本博客转载自 http://blog.csdn.net/raby_gyl/article/details/17409717 请其他同学转载时注明原始文章的出处!
其实真正的文章来源是: http://www.cnblogs.com/RenLiQQ/archive/2008/02/06/1065399.html
1. 三角剖分与Delaunay剖分的定义
【定义】三角剖分:假设V是二维实数域上的有限点集,边e是由点集中的点作为端点构成的封闭线段, E为e的集合。那么该点集V的一个三角剖分T=(V,E)是一个平面图G,该平面图满足条件:
1.2. Delaunay三角剖分的定义
理论上为了构造Delaunay三角网,Lawson提出的局部优化过程LOP(Local Optimization Procedure),一般三角网经过LOP处理,即可确保成为Delaunay三角网,其基本做法如下所示:
- //
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; //Our outer bounding box //我们的外接边界盒子
- CvMemStorage* storage; //Storage for the Delaunay subdivsion //用来存储三角剖分
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //Initialize the storage //初始化存储器
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; //The subdivision itself // 细分
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect); //See this function below //函数返回CvSubdiv类型指针
CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; //Our outer bounding box //我们的外接边界盒子
CvMemStorage* storage; //Storage for the Delaunay subdivsion //用来存储三角剖分
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //Initialize the storage //初始化存储器
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; //The subdivision itself // 细分
subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect); //See this function below //函数返回CvSubdiv类型指针
- //
- CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay(CvMemStorage* storage,CvRect rect) {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D(CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D,sizeof(*subdiv),sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),storage);//为数据申请空间
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); //rect sets the bounds
- return subdiv;//返回申请空间的指针
- }
CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay(CvMemStorage* storage,CvRect rect) {
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D(CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D,sizeof(*subdiv),sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),storage);//为数据申请空间
cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); //rect sets the bounds
return subdiv;//返回申请空间的指针
- CvPoint2D32f fp; //This is our point holder//这是我们点的持有者(容器)
- for( i = 0; i < as_many_points_as_you_want; i++ ) {
- // However you want to set points //如果我们的点集不是32位的,在这里我们将其转为CvPoint2D32f,如下两种方法。
- //
- fp = your_32f_point_list[i];
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );
- }
CvPoint2D32f fp; //This is our point holder//这是我们点的持有者(容器)
for( i = 0; i < as_many_points_as_you_want; i++ ) {
// However you want to set points //如果我们的点集不是32位的,在这里我们将其转为CvPoint2D32f,如下两种方法。
fp = your_32f_point_list[i];
cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );
1)通过宏cvPoint2D32f(double x,double y)
2)通过cxtype.h下的cvPointTo32f(CvPoint point)函数将整形点方便的转换为32位浮点型。
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Fill out Voronoi data in subdiv //在subdiv中填充Vornoi的数据
- cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Clear the Voronoi from subdiv//从subdiv中清除Voronoi的数据
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Fill out Voronoi data in subdiv //在subdiv中填充Vornoi的数据
cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Clear the Voronoi from subdiv//从subdiv中清除Voronoi的数据
- #define CV_SUBDIV2D_FIELDS() \
- int quad_edges; \
- int is_geometry_valid; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge recent_edge; \
- CvPoint2D32f topleft; \
- CvPoint2D32f bottomright;
- typedef struct CvSubdiv2D
- {
- }
- CvSubdiv2D;
#define CV_SUBDIV2D_FIELDS() \
int quad_edges; \
int is_geometry_valid; \
CvSubdiv2DEdge recent_edge; \
CvPoint2D32f topleft; \
CvPoint2D32f bottomright;
typedef struct CvSubdiv2D
OpenCV使用Delaunay算法将平面分割成小的三角形区域(该三角形确保包括所有的分割点)开始不断迭代完成。在这种情况下,对偶划分就是输入的二维点集的Voronoi图表。这种划分可以用于对一个平面进行三维分段变换、形态变换、平面点的快速 定位以及建立特定的图结构(如NNG,RNG)。
- /
- *
- one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3)
- and upper bits are quad-edge pointer
- *
- /
- typedef long CvSubdiv2DEdge; //四方边缘结构中的一条边缘,低两位表示该边缘的索引号,其他高位表示边缘指针。
- /*quad-edge structure fields*/四方边缘的结构场
- #define CV_QUADEDGE2D_FIELDS() \
- int flags; \
- struct CvSubdiv2DPoint*pt[4]; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge next[4];
- typedef struct CvQuadEdge2D
- {
- }
- CvQuadEdge2D;
one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3)
and upper bits are quad-edge pointer
typedef long CvSubdiv2DEdge; //四方边缘结构中的一条边缘,低两位表示该边缘的索引号,其他高位表示边缘指针。
/*quad-edge structure fields*/四方边缘的结构场
- int flags; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge first; \
- CvPoint2D32f pt; \
- int id; //This integer can be used to index auxillary data asscoiated with each vertex of the planar subdivison.
- #define CV_SUBDIV2D_VIRTUAL_POINT_FLAG (1 << 30)
- typedef struct CvSubdiv2DPoint
- {
- }
- CvSubdiv2DPoint;
int flags; \
CvSubdiv2DEdge first; \
CvPoint2D32f pt; \
int id; //This integer can be used to index auxillary data asscoiated with each vertex of the planar subdivison.
