CCDirector(导演 )

#ifndef __CCDIRECTOR_H__

#define __CCDIRECTOR_H__

#include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h"

#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"

#include "ccTypes.h"

#include "cocoa/CCGeometry.h"

#include "cocoa/CCArray.h"

#include "CCGL.h"

#include "kazmath/mat4.h"

#include "label_nodes/CCLabelAtlas.h"

#include "ccTypeInfo.h"


/** @typedef ccDirectorProjection

 Possible OpenGL projections used by director


//枚举一些 可能用到的 opengl投影

typedef enum {  

    /// sets a 2D projection (orthogonal projection)



    /// sets a 3D projection with a fovy=60, znear=0.5f and zfar=1500.

    kCCDirectorProjection3D,// 3d投影 默认


    /// it calls "updateProjection" on the projection delegate.



    /// Default projection is 3D projection

    kCCDirectorProjectionDefault = kCCDirectorProjection3D,

} ccDirectorProjection;


class CCLabelAtlas;

class CCScene;

class CCEGLView;

class CCDirectorDelegate;

class CCNode;

class CCScheduler;

class CCActionManager;

class CCTouchDispatcher;

class CCKeypadDispatcher;

class CCAccelerometer;


@brief Class that creates and handle the main Window and manages how

and when to execute(执行) the Scenes.


 The CCDirector is also responsible(负责的) for:

  - initializing the OpenGL context//初始化 OpenGL

  - setting the OpenGL pixel format (default on is RGB565)//设置OpenGL着色器类型

  - setting the OpenGL buffer depth (default one is 0-bit)//设置 OpenGL 缓存大小

  - setting the projection (default one is 3D)//设置 投影 

  - setting the orientation (default one is Portrait)//设置 方向 (默认是 Portrait)    //竖屏 


 The CCDirector also sets the default OpenGL context:

  - GL_TEXTURE_2D is enabled

  - GL_VERTEX_ARRAY is enabled

  - GL_COLOR_ARRAY is enabled



class CC_DLL CCDirector : public CCObject, public TypeInfo




//注意下面的 说法  单例不一定非要构造私有 核心是有一个得到同一个实例指针的接口  标准的用法是CCDirector::sharedDirector() 当然也可以new但会出问题且破坏单例

 Since the CCDirector is a singleton, the standard way to use it is by calling:

  _ CCDirector::sharedDirector()->methodName();


    virtual ~CCDirector(void);

    virtual bool init(void);

    virtual long getClassTypeInfo() {

static const long id = cocos2d::getHashCodeByString(typeid(cocos2d::CCDirector).name());

return id;

    }//得到导演id ???

    /** Get current running Scene. Director can only run one Scene at the time */

    inline CCScene* getRunningScene(void) { return m_pRunningScene; }//inline内联函数在函数体不是很大时执行效率更高

    /** Get the FPS value */

    inline double getAnimationInterval(void) { return m_dAnimationInterval; }

    /** Set the FPS value. */

    virtual void setAnimationInterval(double dValue) = 0;

    /** Whether or not to display the FPS on the bottom-left corner */

    inline bool isDisplayStats(void) { return m_bDisplayStats; }

    /** Display the FPS on the bottom-left corner */

    inline void setDisplayStats(bool bDisplayStats) { m_bDisplayStats = bDisplayStats; }


    /** seconds per frame */

    inline float getSecondsPerFrame() { return m_fSecondsPerFrame; }

    /** Get the CCEGLView, where everything is rendered */

    inline CCEGLView* getOpenGLView(void) { return m_pobOpenGLView; }

    void setOpenGLView(CCEGLView *pobOpenGLView);


    inline bool isNextDeltaTimeZero(void) { return m_bNextDeltaTimeZero; }

//为true 则每帧调用

    void setNextDeltaTimeZero(bool bNextDeltaTimeZero);

    /** Whether or not the Director is paused */

    inline bool isPaused(void) { return m_bPaused; }

    /** How many frames were called since the director started */

    inline unsigned int getTotalFrames(void) { return m_uTotalFrames; }


    /** Sets an OpenGL projection

     @since v0.8.2



    inline ccDirectorProjection getProjection(void) { return m_eProjection; }

    void setProjection(ccDirectorProjection kProjection);


    /** Sets the glViewport*/


    void setViewport();

    /** How many frames were called since the director started */


    /** Whether or not the replaced scene will receive the cleanup message.

