VR系列——Oculus Audio sdk文档:五、Wwise集成Oculus声场定位指南(2)——在Wwise中如何使用Oculus声场定位及全局属性

在Wwise中如何使用Oculus声场定位(How to Use the Oculus Spatializer in Wwise)

  Run the Wwise.exe from the proper Authoring\\bin folder. To add OSP to a bus, create a new audio bus and place it under one of the master buses.


  Note: Mixer bus plugins may not be added to master buses.

  单击新创建的总线,然后单击音频总线属性编辑器的混音器插件选项卡。然后摁下>>,找到Oculus Spatializer选择区,并添加一个默认(自定义)预设:
  Click on the newly-created bus and then click on the Mixer Plug-in tab in the Audio Bus Property Editor. Then hit the >>, find the Oculus Spatializer selection, and add a Default (Custom) preset:


  Note: If the Mixer Plug-in tab is not visible, hit the “+” tab and verify that mixer plugins are enabled (check box is selected) for buses.


  Under the Mixer Plug-in tab, click on the “…” button at the right-hand side of the property window. This will open up the Effect Editor (global properties) for OSP:


全局属性(Global Properties)

  The following properties are found within the OSP effect editor:

Bypass–Use native panning 禁用空间化。所有通过这条总线的声音都是用Wwise本地2D平移。
Disables spatialization. All sounds that are routed through this bus will get Wwise native 2D panning.
Gain(+/-24分贝) 设置一个全局性空间化增益。因为声场定位会衰减整体音量,调整此值来使空间化后的声音音量与非空间化(或本地平移)是一样的,这很重要。
Sets a global gain to all spatialized sounds. Because the spatializer attenuates the overall volume, it is important to adjust this value so spatialized sounds play at the same volume level as non-spatialized (or native panning) sounds.
Global Scale(1单位=1米) 声场定位规模的设置值必须精确到米。一些应用程序必须分配到一个单位的标尺不同。对于这种应用,修改这个值来调整声场定位的规模。统一默认为每单位1米。
例如:对于单位设定为等于1cm的应用程序,全局刻度值设为0.01(1毫升= 100米)。
The scale of positional values fed into the spatializer must be set to meters. Some applications have different scale values assigned to a unit. For such applications, use this field to adjust the scale for the spatializer. Unity defaults to 1 meter per unit.
Example: for an application with unit set to equal 1 cm, set the Global Scale value to 0.01 (1 cm = 100 m).
Enable Reflections 要启用早反射就要开启这个选项。这会大大提高了空间化的效果, 但同时也给CPU强力一击。
Allows early reflections to be turned on. This greatly enhances the spatialization effect, but incurs a CPU hit.
Reverb On 如果该字段设置了,就会产生从早反射空间值的混响计算并且反射值将被混入到输出(见下文)。这可以帮助漫射输出并提供一个更自然的声音空间化效果。如果空间规模或反射值改变,混响必须重新开关一次来产生效果(这避免旧设置滞留)。要是混响起效果必须把Enable Reflections打开。
If this field is set, a fixed reverberation calculated from the early reflection room size and reflection values will be mixed into the output (see below). This can help diffuse the output and give a more natural sounding spatialization effect. If Room Size or Reflection Values are changed, reverb must be turned on and off again for the changes to take effect (this avoids hitching artifacts). Enable Reflections must be on for reverberations to be applied.
Reflections Range Max 100-100000 反射和后期混响衰减曲线的范围。这表示反射在经过多少距离后会消失,所以它应该与Wwise的衰减曲线大致匹配。
Range of the attenuation curve for reflections and late reverberation. This is the distance at which the reflections go silent, so it should roughly match the attenuation curve in Wwise.
Room Size X/Y/Z 1-200米 设置用于计算反射的房间尺寸。尺寸越大,反射越远。在X / Y / Z分量值的范围是1-200米。
Sets the dimensions of the theoretical room used to calculate reflections. The greater the dimensions, the further apart the reflections. Value range is 1-200 meters for each X/Y/Z component.
Reflection Values(0-0.97) 设置声音通过指定空间的每面墙的反射率(左/右,前/后,上/下)。值为0时,反射完全吸收。在1.0,反射从壁弹回而没有任何吸收。 0.97上限,以避免反馈。
Sets the percentage of sound reflected by walls for each wall specified for a room (Left/Right, Forward/Backward, Up/Down). At 0, the reflection is fully absorbed. At 1.0, the reflection bounces from the wall without any absorption. Capped at 0.97 to avoid feedback.

笔记和最佳实践(Notes and Best Practices)

  Up to 64 sounds running through the bus are spatialized. Subsequent sounds use Wwise native 2D panning until the spatialized sound slots are free to be reused.

  All global properties may be set to an RTPC, for real-time control within the user application.

  In the main menu, set your audio output configuration to a 2.1 or 2 Stereo Channel Configuration (Speakers or Headphones). The spatializer will not work on higher channel configurations.

  Note that the theoretical room used to calculate reflections follows the listener’s position and rotates with the listener’s orientation. Future implementation of early reflections will allow for the listener to freely walk around a static room.

  When using early reflections, be sure to set non-symmetrical room dimensions. A perfectly cubical room may create re-enforcing echoes that can cause sounds to be poorly spatialized. The room size should roughly match the size of the room in the game so the audio reinforces the visuals. The shoebox model works best when simulating rooms. For large spaces and outdoor areas, it should be complimented with a separate reverb.

  IMPORTANT: When early reflections are enabled, you must ensure that the room size is set to be large enough to contain the sound. If a sound goes outside the room size (relative to the listeners position), early reflections will not be heard.





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