机器学习中的神经网络Neural Networks for Machine Learning:Lecture 10 Quiz

Lecture 10 QuizHelp Center

Warning: The hard deadline has passed. You can attempt it, but you will not get credit for it. You are welcome to try it as a learning exercise.

Question 1

When learning a mixture of experts, it is desirable that each expert specializes in a different area of the input space. But then at test time, how will we know which expert to use?

Question 2

Which data set  can not be classified perfectly with a linear classifier but  can be classified perfectly with a mixture of two experts where each expert is a linear classifier ? 
Assume that the manager is also linear, i.e., it can decide which expert to use based on a linear criterion only. (In other words, the manager has a linear function  f  and given any input case  x , it must decide to apply expert 1 with probability 1 if  f(x)>0  and expert 2 with probability 1 if  f(x)0 .

Question 3

Andy has a dataset of points that he wishes to classify. This set is shown below.
Being knowledgable about bagging, he samples this data set and creates 3 separate ones. He then uses a neural net to learn separate classifiers on each data set. The learned classifier boundaries are shown below. Note that each data set is a subset of the complete dataset. 
dataset_1.png dataset_2.png dataset_3.png
Which of the following statements is true ?

Question 4

In Bayesian learning, we learn a probability distribution over parameters of the model. Then at test time, how should this distribution be used to get predictions with the highest possible accuracy?

Question 5

Amy is trying different MCMC samplers to sample from a probability distribution. Each option shows a few samples obtained by running a sampler. It is known that the distribution is multimodal and peaked. Which among the following is the best sampler ?

Question 6

Brian wants to learn a classifier to predict if a movie is "good" or "bad" given its review. He has a lot of computational power and wants to use a very powerful model. However, he only has a small dataset of labelled movie reviews. He tried learning a massive neural net and found that it achieves zero training error very easily, but its test performance is much worse. He then trained a small neural net and found that it does not get zero training error, but still the test performance is no better than what the big model got. Neither a big nor a small model works for him! He is completely disappointed with neural nets now. He is willing to spend as much computational power as needed during training and testing. What suggestion can you give to help him?




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