Construction Plan for Financial Budget Indicator Management System catalogue1 Overall Design 32

Construction Plan for Financial Budget Indicator Management System

1 Overall Design 3
2 Business Process 4
2.1 Indicator Loading 4
2.2 Indicator Adjustment 5
2.3 Indicator Allocation 6
2.4 Pre allocation indicators and offsetting 7
3 Functional Design 8
3.1 Overall Indicator Loading 8
3.2 Overall Indicator Allocation 11
3.3 Departmental Indicator Reduction 15
3.4 Departmental Indicator Adjustment 17
3.5 Departmental Indicator Allocation 20
3.6 Unit indicator deduction 23
3.7 Unit Indicator Adjustment 25
3.8 Control Data Loading at the Beginning of the Year 28
3.9 Switching of control numbers at the beginning of the year 30
3.10 Pre allocation Indicator Loading 30
3.11 Write-off of Advance Allocation Indicators 33
3.12 Year End Transfer 33
3.13 Interface with Office Automation System 33

1 Overall design
The basic principle of indicator management is that indicators must come from the budget, and the budget must ultimately form indicators, which ultimately serve as payment services. The goal of indicator management is to ensure that the context of indicators is clear, to achieve traceability and feedback throughout the entire process of indicators, to achieve controllable data, streamlined processes, and standardized management.
Budget indicator management runs through the overall indicator, department indicator, and unit indicator loading, adjustment, deduction, and balance transfer throughout the indicator lifecycle. It is required that the attributes, definition standards, and coding rules of the indicators should be consistent throughout the entire process, comply with the requirements of the "Basic Data Specification for Financial Business" formulated by the Ministry of Finance, and ensure that all attributes of the indicators are inherited from the payment process to ensure smooth year-end reconciliation and confirmation of indicator balance transfer.
Indicator management should comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance's indicator management, while also taking into account the needs of Dalian's financial indicator management. A system should be built that includes both within budget and out of budget funds, covering all relevant departments throughout the year for financial indicator management business. At the same time, considering changes in business, the system should be able to fully utilize various components of the large platform, meet adjustments caused by business changes through configuration, and support management process changes caused by financial business reform or other reasons, as well as adjustments to business rules for the redistribution of permissions.
Departmental budget conversion indicators: including the import of control numbers before budget approval and the generation of formal indicators after approval.
Indicator document and review process settings: including the definition of indicator hierarchy, indicator document definition, review process definition for various types of documents, and other personalized settings and definitions based on user characteristics.
Daily business processing of indicators: including allocation, addition, deduction, adjustment, freezing, etc. of indicators; Review, packaging, and special modifications of various indicator documents; Dynamic verification of indicators and monitoring of indicator execution progress.
End of year transfer: The finance department needs to open a new account set for the next year at the end of each year, and settle the financial transactions for the current year in the current account set, and carry out the balance indicators.
The functional structure diagram is as follows:
Figure 2.1 1: Functional Structure of Budget Indicator Management System
2 Business processes
In order to meet the current situation of financial business and quickly and conveniently adapt to future development, indicator management realizes the loading, deduction, and adjustment of total indicators (total indicators to be divided), department indicators (department indicators to be divided), and budget unit indicators (executable indicators) in the form of indicator documents. The document form can be flexibly defined, and the indicator allocation process can be flexibly defined without modifying the system program. The indicator management process can be configured to adapt to the actual indicator allocation process. Flexibly enable relevant indicator elements, including indicator document number, budget unit, department, functional classification, economic classification, project category, project, budget source, indicator type, payment method, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to unify business element coding standards to facilitate project maintenance and future data aggregation.
Indicator documents are stored in the platform's general ledger in the form of indicator accounts according to platform requirements.
When users log in to the portal system, relevant information is displayed in the to-do list of the portal.
Figure 2.1 1: Indicator Management Business Process Diagram
The indicator management system needs to obtain budget approval information generated by the department budget system, project information approved by the municipal project library for issuing, expenditure information generated by the funding payment system, and expenditure information generated by the national treasury centralized payment system for updating available indicators; Need to transmit indicator information to the OA system; Transfer the issued indicators to the national treasury centralized payment system and the allocation payment system as the basis for expenditure; Transfer government procurement indicators to the government procurement system as the basis for expenditure.
In the indicator management system, it has the function of manually selecting pre allocated projects, and after approval by relevant leaders and departments, the indicators will automatically take effect.
2.1 Indicator loading
The system provides multiple input methods for budget indicators. One is to import budget preparation indicators, and the other is to directly input and load indicators, including preparation indicators as control numbers at the beginning of the year and officially approved indicators. From the budget level, the specific indicators entered include: overall indicators, department indicators, and unit indicators.
