
由于最新的RTAI3.8实时包支持的版本有:hal-linux-2.6.24-x86-2.0-07.patch hal-linux- hal-linux-2.6.25-x86-2.0-09.patch hal-linux- hal-linux- hal-linux- hal-linux-


win@win-desktop:~$ sudo su


root@win-desktop:/usr/src# tar -jxf linux-

root@win-desktop:/usr/src# tar -jxf rtai-3.8.tar.bz2


root@win-desktop:/usr/src# cd linux-


root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- patch -p1 -b ../rtai-3.8/base/arch/x86/patches/hal-linux-


root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make mrproper

进行内核配置,可以使用make menuconfig 也可用make xconfig,两者的区别在于前者是只能使用键盘操作,而且不够直观。

在默认都基础上必须选上:Processor type and features -->Processor fanmily选择cpu为Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8

须去掉的选项有:Processor type and features -->Symmetric multi-processing support(因为cpu是单核)

Processor type and features -->High Memory Support-->off

root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make xconfig


root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make

root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make install

root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make modules

root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- make modules_install

root@win-desktop:/usr/src/linux- cd /

root@win-desktop:/# /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-

root@win-desktop:/# update-grub

root@win-desktop:/# reboot

root@win-desktop:/# cd /usr/src/rtai-3.8

root@win-desktop:/# make xconfig

root@win-desktop:/# make

root@win-desktop:/# make install

root@win-desktop:/usr/realtime/testsuite/user/latency# ./run


* Type ^C to stop this application.


