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原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch7

Chapter 7: Applying Percentspercent equation percent of changepercent proportion7-1: Percent of a Number7-2: The Percent Proportionpercent proportionIn a percent proportion, one ratio or

2012-07-31 12:47:00 1122

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch6

Unit 3: Algebra and Number Sense: Proportions and PercentsChapter 6: Ratios and ProportionsFocus: Solve problems involving direct proportional relationships and percentages involving algebra, geom

2012-07-31 10:39:59 986

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch5

Chapter 5: Applying Fractionscompatible numberslike fractionsreciprocalunlike fractions5-1: Estimating with FractionsCompatible Numbers, When dividing mixed numbers, round so that the

2012-07-27 16:15:49 1531

转载 英语学习网站超级大全(转载自豆瓣网)

中文站:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   http://www1.chinadaily.com.cn/en/home/index.html (主要是英语新闻,很适合阅读)   http://bbs.lwoods.net/ (沪江论坛,超有名,学习英语

2012-07-27 15:25:53 8566

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch4

unit 2: Number Sense: FractionsFocus:Represent and use numbers in a variety of equivalent forms and apply addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions to accurately compute and

2012-07-27 13:44:59 1616

原创 California Mathematics Grade-6 Content in Brief:

California Mathematics Grade-6Content in Brief:Start Smart: Be a Better Problem SolverUnit 1: Algebra and FunctionsChapter - 1: Introduction to Algebra and FunctionsChapter - 2: IntegersCh

2012-07-27 08:59:48 1440

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch3

Chapter 3: Algebra: Linear Equations and Functionsformula linear equationtwo-step equationwork backward strategy3-1: Writing Expressions and Equations3-2: Solving Addition and Subtract

2012-07-27 08:42:08 1268

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch2

Chapter 2: Integers2-1: Integers and Absolute Valueintegernegative integerpositive integergraphabsolute value2-2: Comparing and Ordering Integers2-3: The Coordinate Planecoordina

2012-07-26 12:23:51 1040

原创 California Mathmetics-G6-Ch1

spreadsheet;permutations;Quadrilaterals;scavenger hunt;tessellations;entree, sides, all drinks, Thursday special;chili, chicken fingers, tortilla chips;cross-curricular project;staple;

2012-07-25 16:11:23 1313

原创 recite

IELTS: Lesson 2:stage 1:1. Where are you from?2. Have you ever been abroad?3. What do you do?4. What do you like to do in your spare time?5. Are you a student or do you have a job? What'

2012-07-25 08:36:56 1267

原创 Jambo Alphabet book - A

"A" Vocabulary and Oral ExpressionIntroducing "A"Introduce "a" words through conversation, illustrations, and queations. (What makesyou angry? What would you put in an aquarium? Have you ever he

2012-07-23 23:11:09 1024

原创 英文儿歌收藏

Song Ten little indianshttp://new.060s.com/news/mulu/276/showflash.php?title=Song%20Ten%20little%20indianshttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc3ODg0NDQ=.htmlrow row row the boathttp://v.ku6.com/

2012-07-14 23:35:55 1227

原创 phonics-16

Ending Consonants g, m, nDirections: Say the name of the picture,  Draw a line from each letter to a picture which ends with the sound of that letter.pig drum panman pan dog frog mop hamEn

2012-07-13 22:58:47 1184

原创 phonics-15

ABC OrderDirections:  Draw a line to connect the dots. Follow the letters in ABC order.abc OrderDirectionS:  Draw a line to connect the dots,  Fwllow the letters in abc order.Beginning

2012-07-11 22:35:52 1447

原创 phonics-14

Long Vowel aCan you play the train game on this tray?train     game       trayDirections: Long a is the sound you hear in the words train, game, and tray. Say each picture name On the game.  Cir

2012-07-11 21:58:58 1150

原创 phonics-13

Sound Pattern -anCan you make a fan?fanDirections: Say each picture name, Circle the word that names the picture. Write the word on the line.Can fan rancan tan panpan ran manman ran van

2012-07-11 20:58:33 637

原创 phonics-12

Consonant BlendsThe frog stopped on the plant.Directions: The sounds you hear at the beginning of frog, stopped, and plant are consonant blends. Say the name of the first picture in each row. Circ

2012-07-09 22:52:31 683

原创 phonics-11

Beginning ConSonant DdDoughnut ice cream is my favorite dessert!Dd:doughnutsDirections: Cut out the pictures at the bottom, Say each picture name. If the picture name begins with the same sound

2012-07-09 22:32:32 930

原创 Jambo Alphabet book - A(1)

apple;apricots;asparagus;avocado;almonds;angel food cake;artichoke;Amy;Ann;Andrew;Adam;Alex;Abby;Archie;April;Arnold;Andy;Alice;Arlene;

2012-07-09 10:26:28 469

原创 phonics-10

Short Vowel a:How many people can fit in a van?Aa: van:Directions: Short a is the sound you hear in the middle of the word van. Pretend your finger is a van at the top of the hill, Smoothly move

2012-07-08 22:15:42 700

原创 公开课资源整理

1.  MIT 算法导论     1) http://v.163.com/special/opencourse/algorithms.html     2012-07-06: 1-30:00;     2012-07-07: 1, permutation;  bogus;   asymptomatic; asymptotically; recursive;  key subroutin

2012-07-06 21:53:50 1214





tensorflow, models, slim pre-trained model: inception-resnet-v1-201608-30.tar.gz



tensorflow, models, slim pre-trained model: inception-resnet-v1-201608-30.tar.gz



tensorflow, models, slim pre-trained model: inception-resnet-v1-201608-30.tar.gz



tensorflow, models, slim pre-trained model: inception-resnet-v1-201608-30.tar.gz



tensorflow, models, slim pre-trained model: inception-resnet-v1-201608-30.tar.gz


torch7 package

torch GitHub上下载的安装包


mini-cwmp tr-069 tr069

open source mini-cwmp for tr-069, for ARM and MIPS



tr-069 cwmp CPE , 开源源码,自己看吧。google code 下的


luci log webui

luci log webui LUA 语言的web server, dump from device.


openwrt web ui log

openwrt web ui log LUA源码


android sdk api 15

android sdk platform 目录下。android-15


android sdk sources samples-3

android sdk sources sample目录,解压至sdk目录即可, 3部分


android sdk sources samples

android sdk sources sample目录,解压至sdk目录即可



android sdk sources sample 目录,解压至sdk即可


android-14 sdk

android sdk platform 目录下。android-14



android platform-tools 目录包, rev.10


Letter Recognition Using Holland-Style Adaptive Classifiers

Machine rule induction was examined on a difficult categorization problem by applying a Hollandstyle classifier system to a complex letter recognition task. A set of 20,000 unique letter images was generated by randomly distorting pixel images of the 26 uppercase letters from 20 different commercial fonts. The parent fonts represented a full range of character types including script, italic, serif, and Gothic. The features of each of the 20,000 characters were summarized in terms of 16 primitive numerical attributes. Our research focused on machine induction techniques for generating IF-THEN classifiers in which the IF part was a list of values for each of the 16 attributes and the THEN part was the correct category, i.e., one of the 26 letters of the alphabet. We examined the effects of different procedures for encoding attributes, deriving new rules, and apportioning credit among the rules. Binary and Gray-code attribute encodings that required exact matches for rule activation were compared with integer representations that employed fuzzy matching for rule activation. Random and genetic methods for rule creation were compared with instance-based generalization. The strength/specificity method for credit apportionment was compared with a procedure we call "accuracy/utility."



system-C2.2-VC7-lib, VC2005编译的system C 2.2库文件



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