Figure 2.1 1: Indicator Loading Business Process Diagram
2.2 Indicator Adjustment
During the execution process of indicators, there may be deviations between budget and execution, and it is necessary to achieve unity between budget and execution through indicator adjustment or expenditure adjustment. Indicator adjustment includes basic expenditure adjustment, special adjustment, and non special adjustment.
Figure 2.21: Indicator Adjustment Business Process Diagram
(1) Indicator handler enters indicator adjustment documents
The indicator handler enters the indicator adjustment document according to the business rules of indicator adjustment.
(1) Indicator handler submits indicator adjustment documents for review
The indicator handler will submit the entered indicator adjustment documents to the reviewer for review, and generate the indicator adjustment documents to be reviewed.
(2) Indicator reviewer reviews indicator adjustment documents
The indicator reviewer reviews the indicator adjustment documents to be reviewed.
(3) Indicator reviewer issues (final) indicator adjustment documents
The indicator reviewer approves the indicator adjustment document and distributes the adjustment funds to the adjustment unit.
2.3 Indicator allocation
In order to allocate budget indicators to budget units to form executable indicators, it is necessary to reallocate the pending indicators entered into the system. The allocation process must follow strict audit procedures to ensure the legitimacy of the indicator allocation process.
Figure 2.3 1: Indicator Allocation Business Process Diagram
2.4 Pre allocation indicators and offsetting
In the middle of the year, there may be some emergency situations that require indicators. The system provides a set of processing functions for emergency and pre allocation, and when necessary, indicators are added, which are called pre allocation indicators. After the official indicators are established, the pre allocated indicators need to be offset.
Figure 2.41: Pre allocation Indicator Business Process Diagram
3 Functional Design
3.1 Overall Indicator Loading
At the beginning and middle of the year, register the overall indicators and increase the total financial resources, such as budget data at the beginning of the year, special funds, and last year's carryover, all of which should be included in the total financial resources of the current year. The total indicator loading provides two methods: manual input and import. Import is the process of bulk loading total indicator data based on import rules and performing validation, etc.
New features
Enter the main document number and publication date. Multiple detailed information can be entered under the main document, including indicator management department, fund nature, expenditure function classification, budget source, and amount. The expenditure function classification can only be entered at the category level. The interface is shown in the following figure, with the blank area in the middle being the detailed list area
Figure 3.1 1: New page for loading total indicators
Modification function
The main document number and publication date are modifiable items. Add, delete, and modify detailed documents. Click on the detailed list, synchronize the editing area with the detailed list data, and modify the data items in the editing area with the detailed list data. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.12: Overall Indicator Loading and Modifying Page
Delete function
Delete the main order, and the details of the main order will also be deleted. Please refer to the modification function above for details of deletion
Figure 3.1 3: Overall Indicator Loading Homepage
Audit function
After the indicator is entered, it is in an auditable state. The approved indicators can be allocated accordingly. The review interface is as follows
Figure 3.1 4: Overall Indicator Loading Review Page
3.2 Allocation of overall indicators
Assign overall indicators to business departments to form departmental indicators
Operation process: Open the input interface, query the target indicators, select a target indicator, add details for indicator allocation input, and after approval, form the department source indicator.
New features
According to the conditions, query the source information, which is the data after loading and reviewing the total indicator.
The document number, infrastructure symbol, unit, project classification, and amount in the detailed data are required fields. When adding, deleting, or modifying details, the corresponding source information can be automatically adjusted based on the available balance. The new interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.21: New page for overall indicator allocation
Modification function
Find the total indicator allocation master order that has been entered, and select the master order to view detailed information. Select the main order and click "Modify" to enter the modification page. Only one main order can be modified at a time.
The source information list is the corresponding source of this main order, and the detailed list is the detailed data of this main order. Select the details to synchronize the data in the editing area, modify the data items in the editing area, and synchronize the corresponding detailed data in the detailed list. Details can also be deleted and added. The page is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.22: Overall Indicator Allocation Modification Page
Delete function
Delete the main order, and the details of the main order will also be deleted. Please refer to the modification function above for the deletion details, and the interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.23: Total Indicator Allocation Delete Page
Audit function
The review function includes review, cancel review, return, and cancel return functions. The operation object is the main single. The indicator status after review changes to final review; The indicator status after canceling the review is entered; The indicator status after return is returned, and the indicator status after cancellation of return is entered. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.2 4: Overall Indicator Allocation Review Page
3.3 Departmental Indicator Reduction
Reduce the indicators allocated to business departments to the total financial funds. After the department indicators are reviewed, if it is necessary to modify the information items, it can only be completed through deduction operations. Reduce departmental indicators. If the source is loaded from departmental indicators, reduce it to external sources.