     If the new scene is pushed, then the old scene won't receive the "cleanup" message.

     If the new scene replaces the old one, the it will receive the "cleanup" message.



    inline bool isSendCleanupToScene(void) { return m_bSendCleanupToScene; }

    /** This object will be visited after the main scene is visited.

     This object MUST implement(执行 实现) the "visit" selector.

     Useful to hook(使上钩) a notification object     */


//在主场景被visit之后将被访问的对象,这个对象必须可以执行visit selector。经常用来挂载notification对象,如CCNotifications   


    CCNode* getNotificationNode();

  // 设置在主场景被visit之后将被访问的对象

    void setNotificationNode(CCNode *node);



/** CCDirector delegate. It shall implemente the CCDirectorDelegate protocol

     @since v0.99.5


    CCDirectorDelegate* getDelegate() const; 



/** * OpenGL projection(投影) protocol(协议) */

class CC_DLL CCDirectorDelegate{


  //Will be called by CCDirector when the projection is updated, and "custom" projection is used

    virtualvoid updateProjection(void) =0;  //????????????????????????????



    void setDelegate(CCDirectorDelegate* pDelegate);

    // window size

    /** returns the size of the OpenGL view in points.


    CCSize getWinSize(void);

    /** returns the size of the OpenGL view in pixels(像素).


//返回OpenGL view的大小,单位为像素

    CCSize getWinSizeInPixels(void);


    /** returns visible size of the OpenGL view in points.

     *  the value is equal to getWinSize if don't invoke

     *  CCEGLView::setDesignResolutionSize()


//返回OpenGL view可见区域的大小,单位为点。

    CCSize getVisibleSize();





    /** returns visible origin of the OpenGL view in points.


    CCPoint getVisibleOrigin();

    /** converts(转换) a UIKit coordinate(坐标) to an OpenGL coordinate

     Useful to convert (multi) touch coordinates to the current layout(布局 陈列) (portrait(肖像 描写) or landscape(风景))


    CCPoint convertToGL(const CCPoint& obPoint);

    /** converts an OpenGL coordinate to a UIKit coordinate

     Useful to convert node points to window points for calls such as glScissor


    CCPoint convertToUI(const CCPoint& obPoint);


    /// XXX: missing description 

    float getZEye(void);

    // Scene Management

    /** Enters the Director's main loop(环 圈) with the given Scene.

     * Call it to run only your FIRST scene.

     * Don't call it if there is already a running scene.


     * It will call pushScene: and then it will call startAnimation


    void runWithScene(CCScene *pScene);

    /** Suspends the execution of the running scene, pushing it on the stack of suspended scenes.

     * The new scene will be executed.

     * Try to avoid big stacks of pushed scenes to reduce memory allocation. 

     * ONLY call it if there is a running scene.



    void pushScene(CCScene *pScene);

    /** Pops out a scene from the queue.

     * This scene will replace the running one.

     * The running scene will be deleted. If there are no more scenes in the stack the execution is terminated.

     * ONLY call it if there is a running scene.



    void popScene(void);

    /** Pops out all scenes from the queue until the root scene in the queue.

     * This scene will replace the running one.

     * Internally it will call `popToSceneStackLevel(1)`



    void popToRootScene(void);

    /** Pops out all scenes from the queue until it reaches `level`.

     If level is 0, it will end the director.

     If level is 1, it will pop all scenes until it reaches to root scene.

     If level is <= than the current stack level, it won't do anything.



 void popToSceneStackLevel(int level);

    /** Replaces the running scene with a new one. The running scene is terminated.

     * ONLY call it if there is a running scene.


    void replaceScene(CCScene *pScene);

    /** Ends the execution, releases the running scene.