## RTAI latency calibration tool ##

# period = 100000 (ns)

# use the FPU

# timer_mode is oneshot

RTH| lat min| ovl min| lat avg| lat max| ovl max| overruns

RTD| -1284| -1284| 131| 9317| 9317| 0

RTD| -1094| -1284| 153| 8668| 9317| 0

RTD| -1679| -1720| -52| 8974| 9317| 0

RTD| -1656| -1720| -92| 7299| 9317| 0

RTD| -1570| -1720| -70| 7319| 9317| 0

RTD| -1745| -1745| -28| 103025| 103025| 1

RTD| -1616| -1745| -102| 3701| 103025| 1

RTD| -1654| -1745| -77| 7446| 103025| 1

RTD| -1636| -1745| -86| 7425| 103025| 1

RTD| -1733| -1745| 58| 9216| 103025| 1

RTD| -1271| -1745| 174| 8213| 103025| 1

RTD| -1672| -1745| 192| 204544| 204544| 3

RTD| -1602| -1745| 381| 31605| 204544| 3

RTD| -1511| -1745| 454| 15495| 204544| 3

RTD| -1284| -1745| 176| 8175| 204544| 3

RTD| -1243| -1745| 245| 76948| 204544| 3

RTD| -1264| -1745| 175| 8867| 204544| 3

RTD| -1295| -1745| 185| 8658| 204544| 3

RTD| -1197| -1745| 162| 8238| 204544| 3

RTH| lat min| ovl min| lat avg| lat max| ovl max| overruns

RTD| -1689| -1745| 34| 9489| 204544| 3

RTD| -1345| -1745| -216| 9827| 204544| 3

RTD| -1692| -1745| -231| 9413| 204544| 3

RTD| -1679| -1745| -300| 7189| 204544| 3

RTD| -1686| -1745| -62| 82956| 204544| 3

RTD| -1719| -1745| -173| 8709| 204544| 3

RTD| -1692| -1745| -51| 8688| 204544| 3

RTD| -1618| -1745| -69| 43582| 204544| 3

RTD| -1684| -1745| -210| 8340| 204544| 3

RTD| -1709| -1745| -318| 8200| 204544| 3

RTD| -1691| -1745| -165| 9502| 204544| 3

RTD| -1709| -1745| 605| 404965| 404965| 7

RTD| -1420| -1745| 810| 115960| 404965| 8

RTD| -1699| -1745| -132| 8931| 404965| 8

RTD| -1666| -1745| -181| 32339| 404965| 8

RTD| -1712| -1745| -62| 21061| 404965| 8

RTH| lat min| ovl min| lat avg| lat max| ovl max| overruns

RTD| -1682| -1745| -235| 8146| 404965| 8

RTD| -1422| -1745| -241| 8893| 404965| 8

RTD| -1689| -1745| -269| 7908| 404965| 8

RTD| -1724| -1745| -410| 13455| 404965| 8

RTD| -1689| -1745| -321| 7894| 404965| 8

^CRTD| -1689| -1745| -321| 7894| 404965| 8

>>> S = 98.696, EXECTIME = 0.0488363



第一次编译:在网上查看一些资料后,下载最新的内核2.6.32.8根据自己的判断,在配置中删除很多不相干的选项,其中把文件系统Ext4类型文件系统去 掉。因为Ubuntu系统已经安装了一段时间,误以为还是属于Ext3类型文件系统。没有打实时包补丁,然后在Ubuntu环境下编译,并安装。在最后更 新开机列表时,网上找的资料都说在/boot/grub/menu.lst文件中添加新编译的内核,可是,在Ubuntu系统下根本不存在这个文件,后来 才找到是grub.cfg文件,但此文件是只读文件,是由grub-mkconfig命令所产生的。在产生列表之前先用update-grub命令更新列 表。但最终还是因为找不到合适的文件系统而无法启动。(Error:cannot find the Ext4 fs !)。


第 三次编译:将最新的内核(打上实时补丁包RTAI3.8,由于补丁包支持到2.6.32.2版本,所以内核版本与补丁版本不完全一致。 按照原来配置的方法,进行配置也是删除了很多无关项,但最终失败,系统在进入登录界面后就卡住,应该是在系统条用initrd.img- 文件时出现错误,由于没有任何提示,所以还是不能完全确定什么原因,只是初步判断是实时包与系统内核不兼容。

第 四次编译,重新下载内核,这次选择实时包可以完全支持的2.6.30.5版本,由于内核与之前不同,因此.config文件的选项也会有一些差别。重新裁 剪配置,并按照有关资料说法,去掉所有APCI选项,编译后还是有问题,在登录时提示:Warring:unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts,is it mounted?

Mount of root filesystem failed.


Filesystem with huge files cannot be mounted read-write without(ONFIG-LBD)

根 据这个信息才明白是在Enable the block layer 的Support for large block devices and files必须选上!由于版本的不同,在2.6.32.8版本内核的.config配置文件已经默认选上,但在2.6.30.5版本内核的.config 却没有选上。

第 五次编译:在原来的基础上只增选Support for large block devices and files并重新编译,最终可以成功启动,却不能找到有效的声卡配置,也不能检测到USB,而且新编译的系统运行速度明显比原内核系统慢,甚至不能正常关 机:可以终止所有的进程以及关闭cpu电源,但主板电源仍然没有关断!

第 六次编译:根据前面配置的经验,这次配置尽量少低裁剪,并选上必须选择的功能,最后实现正常启动,并运行。由此可以得出结论,linux内核编译的难点在 于内核配置方面,对系统硬件的不熟悉是造成编译有难度的主要原因。经过多次编译发现,要想编译一个普通冗余的系统不难,尽量照搬原来的内核配置即可,但要 裁剪到一个非常精简的内核却是一件很难度的事情。


            (c) 2006 Giampiero Campa campa at cemr dot wvu dot edu

STEP 1 - Install Linux

    Any recent distribution is supposed to be ok, however it is 
    extremely common to run into problems related to the particular
    machine+kernel+compiler+distribution combination that you will be using.

    I would suggest using a distribution that was released before the
    last rtai version. I am currently using Fedora 3, since i have 
    personally found slightly less problems with the RedHat-Fedora line.

    Be sure to install both the 'x' and 'qt' developement packages. 

    Also, keep in mind that older distributions based on 2.4 or 2.2 kernels 
    require slightly different procedures for most of the points below.

    In what follows, the shell prompt sign is indicated with the symbol "$". 

