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原创 POJ-2002 Squares

Squares 题目链接 Time Limit: 3500MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 21115 Accepted: 8103 DescriptionvA square is a 4-sided polygon whose sides have equal length and adjacent side...

2018-03-29 16:51:26 170

原创 POJ-1733 Parity game

Parity game 题目链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10580 Accepted: 4076 DescriptionNow and then you play the following game with your friend. Your friend wri...

2018-03-27 13:47:40 284

原创 2018.03.23-TG

A. 「NOIP2017模拟赛10.02」电阻 个人认为是思维题。第一题其实很简单,而且很有意思。 对于每个电阻我们不是串联进去,就是并联进去。 如果a&gt;ba&gt;ba > b,那么我们肯定是串联进去比较好,所需达到的阻值abab\frac{a}{b}变成了a−bba−bb\frac{a-b}{b},如果发现a&lt;ba&lt;ba < b,那么我们只能选择并联,我们知道1R=...

2018-03-24 20:52:11 107

原创 POJ-1459 Power Network

Power Network 题目链接 Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 32768K Total Submissions: 29776 Accepted: 15423 DescriptionA power network consists of nodes (power stations, consumers and dispat...

2018-03-23 09:53:50 149

原创 LG-P1978 集合

题解 这题的大致解法就是贪心或模拟。 模拟就是利用C++的STL中的set进行,模拟。 对于每个数字,选择最多会使得另外两个数字不可取(若这个数是x,那么x/k和x*k肯定不能取了)。那么我们肯定从小的或大的开始选。因为选完会排除一个比 x 小的和一个比 x 大的,为了减少损失应该从较大或较小的开始。 这里按从小到大的顺序。那么我们每次只需要看看 x*k 是否存在,如果存在那么打上标记...

2018-03-15 19:11:04 180

原创 POJ-3252 Round Numbers

Round Numbers 原题链接 Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15142 Accepted: 6120 DescriptionThe cows, as you know, have no fingers or thumbs and thus are unable to ...

2018-03-14 23:00:00 135

原创 POJ-1260 Pearls

Pearls 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 9776 Accepted: 5015 DescriptionIn Pearlania everybody is fond of pearls. One company, called The Royal Pearl, prod...

2018-03-13 12:26:54 179

原创 POJ-1416 Shredding Company

Shredding Company 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 6632 Accepted: 3593 DescriptionYou have just been put in charge of developing a new shredder for the Sh...

2018-03-13 10:24:30 165 1

原创 POJ-1741 Tree

Tree 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 26564 Accepted: 8849 DescriptionGive a tree with n vertices,each edge has a length(positive integer less than 100...

2018-03-13 08:39:54 246

原创 POJ-3083 Children of the Candy Corn

Children of the Candy Corn 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 14564 Accepted: 6283 DescriptionThe cornfield maze is a popular Halloween treat. Visitors a...

2018-03-09 12:23:22 495

原创 POJ-3080 Blue Jeans

Blue Jeans Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 19724 Accepted: 8780 DescriptionThe Genographic Project is a research partnership between IBM and The National Ge...

2018-03-07 22:13:16 116

原创 POJ-1860 Currency Exchange

题目大意你有好几种货币,是否能够通过不断地换似的s币的钱变多。(若A,B两种货币的汇率为 x,手续费为 y,w 单位的 A 货币,能换成 (w-y)*x个单位的 B 货币 )。第一行输入四个整数,分别表示N货币总数,M兑换点的数目,S nick手上钱的类型,V nick手上钱的数目。接下来M行每行6个整数,前两个表示A和B两种货币,接下来两个表示A换成B的汇率和手续费,最后两个表示...

2018-03-07 19:42:38 164

原创 POJ-1836 Alignment

Alignment 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 17800 Accepted: 5859 DescriptionIn the army, a platoon is composed by n soldiers. During the morning inspect...

2018-03-06 20:10:48 191

原创 POJ-1276 Cash Machine

Cash Machine 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 38286 Accepted: 13906 DescriptionA Bank plans to install a machine for cash withdrawal. The machine is ab...

2018-03-06 18:48:32 303

原创 POJ-1837 Balance

Balance 原题链接 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 15653 Accepted: 9863 DescriptionGigel has a strange “balance” and he wants to poise it. Actually, the device i...

2018-03-06 15:00:25 398

原创 POJ-2236 Wireless Network

Wireless Network 原题链接 Time Limit: 10000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 33631 Accepted: 13981 DescriptionAn earthquake takes place in Southeast Asia. The ACM (Asia Cooperate...

2018-03-05 16:47:23 176

原创 POJ-1988 Cube Stacking

Cube Stacking 原题链接 Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 26679 Accepted: 9353 Case Time Limit: 1000MS DescriptionFarmer John and Betsy are playing a game with N...

2018-03-05 15:41:02 267

原创 三分

三分简介+证明模板题1应用三分简介+证明三分算法类似于二分算法,常用于查找元素。 对二分来说,它查找的序列具有单调性(递增或递减),而三分一般则用来查找的数据形状像山峰或山谷的山峰或谷底。(如图) 具体过程和二分差不多。我们先以下图的山峰找山顶为例(山顶为唯一最大元素)。确定 L 和 R (两个不相等的实数 L 为左边界,R 为右边界)后,首先找到...

2018-03-01 22:33:21 629



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