#define CV_SUBDIV2D_VIRTUAL_POINT_FLAG (1 << 30) typedef struct CvSubdiv2DPoint { CV_SUBDIV2D_POINT_FIELDS() } CvSubdiv2DPoint;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,int rotate );
CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,int rotate );
rotate 确定函数根据输入的边缘返回同一四方边缘结构中的哪条边缘,为下列值之一:
1)0 输入边缘(如果e是输入边缘,则为e)。
2)1 旋转比那样(eRot)
3)2 逆边缘(e的反向边缘)。
- CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvNextEdgeType type );
CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvNextEdgeType type );
edge 划分的边缘(不是四方边缘结构)
type 确定函数返回哪条相关边缘,为下列值之一:
CV_NEXT_AROUND_ORG 边缘原点的下一条(eOnext,如果e是输入边)。
CV_NEXT_AROUND_DST 边缘顶点的下一条(eDnext)
CV_PREV_AROUND_ORG 边缘原点的前一条(eRnext的反向)
CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT 左区域的下一条(eLnext) 或下一个左平面
CV_NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT 右区域的下一条(eRnext) 或下一个右平面
CV_PREV_AROUND_LEFT 左区域的前一条(eOnext的反向)或前一个左平面
CV_PREV_AROUND_RIGHT 右区域的前一条(eDnext的反向)或前一个右平面
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
下面是将CvSubdiv2DPoint点转换为更熟悉的点CvPoint2D32f 或者CvPoint:
- CvSubdiv2DPoint ptSub; //Subdivision vertex point
- CvPoint2D32f pt32f = ptSub->pt; // to 32f point
- CvPoint pt = cvPointFrom32f(pt32f); // to an integer point
CvSubdiv2DPoint ptSub; //Subdivision vertex point
CvPoint2D32f pt32f = ptSub->pt; // to 32f point
CvPoint pt = cvPointFrom32f(pt32f); // to an integer point
有两种方法:1)使用一个外部点定位边缘或顶点 2)遍历一系列点或边缘
- CvSubdiv2DPointLocation cvSubdiv2DLocate(
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvPoint2D32f pt,
- CvSubdiv2DEdge* edge,//要填充的边缘
- CvSubdiv2DPoint** vertex = NULL//如果需要,则填充顶点
- );
CvSubdiv2DPointLocation cvSubdiv2DLocate(
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
CvPoint2D32f pt,
CvSubdiv2DEdge* edge,//要填充的边缘
CvSubdiv2DPoint** vertex = NULL//如果需要,则填充顶点
1)CV_PTLOC_INSIDE 点落入某些面;*edge将包含该面的一个边缘。
2)CV_PTLOC_ON_ENCODE 点落于边缘;*edge含有这个边缘。
3)CV_PTLOC_VERTEX 该点与一个细分顶点重合;*vertex将包含该顶点的指针。
4)CV_PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT 该点处于细分参考矩形之外;该函数返回后不填充指针。
5)CV_PTLOC_ERROR 输入变量无效。
3)然后我们就能用CvSubdiv2DPoint *outer_vtx[3]和CvQuadEdge2D*outer_gedges[3]来存储三个顶点和三条边。
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* outer_vtx[3];
- for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
- outer_vtx[i] =
- (CvSubdiv2DPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)subdiv, I );
- }
CvSubdiv2DPoint* outer_vtx[3];
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
outer_vtx[i] =
(CvSubdiv2DPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)subdiv, I );
- CvQuadEdge2D* outer_ qedges[3];
- for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
- outer_qedges[i] =
- (CvQuadEdge2D*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)(my_subdiv->edges), I );
- }
CvQuadEdge2D* outer_ qedges[3];
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
outer_qedges[i] =
(CvQuadEdge2D*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)(my_subdiv->edges), I );
确定凸包的外接三角形(Bounding triangle)或边缘并遍历凸包
(英语原文:If you are on an edge with one point inside and one point outside the rect bounds,then the point in bounds is on the convex hull of the set。。。)
(注释:Learning OpenCV中第343页,将In bounds翻译为在边界上,这里个人感觉应该是在翻译为在边界内,为了方便理解,个人猜测如下图,可能不对:)
1·、将凸包遍历一周后,通过cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,0)函数移动到凸包的下一条边。
- #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”
- #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp>
- #include<iostream>
- #include <stdio.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- static void help( void )
- {
- printf(”\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n”//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
- ”delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n”
- ”It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n”//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
- ”Usage: \n”
- ”./delaunay \n”
- ”\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n”
- ”hitting any key.\n”);//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
- }
- static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
- CvRect rect )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
- return subdiv;
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点
- {
- cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 );
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点
- CvPoint2D32f org;
- CvPoint2D32f dst;
- CvPoint iorg, idst;
- org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
- dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
- if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
- {
- org = org_pt->pt;
- dst = dst_pt->pt;
- iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
- idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
- cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- }
- static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边
- CvScalar active_color )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
- if( e0 )
- {
- e = e0;
- do
- {
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
- e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- }
- while( e != e0 );
- }
- draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
- }
- //@author andme-单目视觉
- void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数
- {
- Point sub = pt2 - pt1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2)
- {
- line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2);
- }
- }
- //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));
- static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面
- {
- //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。
- //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。
- int i, count = 0;
- CvPoint* buf = 0;
- Point2d *buf1=0;
- // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
- do
- {
- count++;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
- buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
- buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0]));
- // gather points
- t = edge;
- for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
- if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
- buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
- }
- if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
- // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- buf1[i].x=buf[i].x;
- buf1[i].y=buf[i].y;
- }
- Mat mat_img(img);
- cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
- //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
- //{
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100);
- //}
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100);
- draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
- }
- free( buf );
- }
- static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
- //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘
- // left
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
- // right
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
- }
- }
- static void run(void)
- {
- char win[] = “source”;
- int i;
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 };
- CvMemStorage* storage;
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- IplImage* img;
- CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
- active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
- delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
- voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
- bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
- img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
- cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
- printf(”Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n”
- ”To stop the process, press any key\n\n”);
- vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
- for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10)));
- points.push_back(fp);
- locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
- cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
- draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
- cvShowImage( win, img );
- //cvWaitKey();
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
- cvShowImage(win,img);
- cvWaitKey();
- // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
- paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
- cvShowImage( win, img );//
- cvWaitKey(0);
- cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- cvDestroyWindow( win );
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- (void)argc; (void)argv;
- help();
- run();
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef _EiC
- main( 1, ”delaunay.c” );
- #endif
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help( void )
printf("\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n"//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
"delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n"
"It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n"//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
"Usage: \n"
"./delaunay \n"
"\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n"
"hitting any key.\n");//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
CvRect rect )
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
storage );
cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
return subdiv;
} static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点 { cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 ); } static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点 CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点 CvPoint2D32f org; CvPoint2D32f dst; CvPoint iorg, idst;
org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
org = org_pt->pt;
dst = dst_pt->pt;
iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
} static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
// draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
} static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边 CvScalar active_color ) { CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
if( e0 )
e = e0;
draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
while( e != e0 );
draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
} //@author andme-单目视觉 void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数 { Point sub = pt2 - pt1; for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2) { line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2); } } //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 )); static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面 { //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。 //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl; CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。 int i, count = 0; CvPoint* buf = 0; Point2d *buf1=0;
// count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
} while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
// gather points
t = edge;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
// cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
Mat mat_img(img);
cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
//for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
free( buf );
} static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
// left
draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
// right
draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
} static void run(void) { char win[] = “source”; int i; CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; CvMemStorage* storage; CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; IplImage* img; CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
printf("Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n"
"To stop the process, press any key\n\n");
vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
cvShowImage( win, img );
if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
// cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
cvShowImage( win, img );//
cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
cvDestroyWindow( win );
} int main( int argc, char** argv ) { (void)argc; (void)argv; help(); run(); return 0; }
ifdef _EiC
main( 1, “delaunay.c” );endif
- #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”
- #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp>
- #include<iostream>
- #include <stdio.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- static void help( void )
- {
- printf(”\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n”//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
- ”delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n”
- ”It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n”//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
- ”Usage: \n”
- ”./delaunay \n”
- ”\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n”
- ”hitting any key.\n”);//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
- }
- static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
- CvRect rect )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
- return subdiv;
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点
- {
- cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 );
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点
- CvPoint2D32f org;
- CvPoint2D32f dst;
- CvPoint iorg, idst;
- org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
- dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
- if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
- {
- org = org_pt->pt;
- dst = dst_pt->pt;
- iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
- idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
- cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- }
- static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边
- CvScalar active_color )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
- if( e0 )
- {
- e = e0;
- do
- {
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
- e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- }
- while( e != e0 );
- }
- draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
- }
- //@author andme-单目视觉
- void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数
- {
- Point sub = pt2 - pt1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2)
- {
- line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2);
- }
- }
- //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));
