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PE头部是真正用来装载Win32程序的头部,PE头的定义为IMAGE_NT_HEADERS,该结构体包含PE标识符、文件头与可选头这三部分。该头部具有32位和64位之分。32位的PE文件格式,IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32定义如下:[cpp] view plain copytypedef struct _IMAGE_

2018-01-10 10:08:48 1414

转载 内存文件映射(MMAP)

原文地址:内存文件映射(MMAP) 作者:Arthursky文件操作是应用程序最为基本的功能之一,Win32 API和MFC均提供有支持文件处理的函数和类,常用的有Win32 API的CreateFile()、WriteFile()、ReadFile()和MFC提供的CFile类等。一般来说,以上这些函数可以满足大多数场合的要求,但是对于某些特殊应用领域所需要的动辄几十GB、几百GB、乃至

2018-01-09 21:04:05 805

原创 frp实现内网穿透

如果想在外网连接内网,我们可以使用frp实现内网穿透。中文文档:https://github.com/fatedier/frp/blob/master/README_zh.md你需要一个公网IP的机器X,内网IP的机子Y。首先把两台机器的防火墙打开。公网IP的机器:下载wget https://github.com/fatedie

2017-11-16 19:21:31 1620

原创 bzoj 5047 空间传送装置 最短路

Description太空中一共有n座星球,它们之间可以通过空间传送装置进行转移。空间传送装置分为m种,第i种装置可以用4个参数a_i,b_i,c_i,d_i来描述。因为时空抖动的问题,在非整数时刻禁止使用空间传送装置。如果在整数s时刻使用装置,那么需要花费((a_i*s+b_i) mod c_i)+d_i单位时间才能完成传送。现在是s时刻,小Q位于1号星球,请写一个程序计算从

2017-10-18 15:02:16 654

原创 bzoj 5045 打砖块 优先队列


2017-10-17 11:07:07 591

原创 bzoj 5044 岛屿生成 构造


2017-10-16 22:39:56 571

原创 bzoj 5043 密码破译 dp

Description 小Q发明了一个新的加密算法,对于一个长度为n的非负整数序列a_1,a_2,...,a_n,他会随机选择一个非负整数k,将每个数都异或上k得到b_1,b_2,...,b_n,即b_i=a_i xor k。不幸的是,健忘的小Q睡了一觉之后就把密钥k忘得一干二净了,不过他隐约记得a_1+a_2+...+a_n的值为m,你能帮他找到一个可行的密钥吗Inp

2017-10-16 21:38:21 532

原创 UVALive 7139 Rotation 二维vector+矩阵前缀和 【模版】


2017-10-03 22:26:21 542

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】Our Journey of Dalian Ends 费用流

Life is a journey, and the road we travel has twists and turns, which sometimes lead us to unexpected places and unexpected people.Now our journey of Dalian ends. To be carefully considered are the

2017-09-22 20:34:36 537

原创 【2017青岛网络赛】1010 hdu 6215 Brute Force Sorting 双向链表+队列

Problem DescriptionBeerus needs to sort an array of N integers. Algorithms are not Beerus's strength. Destruction is what he excels. He can destroy all unsorted numbers in the array simultaneous

2017-09-21 10:58:09 595

原创 【2017青岛网络赛】1006 hdu 6211 Pythagoras 打表+本原勾股数

Problem DescriptionGiven a list of integers a0,a1,a2,⋯,a2k−1. Pythagoras triples over 109 are all solutions of x2+y2=z2 where x,y and z are constrained to be positive integers less than or e

2017-09-20 21:45:14 1580

原创 【2017青岛网络赛】1004 hdu 6209 The Intersection 二分

Problem DescriptionA given coefficient K leads an intersection of two curves f(x) and gK(x). In the first quadrant, the curve f is a monotone increasing function that f(x)=x√. The curve g

2017-09-19 19:58:47 1297

原创 2017 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Qingdao Online 1007 hdu 6212 Zuma 区间dp