     It doesn't remove the OpenGL view from its parent. You have to do it manually.


    void end(void);//结束

    /** Pauses the running scene.

     The running scene will be _drawed_ but all scheduled timers will be paused

     While paused, the draw rate will be 4 FPS to reduce CPU consumption


    void pause(void);//暂停

    /** Resumes the paused scene

     The scheduled timers will be activated again.

     The "delta time" will be 0 (as if the game wasn't paused)


    void resume(void);//继续

    /** Stops the animation. Nothing will be drawn. The main loop won't be triggered anymore.

     If you don't want to pause your animation call [pause] instead.


    virtual void stopAnimation(void) = 0;

    /** The main loop is triggered again.

     Call this function only if [stopAnimation] was called earlier

     @warning Don't call this function to start the main loop. To run the main loop call runWithScene


    virtual void startAnimation(void) = 0;



    void drawScene(void);

void CCDirector::drawScene(void)


    // calculate "global" dt


    //tick before glClear: issue #533

    if (! m_bPaused)





    /* to avoid flickr, nextScene MUST be here: after tick and before draw.

     XXX: Which bug is this one. It seems that it can't be reproduced with v0.9 */

    if (m_pNextScene)





    // draw the scene

    if (m_pRunningScene)




    // draw the notifications node

    if (m_pNotificationNode)





    if (m_bDisplayStats)






    // swap buffers

    if (m_pobOpenGLView)





    if (m_bDisplayStats)





    // Memory Helper

    /** Removes cached all cocos2d cached data.

     It will purge the CCTextureCache, CCSpriteFrameCache, CCLabelBMFont cache

     @since v0.99.3


    void purgeCachedData(void);

//清空缓存,主要是CCTextureCache, CCSpriteFrameCache, CCLabelBMFont所指缓存

/** sets the default values based on the CCConfiguration info */

    void setDefaultValues(void);

    // OpenGL Helper


/ **设置后OpenGL默认值* /

    /** sets the OpenGL default values */

    void setGLDefaultValues(void);

    /** enables/disables OpenGL alpha blending */

/ **使用/禁用OpenGL的Alpha组合* /

    void setAlphaBlending(bool bOn);

    /** enables/disables OpenGL depth test */

/ **使用/禁用OpenGL景深测试* /

    void setDepthTest(bool bOn);


    virtual void mainLoop(void) = 0;


    /** The size in pixels of the surface. It could be different than the screen size.

    High-res devices might have a higher surface size than the screen size.

    Only available when compiled using SDK >= 4.0.

    @since v0.99.4


    void setContentScaleFactor(float scaleFactor);

    float getContentScaleFactor(void);



    /** CCScheduler associated(关联) with this director

     @since v2.0


    CC_PROPERTY(CCScheduler*, m_pScheduler, Scheduler);  //关联导演的 调度器 因为导演单例 所以这个调度器也唯一 且这个调度器只使用update类型回调 即每帧调用


    // scheduler

    m_pScheduler = new CCScheduler();

    // action manager

    m_pActionManager = new CCActionManager();

    m_pScheduler->scheduleUpdateForTarget(m_pActionManager, kCCPrioritySystem, false);


    /** CCActionManager associated with this director

     @since v2.0


    CC_PROPERTY(CCActionManager*, m_pActionManager, ActionManager);

    /** CCTouchDispatcher associated with this director

     @since v2.0


    CC_PROPERTY(CCTouchDispatcher*, m_pTouchDispatcher, TouchDispatcher);

    /** CCKeypadDispatcher associated with this director

     @since v2.0


    CC_PROPERTY(CCKeypadDispatcher*, m_pKeypadDispatcher, KeypadDispatcher);

    /** CCAccelerometer associated with this director

     @since v2.0


    CC_PROPERTY(CCAccelerometer*, m_pAccelerometer, Accelerometer);

    /* delta time since last tick to main loop */

CC_PROPERTY_READONLY(float, m_fDeltaTime, DeltaTime);



