Machine vision 机器视觉 学习笔记(4)Imaging Geometry成像几何


Transformation Between Object and Image Coordinates


Least Squares Approximation最小二乘法近似

Suppose a system ax = b has N equations, N > 1, in only one unknown. (Equation 1.1)

One possibility of solving this inconsistent equation is to determine x from a part of the system, and ignore the rest.

A more reasonable method is to determine x that minimizes the average error in the N equations.

Sum of squares is a popular method to define average errors (Equation 1.2)

If there is an exact solution, minimum E=0.

If b is not proportional to a, the function E2 is a parabola with its minimum at the point defined by Equation 1.3.

Solving for x, Equation 1.4 is the least squares solution of the system

General formula: given any a not equal to 0 and any b, the error E is the length of the vector ax-b (Equation 1.5)

The parabola (Equation 1.6) has a minimum at the point defined by Equation 1.7.

The least squares solution to ax=b can be determined using Equation 1.8.

For an inconsistent system Ax=b with N equations and M unknowns. N is not equal to M.

The least squares solution is given by Equation 1.9.

If the matrix ATA is invertible, Equation 1.10 is the unique least squares solution.

Suppose we do a series of experiments, and expect the output y to be approximated by a linear function of t, y= C +Dt.

Example, measure the strain y of a linear elastic material subjected to a load t. If there is no error, only two measurement of ( y,t) are sufficient. But there will be experimental errors, a series of more than two sets of ( y,t) measured from the experiments are unlikely to fall on a straight line. We need to “average” all the experiments to determine the optimal line.


 In practice, the assumption in the example of image guided medical robot that all target points are on a single horizontal work plane may not hold.


A typical 2D image from a single camera does not have sufficient information to recover the 3D information of the object.

Homogeneous Coordinates同质坐标

 A homogeneous vector corresponds to a straight line through the origin.

Advantages of Homogeneous Coordinates:

 Translation and perspective transformation can be expressed in matrix form

 Consecutive geometric transformation can be expressed as series of matrices with matrix multiplication

#平移和透视变换可以用矩阵形式表示/ 连续的几何变换可以用矩阵乘法表示为一系列的矩阵

To convert from n x 1 vector in homogeneous coordinates to coordinate of dimension n-1, we have to divide by the nth element and then delete the nth





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