STEP 2 - Download and unpack RTAI

    Go to http://www.rtai.org/   and look for the newest version 
    (3.3 or greater).
    You should unpack your RTAI source in /usr/src, (standard /usr/src use),
    so AS ROOT, download the rtai-x.x.tar.bz2 file into /usr/src
    and then unpack it using the following commands in a terminal window :
    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar --bzip2 -xvf rtai-x.x.tar.bz2
    Create a symbolic link to the new rtai directory, 
    since it will be useful later:
    $ rm -f rtai 
    $ ln -fs rtai-x.x rtai
    After that, have a look in the directory 
    to locate the patches for the supported kernels.

    You can have a look at the README.INSTALL file in the 
    rtai root folder for advanced installation options.

STEP 3 - Download and unpack a new Kernel

    Never use the kernel that comes with the distribution,
    always download a new kernel from http://www.kernel.org/
    Make sure that the kernel is actually supported by RTAI
    that is make sure that a patch exist for that kernel.
    The first three numbers in the kernel have to match the
    first three numbers in the patch. If more than one patch 
    exist with the same first three numbers pick the last one.
    If more than one kernel exist with the same first three numbers
    it is safer to pick the base version (i.e. the one that does not
    have the fourth number).

    For example, the following patches exist for the 2.6.15 kernels
    in the /usr/src/rtai/base/arch/i386/patches/ directory:
    hal-linux-2.6.15-i386-1.1-03.patch and hal-linux-2.6.15-i386-1.2-00.patch
    so the last patch should be used, with the base kernel 2.6.15, although 
    it should work fine with kernels until too.

    Again, source code traditionally go in /usr/src, so, as root, 
    download the kernel (linux-x.x.xx.tar.bz2) into /usr/src 
    and do the following:

    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar --bzip2 -xvf linux-x.x.xx.tar.bz2

    You need to set a symbolic link to the new linux root folder
    since it's needed later:

    $ rm -f linux
    $ ln -fs linux-x.x.xx linux

STEP 4 - Patch your Kernel

    Again, as root (assuming an x86 architecture):

    $ cd /usr/src/linux
    $ patch -p1 < /usr/src/rtai/base/arch/i386/patches/hal-linux-x.x.xx_rx.patch

STEP 5 - Configure your Kernel

    Again, as root:
    $ cd /usr/src/linux
    It is a good idea to copy the distribution .config file into the linux folder,
    so one could start configuring something that already works:

    $ cp -f /boot/config-x.x.xx-x.xxx .config
    However, that is not striclty necessary, so you can safely skip the previous step.
    Then, to configure the kernel do the following:

    $ make config (or make menuconfig or make xconfig)

    In the code maturity level options, set the "prompt for development and/or
    incomplete code/drivers" option to 'yes'. In the "loadable module support" section,
    make sure that the "Enable loadable module support" is set to 'yes', and set the 
    "Module Versioning support" is to 'no'. In the "processor type and features" section,
    set the "Preemptible kernel" and the "Use register arguments" options to 'no',
    and make sure to set the "interrupt pipeline" option, (aka IPIPE) to 'yes'.
    Finally, make sure that the "/proc file system support", under the 
    "Pseudo filesystems" subsection of the "File systems" section is set to yes.

    Remember to save the kernel configuration on exit.

STEP 6 - Compile and install your Kernel

    Again, as root :

    $ cd /usr/src/linux

    then compile the kernel:

    $ make clean && make && make modules_install && make install 

    if everything goes fine (i.e. no errors encountered), 
    the new kernel image, together with its system map file, should
    appear in the boot directory, and the boot loader configuration file
    (/etc/grub.conf if you are using fedora), will be changed to allow 
    booting with the new kernel.

    Now reboot:

    $ /sbin/reboot

    (make sure to reboot into your new rtai-patched-kernel).

