Range Searching and Multi-Dimensional Data|Quadtrees|K-d Trees|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Multi-Dimensional Data

Motivation: 2D Range Finding and Nearest Neighbors

Suppose we want to perform operations on a set of Body objects in space?

  • 2D Range Searching: How many objects are in the highlighted rectangle?
  • Nearest Neighbors: What is the closest object to the space horse?


A silly way to find the Answer:

Suppose the set is stored as a hash table, where the hash code of each Body is given below.

How would nearest( ) be implemented?

  • The bucket that each object is effectively random. Have to iterate over all N items.

What would be runtime of nearest?

  • Θ(N)

The problem with hash tables is that the bucket # of an item is effectively random.

How to fix it?

Uniform Partitioning

The problem with hash tables is that the bucket # of an item is effectively random

  • One fix is to ensure that the bucket #s depend only on position!
Simplest idea: Partition space into uniform rectangular buckets (also called “bins”).
  • Example on right for 4x4 grid of such buckets.



What is the runtime for nearest assuming points are evenly spread out?
Still Θ(N).
On average, runtime will be 16 times faster than without the spatial partitioning, but N/16 is still Θ(N).
Note: Often works well in practice. But let’s see a better way


Trees vs. Hash Tables

One key advantage of Search Trees over Hash Tables is that trees explicitly track the order of items.


  • Finding the minimum item in a BST is Θ(log N) time, but Θ(N) in a hash table.
  • Can relatively easy modify BSTs to support operations like rank(5), which returns the 5th largest item in Θ(log N) time (see optional textbook).
    • Impossible to do efficiently in a hash table.
Basic idea:

Build a BST where every node has 4 neighbors, corresponding to northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast.

Quadtree Insertion Demo

Below: Quadtree Representation of 5 objects in 2D space.

  • Insertion Demo: Link


Quadtrees are also spatial partitioning in disguise.

  • Earlier approach: Uniform partitioning (perfect grid of rectangles).
  • Quadtrees: Hierarchical partitioning. Each node “owns” 4 subspaces.
    • Space is more finely divided in regions where there are more points.(空间划分的更为精细,可以准确的找到某个点所在的位置)
    • Results in better runtime in many circumstances
Quadtree Range Finding Demo

Quadtrees allow us to better prune when performing a rectangle search.

  • Same optimization as before: Prune (i.e. don’t explore) subspaces that don’t intersect the query rectangle.(不探索不与感兴趣区域相交的部分)
  • Range Search Demo: Link

Higher Dimensional Data and K-d Trees

3D Data and Even Higher Dimensional Space
  1. Suppose we want to store objects in 3D space.
  • Quadtrees only have four directions, but in 3D, there are 8.

One approach: Use an Oct-tree or Octree.

  • Very widely used in practice.
  1. Even Higher Dimensional Space
    you may want to organize data on a large number of dimensions.
    Example: Want to find songs with the following features:
  • Length between 3 minutes and 6 minutes.
  • Between 1000 and 20,000 listens.(有1000到两万人听过)
  • Between 120 to 150 BPM.(歌曲的速度又称“”曲速“”)
  • Were recorded after 2004.

In these cases, one somewhat common solution is a k-d tree.

  • Fascinating data structure that handles arbitrary numbers of dimensions.
    • k-d means “k dimensional”.
  • For the sake of simplicity in lecture, we’ll use 2D data, but the idea generalizes naturally.
K-d Trees

k-d tree example for 2-d:

  • Basic idea, root node partitions entire space into left and right (by x).
  • All depth 1 nodes partition subspace into up and down (by y).
  • All depth 2 nodes partition subspace into left and right (by x).


Each point owns 2 subspaces.

  • Similar to a quadtree.
    • Example: D owns the two subspaces shown.
  • The top subspace is infinitely large.


K-d Trees and Nearest Neighbor

Just like spatial partitioning and quadtrees, k-d trees support an efficient nearest method.

  • Optimization: Do not explore subspaces that can’t possible have a better answer than your current best.

Example: Find the nearest point to (0, 7).
Answer is (1, 5).

Nearest Pseudocode



Summary and Applications

Multi-Dimensional Data Summary

Multidimensional data has interesting operations:

  • Range Finding: What are all the objects inside this (rectangular) subspace?
  • Nearest: What is the closest object to a specific point?
    • Can be generalized to k-nearest.

The most common approach is spatial partitioning:

  • Uniform Partitioning: Analogous to hashing.
  • Quadtree: Generalized 2D BST where each node “owns” 4 subspaces.
  • K-d Tree: Generalized k-d BST where each node “owns” 2 subspaces.
    • Dimension of ownership cycles with each level of depth in tree.

Spatial partitioning allows for pruning of the search space.





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