机器人路径规划:基于双向A*算法(bidirectional a star)的机器人路径规划(提供Python代码)


传统A*算法是一种静态路网中求解最短路径最有效的方法, 它结合了BFS 算法和迪杰斯特拉算法(Dijkstra)的优点。 和迪杰斯特拉算法(Dijkstra)一样, A*算法能够用于 搜索最短路径; 和BFS 算法一样, A*算法可以用 启发式函数引导给出当下的最佳解。 传统A*算法的重点在于扩展下一个节点时引入了启发式函数 h(n), 对当前节点到目标节点的距离代价进行了评 估。 通过计算函数的相对最优解来筛选当前节点周 围的扩展节点, 能适用于各种场景, 相当灵活。


1) 建立两个open列表和两个close列表, open 列表用来存放正反方向上已经生成但还没有被遍历 即等待检查的节点数据, close列表用来记录正反方 向上已访问过的即不需要再检查的节点数据。

2) 将开始结点和目标节点分别放在两个open 列表中作为当前节点, 对它所有的可达到且没有标 记过的子节点进行扩展, 由于此时待搜索的节点只 有一个, 即开始结点和目标节点的评估值肯定为最 优值, 则将这两个节点分别加入到两个close列 表中。

3) 对open 列表中的子节点计算评估值, 按照 评估值的大小进行排列, 找出评估值最小的节点, 并给它作标记加入到对应的close列表中。

4) 如果满足搜索条件, 表示找到路径, 停止搜 索; 否则将该节点继续进行扩展, 重复执行第三步; 或者open列表空了, 表示没有路径。

5) 从两个close列表的相遇节点开始进行父亲 节点遍历, 规划出最终的路径。


[1]刘梦杰,朱希安,王占刚,等.基于双向A*算法的矿井水灾逃生路径应用研究[J].煤炭工程, 2019(9):6.DOI:CNKI:SUN:MKSJ.0.2019-09-011.


import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

show_animation = False

class BidirectionalAStarPlanner:

    def __init__(self, ox, oy, resolution, rr):
        Initialize grid map for a star planning

        ox: x position list of Obstacles [m]
        oy: y position list of Obstacles [m]
        resolution: grid resolution [m]
        rr: robot radius[m]

        self.min_x, self.min_y = None, None
        self.max_x, self.max_y = None, None
        self.x_width, self.y_width, self.obstacle_map = None, None, None
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.rr = rr
        self.calc_obstacle_map(ox, oy)
        self.motion = self.get_motion_model()

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, x, y, cost, parent_index):
            self.x = x  # index of grid
            self.y = y  # index of grid
            self.cost = cost
            self.parent_index = parent_index

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y) + "," + str(
                self.cost) + "," + str(self.parent_index)




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以下是基于栅格地图的BiLSTM改进的A*算法路径规划Python代码: ```python import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F # 定义BiLSTM模型 class BiLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_classes): super(BiLSTM, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size*2, num_classes) def forward(self, x): h0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers*2, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device) c0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers*2, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device) out, _ = self.lstm(x, (h0, c0)) out = self.fc(out[:, -1, :]) return out # 定义A*算法类 class AStar: def __init__(self, map_size, start, end): self.map_size = map_size self.start = start self.end = end self.open_list = [] self.close_list = [] self.father = {} self.g_score = {} self.h_score = {} self.f_score = {} self.bi_lstm = None # 定义启发函数 def heuristic(self, a, b): return np.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2) # 定义判断点是否在地图内 def in_map(self, point): return point[0]>=0 and point[0]<self.map_size[0] and point[1]>=0 and point[1]<self.map_size[1] # 定义判断点是否可通过 def passable(self, point, map): return map[point[0]][point[1]]==0 # 定义获取相邻点列表 def get_neighbors(self, point, map): neighbors = [] for i in [-1, 0, 1]: for j in [-1, 0, 1]: if i==0 and j==0: continue neighbor = (point[0]+i, point[1]+j) if self.in_map(neighbor) and self.passable(neighbor, map): neighbors.append(neighbor) return neighbors # 定义获取路径 def get_path(self, current): path = [] while current: path.append(current) current = self.father.get(current) path.reverse() return path # 定义A*算法函数 def astar(self, map): self.open_list.append(self.start) self.g_score[self.start] = 0 self.h_score[self.start] = self.heuristic(self.start, self.end) self.f_score[self.start] = self.h_score[self.start] while self.open_list: current = min(self.open_list, key=lambda x:self.f_score[x]) if current == self.end: return self.get_path(current) self.open_list.remove(current) self.close_list.append(current) for neighbor in self.get_neighbors(current, map): if neighbor in self.close_list: continue g = self.g_score[current] + self.heuristic(current, neighbor) if neighbor not in self.open_list: self.open_list.append(neighbor) self.h_score[neighbor] = self.heuristic(neighbor, self.end) self.g_score[neighbor] = g self.f_score[neighbor] = self.g_score[neighbor] + self.h_score[neighbor] self.father[neighbor] = current elif g < self.g_score[neighbor]: self.g_score[neighbor] = g self.f_score[neighbor] = self.g_score[neighbor] + self.h_score[neighbor] self.father[neighbor] = current return None # 定义训练BiLSTM模型函数 def train(self, x_train, y_train, num_epochs=100, learning_rate=0.001): self.bi_lstm = BiLSTM(2, 128, 2, 2).to(device) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(self.bi_lstm.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) for epoch in range(num_epochs): inputs = torch.Tensor(x_train).to(device) targets = torch.Tensor(y_train).long().to(device) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = self.bi_lstm(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (epoch+1) % 10 == 0: print('Epoch [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}'.format(epoch+1, num_epochs, loss.item())) # 定义预测函数 def predict(self, x): inputs = torch.Tensor(x).to(device) outputs = self.bi_lstm(inputs) _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1) return predicted.cpu().numpy()[0] # 定义路径规划函数 def path_planning(self, map, smooth=False): x_train = [] y_train = [] for i in range(self.map_size[0]): for j in range(self.map_size[1]): if (i,j) == self.start or (i,j) == self.end: continue x_train.append([i,j]) y_train.append(int(map[i][j])) self.train(x_train, y_train) current = self.start path = [current] while current != self.end: neighbors = self.get_neighbors(current, map) if not neighbors: return None features = [] for neighbor in neighbors: feature = [neighbor[0], neighbor[1], self.heuristic(neighbor, self.end)] feature.append(self.predict([feature])) features.append(feature) features = np.array(features) index = np.argmin(features[:,2] + features[:,3]*0.5) next = tuple(features[index][:2].astype(int)) path.append(next) current = next if smooth: return self.smooth_path(path, map) else: return path # 定义路径平滑函数 def smooth_path(self, path, map): smooth_path = [path[0]] i = 0 while i < len(path)-1: j = i+1 while j < len(path)-1: if not self.passable(path[i], path[j], map): break j += 1 smooth_path.append(path[j-1]) i = j-1 smooth_path.append(path[-1]) return smooth_path ``` 使用方法: ```python # 定义地图大小、起点、终点 map_size = (10, 10) start = (1, 1) end = (8, 8) # 定义地图 map = np.zeros(map_size) map[3:7, 4:8] = 1 # 定义A*算法对象 astar = AStar(map_size, start, end) # 进行路径规划 path = astar.path_planning(map, smooth=True) print(path) ``` 其中,`map_size`为地图大小,`start`为起点坐标,`end`为终点坐标,`map`为地图,0表示可通过的点,1表示障碍物。`path_planning`函数的第二个参数`smooth`表示是否对路径进行平滑处理。


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