    If everything works fine, it is a good idea to copy the 
    configuration file for future reference, so as root:

    $ cd /usr/src/linux
    $ cp -f .config config-my-rtlx-yy.txt

    It is also a good idea to change the name of the kernel image, 
    ramdisk image, and system.map so that they won't be overwritten 
    the next time you compile a new kernel, so as root:

    $ cd /boot
    $ cp -f vmlinuz-x.x.xx my-rtlx-yy
    $ cp -f initrd-x.x.xx.img my-inrd-yy.img
    $ cp -f System.map-x.x.xx System.map-my-rtlx-yy

    Of course you have to edit accordingly the boot configuration file,
    for example under Fedora Core 3, assuming grub is your boot loader,
    you can copy the automatically added entry, relative to the new kernel, 
    which is usually the first one, to a new entry that won't be overwritten
    when you compile and install a new kernel.
    For example this is a velid entry for the grub bootloader in /etc/grub.conf :

    title my-rtlx-xx (2.6.9-adeos)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /my-rtlx-xx ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
        initrd /my-inrd-xx.img

    reboot again chosing the entry you just added to make sure everything 
    works as it should.

STEP 7 - Download and install the MESA library

    At this point, if your system already has some pre-installed
    version of the mesa library, the thing that makes most sense
    is to try to skip this step, and only later on, if step 8 
    fails due to a Mesa library that's too new for efltk to compile,
    return here and install MesaLib-6.2.tar.gz, in any case,
    whatever you do, do not uninstall the preinstalled MesaLib.

    Download MesaLib-6.2.tar.gz (from www.mesa3d.org)
    in a temporary directory (/tmp), then, as root :

    $ cd /tmp
    $ tar xvzf MesaLib-6.2.tar.gz
    $ cd Mesa-6.2
    $ make linux-x86-static
    $ make install

    Accept the default locations for the header and library files.
    After the installation reboot and make sure everything works.

STEP 8 - Download and install the EFLTK package

    As root, download EFLTK from CVS in a temporary directory (/tmp)

    $ cd /tmp    
    $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ede login
      (press ENTER when CVS asks for password)
    $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ede co efltk
    $ cd efltk
    $ ./efltk-config.in --prefix=/usr/local --multithread 
    $ ./emake
    $ ./emake install

    add the line /usr/local/lib/ to the file /etc/ld.so.conf
    the entries in the file should look more or less like this:
    include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf

    then run ldconfig to update the library database:

    $ /sbin/ldconfig

    Again, reboot and make sure everything works fine.

STEP 9 - Configure and install RTAI

    Again, as root :

    $ cd /usr/src/rtai
    $ make config (or make menuconfig of make xconfig)
    In the Machine Menu adjust the number of processors. 
    Say yes to rtai lab, and leave the efltk folder to /usr/local
    Do not include comedi support at this time even if you plan to use it later.
    Do not change any other default choice unless you know what you are doing.
    $ make
    $ make install

    reboot :

    $ /usr/bin/reboot

STEP 10 - Test the RTAI installation

    Again, as root, make sure you are running the patched kernel, then :
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/user/latency
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/user/preempt
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/user/switches
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/kern/latency
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/kern/preempt
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    $ cd /usr/realtime/testsuite/kern/switches
    $ ./run (use ctrl-c to stop it)
    make sure that there are no errors.
    Somtimes there could be errors opening FIFOs due to the fact that entries 
    like /dev/rtf/0 are not persistent, so they get deleted after a reboot.
    If that's the case, you should include code to recreate those entries in
    /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure that they are recreated everytime,
    see http://www.captain.at/rtai-error-opening-dev-rtf.php for example.

STEP 11 - Download, unpack and install Comedi and Comedilib

    If you are new to Linux and RTAI i strongly suggest 
    that you SKIP this step since you do not need 
    comedi or comedilib to use or learn RTAI.
    However, if you plan to use comedi, this is the right
    time to download and install comedi and comedilib.
    The reference web site is http://www.comedi.org/ 
    You should unpack the newest source in /usr/src,
    so AS ROOT, dowload both comedi-x.x.xx.tar.gz and 
    comedilib-x.x.xx.tar.gz files into /usr/src
    and then unpack them using the following commands (still as root):
    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar -xzvf comedi-x.x.xx.tar.gz
    $ tar -xzvf comedilib-x.x.xx.tar.gz
    Create a symbolic link to comedi since it will be useful later:
    $ rm -f comedi
    $ ln -fs comedi-x.x-xx comedi

