
buildroot学习(九) 2016-09-05   我也是最近刚发现这个工具,刚开始弄,我把每天的学习笔记留下,后期用明白了在整理下






olsrd and olsrd2 are both Link State Routing Protocolimplementations optimized for Mobile ad hoc networkson embedded devices like commercial of the shelf routers, smartphones or normal computers.Sometimes these networks are called "mesh networks". olsrd and olsrd2 are the routing daemons which make up the mesh.

olsrd started as part of a Master Thesis by Andreas Tonnesen in 2004 toimplement the IETF MANET groupsOptimized Link State Routing Protocol (RFC 3626).The development of the implementation was continued in an open source project as the routingprotocol was used by Freifunk,Funkfeuer and others to buildCommunity Mesh Networks.

olsrd2 is a complete rewrite based on the lessons learned with olsrd (version 1) to implementthe successor of RFC 3636, the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (RFC 6130)and the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2 (RFC 7181). The basis of the olsrd2 implementation is the Network Framework (OONF).

(103) open-plc-utils





OBEX是Object Exchang的简称,本来是IrDA™为红外传输制定的协议,但它并不限于特定的底层传输方式,可以运行于blueteeth、usb和tcp/ip其它多种协议之上。OBEX主要是会话层协议,同时也包括应用层部分功能。它可以传输任何对象,在手机中,通常用来传输文件、图片、名片(Vcard)和日程(Vcal)等。OpenOBEX是一套开放源代码的OBEX协议实现,提供client和server两端的功能


OpenSSH 是 SSH (Secure SHell) 协议的免费开源实现。SSH协议族可以用来进行远程控制, 或在计算机之间传送文件。而实现此功能的传统方式,如telnet(终端仿真协议)、 rcp ftp、 rlogin、rsh都是极为不安全的,并且会使用明文传送密码。OpenSSH提供了服务端后台程序和客户端工具,用来加密远程控件和文件传输过程中的数据,并由此来代替原来的类似服务。




VPN直译就是虚拟专用通道,是提供给企业之间或者个人与公司之间 安全数据传输的隧道,OpenVPN无疑是Linux下开源VPN的先锋,提供了良好的性能和友好的用户GUI。 [1
目前OpenVPN能在Solaris、Linux、OpenBSD、FreeBSD、NetBSD、Mac OS X与Microsoft Windows以及Android和iOS上运行,并包含了许多安全性的功能。它并不是一个基于Web的VPN软件,也不与IPsec及其他VPN软件包兼容。




The Phidget WebService is a background process that broadcasts all events and data from a USB Phidget over the network:



portmap端口映射是一个服务器,将 RPC程序号转换为DARPA的协议 端口号,在使用RPC调用时它必须运行。 [1]  
portmap进程的主要功能是把RPC 程序号转化为Internet的端口号。





Privoxy基于Internet Junkbuster,按照GNU General Public License进行发布。可以在 Linux、Windows、Mac OS X、 AmigaOSBeOS,以及各种 Unix上运行。
  ProxyChains is a UNIX program, that hooks network-related libc functions
  in DYNAMICALLY LINKED programs via a preloaded DLL (dlsym(), LD_PRELOAD)
  and redirects the connections through SOCKS4a/5 or HTTP proxies.
  It supports TCP only (no UDP/ICMP etc).

  The way it works is basically a HACK; so it is possible that it doesn't
  work with your program, especially when it's a script, or starts
  numerous processes like background daemons or uses dlopen() to load
  "modules" (bug in glibc dynlinker).
  It should work with simple compiled (C/C++) dynamically linked programs

  If your program doesn't work with proxychains, consider using an
  iptables based solution instead; this is much more robust.

  Supported Platforms: Linux, BSD, Mac.
PTPd is an open source implementation of the Precision Time Protocol for Unix-like computers.
PureFTPd [1]  是一款专注于程序健壮和 软件安全的免费FTP服务器软件(基于BSD License)。其可以在多种类Unix操作系统中编译运行,包括 LinuxOpenBSDNetBSDFreeBSDDragonFly BSDSolarisTru64DarwinIrix and HP-UX。PureFTPd还有Android移植版本。
PuTTY是一个Telnet、SSH、rlogin、纯TCP以及串行接口连接软件。较早的版本仅支持Windows平台,在最近的版本中开始支持各类Unix平台,并打算移植至Mac OS X上。除了官方版本外,有许多第三方的团体或个人将PuTTY移植到其他平台上,像是以Symbian为基础的移动电话。PuTTY为一开放源代码软件,主要由Simon Tatham维护,使用MIT licence授权。随着Linux在服务器端应用的普及,Linux系统管理越来越依赖于远程。在各种远程登录工具中,Putty是出色的工具之一。Putty是一个免费的、Windows x86平台下的Telnet、SSH和rlogin客户端,但是功能丝毫不逊色于商业的Telnet类工具。目前最新的版本为0.67 Beta
Quagga is a routing software suite,providing implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPng and BGP-4for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and NetBSD. Quaggais a fork of GNU Zebra which wasdeveloped by Kunihiro Ishiguro. The Quagga tree aims to build a moreinvolved community around Quagga thanthe current centralised model of GNUZebra.
The router advertisement daemon (radvd) is run by Linux or BSDsystems acting as IPv6 routers. It sends Router Advertisement messages,specified by RFC2461, to a local Ethernet LAN periodically and when requested by anode sending a Router Solicitation message. These messages are requiredfor IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration.