Problem DescriptionThink about the Zuma Game. You have a row of at most 200 black(0) or white(1) balls on the table at the start. Each three consecutive balls never share the same colour. You al

2017-09-19 10:03:08 1588 10

原创 【2017青岛网络赛】1009 Smallest Minimum Cut hdu6214 最小割 最大流模版

Problem DescriptionConsider a network G=(V,E) with source s and sink t. An s-t cut is a partition of nodes set V into two parts such that s and t belong to different parts. The cut set i

2017-09-18 20:55:20 984

原创 【2017青岛网络赛】hdu 6212 Zuma 1007 区间dp

Problem DescriptionThink about the Zuma Game. You have a row of at most 200 black(0) or white(1) balls on the table at the start. Each three consecutive balls never share the same colour. You al

2017-09-18 20:34:01 826

原创 【2017西安网络赛】C Sum

Define the function S(x)S(x) for xx is a positive integer. S(x)S(x) equals to the sum of all digit of the decimal expression of xx. Please find a positive integer kk that S(k∗x)%233=0S(k∗x)%233=

2017-09-17 10:54:20 573 1

原创 【2017西安网络赛】E Maximum Flow

Given a directed graph with nn nodes, labeled 0,1,⋯,n−10,1,⋯,n−1.For each i,j> satisfies 0≤i0≤ijn, there exists an edge from the i-th node to the j-th node, the capacity of which is ii xor jj.

2017-09-17 10:17:14 584

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】H Skiing 最短路径spfa 模版

In this winter holiday, Bob has a plan for skiing at the mountain resort.This ski resort has MM different ski paths and NN different flags situated at those turning points.The ii-th path fro

2017-09-15 20:38:40 632

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】F Islands 强连通分量tarjan hdu2767原题

On the mysterious continent of Tamriel, there is a great empire founded by human.To develope the trade, the East Empire Company is set up to transport goods from place to place.Recently, the compa

2017-09-15 19:29:01 689

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】E Half-consecutive Numbers 打表

The numbers 11, 33, 66, 1010, 1515, 2121, 2828, 3636, 4545 and ti=12i(i+1)t​i​​=​2​​1​​i(i+1), are called half-consecutive.For given NN, find the smallest rr which is no smaller than NN such

2017-09-14 21:02:57 592

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】C Coconut

Coconut is Captain Gangplank's favourite fruit. That is why he needs to drink coconut juice from bbcoconuts each day.On his next trip, he would pass through NN citis.His trip would begin in the

2017-09-14 19:32:39 612

原创 【2017新疆网络赛】A Banana

Bananas are the favoured food of monkeys.In the forest, there is a Banana Company that provides bananas from different places.The company has two lists.The first list records the types of banana

2017-09-14 16:54:10 1283

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1003 hdu6196 happy happy happy 暴搜+区间dp+卡时优化

Problem DescriptionToday, Bob plays with a child. There is a row of n numbers. One can takes a number from the left side or the right side in turns and gets the grade which equals to the number.

2017-09-13 15:34:19 709

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1006 hdu6199 gems gems gems 动态规划

Problem DescriptionNow there are n gems, each of which has its own value. Alice and Bob play a game with these n gems.They place the gems in a row and decide to take turns to take gems from le

2017-09-12 11:11:36 959

原创 【2013南京现场赛】1003 hdu4804 Campus Design 插头dp

Problem DescriptionNanjing University of Science and Technology is celebrating its 60th anniversary. In order to make room for student activities, to make the university a more pleasant place for

2017-09-11 19:19:44 519

原创 【2013南京现场赛】1002 hdu4803 Poor Warehouse Keeper 贪心

Problem DescriptionJenny is a warehouse keeper. He writes down the entry records everyday. The record is shown on a screen, as follow:There are only two buttons on the screen. Pressing the b

