
7 篇文章 0 订阅

第一部分 正则逻辑回归
1.实现lrCostFunction.m 正则化逻辑回归的代价函数和梯度

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.
%               You should set J to the cost.
%               Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial
%               derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta
% Hint: The computation of the cost function and gradients can be
%       efficiently vectorized. For example, consider the computation
%           sigmoid(X * theta)
%       Each row of the resulting matrix will contain the value of the
%       prediction for that example. You can make use of this to vectorize
%       the cost function and gradient computations. 
% Hint: When computing the gradient of the regularized cost function, 
%       there're many possible vectorized solutions, but one solution
%       looks like:
%           grad = (unregularized gradient for logistic regression)
%           temp = theta; 
%           temp(1) = 0;   % because we don't add anything for j = 0  
%           grad = grad + YOUR_CODE_HERE (using the temp variable)

J =(-y'*log(sigmoid(X * theta)) - (1-y')*log(1-sigmoid(X * theta)))/m + lambda.*theta'*theta/(2*m);

grad = X'*(sigmoid(X * theta)- y)./m;
temp = theta;
temp(1) = 0;
grad = grad + lambda.*temp./m;

% =============================================================


Loading and Visualizing Data ...
Program paused. Press enter to continue.

Testing lrCostFunction() with regularization
Cost: 3.734819
Expected cost: 2.534819
Expected gradients:
Program paused. Press enter to continue.

我坚信自己的计算结果,我觉得Expected cost 2.534819是错的,梯度倒是挺吻合

2.实现oneVsAll 实现0-9手写数字识别theta调参

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: You should complete the following code to train num_labels
%               logistic regression classifiers with regularization
%               parameter lambda. 
% Hint: theta(:) will return a column vector.
% Hint: You can use y == c to obtain a vector of 1's and 0's that tell you
%       whether the ground truth is true/false for this class.
% Note: For this assignment, we recommend using fmincg to optimize the cost
%       function. It is okay to use a for-loop (for c = 1:num_labels) to
%       loop over the different classes.
%       fmincg works similarly to fminunc, but is more efficient when we
%       are dealing with large number of parameters.
% Example Code for fmincg:
% Set Initial theta
initial_theta = zeros(n + 1, 1);

% Set options for fminunc
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 50);

% Run fmincg to obtain the optimal theta
% This function will return theta and the cost 
for c = 1:num_labels
    [theta] = fmincg (@(t)(lrCostFunction(t, X, (y==c), lambda)),initial_theta, options);
    all_theta(c,:) = theta';

% =========================================================================


Training One-vs-All Logistic Regression...
Iteration     1 | Cost: 2.802129e-01
Iteration     2 | Cost: 9.454399e-02
Iteration     3 | Cost: 5.704683e-02
Iteration     4 | Cost: 4.688225e-02
Iteration     5 | Cost: 3.759419e-02
Iteration     6 | Cost: 3.522129e-02
Iteration    41 | Cost: 1.092069e-02
Iteration    42 | Cost: 1.090472e-02
Iteration    43 | Cost: 1.084519e-02
Iteration    44 | Cost: 1.081438e-02
Iteration    45 | Cost: 1.079171e-02
Iteration    46 | Cost: 1.076308e-02
Iteration    47 | Cost: 1.072741e-02
Iteration    48 | Cost: 1.071758e-02
Iteration    49 | Cost: 1.068114e-02
Iteration    50 | Cost: 1.067206e-02

Program paused. Press enter to continue.

3.实现predictOneVsAll 找出预测最大值及其列索引

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Complete the following code to make predictions using
%               your learned logistic regression parameters (one-vs-all).
%               You should set p to a vector of predictions (from 1 to
%               num_labels).
% Hint: This code can be done all vectorized using the max function.
%       In particular, the max function can also return the index of the 
%       max element, for more information see 'help max'. If your examples 
%       are in rows, then, you can use max(A, [], 2) to obtain the max 
%       for each row.

[~,p] = max(X*all_theta',[],2);

% =========================================================================


Program paused. Press enter to continue.

Training Set Accuracy: 94.640000


Once you are done, ex3.m will call your predictOneVsAll function using the learned value of Θ. You should see that the training set accuracy is about 94.9% (i.e., it classifies 94.9% of the examples in the training set correctly).

第二部分 神经网络
4.实现predict 评估神经网络预测准确度

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Complete the following code to make predictions using
%               your learned neural network. You should set p to a 
%               vector containing labels between 1 to num_labels.
% Hint: The max function might come in useful. In particular, the max
%       function can also return the index of the max element, for more
%       information see 'help max'. If your examples are in rows, then, you
%       can use max(A, [], 2) to obtain the max for each row.

X = [ones(m, 1) X];
A1 = sigmoid(X*Theta1');

A1 = [ones(m, 1) A1];

A2 = sigmoid(A1*Theta2');

[~,p] = max(A2,[],2);

% =========================================================================


Loading and Visualizing Data ...
Program paused. Press enter to continue.

Loading Saved Neural Network Parameters ...

Training Set Accuracy: 97.520000
Program paused. Press enter to continue.

Displaying Example Image

Neural Network Prediction: 6 (digit 6)
Paused - press enter to continue, q to exit:

Displaying Example Image

Neural Network Prediction: 6 (digit 6)
Paused - press enter to continue, q to exit:

Displaying Example Image

Neural Network Prediction: 1 (digit 1)
Paused - press enter to continue, q to exit:

Displaying Example Image

Neural Network Prediction: 10 (digit 0)
Paused - press enter to continue, q to exit:

Once you are done, ex3 nn.m will call your predict function using the loaded set of parameters for Theta1 and Theta2. You should see that the accuracy is about 97.5%. After that, an interactive sequence will launch displaying images from the training set one at a time, while the console prints out the predicted label for the displayed image.







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