Why Are We Overweight?我们为什么会肥胖?

Why Are We Overweight?我们为什么会肥胖?

Dialogue Script 对话原文

Susan: Why are there still so many people overweight despite the current fitness craze?
Jack: I don't know. But there are some factors that affect people's size.
Susan: What are they?
Jack: One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families.
Susan: Are there any other factors?
Jack: Yes, the study also said that the hotter the climate, the lower the percentage of obese people.
Susan: That makes sense. When it's hot, you don't feel like eating a lot.
Jack: And the diet has a lot fat and oil. We eat a lot of meat. And also we eat more sugar and junk food. But there is another reason why so many people are fat.
Susan: What's that?
Jack: Nobody exercises anymore---not even kids. The average American home has the TV on for six hours a day!
Susan: Wow! No wonder people are so fat. You don't get enough exercise. Say, Jack, aren't you getting a little bigger in the waist?
Jack: Yeah, I guess so.
Susan: You really need to watch what you eat and get some exercise.
Jack: Hey, I started a diet and lost 10 pounds.
Susan: So what happened?
Jack: Well, I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds.
Susan: You should have kept trying.


1. 这里Susan 和Jack在讨论肥胖的原因。造成肥胖的原因非常复杂。people's size,人体的体形、体重。肥胖不只是因为吃得太多或是运动不足所引起的,虽然饮食不当及运动不足可能导致体重过重,但事实上还有很多原因也会造成肥胖。 比如,基础代谢率低、身体活动量少、遗传基因等等。

2. 在这段对话当中说了几个原因, 第一个就是One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families. 低收入人群超重的比例比高收入人群高。overweight超重,那么underweight就是低于正常体重。  

3. 对话中出现的第二个原因就是越热的地区,肥胖的人就越少, the hotter the climate, the lower the percentage of obese people. 这个形式大家要注意,用形容词的比较级来表示 “越…,就越…”。例如:The more, the better. 多多益善。

4. Anne表示同意,她说,That makes sense. make sense表示“有意义;意思清楚;有道理”。例如:It doesn't make any sense to me. 我完全不明白。feel like doing something 愿意或想做某事,比如对话中的 I don't feel like eating a lot. 我不想吃太多。

5. 第三个原因就是饮食习惯不好,And the diet has a lot fat and oil. 我们的食物当中有很多脂肪和油。Jack提到了肉,糖和垃圾食品。吃的太多当然会长胖。

6. Jack又接着说了第四个原因,Nobody exercises anymore---not even kids. 现在没有人锻炼了,甚至是孩子们。吃的多,动的少,当然体重会飙升。exercise表示“做运动,锻炼身体”,例如: You don't exercise enough. 你锻炼不够。或者是You don't get enough exercise. 还可以用work out 这个词组来表示,Peter works out in the gym everyday.彼得每天都在健身房锻炼。

7. 那不做运动做什么呢?The average American home has the TV on for six hours a day! 一个美国普通家庭平均每天看电视的时间是6个小时。has the TV on 让电视打着,就是看电视。No wonder people are so fat. 怪不得人们变的那么胖,缺乏锻炼。no wonder 这个短语表示“怪不得”,后面直接加上句子就行了。

8. Susan觉得Jack的腰又胖了一点,她是这么说的,aren't you getting a little bigger in the waist? get bigger in 加上身体部位,表示“身体的某部分开始发胖”。 但是Jack说他前一阵子已经开始节食了,并且减掉了10磅,但是没多久就放弃了,所以又胖回来了,还比原来重了5磅,I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds.

9. 看来减肥是一项长期而艰巨的任务,否则就前功尽弃了,还特别容易反弹,所以那些在减肥或是打算减肥的朋友们,一定要坚持住啊,Keep Trying!

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