机器学习中的神经网络Neural Networks for Machine Learning:Final Exam


Final ExamHelp Center

Warning: The hard deadline has passed. You can attempt it, but you will not get credit for it. You are welcome to try it as a learning exercise.

There are 18 questions in this exam. You can earn one point for each of the questions where you're asked to select exactly one of the possible answers. You can earn two points for each of the questions where you're asked to say for each answer whether it's right or wrong, and also two points for each of the questions where you're asked to calculate a number. The total number of points that you can earn is 25. The exam is worth 25% of the course grade, so each of those points is worth 1% of the course grade.

Other than the deadline for submitting your answers, there is no time limit: you don't have to finish it within a set number of hours, or anything like that.

Unlike with the weekly quizzes and the programming assignments, the deadline for this exam is a hard deadline. If you don't submit your answers before the deadline passes, then you will have a score of 0.

Good luck!

Question 1

One regularization technique is to start with lots of connections in a neural network, and then remove those that are least useful to the task at hand (removing connections is the same as setting their weight to zero). Which of the following regularization techniques is best at removing connections that are least useful to the task that the network is trying to accomplish?

Question 2

Why don't we usually train Restricted Boltzmann Machines by taking steps in the exact direction of the gradient of the objective function, like we do for other systems?

Question 3

When we want to train a Restricted Boltzmann Machine, we could try the following strategy. Each time we want to do a weight update based on some training cases, we turn each of those training cases into a full configuration by adding a sampled state of the hidden units (sampled from their distribution conditional on the state of the visible units as specified in the training case); and then we do our weight update in the direction that would most increase the goodness (i.e. decrease the energy) of those full configurations. This way, we expect to end up with a model where configurations that match the training data have high goodness (i.e. low energy).

However, that's not what we do in practice. Why not?

Question 4

CD-1 and CD-10 both have their strong sides and their weak sides. Which is the main advantage of CD-10 over CD-1?

Question 5

CD-1 and CD-10 both have their strong sides and their weak sides. Which are significant advantages of CD-1 over CD-10? Check all that apply.

Question 6

With a lot of training data, is the perceptron learning procedure more likely or less likely to converge than with just a little training data?

Clarification: We're not assuming that the data is always linearly separable.

Question 7

You just trained a neural network for a classification task, using some weight decay for regularization. After training it for 20 minutes, you find that on the validation data it performs much worse than on the training data: on the validation data, it classifies 90% of the data cases correctly, while on the training data it classifies 99% of the data cases correctly. Also, you made a plot of the performance on the training data and the performance on the validation data, and that plot shows that at the end of those 20 minutes, the performance on the training data is improving while the performance on the validation data is getting worse. 

What would be a reasonble strategy to try next? Check all that apply.

Question 8

If the hidden units of a network are independent of each other, then it's easy to get a sample from the correct distribution, which is a very important advantage. For which systems, and under which conditions, are the hidden units independent of each other? Check all that apply.

Question 9

What is the purpose of momentum?

Question 10

Consider a Restricted Boltzmann Machine with 2 visible units  v1,v2  and 1 hidden unit  h . The visible units are connected to the hidden unit by weights 




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