- static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面
- {
- //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。
- //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。
- int i, count = 0;
- CvPoint* buf = 0;
- Point2d *buf1=0;
- // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
- do
- {
- count++;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
- buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
- buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0]));
- // gather points
- t = edge;
- for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
- if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
- buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
- }
- if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
- // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- buf1[i].x=buf[i].x;
- buf1[i].y=buf[i].y;
- }
- Mat mat_img(img);
- cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
- //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
- //{
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100);
- //}
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100);
- draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
- }
- free( buf );
- }
- /**********************************************重点部分:如何实现变量所有的Delauany或者Voronoi边*****************************/
- static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
- //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘
- // left
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
- // right
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************************/
- void draw_edge(CvSubdiv2DEdge e0,IplImage *img,const char *cp )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_org=cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(e0);
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_dst=cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(e0);
- CvPoint pt_org=cvPointFrom32f(point1_org->pt);
- CvPoint pt_dst=cvPointFrom32f(point1_dst->pt);
- CvPoint pt;
- pt.x=(pt_org.x+pt_dst.x)/2;
- pt.y=(pt_org.y+pt_dst.y)/2;
- CvFont font;
- cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_ITALIC,1,1,0,2,8);
- cvLine(img,pt_org,pt_dst,cvScalar(255,0,0),2,8);
- cvCircle(img,pt,6,cvScalar(0,0,0),2,CV_AA);
- cout<<”点位于”<<pt.x<<“ ”<<pt.y<<endl;
- cvPutText(img,cp,pt,&font,cvScalar(0,255,0));
- if(pt_dst.y-pt_org.y>0)
- {
- cout<<”箭头朝下”<<endl;
- }else
- {
- cout<<”箭头朝上”<<endl;
- }
- }
- static void run(void)
- {
- char win[] = “source”;
- int i;
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 };
- CvMemStorage* storage;
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- IplImage* img;
- CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
- active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
- delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
- voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
- bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
- img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
- cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
- printf(”Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n”
- ”To stop the process, press any key\n\n”);
- vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
- for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10)));
- points.push_back(fp);
- locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
- cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
- draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
- cvShowImage( win, img );
- //cvWaitKey();
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
- cvShowImage(win,img);
- cvWaitKey();
- // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
- paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
- CvPoint2D32f point1=cvPoint2D32f(300,300);//图像中心选择一点。
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPointLocation loc=cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, point1, &e0, &p );
- if(loc==CV_PTLOC_INSIDE)
- {
- cout<<”落入某些面,箭头的方向用来说明图的方向”<<endl;
- draw_edge(e0,img,”fisrt”);
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e_lnext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e0,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- draw_edge(e_lnext,img,”second”);
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e_Onext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e_lnext,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- draw_edge(e_Onext,img,”third”);
- }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_ON_EDGE)
- {
- cout<<”点落在边缘上”<<endl;
- }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_VERTEX)
- {
- cout<<”和顶点重合”<<endl;
- }else
- {
- cout<<”输入变量无效”<<endl;
- }
- cvShowImage( win, img );//
- cvWaitKey(0);
- cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- cvDestroyWindow( win );
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- (void)argc; (void)argv;
- help();
- run();
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef _EiC
- main( 1, ”delaunay.c” );
- #endif
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp> #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp> #include<iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; static void help( void ) { printf("\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n"//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造 "delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n" "It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n"//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分 "Usage: \n" "./delaunay \n" "\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n" "hitting any key.\n");//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键 } static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元 CvRect rect ) { CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元 subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv), sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint), sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D), storage ); cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); return subdiv; } static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点 { cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 ); } static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点 CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点 CvPoint2D32f org; CvPoint2D32f dst; CvPoint iorg, idst; org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点 dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge); if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空 { org = org_pt->pt; dst = dst_pt->pt; iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y )); idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y )); cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 ); } } static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl; cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边 for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr); if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge )) { // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color ); draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color ); } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader ); } } static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边 CvScalar active_color ) { CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0; cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p ); if( e0 ) { e = e0; do { draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color ); e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); } while( e != e0 ); } draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color ); } //@author andme-单目视觉 void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数 { Point sub = pt2 - pt1; for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2) { line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2); } } //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 )); static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面 { //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。 //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl; CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。 int i, count = 0; CvPoint* buf = 0; Point2d *buf1=0; // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数 do { count++; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。 buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0])); buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0])); // gather points t = edge; for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点 if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环 buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中 t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。 } if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。 // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形 for(i=0;i<count;i++) { buf1[i].x=buf[i].x; buf1[i].y=buf[i].y; } Mat mat_img(img); cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。 //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++) //{ //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100); //} //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100); draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。 } free( buf ); } /**********************************************重点部分:如何实现变量所有的Delauany或者Voronoi边*****************************/ static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小 cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 ); for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘 if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中 { CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。 //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘 // left draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘 // right draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘 } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置 } } /*************************************************************************************/ void draw_edge(CvSubdiv2DEdge e0,IplImage *img,const char *cp ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_org=cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(e0); CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_dst=cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(e0); CvPoint pt_org=cvPointFrom32f(point1_org->pt); CvPoint pt_dst=cvPointFrom32f(point1_dst->pt); CvPoint pt; pt.x=(pt_org.x+pt_dst.x)/2; pt.y=(pt_org.y+pt_dst.y)/2; CvFont font; cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_ITALIC,1,1,0,2,8); cvLine(img,pt_org,pt_dst,cvScalar(255,0,0),2,8); cvCircle(img,pt,6,cvScalar(0,0,0),2,CV_AA); cout<<"点位于"<<pt.x<<" "<<pt.y<<endl; cvPutText(img,cp,pt,&font,cvScalar(0,255,0)); if(pt_dst.y-pt_org.y>0) { cout<<"箭头朝下"<<endl; }else { cout<<"箭头朝上"<<endl; } } static void run(void) { char win[] = "source"; int i; CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; CvMemStorage* storage; CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; IplImage* img; CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color; active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色 delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色 voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色 bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色 img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 ); cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 ); cvNamedWindow( win, 1 ); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect ); printf("Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n" "To stop the process, press any key\n\n"); vector<CvPoint2D32f> points; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。 (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10))); points.push_back(fp); locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。 cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示 if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 ) break; cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分 cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要 cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色 draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color); cvShowImage( win, img ); //cvWaitKey(); if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 ) break; } for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color ); cvShowImage(win,img); cvWaitKey(); // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色 paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分 CvPoint2D32f point1=cvPoint2D32f(300,300);//图像中心选择一点。 CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0; CvSubdiv2DPointLocation loc=cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, point1, &e0, &p ); if(loc==CV_PTLOC_INSIDE) { cout<<"落入某些面,箭头的方向用来说明图的方向"<<endl; draw_edge(e0,img,"fisrt"); CvSubdiv2DEdge e_lnext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e0,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); draw_edge(e_lnext,img,"second"); CvSubdiv2DEdge e_Onext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e_lnext,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); draw_edge(e_Onext,img,"third"); }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_ON_EDGE) { cout<<"点落在边缘上"<<endl; }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_VERTEX) { cout<<"和顶点重合"<<endl; }else { cout<<"输入变量无效"<<endl; } cvShowImage( win, img );// cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyWindow( win ); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { (void)argc; (void)argv; help(); run(); return 0; } #ifdef _EiC main( 1, "delaunay.c" ); #endif
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
- #include <atlstr.h> // use STL string instead, although not as convenient…
- #include <atltrace.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <string>
- #include<time.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- /*
- pts,要剖分的散点集,in
- img,剖分的画布,in
- tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out
- */
- // used for doing delaunay trianglation with opencv function
- //该函数用来防止多次重画并消去虚拟三角形的 顶点
- bool isGoodTri( Vec3i &v, vector<Vec3i> & tri )
- {
- int a = v[0], b = v[1], c = v[2];
- v[0] = min(a,min(b,c));//v[0]找到点插入的先后顺序(0….N-1,N为点的个数)的最小值
- v[2] = max(a,max(b,c));//v[2]存储最大值.
