

Like other RISC architectures, ARM and Thumb processors are designed to efficiently access aligned data, that is, words that lie on addresses that are multiples of four, and halfwords that lie on addresses that are multiples of two. Such data is located on its natural size boundary。






1、Natural alignment


"Such data is located on its natural size boundary",这句话应该怎么理解呢?看到一篇文章写的不错,粘过来大家参考:在32位嵌入式系统中,单字节对象是1字节对齐的;双字节对象是2字节对齐的;四字节对象是4字节对齐的;其它结构体或共同体对象是8字节对齐的。也就是说,当你定义一个单字节对象时,该对象的起始地址可以是任何整数;当你定义一个双字节对象时,该对象的起始地址必定是2的倍数的整数;当你定义一个四字节对象时,该对象的起始地址必定是4的倍数的整数;当你定义一个结构体或共同体对象时,该对象的起始地址必定是8的倍数的整数。以上说的对象包括“结构体或共同体对象的成员对象”。


2、Known but non-natural alignment

Natural alignment这种方式加快了数据的获取速度,但是牺牲了一定的空间。当可用的空间有限的时候,我们可以使用__packed修饰符或者#pragma pack(n)编译指令来取消自动对齐和数据填充。


3、Unknown alignment

Unknown alignment这种对齐方式是对于指针变量而言的。当一个指针变量指向一个non-natural alignment类型的变量,且这个指针变量使用__packed或者#pragma pack(n)进行了修饰,这种情况就称之为Unknown alignment


All accesses to data in memory can be classified into the following categories:

  • Natural alignment, for example, on a word boundary at 0x1000. The ARM compiler normally aligns variables and pads structures so that these items are accessed efficiently using LDR and STR instructions.
  • Known but non-natural alignment, for example, a word at address 0x1001. This type of alignment commonly occurs when structures are packed to remove unnecessary padding. In C and C++, the __packed qualifier or the #pragma pack(n) pragma is used to signify that a structure is packed.
  • Unknown alignment, for example, a word at an arbitrary address. This type of alignment commonly occurs when defining a pointer that can point to a word at any address. In C and C++, the __packed qualifier or the #pragma pack(n) pragma is used to signify that a pointer can access a word on a non-natural alignment boundary.



2.1、__packed 修饰符

The __packed qualifier sets the alignment of any valid type to one. This enables objects of packed type to be read or written using unaligned accesses.



  • __packed修饰结构体

For efficiency, fields in a structure are located on their natural size boundary. This means that the compiler often inserts padding between fields to ensure they are aligned.

When space is at a premium, the __packed qualifier can be used to create structures without padding between fields.



__packed struct mystruct
char c;
short s;
} // not recommended

这种方式官方是不推荐的:Declaring an entire struct as __packed typically incurs a penalty both in code size and performance.具体原因看下面实例的反汇编代码!


struct mystruct
char c;
__packed short s; // recommended


In the disassembly of the unpacked struct in Table 5-10, the compiler always accesses data on aligned word or halfword addresses. The compiler is able to do this because the struct is padded so that every member of the struct lies on its natural size boundary.

In the disassembly of the __packed struct in Table 5-10, the fields one and three are aligned on their natural size boundaries by default, and so the compiler makes aligned accesses. The compiler always carries out aligned word or halfword accesses for fields
it can identify are aligned. For the unaligned field two, the compiler uses multiple aligned memory accesses (LDR/STR/LDM/STM), combined with fixed shifting and masking, to access the correct bytes in memory. The compiler calls the AEABI runtime routine __aeabi_uread4 for reading an unsigned word at an unknown alignment to access the field four, because it is not able to determine that the field lies on its natural size boundary.

In the disassembly of the struct with individually packed fields in Table 5-10, the fields one, two, and three are accessed just as they are in the case where the entire struct is qualified as __packed. In contrast to the situation where the entire struct is packed, however, the compiler makes a word-aligned access to the field four, because the presence of the __packed short within the structure helps the compiler to determine that the field four lies on its natural size boundary.

note: The -Ospace and -Otime compiler options control whether accesses to unaligned elements are made inline or through a function call. Using -Otime results in inline unaligned accesses, while using -Ospace results in unaligned accesses made through function calls.

上述的反汇编代码是c code在-O2的情况下进行编译的。

  • __packed修饰联合体

The same principles apply to unions. You can declare either an entire union as __packed, or use the __packed attribute to identify components of the union that are unaligned in memory.



  • __packed修饰指针变量

By default, the ARM compiler expects conventional C pointers to point to an aligned word in memory, as this enables the compiler to generate more efficient code.
If you wish to define a pointer that can point to a word at any address, then you must specify this using the __packed qualifier when defining the pointer. For example:


__packed int *pi; // pointer to unaligned int



The packed variable attribute specifies that a variable or structure field has the smallest possible alignment. That is, one byte for a variable, and one bit for a field, unless you specify a larger value with the aligned attribute.

    char a;
    int b __attribute__ ((packed));
} Variable_Attributes_packed_0;


2.3、#pragma pack(n)

This pragma aligns members of a structure to the minimum of n and their natural alignment. Packed objects are read and written using unaligned accesses.

n is the alignment in bytes, valid alignment values being 1, 2, 4 and 8.The default is #pragma pack(8).

typedef struct
    char a;
    int b;
} S;

S var = { 0x11, 0x44444444 };

#pragma pack(2)
typedef struct
    char a;
    int b;
} SP;

SP pvar = { 0x11, 0x44444444 };

SP is a 6-byte structure. There is no padding after b.











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