    /** returns a shared instance of the director */

    static CCDirector* sharedDirector(void);




    void purgeDirector();


    bool m_bPurgeDirecotorInNextLoop; // this flag(标记) will be set to true in end()


    void setNextScene(void);


    void showStats();

    void createStatsLabel();

    void calculateMPF();//计算m_fSecondsPerFrame

    void getFPSImageData(unsigned char** datapointer, unsigned int* length);


    /** calculates delta time since last time it was called */   

 / **计算时间差,自从它最后一次被调用时起* /  

    void calculateDeltaTime();


    /* The CCEGLView, where everything is rendered */

    CCEGLView    *m_pobOpenGLView;

    double m_dAnimationInterval;//FPS value

    double m_dOldAnimationInterval;

    /* landscape mode ? */

    bool m_bLandscape;


    bool m_bDisplayStats;

    float m_fAccumDt;

    float m_fFrameRate;


    CCLabelAtlas *m_pFPSLabel;

    CCLabelAtlas *m_pSPFLabel;

    CCLabelAtlas *m_pDrawsLabel;


    /** Whether or not the Director is paused */

    bool m_bPaused;

    /* How many frames were called since the director started */

    unsigned int m_uTotalFrames;

    unsigned int m_uFrames;

    float m_fSecondsPerFrame;


    /* The running scene */

    CCScene *m_pRunningScene;


    /* will be the next 'runningScene' in the next frame

     nextScene is a weak reference. */

/ *下一帧将是下一个'runningScene'

     nextScene是弱引用。 * /

 CCScene *m_pNextScene;


    /* If YES, then "old" scene will receive the cleanup message */

    bool    m_bSendCleanupToScene;

   /* scheduled scenes */

    CCArray* m_pobScenesStack;


    /* last time the main loop was updated */

    struct cc_timeval *m_pLastUpdate;

    /* whether or not the next delta time will be zero */

    bool m_bNextDeltaTimeZero;


    /* projection used */

    ccDirectorProjection m_eProjection;

    /* window size in points */

    CCSize    m_obWinSizeInPoints;


    /* content scale factor */

    float    m_fContentScaleFactor;

    /* store the fps string */

    char *m_pszFPS;

    /* This object will be visited after the scene. Useful to hook a notification node */

    CCNode *m_pNotificationNode;

    /* Projection protocol delegate */

    CCDirectorDelegate *m_pProjectionDelegate;


    // CCEGLViewProtocol will recreate stats labels to fit visible rect

    friend class CCEGLViewProtocol;



 @brief DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes(同步的)timers with the refresh(更新)rate of the display.


 Features and Limitations:

  - Scheduled timers & drawing are synchronizes(同步的) with the refresh(更新) rate of the display

  - Only supports animation intervals(动画间隔) of 1/60 1/30 & 1/15


 @since v0.8.2


class CCDisplayLinkDirector : public CCDirector




        : m_bInvalid(false)


    virtual void mainLoop(void);

    virtual void setAnimationInterval(double dValue);

    virtual void startAnimation(void);

    virtual void stopAnimation();


    bool m_bInvalid;


// end of base_node group

/// @}


#endif // __CCDIRECTOR_H__



void CCDirector::setNextScene(void)



dynamic_cast < type-id > ( expression )
  bool  runningIsTransition =  dynamic_cast < CCTransitionScene *>( m_pRunningScene ) !=  NULL ;   //CCTransitionScene*.....等看完这个再往下看

    bool newIsTransition = dynamic_cast<CCTransitionScene*>(m_pNextScene) != NULL;

    // If it is not a transition, call onExit/cleanup

     if (! newIsTransition)


         if (m_pRunningScene)






         // issue #709. the root node (scene) should receive the cleanup message too

         // otherwise it might be leaked.

         if (m_bSendCleanupToScene && m_pRunningScene)





    if (m_pRunningScene)




    m_pRunningScene = m_pNextScene;


    m_pNextScene = NULL;

    if ((! runningIsTransition) && m_pRunningScene)






void CCDisplayLinkDirector::mainLoop(void)


    if (m_bPurgeDirecotorInNextLoop)


        m_bPurgeDirecotorInNextLoop = false;



    else if (! m_bInvalid)




         // release the objects








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