2017-09-11 11:51:58 552

原创 【2013南京现场赛】1001 hdu4802 GPA

Problem DescriptionIn college, a student may take several courses. for each course i, he earns a certain credit (ci), and a mark ranging from A to F, which is comparable to a score (si), according

2017-09-11 11:44:10 506

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1005 hdu6198 number number number 找规律+矩阵快速幂

Problem DescriptionWe define a sequence F:⋅ F0=0,F1=1;⋅ Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 (n≥2).Give you an integer k, if a positive number n can be expressed byn=Fa1+Fa2+...+Fak where 0≤a1≤a2≤⋯≤ak,

2017-09-11 11:22:41 685

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1012 hdu6205 card card card 贪心

Problem DescriptionAs a fan of Doudizhu, WYJ likes collecting playing cards very much. One day, MJF takes a stack of cards and talks to him: let's play a game and if you win, you can get all the

2017-09-11 11:15:40 495

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1008 hdu6201 transaction transaction transaction 树形dp

Problem DescriptionKelukin is a businessman. Every day, he travels around cities to do some business. On August 17th, in memory of a great man, citizens will read a book named "the Man Who Changed

2017-09-11 11:06:49 424

原创 【2017沈阳网络赛】1004 hdu6197 array array array 最长不下降子序列

Problem DescriptionOne day, Kaitou Kiddo had stolen a priceless diamond ring. But detective Conan blocked Kiddo's path to escape from the museum. But Kiddo didn't want to give it back. So, Kiddo a

2017-09-11 10:59:00 493

原创 【2017广西邀请赛】hdu 6184 Counting Stars 三元环+set

Problem DescriptionLittle A is an astronomy lover, and he has found that the sky was so beautiful!So he is counting stars now!There are n stars in the sky, and little A has connected them

2017-09-08 20:37:26 841

原创 【2017广西邀请赛】hdu 6185 Covering 矩阵快速幂

Problem DescriptionBob's school has a big playground, boys and girls always play games here after school.To protect boys and girls from getting hurt when playing happily on the playground, ric

2017-09-07 08:28:35 887

原创 【2017广西邀请赛】hdu 6186 CS Course

Problem DescriptionLittle A has come to college and majored in Computer and Science.Today he has learned bit-operations in Algorithm Lessons, and he got a problem as homework.Here is the p

2017-09-06 11:52:09 517

原创 【2017广西邀请赛】hdu 6188 Duizi and Shunzi 贪心

Problem DescriptionNike likes playing cards and makes a problem of it.Now give you n integers, ai(1≤i≤n)We define two identical numbers (eg: 2,2) a Duizi,and three consecutive positive

2017-09-06 10:37:25 522

原创 【2017广西邀请赛】hdu 6182 A Math Problem

Problem DescriptionYou are given a positive integer n, please count how many positive integers k satisfy kk≤n. InputThere are no more than 50 test cases.Each case only contains

2017-09-06 08:13:04 1166

原创 hdu 4799 LIKE vs CANDLE. 树形dp

Problem DescriptionA microblog caused a war recently - There's the war between LIKE and CANDLE.As you see, there are N accounts are trying to show their support of LIKE or CANDLE. The way

2017-09-05 22:17:22 438

原创 zoj 3732 Graph Reconstruction 构造

Let there be a simple graph with N vertices but we just know the degree of each vertex. Is it possible to reconstruct the graph only by these information? A simple graph is an undirected graph that

2017-09-05 16:17:34 507

原创 【多校训练】hdu 6052 To my boyfriend 计数

Problem DescriptionDear LiaoI never forget the moment I met with you. You carefully asked me: "I have a very difficult problem. Can you teach me?". I replied with a smile, "of course". You rep

2017-09-05 11:07:26 458

原创 hdu 4800 Josephina and RPG dp

Problem DescriptionA role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting

2017-09-03 10:09:55 404

计算机网络第五版 严伟

计算机网络第五版 严伟,Andrew S.Tanenbaum






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