- v[1] = a+b+c-v[0]-v[2];//v[1]为中间值
- if (v[0] == -1) return false;
- vector<Vec3i>::iterator iter = tri.begin();//开始时为空
- for(;iter!=tri.end();iter++)
- {
- Vec3i &check = *iter;//如果当前待压入的和存储的重复了,则停止返回false。
- if (check[0]==v[0] &&
- check[1]==v[1] &&
- check[2]==v[2])
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iter == tri.end())
- {
- tri.push_back(v);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- pts,要剖分的散点集,in
- img,剖分的画布,in
- tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out
- */
- void TriSubDiv( vector<Point2f> &pts, Mat &img, vector<Vec3i> &tri )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //创建存储器
- Rect rc = Rect(0,0, img.cols, img.rows);//矩形是图像的大小
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );//为剖分数据分配空间
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rc );
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *pt = cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, pts[i] );//利用插入法进行剖分
- pt->id = i;//为每一个顶点分配一个id
- }
- CvSeqReader reader;//利用CvSeqReader遍历
- int total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- Point buf[3];
- const Point *pBuf = buf;
- Vec3i verticesIdx;
- Mat imgShow = img.clone();
- srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;
- int iPointNum = 3;
- Scalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255);
- //Scalar color=CV_RGB(255,0,0);
- //bool isNeg = false;
- int j;
- for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//获取t边的源点
- if( !pt ) break;
- buf[j] = pt->pt;//将点存储起来
- //if (pt->id == -1) isNeg = true;
- verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;//获取顶点的Id号,将三个点的id存储到verticesIdx中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//获取下一条边
- }
- if (j != iPointNum) continue;
- if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri))
- {
- //tri.push_back(verticesIdx);
- polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum,
- 1, true, color,
- 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出三条边
- //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y);
- //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]);
- //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow);
- //waitKey();
- }
- t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge+2;//相反边缘 reversed e
- for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );
- if( !pt ) break;
- buf[j] = pt->pt;
- verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- }
- if (j != iPointNum) continue;
- if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri))
- {
- //tri.push_back(verticesIdx);
- polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum,
- 1, true, color,
- 1, CV_AA, 0);
- //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y);
- //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]);
- //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow);
- //waitKey();
- }
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- //RemoveDuplicate(tri);
- char title[100];
- sprintf_s(title, 100, ”Delaunay: %d Triangles”, tri.size());//tri存储的为3个顶点为一个vec3i,故tri.size()表示三角形的个数。
- imshow(title, imgShow);
- waitKey();
- }
- void main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- Mat imgL(600,600,CV_8UC3);
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Delaunay triangulation */
- /************************************************************************/
- cout<<”doing triangulation…”<<endl;
- vector<Vec3i> tri;
- vector<Point2f> vec_points;
- for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++ )
- {
- Point2f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(imgL.cols-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(imgL.rows-10)));
- vec_points.push_back(fp);
- }
- TriSubDiv(vec_points, imgL, tri);
- }
#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp> #include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp> #include <atlstr.h> // use STL string instead, although not as convenient... #include <atltrace.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include<time.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; /* pts,要剖分的散点集,in img,剖分的画布,in tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out */ // used for doing delaunay trianglation with opencv function //该函数用来防止多次重画并消去虚拟三角形的 顶点 bool isGoodTri( Vec3i &v, vector<Vec3i> & tri ) { int a = v[0], b = v[1], c = v[2]; v[0] = min(a,min(b,c));//v[0]找到点插入的先后顺序(0….N-1,N为点的个数)的最小值 v[2] = max(a,max(b,c));//v[2]存储最大值. v[1] = a+b+c-v[0]-v[2];//v[1]为中间值 if (v[0] == -1) return false; vector<Vec3i>::iterator iter = tri.begin();//开始时为空 for(;iter!=tri.end();iter++) { Vec3i &check = *iter;//如果当前待压入的和存储的重复了,则停止返回false。 if (check[0]==v[0] && check[1]==v[1] && check[2]==v[2]) { break; } } if (iter == tri.end()) { tri.push_back(v); return true; } return false; } /* pts,要剖分的散点集,in img,剖分的画布,in tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out */ void TriSubDiv( vector<Point2f> &pts, Mat &img, vector<Vec3i> &tri ) { CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //创建存储器 Rect rc = Rect(0,0, img.cols, img.rows);//矩形是图像的大小 subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv), sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint), sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D), storage );//为剖分数据分配空间 cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rc ); for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) { CvSubdiv2DPoint *pt = cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, pts[i] );//利用插入法进行剖分 pt->id = i;//为每一个顶点分配一个id } CvSeqReader reader;//利用CvSeqReader遍历 int total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 ); Point buf[3]; const Point *pBuf = buf; Vec3i verticesIdx; Mat imgShow = img.clone(); srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr); if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge )) { CvSubdiv2DEdge t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge; int iPointNum = 3; Scalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255); //Scalar color=CV_RGB(255,0,0); //bool isNeg = false; int j; for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//获取t边的源点 if( !pt ) break; buf[j] = pt->pt;//将点存储起来 //if (pt->id == -1) isNeg = true; verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;//获取顶点的Id号,将三个点的id存储到verticesIdx中 t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//获取下一条边 } if (j != iPointNum) continue; if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri)) { //tri.push_back(verticesIdx); polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum, 1, true, color, 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出三条边 //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y); //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]); //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow); //waitKey(); } t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge+2;//相反边缘 reversed e for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t ); if( !pt ) break; buf[j] = pt->pt; verticesIdx[j] = pt->id; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } if (j != iPointNum) continue; if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri)) { //tri.push_back(verticesIdx); polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum, 1, true, color, 1, CV_AA, 0); //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y); //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]); //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow); //waitKey(); } } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader ); } //RemoveDuplicate(tri); char title[100]; sprintf_s(title, 100, “Delaunay: %d Triangles”, tri.size());//tri存储的为3个顶点为一个vec3i,故tri.size()表示三角形的个数。 imshow(title, imgShow); waitKey(); } void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Mat imgL(600,600,CV_8UC3); /************************************************************************/ /* Delaunay triangulation */ /************************************************************************/ cout<<”doing triangulation…”<<endl; vector<Vec3i> tri; vector<Point2f> vec_points; for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++ ) { Point2f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(imgL.cols-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。 (float)(rand()%(imgL.rows-10))); vec_points.push_back(fp); } TriSubDiv(vec_points, imgL, tri); }
本博客转载自 http://blog.csdn.net/raby_gyl/article/details/17409717 请其他同学转载时注明原始文章的出处!