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used by many ADSL Internet Service Providers. Roaring Penguin has a free PPPoE client for Linux and Solaris systems to connect to PPPoE service providers.

Dubbed RP-PPPoE, this open-source product is ideal for Linux users with a DSL "modem" whose Internet service provider uses PPPoE. Before you download this software, check whether or not you really need it. If your ISP uses PPPoE, but has given you a router, you may not need a PPPoE client on your Linux box. DHCP may work fine.




RPC即Remote Procedure Call Protocol(远程过程调用协议),RPCBIND用于取代旧版本中的portmap组件。 简单说,RPCBIND就是为了将不同服务与对应的端口进行绑定,以便支持机器间的互操作


rsync是类unix系统下的数据镜像备份工具——remote sync。一款快速增量备份工具 Remote Sync,远程同步 支持本地复制,或者与其他SSH、rsync主机同步。


rTorrent is a quick and efficient BitTorrent client that uses, and is in development alongside, the libTorrent (not to be confused with libtorrent-rasterbar) library. It is written in C++ and uses the ncurses programming library, which means it uses a text user interface. When combined with a terminal multiplexer (e.g. GNU Screen or Tmux) and Secure Shell, it becomes a convenient remote BitTorrent client


The rtptools distribution consists of a number of small applicationsthat can be used for processing RTP data.


Samba是在Linux和UNIX系统上实现SMB协议的一个免费软件,由服务器及客户端程序构成。 SMB(Server Messages Block,信息服务块)是一种在 局域网上共享文件和打印机的一种 通信协议,它为局域网内的不同计算机之间提供文件及打印机等资源的共享服务。SMB协议是客户机/服务器型协议,客户机通过该协议可以访问服务器上的共享文件系统、打印机及其他资源。通过设置“NetBIOS over TCP/IP”使得Samba不但能与局域网络主机分享资源,还能与全世界的电脑分享资源。
(129) sconeserve
Shairport Sync is an AirPlay audio player — it plays audio streamed from iTunes, iOS devices and other AirPlay sources such as Quicktime Player and ForkedDaapd, among others.Audio played by a Shairport Sync-powered device stays synchronised with the source and hence with similar devices playing the same source. In this way, synchronised multi-room audio is possible without difficulty. (Hence the name Shairport Sync, BTW.)

Shairport Sync does not support AirPlay video or photo streaming.

This is the stable "master" branch. Changes and updates are incorporated into this branch relatively slowly. To access the development version, where all the latest changes are made first, please switch to the "development" branch.


SMCRoute is a command line tool to manipulate the multicast routes inthe UNIX kernel. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 multicast routing.

SMCRoute can be used as an alternative to dynamic multicast routers likemrouted or pimd in setups where static multicast routes should bemaintained and/or no proper IGMP or MLD signaling exists.

Multicast routes exist in the UNIX kernel only as long as a multicastrouting daemon is running. Only one multicast routing daemon can beactive at a time, so it's impossible to run SMCRoute and, e.g.,mrouted at the same time. Linux does however support multiple routingtables, which SMCRoute not yet supports.

SMCRoute is maintained collaboratively at GitHub. Previously thecode was hosted and maintained by Debian at Alioth and before thatby Carsten Schill, the original author.


socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data
channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line
etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an
SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU
line editor (readline), a program, or a combination of two of these. 
These modes include generation of "listening" sockets, named pipes, and pseudo
(133) Socketcand

Socketcand is a daemon that provides access to CAN interfaces on a machine via a network interface. The communication protocol uses a TCP/IP connection and a specific protocol to transfer CAN frames and control commands. The protocol specification can be found in ./doc/




原来很多人都用 Lighttpd 的 Spawn-fcgi 进行 FastCGI 模式下的管理工作,不过有不少缺点。而 PHP-fpm 的出现多少缓解了一些问题,但 PHP-fpm 有个缺点就是要重新编译,这对于一些已经运行的环境可能有不小的风险(refer)。
原来 spawn-fcgi 版本也比较乱的,期待独立后的项目能更稳定一些。这会给很多 Web 站点带来便利。





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