WINCE6.0 + S3C2443 RTC initialization and problems of



1、Troubled by OALIoCtlHalInitRTC----

2、WINCE6.0+S3C2443的RTC初始化及存在的问题  ----


RTC initialization. During system startup

In the WINCE6.0 in, we know through OALIoCtlHalInitRTC () function to set the RTC time, but how to call to this function it? From NKStartup () function, but the system from nboot how to perform NKStartup () function? Behind me for taking the time to write about the the eboot and nk startup process involved.

In the SystemStartupFunc function, the following statement to create a kernel thread RunApps:

hTh = CreateKernelThread (RunApps, 0, THREAD_RT_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0);

Then on the implementation of thread RunApps. In the thread RunApps the following statement:


To to load filesys.dll, followed by the following statement:

hTh = CreateKernelThread ((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) pfnMain, hFilesys, THREAD_RT_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0);

To create filesys.dll thread WinMain (), the thread / WINCE600/PRIVATE/TEST/BASEOS/FILESYS/GENFILE/genfile.cpp defined, so that then executes this thread.

The main work of Filesys.dll initialization file system, object storage, registry, CEDB database, device notifications, as well as some other work:

The ? Filesys.dll detection is cold start or hot start

If cold start to The object stored memory will be initialized and mapped to the Filesys.dll; for hot start, do not initialize directly mapped to Filesys.dll of.

(2) Filesys.dll from the nandflash loaded the OEM Certification DLLs.

? must he must be a cold start, Filesys.dll call OAL the function pNotifyForceCleanboot.

(4) For the cold start the Filesys.dll call OEMIoControl of function, I / O control code for IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC, which is initialized RT.

Filesys.dll there are a lot of action here is not introduced, we next look at how OEMIoControl function call layers to OALIoCtlHalInitRTC it? Then read on.

OEMIoControl (): / WINCE600/PLATFORM/COMMON/SRC/COMMON/IOCTL/ioctl.c the following definition of

From the graph you can know OEMIoControl function by passing the incoming code to array g_oalIoCtlTable of the code member to compare, find the consistent code after jumping out of the for loop, and then down the implementation. The array g_oalIoCtlTable / Src / Oal / Oallib / ioctl.c define, as shown

Then see ioctl_tab.h content

Here we still did not visually see IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC, then look down the contents of the oal_ioctl_tab.h:

Line on Figure 31 the can see IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC, then the corresponding processing function is how to get it performed IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC? The mentioned above, OEMIoControl function is passed through the code to find the array g_oalIoCtlTable anastomosis code, by the following process

Will write down the value of i is IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC the array g_oalIoCtlTable where the index value, then look OEMIoControl function following treatment

This code is based on the above-determined value of i to perform the corresponding handler in the here is calling OALIoCtlHalInitRTC to () function

2.RTC initialization Problems

We can see from the above, the system startup process by calling function OALIoCtlHalInitRTC () to initialize the RTC, this function is as follows

We can see from this function to set the RTC by calling OEMSetRealTime (), g_oalRtcResetTime defined as follows:

SYSTEMTIME g_oalRtcResetTime = {2010, 8, 5, 27, 12, 0, 0, 0};

Because our system every shutdown and reboot are cold start, it will be called after each start to OALIoCtlHalInitRTC function, so no matter what you set before time is re-initialized to time g_oalRtcResetTime. I put on the line 98 replaced by the following function can solve this problem:


OEMGetRealTime () is used to get the current time. WinCE startup default the WinCE will the regular intervals the call OEMGetRealTime () function to get the system time, this approach is known as the Hardware Mode. WinCE Another way to get the system time, system referred to as a software mode, calling GetTickCount () function tracking system timetick of changes to the accumulation time. If the system to use a software mode, you will need to do the following settings in the registry: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Platform / "SoftRTC" = 1 
I'll talk about my views are generally required to use the Hardware Mode, so that more accurate system time. Software mode to get the system time will not be accurate. 

4.BOOL OEMGetRealTime (SYSTEMTIME * pTime)

OEMGetRealTime () is used to get the current time. WinCE startup default the WinCE will the regular intervals the call OEMGetRealTime () function to get the system time, this approach is known as the Hardware Mode. WinCE Another way to get the system time, system referred to as a software mode, calling GetTickCount () function tracking system timetick of changes to the accumulation time. If the system to use a software mode, you will need to do the following settings in the registry: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Platform / "SoftRTC" = 1 
I'll talk about my views are generally required to use the Hardware Mode, so that more accurate system time. Software mode to get the system time will not be accurate.


OEMSetRealTime () is used to set the current time. WinCE startup, we will see the time in the lower right corner of the interface, we can directly set inside the WinCE interface, this time, the system will to call OEMSetRealTime () inside of the time you set is written to the RTC module.