其实真正的文章来源是: http://www.cnblogs.com/RenLiQQ/archive/2008/02/06/1065399.html
1. 三角剖分与Delaunay剖分的定义
【定义】三角剖分:假设V是二维实数域上的有限点集,边e是由点集中的点作为端点构成的封闭线段, E为e的集合。那么该点集V的一个三角剖分T=(V,E)是一个平面图G,该平面图满足条件:
1.2. Delaunay三角剖分的定义
理论上为了构造Delaunay三角网,Lawson提出的局部优化过程LOP(Local Optimization Procedure),一般三角网经过LOP处理,即可确保成为Delaunay三角网,其基本做法如下所示:
- //
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; //Our outer bounding box //我们的外接边界盒子
- CvMemStorage* storage; //Storage for the Delaunay subdivsion //用来存储三角剖分
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //Initialize the storage //初始化存储器
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; //The subdivision itself // 细分
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect); //See this function below //函数返回CvSubdiv类型指针
CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; //Our outer bounding box //我们的外接边界盒子
CvMemStorage* storage; //Storage for the Delaunay subdivsion //用来存储三角剖分
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //Initialize the storage //初始化存储器
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; //The subdivision itself // 细分
subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect); //See this function below //函数返回CvSubdiv类型指针
- //
- CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay(CvMemStorage* storage,CvRect rect) {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D(CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D,sizeof(*subdiv),sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),storage);//为数据申请空间
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); //rect sets the bounds
- return subdiv;//返回申请空间的指针
- }
CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay(CvMemStorage* storage,CvRect rect) {
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D(CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D,sizeof(*subdiv),sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),storage);//为数据申请空间
cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); //rect sets the bounds
return subdiv;//返回申请空间的指针
- CvPoint2D32f fp; //This is our point holder//这是我们点的持有者(容器)
- for( i = 0; i < as_many_points_as_you_want; i++ ) {
- // However you want to set points //如果我们的点集不是32位的,在这里我们将其转为CvPoint2D32f,如下两种方法。
- //
- fp = your_32f_point_list[i];
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );
- }
CvPoint2D32f fp; //This is our point holder//这是我们点的持有者(容器)
for( i = 0; i < as_many_points_as_you_want; i++ ) {
// However you want to set points //如果我们的点集不是32位的,在这里我们将其转为CvPoint2D32f,如下两种方法。
fp = your_32f_point_list[i];
cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );
1)通过宏cvPoint2D32f(double x,double y)
2)通过cxtype.h下的cvPointTo32f(CvPoint point)函数将整形点方便的转换为32位浮点型。
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Fill out Voronoi data in subdiv //在subdiv中填充Vornoi的数据
- cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Clear the Voronoi from subdiv//从subdiv中清除Voronoi的数据
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Fill out Voronoi data in subdiv //在subdiv中填充Vornoi的数据
cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); // Clear the Voronoi from subdiv//从subdiv中清除Voronoi的数据
- #define CV_SUBDIV2D_FIELDS() \
- int quad_edges; \
- int is_geometry_valid; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge recent_edge; \
- CvPoint2D32f topleft; \
- CvPoint2D32f bottomright;
- typedef struct CvSubdiv2D
- {
- }
- CvSubdiv2D;
#define CV_SUBDIV2D_FIELDS() \
int quad_edges; \
int is_geometry_valid; \
CvSubdiv2DEdge recent_edge; \
CvPoint2D32f topleft; \
CvPoint2D32f bottomright;
typedef struct CvSubdiv2D
OpenCV使用Delaunay算法将平面分割成小的三角形区域(该三角形确保包括所有的分割点)开始不断迭代完成。在这种情况下,对偶划分就是输入的二维点集的Voronoi图表。这种划分可以用于对一个平面进行三维分段变换、形态变换、平面点的快速 定位以及建立特定的图结构(如NNG,RNG)。
- /
- *
- one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3)
- and upper bits are quad-edge pointer
- *
- /
- typedef long CvSubdiv2DEdge; //四方边缘结构中的一条边缘,低两位表示该边缘的索引号,其他高位表示边缘指针。
- /*quad-edge structure fields*/四方边缘的结构场
- #define CV_QUADEDGE2D_FIELDS() \
- int flags; \
- struct CvSubdiv2DPoint*pt[4]; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge next[4];
- typedef struct CvQuadEdge2D
- {
- }
- CvQuadEdge2D;
one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3)
and upper bits are quad-edge pointer
typedef long CvSubdiv2DEdge; //四方边缘结构中的一条边缘,低两位表示该边缘的索引号,其他高位表示边缘指针。
/*quad-edge structure fields*/四方边缘的结构场
- int flags; \
- CvSubdiv2DEdge first; \
- CvPoint2D32f pt; \
- int id; //This integer can be used to index auxillary data asscoiated with each vertex of the planar subdivison.
- #define CV_SUBDIV2D_VIRTUAL_POINT_FLAG (1 << 30)
- typedef struct CvSubdiv2DPoint
- {
- }
- CvSubdiv2DPoint;
int flags; \
CvSubdiv2DEdge first; \
CvPoint2D32f pt; \
int id; //This integer can be used to index auxillary data asscoiated with each vertex of the planar subdivison.
