
  • padstack saved in .dra or .psm Reply


    I'm working with Allegro 16.0 (CIS and Layout). For an actual project I got a device as schematic library and the footprint as .dra and .psm file. When I generate the netlist for the layout, a warning is reported, that a padstack used in the symbol is not found.

    I don't have the corresponding padstacks. I tried the following: Opening the the .dra file... The missing padstacks are correctly presented in that file. I used "Modify Design Padstack" to save them as file and tried a second time to export the netlist. Now the missing padstacks were found but a flash symbol is missing... I haven't found a solution to get the flash symbol out of the padstack.

    Is my course of action completely wrong? I don't understand why the netlist creation needs the padstacks, when they are already in the files.

      Guenther Jehle

    Originally posted in cdnusers.org by  guenther.jehle@entner-electronics.com
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  •  Tue, Nov 6 2007 7:17 AM  
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    RE: padstack saved in .dra or .psm Reply

    First you do not need the padstack and flash symbol to create the netlist. The check is done when you import the
    netlist into Allegro. Allegro during netrev checks the psm and pad paths to make sure the footprint and all need padstacks and 
    ssm and fsm symbols are present. These are need to place the parts. They do not reside in the .dra or .psm. 

    To get around your problem you can create a flash symbol of the name that is in the padstack. Or you can delete the flash. 
    The flash is only required if you are going to use negative internal planes. 

    If this is a nromal process I would suggest getting a copy of the library. This would include .dra, psm, ssm, fsm, bsm.
    The alternative is have the person supplying the footprint place it in a .brd. Then you can export all need files. 

    Hope this helps 

    EMA Design Automation

    Originally posted in cdnusers.org by  BillZ_EMA
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  •  Tue, Nov 6 2007 7:55 AM  
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    RE: padstack saved in .dra or .psm Reply

    As BillZ suggested it is best to get a copy of the library because the padstacks that are stored inside of the symbol file .dra may be out of date and no longer match the source library padstacks.

    You do have the ability to dump all the padstacks, shape and flash symbols from a symbol file (.dra) and it is much faster than opening up each symbol and use "Modify Design Padstack" to save them. There is a batch command called "dump_libraries" which can run on either design files (.brd) or symbol files (.dra). Here is a command line example of what you can you to accomplish your task:

    dump_libraries -p -s -c <.dra name>

    Cpmmand switch used above.
    -p = dump all padstacks
    -s = dump all shape/flash symbols
    -c = create .psm, .bsm, .fsm and .ssm files when dumping symbols

    If you run "dump_libraries" without any options it will give you a list of command switches which is more than I mentioned above as well as a brief description of what the command actually does. The easiest way to run the command is from a DOS Prompt (cmd) and if you have multiple symbol files that need to be ran you can certainly create a small BAT file in DOS that will run the command on multiple symbols, just add the command above one per line for each symbol name and save the file with a .bat extension. Type the BAT file name at a DOS prompt and it will run the command.

    Save yourself all this stress and get a copy of the libraries, if available.

    Hope this helps,
    Mike Catrambone
    UTStarcom, Inc.

    Originally posted in cdnusers.org by   mcatramb91
Footprint Expert是一种软件工具,用于生成Design Rule Analysis (DRA)文件DRA文件是用于实施电子产品的制造和组装的一种重要文件格式。生成DRA文件的过程主要包括以下几个步骤。 首先,我们需要准备好需要生成DRA文件的相关设计数据。这包括电路板的设计文件、封装库以及材料清单等。这些数据需要被导入到Footprint Expert软件,以便后续处理。 接着,通过Footprint Expert软件进行设计规则的分析和优化。该软件具有强大的规则检测和分析功能,可以帮助我们检查电路板设计是否符合制造和组装要求。通过该软件,我们可以检查焊盘间距、元件位置、丝印等是否符合规范。 然后,Footprint Expert软件会根据分析结果生成DRA文件。这个文件包含了各种制造和组装规则的详细信息,例如焊盘尺寸、间距、放置偏差等。DRA文件为后续的电路板生产和组装提供了重要的指导。 最后,生成的DRA文件可以被制造商和组装商使用。制造商可以根据DRA文件的要求,进行电路板生产过程的工艺优化和设备调整。而组装商可以参考DRA文件,确保元件的正确安装和对位,以避免不良的焊接或组装错误。 总结来说,使用Footprint Expert生成DRA文件是一种有效的方式,可以帮助设计人员和制造商确保电路板的设计符合制造和组装的规范要求,减少制造和组装过程的问题和错误。




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