The LPSYSTEMTIME is actually a pointing the SYSTEMTIME structure of the pointer, SYSTEMTIME, defined as follows:

typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME


The WORD wYear;

The WORD wMonth;

The WORD wDayOfWeek;

WORD wDay;

The WORD wHour;

The WORD wMinute;

The WORD wSecond;

The WORD wMilliseconds;


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VR(Virtual Reality)即虚拟现实,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术。它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,是一种多源信息融合的、交互式的三维动态视景和实体行为的系统仿真,使用户沉浸到该环境中。VR技术通过模拟人的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官功能,使人能够沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟境界中,并能够通过语言、手势等自然的方式与之进行实时交互,创建了一种适人化的多维信息空间。 VR技术具有以下主要特点: 沉浸感:用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。理想的模拟环境应该使用户难以分辨真假,使用户全身心地投入到计算机创建的三维虚拟环境中,该环境中的一切看上去是真的,听上去是真的,动起来是真的,甚至闻起来、尝起来等一切感觉都是真的,如同在现实世界中的感觉一样。 交互性:用户对模拟环境内物体的可操作程度和从环境得到反馈的自然程度(包括实时性)。例如,用户可以用手去直接抓取模拟环境中虚拟的物体,这时手有握着东西的感觉,并可以感觉物体的重量,视野中被抓的物体也能立刻随着手的移动而移动。 构想性:也称想象性,指用户沉浸在多维信息空间中,依靠自己的感知和认知能力获取知识,发挥主观能动性,寻求解答,形成新的概念。此概念不仅是指观念上或语言上的创意,而且可以是指对某些客观存在事物的创造性设想和安排。 VR技术可以应用于各个领域,如游戏、娱乐、教育、医疗、军事、房地产、工业仿真等。随着VR技术的不断发展,它正在改变人们的生活和工作方式,为人们带来全新的体验。
VR(Virtual Reality)即虚拟现实,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术。它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,是一种多源信息融合的、交互式的三维动态视景和实体行为的系统仿真,使用户沉浸到该环境中。VR技术通过模拟人的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官功能,使人能够沉浸在计算机生成的虚拟境界中,并能够通过语言、手势等自然的方式与之进行实时交互,创建了一种适人化的多维信息空间。 VR技术具有以下主要特点: 沉浸感:用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。理想的模拟环境应该使用户难以分辨真假,使用户全身心地投入到计算机创建的三维虚拟环境中,该环境中的一切看上去是真的,听上去是真的,动起来是真的,甚至闻起来、尝起来等一切感觉都是真的,如同在现实世界中的感觉一样。 交互性:用户对模拟环境内物体的可操作程度和从环境得到反馈的自然程度(包括实时性)。例如,用户可以用手去直接抓取模拟环境中虚拟的物体,这时手有握着东西的感觉,并可以感觉物体的重量,视野中被抓的物体也能立刻随着手的移动而移动。 构想性:也称想象性,指用户沉浸在多维信息空间中,依靠自己的感知和认知能力获取知识,发挥主观能动性,寻求解答,形成新的概念。此概念不仅是指观念上或语言上的创意,而且可以是指对某些客观存在事物的创造性设想和安排。 VR技术可以应用于各个领域,如游戏、娱乐、教育、医疗、军事、房地产、工业仿真等。随着VR技术的不断发展,它正在改变人们的生活和工作方式,为人们带来全新的体验。
基于GPT-SoVITS的视频剪辑快捷配音工具 GPT, 通常指的是“Generative Pre-trained Transformer”(生成式预训练转换器),是一个在自然语言处理(NLP)领域非常流行的深度学习模型架构。GPT模型由OpenAI公司开发,并在多个NLP任务上取得了显著的性能提升。 GPT模型的核心是一个多层Transformer解码器结构,它通过在海量的文本数据上进行预训练来学习语言的规律。这种预训练方式使得GPT模型能够捕捉到丰富的上下文信息,并生成流畅、自然的文本。 GPT模型的训练过程可以分为两个阶段: 预训练阶段:在这个阶段,模型会接触到大量的文本数据,并通过无监督学习的方式学习语言的结构和规律。具体来说,模型会尝试预测文本序列中的下一个词或短语,从而学习到语言的语法、语义和上下文信息。 微调阶段(也称为下游任务训练):在预训练完成后,模型会被应用到具体的NLP任务中,如文本分类、机器翻译、问答系统等。在这个阶段,模型会使用有标签的数据进行微调,以适应特定任务的需求。通过微调,模型能够学习到与任务相关的特定知识,并进一步提高在该任务上的性能。 GPT模型的优势在于其强大的生成能力和对上下文信息的捕捉能力。这使得GPT模型在自然语言生成、文本摘要、对话系统等领域具有广泛的应用前景。同时,GPT模型也面临一些挑战,如计算资源消耗大、训练时间长等问题。为了解决这些问题,研究人员不断提出新的优化方法和扩展模型架构,如GPT-2、GPT-3等,以进一步提高模型的性能和效率。


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