    If your comedi version is 0.7.70 (or older) then you should manually
    edit the /usr/src/linux/.config file and add the line:
    At this point you are ready to configure and install 
    both comedilib and comedi:
    $ cd /usr/src/comedilib-x.x.xx
    $ ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc
    $ make
    $ make install
    $ make dev
    $ cd /usr/src/comedi
    $ ./configure --with-linuxdir=/usr/src/linux --with-rtaidir=/usr/realtime
    $ make
    $ make install

    $ cp include/linux/comedi.h /usr/include/
    $ cp include/linux/comedilib.h /usr/include/

    $ mkdir /usr/local/include/linux
    $ ln -s /usr/include/comedi.h /usr/local/include/linux/comedi.h
    $ ln -s /usr/include/comedilib.h /usr/local/include/linux/comedilib.h
    Reboot and make sure everything works fine.

    At this point, you have to add comedi to the rtai configuration,
    so, as root:

    $ cd /usr/src/rtai
    $ make config (or make menuconfig of make xconfig)
    In the Add-ons Menu select Comedi support over LXRT,
    and specify the comedi installation directory,
    (typically /usr/local, in any case it should contain 
    lib/libcomedi.a include/linux/comedilib.h and include/linux/comedi.h
    Then recompile and install rtai:

    $ make
    $ make install

    Reboot and re-test rtai (Step 11) to make sure everything is fine.

STEP 12 - Copy the rtai-lab folder into the current Matlab installation

    It is assumed that you have a working Matlab installation that includes 
    simulink and Real Time Workshop (i currently use version 7.0.1). 
    A few extra step are required if your matlab installation is not on 
    the same system where you installed rtai. Typically people have Matlab 
    installed under a Windows system. A Windows version of Matlab installed
    under Wine, counts as an installation on a different system.

    The thing to do at this point is to copy the entire content of the 
    folder (typically) /usr/src/rtai-3.3/rtai-lab/matlab into Matlab_Root\rtw\c\rtai
    (typically the Matlab_Root is something like C:\Matlab701 for 
     Windows and /usr/local/matlab for Unix).

STEP 13 - Run setup.m and create mex files

    After you copied the rtai-lab folder you should open matlab
    and run the Setup.m file that is included in the rtai-lab folder.
    This basically adds the new folder to the matlab path.

    After you have run setup.m you should be able to access the
    simulink library RTAI Devices from the Simulink browser.

    Now you need to create mex (Matlab Executable) files for every 
    s-function in Matlab_Root\rtw\c\rtai, since it will be needed later:
    From the matlab window, go to Matlab_Root\rtw\c\rtai\devices,
    make sure the mex support is working (mex -setup) and then
    issue the following commands:

    mex sfun_rtai_led.c
    mex sfun_rtai_log.c
    mex sfun_rtai_meter.c
    mex sfun_rtai_scope.c
    mex sfun_rtai_synchronoscope.c

    mex sfun_comedi_dio_write.c
    mex sfun_comedi_dio_read.c
    mex sfun_comedi_data_write.c
    mex sfun_comedi_data_read.c
    Note that in older rtai versions you have to modify 
    several files at this point for things to work fine,
    so, yet another reason to use rtai-3.2 or greater. 

STEP 14 - Edit rtai.tmf

    If you are using a Matlab installation (for Unix) on the same Linux 
    system in which you installed RTAI, then you can skip the following 
    and jump to the next step, otherwise you have to modify the rtai.tmf file 
    in the rtai-lab folder, specifically, you must modify the following lines :
    Here you have to replace |>MATLAB_ROOT<| with the path of a Linux 
    folder in which you will later copy some matlab related files. 
    Typically you will replace |>MATLAB_ROOT<| with /usr/local/matlab,
    and only later you will actually create the /usr/local/matlab folder
    in the Linux_with_RTAI filesystem and copy stuff within it (Step 16).

