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翻译 如何正确实现C ++中的工厂方法模式

There's this one thing in C++ which has been making me feel uncomfortable for quite a long time, be

2020-06-30 17:08:27 1291

翻译 调用线程无法访问该对象,因为其他线程拥有它

My code is as below 我的代码如下 public CountryStandards(){ InitializeComponent(); try {

2020-06-30 16:48:26 1215

翻译 如何使用js或jQuery向ajax请求添加自定义HTTP标头?


2020-06-30 15:08:20 1065

翻译 Swift中的静态函数和类函数有什么区别?

I can see these definitions in the Swift library: 我可以在Swift库中看到这些定义: extension Bool : BooleanLiter

2020-06-30 12:48:11 825

翻译 我如何在Node.js(Javascript)中等待,我需要暂停一段时间

I'm developing a console like script for personal needs. 我正在为个人需求开发类似脚本的控制台。 I need to be able to p

2020-06-30 12:08:09 2550

翻译 将Java连接到MySQL数据库

How do you connect to a MySQL database in Java? 您如何连接到Java中的MySQL数据库? When I try, I get 当我尝试时,我得到

2020-06-30 11:08:06 460

翻译 什么代表sql server中的double?

I have a couple of properties in C# which are double and I want to store these in a table in SQL Se

2020-06-30 10:48:05 4791

翻译 如何在Linux上通过FTP递归下载文件夹[关闭]

我正在尝试使用命令行ftp client ftp文件夹,但到目前为止我只能使用'get'来获取单个文件。

2020-06-30 09:48:02 602

翻译 在Java中迭代字符串的字符最简单/最佳/最正确的方法是什么?

StringTokenizer ? StringTokenizer ? Convert the String to a char[] and iterate over that? 将String转换

2020-06-29 17:27:55 473

翻译 根据文字调整UILabel高度

Consider I have the following text in a UILabel (a long line of dynamic text): 考虑我在UILabel有以下文本(一长串

2020-06-29 13:47:43 2752

翻译 如何使应用程序的背景图像重复

I have set a background image in my app, but the background image is small and I want it to be repe

2020-06-29 13:27:42 174

翻译 在“插入”模式下遍历文本

While in Insert Mode in Vim, is there any way to traverse the text moving some characters forward a

2020-06-29 13:07:41 183

翻译 在Notepad ++中查找CRLF

How can I find/replace all CR/LF characters in Notepad++? 如何在Notepad ++中查找/替换所有CR / LF字符? I am lo

2020-06-29 12:07:38 2097

翻译 如何在JavaScript中对字符串排序

I have a list of objects I wish to sort based on a field attr of type string. 我有一个对象列表,希望根据字符串类型的字段

2020-06-29 11:07:35 6273

翻译 如何在React Router v4中推送到历史记录?

In the current version of React Router (v3) I can accept a server response and use browserHistory.p

2020-06-29 10:07:32 297

翻译 从另一个列表中删除一个列表中出现的所有元素

Let's say I have two lists, l1 and l2 . 假设我有两个列表l1和l2 。 I want to perform l1 - l2 , which returns a

2020-06-29 09:47:31 4893 1

翻译 如何使用Ruby on Rails解析JSON? [重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: Parsing a JSON string in Ruby 7 answ

2020-06-28 17:47:28 326

翻译 IntelliJ IDEA中查找方法/函数的快捷方式是什么?

I know that Ctrl + N is to find classes and it is very useful. 我知道Ctrl + N是查找类,它非常有用。 But what abou

2020-06-28 16:07:22 4974

翻译 使C ++程序崩溃的最简单方法是什么?

I'm trying to make a Python program that interfaces with a different crashy process (that's out of

2020-06-28 13:27:14 1682

翻译 获取URL查询字符串参数

What is the "less code needed" way to get parameters from a URL query string which is formatted lik

2020-06-28 13:07:13 560

翻译 我怎么知道代码中的哪些部分从未使用过?

I have legacy C++ code that I'm supposed to remove unused code from. 我有遗留的C ++代码,我应该从中删除未使用的代码。 The

2020-06-28 11:07:05 411

翻译 如何为TSQL Select中的每一行生成随机数?

I need a different random number for each row in my table. 我表中的每一行都需要一个不同的随机数。 The following seemin

2020-06-28 10:47:04 599

翻译 反转ArrayList的最简单方法是什么?

What is the simplest way to reverse this ArrayList? 反转此ArrayList的最简单方法是什么? ArrayList<Integer&gt

2020-06-28 10:07:02 919

翻译 构建iOS网络应用程序的最佳架构方法(REST客户端)

I'm an iOS developer with some experience and this question is really interesting to me. 我是一名具有一定经验

2020-06-27 16:46:50 440 1

翻译 在代码中设置WPF图像源

I'm trying to set a WPF image's source in code. 我正在尝试在代码中设置WPF图像的源代码。 The image is embedded as a re

2020-06-27 15:26:42 601

翻译 斐波那契数列的计算复杂度

I understand Big-O notation, but I don't know how to calculate it for many functions. 我了解Big-O表示法,但

2020-06-27 14:26:38 854

翻译 如何通过名称而不是PID来终止进程?

Sometimes when I try to start Firefox it says "a Firefox process is already running". 有时当我尝试启动Firef

2020-06-26 13:06:00 317

翻译 春季-@Transactional-后台会发生什么?

I want to know what actually happens when you annotate a method with @Transactional ? 我想知道在使用@Trans

2020-06-26 12:05:56 476

翻译 将.pem转换为.crt和.key

Can anyone tell me the correct way/command to extract/convert the certificate .crt and private key

2020-06-26 10:05:50 6516

翻译 JavaScript Hashmap等效

As made clear in update 3 on this answer , this notation: 正如在这个答案的更新3中所表明的那样,这种表示法: var hash = {};

2020-06-25 17:05:43 234

翻译 这个C函数应该总是返回false,但它不会

I stumbled over an interesting question in a forum a long time ago and I want to know the answer. 我

2020-06-25 16:45:42 397

翻译 如果,elif,其他声明在Bash中发布

I can't seem to work out what the issue with the following if statement is in regards to the elif a

2020-06-25 15:45:38 131

翻译 根据另一个列表中的值对列表进行排序?

I have a list of strings like this: 我有一个这样的字符串列表: X = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"

2020-06-25 12:25:25 2264

翻译 检查一个数组是否包含JavaScript中另一个数组的任何元素

I have a target array ["apple","banana","orange"] , and I want to check if other arrays contain any

2020-06-25 11:45:23 5783

翻译 使用动态键创建对象[重复]

This question already has answers here : 这个问题已经在这里有了答案 :

2020-06-24 16:45:09 207

翻译 连字符后没有换行符

I'm looking to prevent a line break after a hyphen - on a case-by-case basis that is compatible wit

2020-06-24 16:25:08 390

翻译 如何以编程方式美化JSON? [重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: How can I pretty-print JSON using Ja

2020-06-24 15:05:02 335

翻译 LogCat消息:找不到Google Play服务资源。检查项目配置以确保包含资源

I have an application that uses the Google Maps Android v2 API. 我有一个使用Google Maps Android v2 API的应用

2020-06-24 14:25:01 922

翻译 如何降级或安装较旧版本的Cocoapods


2020-06-24 14:05:00 1085

翻译 jQuery:外部html()[重复]

Possible Duplicate: 可能重复: Get selected element's outer HTML 获取所选元素的外部HTML imagine what we hav

2020-06-24 13:24:57 458



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