DR——Setting up the Device


• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_GetCameraBinningMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD ∗wMode)
Use this function to retrieve the detectors binning mode. See the description of Acquisition_SetCameraBinningMode for possible returned binning modes.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_GetCameraFOVMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD ∗wMode)
Use this function to retrieve the detectors FOV mode. See the description of Acquisition_SetCameraFOVMode for possible returned FOV modes.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_GetCameraROI (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, unsigned short ∗usActivateGrp)
This function returnes the currently activated Region of Interest in Sectional Readout Mode. See the description of Acquisition_SetCameraROI for possible returned ROI values.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_GetCameraTriggerMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD ∗wMode)
Retrieves trigger mode for detectors with Header >14 and Detectortype >2.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_GetIpAdress (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, const char ∗∗ipAddress)
This function retrieves the current IP address of the detector (if any).

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_ResetFrameCnt (HACQDESC hAcqDesc)
This function is used to set the internal frame counter to zero. Note: If this function is used during active acquisition the detector readout time may be affected. (Only XISL version > 3-2-0-9, HeaderId 14 and Cameratype 1 and 2)

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraBinningMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wMode)
Use this function to set the detectors binning mode and binning options.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraFOVMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wMode)
This function selects the field of view (FOV) mode for XRD 4343RF detectors.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraGain (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wMode)
This function can be used to select the gain of the detector.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, UINT dwMode)
This function sets the acquisition readout timing mode of the detector. Currently eight fixed frame times of the detector are provided.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraROI (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, unsigned short usActivateGrp)
This function selects a Defined Region of Interest for Readout.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetCameraTriggerMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wMode)
The function sets the internal trigger scheme for Detectors.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetDACoffset (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wDACoffsetValue)
Use this function to sets the DAC for offset floor level within the detector for XRD 4343 detectors and 3025/4336/4343 XRpad2.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetDACoffsetBinningFPS (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, WORD wBinningMode, double dblFps, WORD ∗pwValueToFPGA)
XRD 4343 only. Use this function to sets the DAC offset value within the detector by passing the expected frames/sec and the used binning mode This function may only be used for evalutation purposes. Please contact the application team to get information about how to set the DACOffset.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetFrameSyncMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, DWORD dwMode)
This function sets the synchronization mode of the detector.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetFrameSyncTimeMode (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, unsigned int uiMode, unsigned int dwDelayTime)
This function sets the synchronization mode of the detector to triggered mode and sets the delay time for "DDD/AED " triggered mode with defined integration time.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetTimerSync (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, DWORD ∗dwCycleTime)
This function configures the CycleTime for internal triggered mode.

• HIS_RETURN Acquisition_SetTriggerOutSignalOptions (HACQDESC hAcqDesc, unsigned short usTiggerOutSignalMode, unsigned short usEP_SeqLength, unsigned short usEP_FirstBrightFrm, unsigned short usEP_LastBrightFrm, unsigned short usEP_Delay1, unsigned short usEP_Delay2, unsigned short usDDD_Delay, int iTriggerOnRisingEdgeEnable, int iSaveAsDefault)
This function defines behavior of the ‘/TrigOut’ - signal of the detector trigger connector and defines the exposure delay.

评论 1




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