    COMPUTER        = |>COMPUTER<|
    Here you have to replace |>COMPUTER<| with GLNX86 
    (assuming Linux is innstalled on a x86 architecture).

    You also have to modify the entries LINUX_HOME, 
    RTAIDIR and COMEDI_HOME, to make sure they refer 
    to the paths where Linux, rtai, and comedi are installed,
    (typically they are /usr/src/linux, /usr/realtime
     and /usr/src/comedi respectively). 

    Finally, into the "Rules" section delete the following lines:

          gcc -c $(CFLAGS) $<

    otherwise, later on, the generated make files (*.mk) 
    will contain the (windows) relative paths of the custom 
    s-functions used in the scheme, therefore causing the make
    process to fail miserably.

STEP 15 - Generating code from a simple example

    Copy the file Matlab_Root\rtw\c\rtai\examples\test.mdl
    somewhere else, for example in Matlab_Root\work,
    then within matlab, move to that folder, 
    open the file with simulink and run it. 
    It should run without problems.

    At this point you are ready to generate code from it.
    Open the simulation menu, simulation parameters,
    Real-Time Workshop, and make sure that the RTAI Target
    is selected, (otherwise browse and select it).
    Then click on Build, to generate code from the scheme.

    At this point you should have the folder test_rtai 
    under your working directory. This folder contains 
    the code generated from the test simulink scheme.

    If your simulink scheme uses some custom s-functions,
    (which is not specifically the case of test.mdl but
    it is indeed the normal case), then it is very important 
    at this point to remember to copy the C code of every 
    custom s-functions used in the scheme inside the
    generated scheme_rtai folder.

    Another important thing to remember about s-functions
    is to always USE LOWERCASE characters in the file name,
    this is because the file names of the s-functions
    will be converted to lowercase within the make file (*.mk),
    which does not make any difference under windows but
    causes missing file errors under unix if the original
    name contained uppercase characters.

STEP 16 - Copy the extern, rtw, and Simulink folders to Linux

    If you are using a Matlab installation (for Unix) on the same Linux 
    system in which you installed RTAI, then you can skip this step.

    In your Linux filesystem, create a folder that 
    corresponds to the entry MATLAB_ROOT in your rtai.tmf file, 
    (typically /usr/local/matlab), then copy within it the three folders 
    Matlab_Root\extern, Matlab_Root\rtw and Matlab_Root\Simulink 
    from the current Matlab installation.

    Make sure all the c files in the folder Matlab_Root\rtw\c\libsrc
    have been transfered, since they all will be needed later,
    and for mysterious reasons some of them have a tendency to get lost.    

STEP 17 - Copy, compile and run the generated code

    Copy the test_rtai folder somewhere in the linux filesystem, 
    (e.g. usr/local/src/tests/test_rtai) and then, 
    from within the test_rtai folder, as root :

    make -f test.mk

    at this point, if the compilation proceeds without errors you 
    should get the executable test in the parent folder, so move 
    to the parent folder, insert the required modules:

    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_hal.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_lxrt.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_fifos.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_sem.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_mbx.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_msg.ko
    insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_netrpc.ko ThisNode=""

    at this point run the test:

    ./test -v -f 5

    the process should run for 5 seconds.
    Then to test also xrtailab:
    ./test &

    starts the process in wait mode,

    /usr/realtime/bin/xrtailab &

    starts the xrtailab window, from that window you can then
    actually start the real time process, log the data, 
    see the plots from the scopes in the simulink schemes as the
    process runs, and then stop the process.


STEP 1 - Configure and compile a reduced version of your Kernel

    The first thing to do is to compile the kernel that fits the target system, 
    as far as processor type, bus and peripherals are concerned. 
    As root:
    $ cd /usr/src/linux
    $ make config (or menuconfig or xconfig)
    Since this must be a reduced version of the kernel, i.e. the
    final size should be less than 700K, you have to disable virtually
    everything except the loadable module support, the IPIPE option, 
    the ISA bus, and the IDE, floppy, ext2, and /proc support.