#define CV_SUBDIV2D_VIRTUAL_POINT_FLAG (1 << 30) typedef struct CvSubdiv2DPoint { CV_SUBDIV2D_POINT_FIELDS() } CvSubdiv2DPoint;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,int rotate );
CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,int rotate );
rotate 确定函数根据输入的边缘返回同一四方边缘结构中的哪条边缘,为下列值之一:
1)0 输入边缘(如果e是输入边缘,则为e)。
2)1 旋转比那样(eRot)
3)2 逆边缘(e的反向边缘)。
- CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvNextEdgeType type );
CvSubdiv2DEdge cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvNextEdgeType type );
edge 划分的边缘(不是四方边缘结构)
type 确定函数返回哪条相关边缘,为下列值之一:
CV_NEXT_AROUND_ORG 边缘原点的下一条(eOnext,如果e是输入边)。
CV_NEXT_AROUND_DST 边缘顶点的下一条(eDnext)
CV_PREV_AROUND_ORG 边缘原点的前一条(eRnext的反向)
CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT 左区域的下一条(eLnext) 或下一个左平面
CV_NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT 右区域的下一条(eRnext) 或下一个右平面
CV_PREV_AROUND_LEFT 左区域的前一条(eOnext的反向)或前一个左平面
CV_PREV_AROUND_RIGHT 右区域的前一条(eDnext的反向)或前一个右平面
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );
下面是将CvSubdiv2DPoint点转换为更熟悉的点CvPoint2D32f 或者CvPoint:
- CvSubdiv2DPoint ptSub; //Subdivision vertex point
- CvPoint2D32f pt32f = ptSub->pt; // to 32f point
- CvPoint pt = cvPointFrom32f(pt32f); // to an integer point
CvSubdiv2DPoint ptSub; //Subdivision vertex point
CvPoint2D32f pt32f = ptSub->pt; // to 32f point
CvPoint pt = cvPointFrom32f(pt32f); // to an integer point
有两种方法:1)使用一个外部点定位边缘或顶点 2)遍历一系列点或边缘
- CvSubdiv2DPointLocation cvSubdiv2DLocate(
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvPoint2D32f pt,
- CvSubdiv2DEdge* edge,//要填充的边缘
- CvSubdiv2DPoint** vertex = NULL//如果需要,则填充顶点
- );
CvSubdiv2DPointLocation cvSubdiv2DLocate(
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
CvPoint2D32f pt,
CvSubdiv2DEdge* edge,//要填充的边缘
CvSubdiv2DPoint** vertex = NULL//如果需要,则填充顶点
1)CV_PTLOC_INSIDE 点落入某些面;*edge将包含该面的一个边缘。
2)CV_PTLOC_ON_ENCODE 点落于边缘;*edge含有这个边缘。
3)CV_PTLOC_VERTEX 该点与一个细分顶点重合;*vertex将包含该顶点的指针。
4)CV_PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT 该点处于细分参考矩形之外;该函数返回后不填充指针。
5)CV_PTLOC_ERROR 输入变量无效。
3)然后我们就能用CvSubdiv2DPoint *outer_vtx[3]和CvQuadEdge2D*outer_gedges[3]来存储三个顶点和三条边。
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* outer_vtx[3];
- for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
- outer_vtx[i] =
- (CvSubdiv2DPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)subdiv, I );
- }
CvSubdiv2DPoint* outer_vtx[3];
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
outer_vtx[i] =
(CvSubdiv2DPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)subdiv, I );
- CvQuadEdge2D* outer_ qedges[3];
- for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
- outer_qedges[i] =
- (CvQuadEdge2D*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)(my_subdiv->edges), I );
- }
CvQuadEdge2D* outer_ qedges[3];
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
outer_qedges[i] =
(CvQuadEdge2D*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)(my_subdiv->edges), I );
确定凸包的外接三角形(Bounding triangle)或边缘并遍历凸包
(英语原文:If you are on an edge with one point inside and one point outside the rect bounds,then the point in bounds is on the convex hull of the set。。。)
(注释:Learning OpenCV中第343页,将In bounds翻译为在边界上,这里个人感觉应该是在翻译为在边界内,为了方便理解,个人猜测如下图,可能不对:)
1·、将凸包遍历一周后,通过cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge,0)函数移动到凸包的下一条边。
- #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”
- #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp>
- #include<iostream>
- #include <stdio.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- static void help( void )
- {
- printf(”\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n”//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
- ”delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n”
- ”It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n”//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
- ”Usage: \n”
- ”./delaunay \n”
- ”\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n”
- ”hitting any key.\n”);//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
- }
- static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
- CvRect rect )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
- return subdiv;
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点
- {
- cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 );
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点
- CvPoint2D32f org;
- CvPoint2D32f dst;
- CvPoint iorg, idst;
- org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
- dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
- if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
- {
- org = org_pt->pt;
- dst = dst_pt->pt;
- iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
- idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
- cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- }
- static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边
- CvScalar active_color )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
- if( e0 )
- {
- e = e0;
- do
- {
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
- e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- }
- while( e != e0 );
- }
- draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
- }
- //@author andme-单目视觉
- void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数
- {
- Point sub = pt2 - pt1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2)
- {
- line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2);
- }
- }
- //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));
- static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面
- {
- //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。
- //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。
- int i, count = 0;
- CvPoint* buf = 0;
- Point2d *buf1=0;
- // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
- do
- {
- count++;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
- buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
- buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0]));
- // gather points
- t = edge;
- for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
- if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
- buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
- }
- if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
- // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- buf1[i].x=buf[i].x;
- buf1[i].y=buf[i].y;
- }
- Mat mat_img(img);
- cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
- //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
- //{
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100);
- //}
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100);
- draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
- }
- free( buf );
- }
- static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
- //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘
- // left
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
- // right
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
- }
- }
- static void run(void)
- {
- char win[] = “source”;
- int i;
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 };
- CvMemStorage* storage;
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- IplImage* img;
- CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
- active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
- delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
- voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
- bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
- img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
- cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
- printf(”Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n”
- ”To stop the process, press any key\n\n”);
- vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
- for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10)));
- points.push_back(fp);
- locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
- cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
- draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
- cvShowImage( win, img );
- //cvWaitKey();
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
- cvShowImage(win,img);
- cvWaitKey();
- // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
- paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
- cvShowImage( win, img );//
- cvWaitKey(0);
- cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- cvDestroyWindow( win );
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- (void)argc; (void)argv;
- help();
- run();
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef _EiC
- main( 1, ”delaunay.c” );
- #endif
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help( void )
printf("\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n"//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
"delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n"
"It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n"//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
"Usage: \n"
"./delaunay \n"
"\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n"
"hitting any key.\n");//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
CvRect rect )
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
storage );
cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
return subdiv;
} static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点 { cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 ); } static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点 CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点 CvPoint2D32f org; CvPoint2D32f dst; CvPoint iorg, idst;
org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
org = org_pt->pt;
dst = dst_pt->pt;
iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
} static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
// draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
} static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边 CvScalar active_color ) { CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
if( e0 )
e = e0;
draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
while( e != e0 );
draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
} //@author andme-单目视觉 void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数 { Point sub = pt2 - pt1; for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2) { line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2); } } //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 )); static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面 { //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。 //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl; CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。 int i, count = 0; CvPoint* buf = 0; Point2d *buf1=0;
// count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
} while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
// gather points
t = edge;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
// cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
Mat mat_img(img);
cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
//for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
free( buf );
} static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
// left
draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
// right
draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
} static void run(void) { char win[] = “source”; int i; CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; CvMemStorage* storage; CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; IplImage* img; CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
printf("Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n"
"To stop the process, press any key\n\n");
vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
cvShowImage( win, img );
if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
// cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
cvShowImage( win, img );//
cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
cvDestroyWindow( win );
} int main( int argc, char** argv ) { (void)argc; (void)argv; help(); run(); return 0; }
ifdef _EiC
main( 1, “delaunay.c” );endif
- #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”
- #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp>
- #include<iostream>
- #include <stdio.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- static void help( void )
- {
- printf(”\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n”//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造
- ”delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n”
- ”It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n”//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分
- ”Usage: \n”
- ”./delaunay \n”
- ”\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n”
- ”hitting any key.\n”);//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键
- }
- static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元
- CvRect rect )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect );
- return subdiv;
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点
- {
- cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 );
- }
- static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点
- CvPoint2D32f org;
- CvPoint2D32f dst;
- CvPoint iorg, idst;
- org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点
- dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge);
- if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空
- {
- org = org_pt->pt;
- dst = dst_pt->pt;
- iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y ));
- idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y ));
- cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv,
- CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl;
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color );
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color );
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- }
- static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边
- CvScalar active_color )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p );
- if( e0 )
- {
- e = e0;
- do
- {
- draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color );
- e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- }
- while( e != e0 );
- }
- draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color );
- }
- //@author andme-单目视觉
- void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数
- {
- Point sub = pt2 - pt1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2)
- {
- line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2);
- }
- }
- //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));
- static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面
- {
- //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。
- //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。
- int i, count = 0;
- CvPoint* buf = 0;
- Point2d *buf1=0;
- // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数
- do
- {
- count++;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。
- buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0]));
- buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0]));
- // gather points
- t = edge;
- for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点
- if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环
- buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。
- }
- if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。
- // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- buf1[i].x=buf[i].x;
- buf1[i].y=buf[i].y;
- }
- Mat mat_img(img);
- cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。
- //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++)
- //{
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100);
- //}
- //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100);
- draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。
- }
- free( buf );
- }
- /**********************************************重点部分:如何实现变量所有的Delauany或者Voronoi边*****************************/
- static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面
- {
- CvSeqReader reader;
- int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。
- //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘
- // left
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘
- // right
- draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************************/
- void draw_edge(CvSubdiv2DEdge e0,IplImage *img,const char *cp )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_org=cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(e0);
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_dst=cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(e0);
- CvPoint pt_org=cvPointFrom32f(point1_org->pt);
- CvPoint pt_dst=cvPointFrom32f(point1_dst->pt);
- CvPoint pt;
- pt.x=(pt_org.x+pt_dst.x)/2;
- pt.y=(pt_org.y+pt_dst.y)/2;
- CvFont font;
- cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_ITALIC,1,1,0,2,8);
- cvLine(img,pt_org,pt_dst,cvScalar(255,0,0),2,8);
- cvCircle(img,pt,6,cvScalar(0,0,0),2,CV_AA);
- cout<<”点位于”<<pt.x<<“ ”<<pt.y<<endl;
- cvPutText(img,cp,pt,&font,cvScalar(0,255,0));
- if(pt_dst.y-pt_org.y>0)
- {
- cout<<”箭头朝下”<<endl;
- }else
- {
- cout<<”箭头朝上”<<endl;
- }
- }
- static void run(void)
- {
- char win[] = “source”;
- int i;
- CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 };
- CvMemStorage* storage;
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- IplImage* img;
- CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color;
- active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色
- delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色
- voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色
- bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色
- img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 );
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );
- cvNamedWindow( win, 1 );
- storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect );
- printf(”Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n”
- ”To stop the process, press any key\n\n”);
- vector<CvPoint2D32f> points;
- for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10)));
- points.push_back(fp);
- locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。
- cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分
- cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要
- cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色
- draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color);
- cvShowImage( win, img );
- //cvWaitKey();
- if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 )
- break;
- }
- for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++)
- draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color );
- cvShowImage(win,img);
- cvWaitKey();
- // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色
- paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分
- CvPoint2D32f point1=cvPoint2D32f(300,300);//图像中心选择一点。
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e;
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0;
- CvSubdiv2DPointLocation loc=cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, point1, &e0, &p );
- if(loc==CV_PTLOC_INSIDE)
- {
- cout<<”落入某些面,箭头的方向用来说明图的方向”<<endl;
- draw_edge(e0,img,”fisrt”);
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e_lnext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e0,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- draw_edge(e_lnext,img,”second”);
- CvSubdiv2DEdge e_Onext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e_lnext,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT);