New features
Query the department indicators to be deducted, which are the source information. Enter the document number and date of the main order, and then add details. When adding, deleting, or modifying details, the corresponding source information can be automatically adjusted based on the available balance. The new interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.3 1: New page for tracking and reducing department indicators
Modification function
Find the entered deduction indicators and select the main order to view detailed information. Select the main order and click "Modify" to enter the modification page. Only one main order can be modified at a time.
The source information list is the corresponding source of this main order, and the detailed list is the detailed data of this main order. Select the details to synchronize the data in the editing area, modify the data items in the editing area, and synchronize the corresponding detailed data in the detailed list. The document number and date of the main document can be modified, and the details can also be deleted and added. The page is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.32: Department indicator tracking and modification page
Delete function
Delete the main order, and the details of the main order will also be deleted. Please refer to the modification function above for details of deletion
Audit function
The review function includes review, cancel review, return, and cancel return functions. The operation object is the main single. The indicator status after review changes to final review; The indicator status after canceling the review is entered; The indicator status after return is returned, and the indicator status after cancellation of return is entered. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.3 3: Department Indicator Reduction Review Page
3.4 Departmental indicator adjustment
During the execution process of indicators, there may be deviations between budget and execution, and it is necessary to achieve unity between budget and execution through indicator adjustment. Departmental indicator adjustment includes business departments, payment methods, economic classification, etc.
New features
Search for source information based on conditions.
Main document entry item, document number and date
The amount in the detailed data is a required field. When adding, deleting, or modifying details, the corresponding source information can be automatically adjusted based on the available balance. The new interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.41: Department Indicator Adjustment New Page
Modification function
Find the entered coordination indicators, select the main document to view detailed information. Select the main order and click "Modify" to enter the modification page. Only one main order can be modified at a time.
The source information list is the corresponding source of this main order, and the detailed list is the detailed data of this main order. Select the details to synchronize the data in the editing area, modify the data items in the editing area, and synchronize the corresponding detailed data in the detailed list. The document number and date of the main document can be modified, and the details can also be deleted and added. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.42: Department Indicator Adjustment and Modification Page
Delete function
Delete the main order, and the details of the main order will also be deleted. Please refer to the modification function above for details of deletion
Audit function
The review function includes review, cancel review, return, and cancel return functions. The operation object is the main single. The indicator status after review changes to final review; The indicator status after canceling the review is entered; The indicator status after return is returned, and the indicator status after cancellation of return is entered. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.43: Department Indicator Adjustment Review Page
3.5 Allocation of departmental indicators
Assign department indicators to budget units to form executable indicators for budget units
New features
Add department indicator allocation document.
According to the conditions, query the source information, select the source, add details, select the current new row in the details list, and keep the data synchronized with the editing area. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.51: New page for department indicator allocation
Modification function
Find the entered deduction indicators and select the main order to view detailed information. Select the main order and click "Modify" to enter the modification page. Only one main order can be modified at a time.
The source information list is the corresponding source of this main order, and the detailed list is the detailed data of this main order. Select the details to synchronize the data in the editing area, modify the data items in the editing area, and synchronize the corresponding detailed data in the detailed list. Details can also be deleted and added. The page is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.52: Department Indicator Allocation Modification Page
Delete function
Delete the main order, and the details of the main order will also be deleted. Please refer to the modification function above for details of deletion
Audit function
The review function includes review, cancel review, return, and cancel return functions. The operation object is the main single. The indicator status after review changes to final review; The indicator status after canceling the review is entered; The indicator status after return is returned, and the indicator status after cancellation of return is entered. The interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.53: Department Indicator Allocation Review Page
3.6 Unit indicator deduction
Reduce the executable indicators assigned to the unit to the business department, reduce the unit's executable indicators, and increase the department's pending indicators. If a certain indicator has been reviewed, but there are issues with the amount and other information of the indicator, the function of reducing the indicator can reduce the number of original indicators. If it is allocated from the source, reduce it to the source; If it is a loaded indicator, a superior indicator will be automatically generated
New features
When querying the unit indicators to be deducted, i.e. source information, enter the document number and date of the main document, and then add details. When adding, deleting, or modifying details, the corresponding source information can be automatically adjusted based on the available balance. The new interface is shown in the following figure
Figure 3.61: New page for unit indicator deduction
Modification function
Find the entered deduction indicators and select the main order to view detailed information. Select the main order and click "Modify" to enter the modification page. Only one main order can be modified at a time.
The source information list is the corresponding source for this main order

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