ERCOT 市场报价与交易问题总结

  1. 报价成功确认机制

    • 在 ERCOT 的日前市场和实时市场中,在报价提交后如何确定报价是否成功被纳入交易?
    • 在 ERCOT 正式公布最终报价结果之前,是否有标准或方法可以自我评估报价是否成功?
  2. 储能收益计算

    • 我们目前对能源市场的收益理解为储能的放电收入减去充电花费。请问这种计算方式是否存在问题?
  3. 报价数据获取

    • 在 ERCOT 中,能否获取其他节点或用户的报价及其交易数据?
    • 除已公布的官方数据之外,还有什么其他数据可以获取,这些数据如何影响 ERCOT 的决策?
  4. 量-价对提交策略

    • 在 ERCOT 电力市场中提交的量-价对(bid/offer)时,是否需要在每个时间点都提交 bid 和 offer?
    • 还是可以仅在需要充电时提交 bid,在需要放电时提交 offer?
  5. 市场参与灵活性

    • 在 ERCOT 中,是否有自由选择参与哪些市场的权利,还是需要在所有市场中都提供报价,然后由 ERCOT 来分配参与哪些市场?
    • 如果是后者,ERCOT 在分配市场时是否会考虑储能的状态(SOC),是否存在过充或过放的风险?
    • 辅助市场上的收益如何计算,这与能量市场的收益计算是否有不同?
    • 参与辅助市场的形式是什么?是否需要将储能控制权交给 ERCOT?
    • 辅助市场上的能源是否需要提前在能量市场上获取?
    • 是否可以在同一时间段内参与多个市场或辅助服务,并将电池的 SOC 按比例分配至不同的市场或服务中?
    • 或者是否可以在不同的市场或辅助服务中无缝切换?
    • 如何在 ERCOT 公布结果之前评估在辅助市场上报价是否成功?
  6. 辅助服务性能要求

    • 如果想要参与辅助市场中的快速频率响应服务(RRS)和经济可调度储备(ECRS),是否需要提供比参与向上调节服务(REGUP)、向下调节服务(REGDN)或非旋转备用(Non-Spin)更好的储能设备?
    • 如果需要,请问主要的技术性能差异是什么?

ERCOT Market Bidding and Trading Questions Summary

  1. Bid Success Confirmation Mechanism

    • How can we determine if a bid has been successfully incorporated into the trading process in ERCOT’s Day-Ahead and Real-Time markets after submission?
    • Is there a standard or method to self-assess whether a bid was successful before ERCOT officially publishes the final bid results?
  2. Energy Storage Revenue Calculation

    • Our current understanding of revenue in the energy market is the difference between the income from discharging and the cost of charging. Is this calculation flawed?
  3. Access to Bid and Trade Data

    • In ERCOT, is it possible to access bids and trade data from other nodes or users?
    • Apart from the officially published data, what additional information can be obtained that might influence ERCOT’s decision-making process?
  4. Bidding Strategy for Quantity-Price Pairs

    • In ERCOT’s power markets, is it necessary to submit quantity-price pairs (bids/offers) at every time interval?
    • Can we submit bids only when we wish to charge and offers when we wish to discharge?
  5. Market Participation Flexibility

    • Does ERCOT allow us the freedom to choose which markets to participate in, or do we need to provide bids across all markets with ERCOT assigning us to specific markets?
    • If ERCOT assigns markets, does ERCOT consider the state of charge (SOC) of storage assets to avoid overcharging or overdischarging?
    • How is the revenue calculated in the ancillary services market compared to the energy market?
    • What is the form of participation in the ancillary services market? Does it require handing over control of the storage assets to ERCOT?
    • Is the energy required for ancillary services procured in advance from the energy market?
    • Can we participate in multiple markets or ancillary services simultaneously, allocating our battery’s SOC proportionally among different markets or services?
    • Or can we switch seamlessly between different markets or ancillary services?
    • How can we assess the success of our bids in the ancillary services market before ERCOT releases the official results?
  6. Requirements for Ancillary Services Performance

    • To participate in Rapid Reserve Service (RRS) and Economic Contingency Reserve Service (ECRS), is superior storage equipment required compared to Regulation Up (REGUP), Regulation Down (REGDN), or Non-Spin Reserves?
    • If so, what are the main technical differences in performance requirements?




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