    Also, at this point, if you are really working with a floppy disk,
    and you need an unattended reboot, you should manually edit the file
    /usr/src/linux/init/do_mounts.c, search for the "press ENTER" string
    and, a few lines below, change the instruction 
    sys_read(fd, &c, 1); with the instruction sys_read(fd, &c, 0);

    Once you have done the above, you have to compile the kernel:

    $ make clean && make 

    copy the configuration file for future reference :

    $ cp -f .config config-floppy-rtlx-yy.txt

STEP 2 - Download, unpack and install Busybox

    Go to http://busybox.net/downloads/ and look for the newest stable
    version, (i use version 1.01).
    As root, download the busybox-x.xx.tar.bz2 file into /usr/src
    ans unpack it using the following commands :
    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar --bzip2 -xvf busybox-x.xx.tar.bz2
    Set a symbolic link for later use:
    $ rm -f busybox    
    $ ln -fs busybox-x.xx busybox
    then, configure and install busybox:
    $ cd /usr/src/busybox
    $ make config (or make menuconfig)

    In the Build Options, select "Build Busybox as a static binary".
    Be sure to include at least the init, insmod, rmmod, and mount, 
    in general, select to only what you need, if unsure, use the default option.

    $ make dep && make busybox

    finally, save the config file for future reference:

    $ cp -f .config my-busybox-config-yy.txt

STEP 3 - Download, unpack and install LILO

    Go to http://freshmeat.net/projects/bin86/ and look for the 
    latest version of the bin86 assembler and loader, (i use 0.16.17).
    As root, download the bin86-x.xx.xx.tar.gz file into /usr/src
    ans unpack it using the following commands

    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar -zxvf bin86-x.xx.xx.tar.gz

    Then compile the bin86 assembler:

    $ cd /usr/src/bin86-x.xx.xx
    $ mkdir /usr/local/man/man1
    $ make && make install

    If everything goes fine, then it's time to download LILO:    
    go to http://freshmeat.net/projects/lilo/ and look for the 
    newest stable version of the lilo, (i use version 22.7.1).
    As root, download the lilo-xx.x.x.src.tar.gz file into /usr/src
    ans unpack it using the following commands :
    $ cd /usr/src
    $ tar -zxvf lilo-xx.x.x.src.tar.gz
    Set a symbolic link for later use:
    $ rm -f lilo
    $ ln -fs lilo-xx.x.x lilo
    then, build lilo (you don't have to install it on the system as a 
    boot loader, you just need to have the /usr/src/lilo/lilo binary)
    $ make

    Then reboot and make sure everything is fine.

STEP 4 - Prepare Floppy

    In what follows, it is assumed that you want to create a 
    stand alone RTAI system on a floppy. This is rarely useful, 
    since you can't normally include anything else other than 
    the bare essential, however, if you learn how to squeeze RTAI 
    on a floppy then you can later put it wherever you want,
    using exactly the same procedure with just a few changes. 
    Insert a floppy disk, then, as root, 
    unmount the floppy :
    $ umount /dev/fd0
    $ sync

    zero out the content of the floppy block by block:
    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440
    create an ext2 file system on the floppy:
    $ /sbin/mke2fs -F -m 0 /dev/fd0
    create a temporary folder a if it does not exist, 
    and remove everything if it exists
    $ mkdir -p /mnt/a
    $ rm -drf /mnt/a/*
    mount the floppy on /mnt/a :
    $ mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/a
    $ sync

STEP 5 - Populate the root

    Again as root, create the classic unix directories :
    $ cd /mnt/a
    $ mkdir boot
    $ mkdir initrd
    $ mkdir dev
    $ mkdir proc
    $ mkdir etc
    $ mkdir sbin
    $ mkdir bin
    $ mkdir lib
    $ mkdir mnt
    $ mkdir usr
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ mkdir lib/modules
    $ mkdir -p var/{log,run}
    $ touch var/run/utmp
    $ sync

STEP 6 - Populate /dev

    $ cp -dpR /dev/fd[0-1] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/hda[0-3] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/tty[0-6] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/ttyS[0-6] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/ram[0-6] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/console dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/zero dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/null dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/kmem dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/mem dev

    $ mkdir dev/rtf
    $ cp -dpR /dev/rtf/[0-9] dev/rtf
    $ cp -dpR /dev/rtf[0-9] dev
    $ cp -dpR /dev/rtai_shm dev
    $ sync

STEP 7 - Create the configuration files and populate /etc

    I suggest that you create the folder /etc/rtai-fd0
    to store the configuration files for your system.

