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         “血汗工厂”( Sweatshop )是一个经济学的专用术语,意思是劳动时间长,工资低,工作条件恶劣的工厂(或工场),从字面上来看,血汗工厂“ Sweatshop” Sweat (汗水) +Shop )就是累得使人冒汗的工作场所。但是,劳动时间有多长,工资有多低,工作条件的恶劣程度有多大才能称得上“血汗工厂”,就存在问题了。有人说是,有人说不是,因为,各人有各人的标准。现在,摆在微软面前的问题是,台资企业昆盈系统( KYE system )公司算不算“血汗工厂”?不要管别人怎么说,这次就要看你微软自己怎么说了。中国人(尤其是 IT 业界人士)都在看着微软的这次“表现”了,别拿东莞人力资源局官员的瞎话来应付我们。我有句话先说在前面,微软这次的实际表现到底如何,事关重大,不是儿戏,弄不好是要在中国翻船的。

美国 NLC 的调查报告(“ China's Youth Meet Microsoft” ),字字句句掷地有声,微软必须认真面对。我不是威胁微软,如果微软无视 NLC 的指控,后果不堪设想。上海世博会举办在即,中国政府不会允许在中国境内(东莞)存在“血汗工厂”的事实存在。我敢打个赌:台资企业昆盈代工厂是不是“血汗工厂”,事情虽小(全局来看),但是,弄不好是要闹大的。


    东莞昆盈( KYE )代工厂的最核心问题不是(雇用)“童工”( Child Labour )有没有的问题,问题不是查查昆盈工人的身份证就算完事,而是昆盈代工厂对待工人的恶劣态度,也就是说,台资企业对待大陆工人的真实态度。现在,我国农村某些地区还很穷,这是事实。但是,那里的孩子也是我们的后代(或未来)。在美国 NLC 历经 3 年之久才获得的调查报告“ China's Youth Meet Microsoft“ 标题下面, NLC 最先引用了一句话: "We are like prisoners... We do not have a life, only work." (出自一位 Teenaged (指十几岁的少年) Microsoft Worker )。整个 NLC 的调查报告就是对这句话的准确诠释。


  • KYE recruits hundreds-even up to 1,000-"work study students" 16 and 17 years of age, who work 15-hour shifts, six and seven days a week.  In 2007 and 2008, dozens of the work study students were reported to be just 14 and 15 years old.  A typical shift is from 7:45 a.m. to 10:55 p.m.

  • Along with the work study students-most of whom stay at the factory three months, though some remain six months or longer-KYE prefers to hire women 18 to 25 years of age, since they are easier to discipline and control.

  • In 2007 and 2008, before the worldwide recession, workers were at the factory 97 hours a week while working 80 ½ hours.  In 2009, workers report being at the factory 83 hours a week, while working 68 hours.

  • Workers are paid 65 cents an hour, which falls to a take-home wage of 52 cents after deductions for factory food.

  •  Workers are prohibited from talking, listening to music or using the bathroom during working hours.  As punishment, workers who make mistakes are made to clean the bathrooms.

  • Security guards sexually harass the young women.

  • Fourteen workers share each primitive dorm room, sleeping on narrow double-level bunk beds.  To "shower," workers fetch hot water in a small plastic bucket to take a sponge bath.  Workers describe factory food as awful.

  •  Not only are the hours long, but the work pace is grueling as workers race frantically to complete their mandatory goal of 2,000 Microsoft mice per shift.  During the long summer months when factory temperatures routinely reach 86 degrees, workers are drenched in sweat.

  •  There is no freedom of movement and workers can only leave the factory compound during regulated hours.

  • The workers have no rights, as every single labor law in China is violated.  Microsoft's and other companies' codes of conduct have zero impact.  

    我们希望微软对上述断言的真伪性( 3 年的历史跨度,不是现在的一两天)经过实地调查之后,再做出自己的判断或结论,并且公之于众。这不是“言之不预”也。

    袁萌 4 18 日清晨



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