cooperative MARL problems in practice. We present a simple experiment in which the centralised approach fails by learning inefficient policies with only one agent active and the other being “lazy”. This happens when one agent learns a useful policy, but a second agent is discouraged from learning because its exploration would hinder the first agent and lead to worse team reward.11For example, imagine training a 2-player soccer team using RL with the number of goals serving as the team reward signal. Suppose one player has become a better scorer than the other. When the worse player takes a shot the outcome is on average much worse, and the weaker player learns to avoid taking shots (Hausknecht, 2016).


For example, imagine training a 2-player soccer team using RL with the number of goals serving as the team reward signal. Suppose one player has become a better scorer than the other. When the worse player takes a shot the outcome is on average much worse, and the weaker player learns to avoid taking shots (Hausknecht, 2016).

        An alternative approach is to train independent learners to optimize for the team reward. In general each agent is then faced with a non-stationary learning problem because the dynamics of its environment effectively changes as teammates change their behaviours through learning (Laurent et al., 2011). Furthermore, since from a single agent’s perspective the environment is only partially observed, agents may receive spurious reward signals that originate from their teammates’ (unobserved) behaviour. Because of this inability to explain its own observed rewards naive independent RL is often unsuccessful: for example Claus and Boutilier (1998) show that independent Q-learners cannot distinguish teammates’ exploration from stochasticity in the environment, and fail to solve even an apparently trivial, 2-agent, stateless, 3×3-action problem and the general Dec-POMDP problem is known to be intractable (Bernstein et al., 2000, Oliehoek and Amato, 2016). Though we here focus on 2 player coordination, we note that the problems with individual learners and centralized approaches just gets worse with more agents since then, most rewards do not relate to the individual agent and the action space grows exponentially for the fully centralized approach.
        另一种方法是训练独立学习者来优化团队奖励。一般来说,每个代理都面临着非静态学习问题,因为随着队友通过学习改变他们的行为,其环境的动态有效地改变(Laurent等人,2011年)。此外,由于从单个代理的角度来看,环境仅被部分观察到,代理可能会收到来自其队友(未观察到的)行为的虚假奖励信号。由于无法解释自己观察到的奖励,天真的独立RL通常是不成功的:例如,Claus和Boutilier(1998)表明,独立的学习者不能区分环境中队友的探索和随机性,甚至不能解决一个明显琐碎的、2-agent、无状态的问题, 3×3 -动作问题和一般的Dec-POMDP问题已知是难处理的(伯恩斯坦等人,2000年,Oliehoek和Amato,2016年)。 虽然我们在这里关注的是两个玩家的协调,但我们注意到,从那时起,个体学习者和集中式方法的问题随着更多的代理变得更糟,大多数奖励与个体代理无关,并且完全集中式方法的动作空间呈指数级增长。

One approach to improving the performance of independent learners is to design individual reward functions, more directly related to individual agent observations. However, even in the single-agent case, reward shaping is difficult and only a small class of shaped reward functions are guaranteed to preserve optimality w.r.t. the true objective (Ng et al., 1999, Devlin et al., 2014, Eck et al., 2016). In this paper we aim for more general autonomous solutions, in which the decomposition of the team value function is learned.

        We introduce a novel learned additive value-decomposition approach over individual agents. Implicitly, the value decomposition network aims to learn an optimal linear value decomposition from the team reward signal, by back-propagating the total Q gradient through deep neural networks representing the individual component value functions. This additive value decomposition is specifically motivated by avoiding the spurious reward signals that emerge in purely independent learners.The implicit value function learned by each agent depends only on local observations, and so is more easily learned. Our solution also ameliorates the coordination problem of independent learning highlighted in Claus and Boutilier (

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