    There are 2 very important configuration files that the 
    system needs to find during the boot process, that is 
    /etc/fstab and /etc/init.d/rcS :

    This is the file that tells the filesystems to mount 
    and where they are located, usually just a few lines are required:

    /dev/fd0       /           ext2    defaults   1 1
    none           /proc       proc    defaults   0 0
    If the kernel does not support the /proc filesystem then 
    just the first line is necessary.

    This file (rcS stands for Run Commands Shell) contains 
    command to be executed by the shell as soon as it starts. 
    here is an example:


    /bin/mount -av
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_hal.ko
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_lxrt.ko
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_fifos.ko
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_sem.ko
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_mbx.ko
    insmod /lib/modules/rtai_msg.ko

    # insert your calls here

    The lilo configuration file it is not needed during the 
    boot process but it is needed later to properly write the 
    floppy boot sector:


    Here is an example of lilo.conf file for a stand alone 
    system with both kernel and filesystem on the same floppy :

    boot =/dev/fd0
    map         =/boot/map
    timeout =00
    backup =/dev/null
    image =/boot/bzImage
    label =RTFly
    root =/dev/fd0
    It is important to store also the configuration files
    for both the kernel and busybox:

    $ cp -f /usr/src/linux/.config /etc/rtai-fd0/config-linux.txt
    $ cp -f /usr/src/busybox/.config /etc/rtai-fd0/config-busybox.txt

    At this point we can move the files into the mnt/a/etc folder:

    $ cd /mnt/a
    $ cp /etc/rtai-fd0/* etc

    It is always better to make sure that rc is executable:

    $ chmod -R 777 etc/*
    $ sync

    Finally, if you modified the code of either the linux kernel
    or busybox, it is a good idea to include it here in this folder. 

STEP 8 - Populate /bin /sbin and /usr using busybox

    As root, do the following :
    $ cd /usr/src/busybox
    $ make PREFIX=/mnt/a install
    $ sync

STEP 9 - Copy the kernel and make the disk bootable

    The kernel image has to be compiled for the target processor.

    $ cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /mnt/a/boot/bzImage
    $ sync
    $ /usr/src/lilo/lilo -v -C /etc/lilo.conf -r /mnt/a
    $ sync 

STEP 10 - Copy rtai related stuff

    If you are really working with a standard floppy disk then
    at this point there will probably be only about 50K left 
    on your floppy disk so, there will be no space left to 
    copy any modules or executables, except maybe for a few ones,
    so, in that case you can skip this step.

    All the rtai modules and the executables that need to run 
    on the target system, have to be compiled for the target system,
    therefore make sure that rtai has been compiled and installed
    using the same linux .config file that was used to compile the
    kernel for the target processor in step 1. 
    If you are not sure, then, as root :

    $ cd /usr/src/rtai
    $ make clean && make && make install


    $ cd /mnt/a
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_hal.ko lib/modules
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_lxrt.ko lib/modules
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_fifos.ko lib/modules
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_sem.ko lib/modules
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_mbx.ko lib/modules
    $ cp /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_msg.ko lib/modules
    $ sync

    Also, allow the tmp directory to be accessible,
    if you want to copy some file over there.

    chmod -R 777 /mnt/flash/tmp

    At this point, you should recompile the executables
    that need to run on the target system, and copy them
    on the tmp directory along with any other needed file.

STEP 11 - Check size, unmount and reboot

    $ df -h /dev/fd0
    $ sync
    $ sync   
    $ umount /dev/fd0
    now take your device, insert it into the target system, 
    reboot and cross your fingers really hard :-)

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