- draw_edge(e_Onext,img,”third”);
- }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_ON_EDGE)
- {
- cout<<”点落在边缘上”<<endl;
- }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_VERTEX)
- {
- cout<<”和顶点重合”<<endl;
- }else
- {
- cout<<”输入变量无效”<<endl;
- }
- cvShowImage( win, img );//
- cvWaitKey(0);
- cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- cvDestroyWindow( win );
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- (void)argc; (void)argv;
- help();
- run();
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef _EiC
- main( 1, ”delaunay.c” );
- #endif
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp> #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include<opencv2\opencv.hpp> #include<iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; static void help( void ) { printf("\nThis program demostrates iterative construction of\n"//这个程序阐述了delaunay剖分和voronoi细分的迭代构造 "delaunay triangulation and voronoi tesselation.\n" "It draws a random set of points in an image and then delaunay triangulates them.\n"//在图像上画出一些随机点,然后进行delaunay三角剖分 "Usage: \n" "./delaunay \n" "\nThis program builds the traingulation interactively, you may stop this process by\n" "hitting any key.\n");//迭代构造三角剖分,如果像停止,则按任意键 } static CvSubdiv2D* init_delaunay( CvMemStorage* storage,//初始化三角剖分结构,为其分配单元 CvRect rect ) { CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;//三角剖分的数据单元 subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv), sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint), sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D), storage ); cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rect ); return subdiv; } static void draw_subdiv_point( IplImage* img, CvPoint2D32f fp, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的顶点 { cvCircle( img, cvPoint(cvRound(fp.x), cvRound(fp.y)),5, color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0 ); } static void draw_subdiv_edge( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvScalar color )//画出三角剖分的边 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt;//源顶点 CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt;//目地顶点 CvPoint2D32f org; CvPoint2D32f dst; CvPoint iorg, idst; org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(edge);//通过边获取顶点 dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(edge); if( org_pt && dst_pt )//如果两个端点不为空 { org = org_pt->pt; dst = dst_pt->pt; iorg = cvPoint( cvRound( org.x ), cvRound( org.y )); idst = cvPoint( cvRound( dst.x ), cvRound( dst.y )); cvLine( img, iorg, idst, color, 1, CV_AA, 0 ); } } static void draw_subdiv( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvScalar delaunay_color, CvScalar voronoi_color )//画出剖分和细分 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的数量 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cout<<typeid(subdiv->edges).name()<<endl; cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );//使用CvSeqReader遍历Delaunay或者Voronoi边 for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr); if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge )) { // draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge + 1, voronoi_color ); draw_subdiv_edge( img, (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge, delaunay_color ); } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader ); } } static void locate_point( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f fp, IplImage* img,//遍历三角剖分的边 CvScalar active_color ) { CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0; cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, fp, &e0, &p ); if( e0 ) { e = e0; do { draw_subdiv_edge( img, e, active_color ); e = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); } while( e != e0 ); } draw_subdiv_point( img, fp, active_color ); } //@author andme-单目视觉 void dashLine(Mat &img, Point2d& pt1, Point2d& pt2, int n)//n为虚线段数 { Point sub = pt2 - pt1; for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i += 2) { line(img, Point(pt1.x + sub.x * i / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * i / (2 * n - 1)), Point(pt1.x + sub.x * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1), pt1.y + sub.y * (i+1) / (2 * n - 1)), Scalar(0,255,0), 2); } } //调用形式draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 )); static void draw_subdiv_facet( IplImage* img, CvSubdiv2DEdge edge )//画出voronoi面 { //cout<<edge<<endl;//edge低两位表示表示索引,高位表示四方边缘指针。 //cout<<(edge&3)<<endl; CvSubdiv2DEdge t = edge;//当我们按上面的调用形式时,edge为eRot。 int i, count = 0; CvPoint* buf = 0; Point2d *buf1=0; // count number of edges in facet //面内边的计数 do { count++; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } while (t != edge );//我们绕着一个voronoi单元一周,遍历该vornonoi边缘所拥有的边缘数。 buf = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(buf[0])); buf1=(Point2d*)malloc(count*sizeof(buf1[0])); // gather points t = edge; for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//第一次获取eRot边缘的起始点 if( !pt ) break;//如果得不到该源点,则退出循环 buf[i] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y));//将该点转换为cvPoint类型点,存储在buf中 t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//然后绕着vornonoi单元,左旋转。 } if( i == count )//如果所有的点都存储起来了。 { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( edge, 1 ));//这里eRot的旋转边缘应该是reversed e,那么目的点,就是e的源点。 // cvFillConvexPoly( img, buf, count, CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255), CV_AA, 0 );//填充凸多边形 for(i=0;i<count;i++) { buf1[i].x=buf[i].x; buf1[i].y=buf[i].y; } Mat mat_img(img); cvPolyLine( img, &buf, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,200,0), 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出线。 //for(int i=0;i<count-1;i++) //{ //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[i+1],100); //} //dashLine(mat_img,buf1[i],buf1[0],100); draw_subdiv_point( img, pt->pt, CV_RGB(255,0,0));//用黑色画出画出剖分顶点。 } free( buf ); } /**********************************************重点部分:如何实现变量所有的Delauany或者Voronoi边*****************************/ static void paint_voronoi( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, IplImage* img )//画出voronoi面 { CvSeqReader reader; int i, total = subdiv->edges->total;//边缘总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边缘的大小 cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv ); cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 ); for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);//获取四方边缘 if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))//判断边缘是否在边缘集中 { CvSubdiv2DEdge e = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;//edge是四方边缘的指针,而CvSubdiv2DEdge高位表示四方边缘的指针。 //cout<<(e&3)<<endl;//通过测试e低2位即索引值应该设置为0了,即输入边缘 // left draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 1 ));//e为Delaunay边,获得Delaunay边对应的voronoi边,即e的旋转边缘 // right draw_subdiv_facet( img, cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( e, 3 ));//反向的旋转边缘 } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );//移动到下一个位置 } } /*************************************************************************************/ void draw_edge(CvSubdiv2DEdge e0,IplImage *img,const char *cp ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_org=cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(e0); CvSubdiv2DPoint *point1_dst=cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(e0); CvPoint pt_org=cvPointFrom32f(point1_org->pt); CvPoint pt_dst=cvPointFrom32f(point1_dst->pt); CvPoint pt; pt.x=(pt_org.x+pt_dst.x)/2; pt.y=(pt_org.y+pt_dst.y)/2; CvFont font; cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_ITALIC,1,1,0,2,8); cvLine(img,pt_org,pt_dst,cvScalar(255,0,0),2,8); cvCircle(img,pt,6,cvScalar(0,0,0),2,CV_AA); cout<<"点位于"<<pt.x<<" "<<pt.y<<endl; cvPutText(img,cp,pt,&font,cvScalar(0,255,0)); if(pt_dst.y-pt_org.y>0) { cout<<"箭头朝下"<<endl; }else { cout<<"箭头朝上"<<endl; } } static void run(void) { char win[] = "source"; int i; CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 600, 600 }; CvMemStorage* storage; CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; IplImage* img; CvScalar active_facet_color, delaunay_color, voronoi_color, bkgnd_color; active_facet_color = CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 );//红色 delaunay_color = CV_RGB( 0,0,0);//黑色 voronoi_color = CV_RGB(0, 180, 0);//绿色 bkgnd_color = CV_RGB(255,255,255);//白色 img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rect.width,rect.height), 8, 3 ); cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 ); cvNamedWindow( win, 1 ); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); subdiv = init_delaunay( storage, rect ); printf("Delaunay triangulation will be build now interactively.\n" "To stop the process, press any key\n\n"); vector<CvPoint2D32f> points; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(rect.width-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。 (float)(rand()%(rect.height-10))); points.push_back(fp); locate_point( subdiv, fp, img, active_facet_color );//定位点的位置,并画出点所在voronoi面的边。 cvShowImage( win, img );//刷新显示 if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 ) break; cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, fp );//向三角剖分中插入该点,即对该点进行三角剖分 cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( subdiv );//计算Voronoi细分,有时候我们不需要 cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//设置图像的背景颜色为白色 draw_subdiv( img, subdiv, delaunay_color, voronoi_color); cvShowImage( win, img ); //cvWaitKey(); if( cvWaitKey( 100 ) >= 0 ) break; } for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++) draw_subdiv_point( img, points[i], active_facet_color ); cvShowImage(win,img); cvWaitKey(); // cvSet( img, bkgnd_color, 0 );//重新刷新画布,即设置背景颜色为白色 paint_voronoi( subdiv, img );//画出细分 CvPoint2D32f point1=cvPoint2D32f(300,300);//图像中心选择一点。 CvSubdiv2DEdge e; CvSubdiv2DEdge e0 = 0; CvSubdiv2DPoint* p = 0; CvSubdiv2DPointLocation loc=cvSubdiv2DLocate( subdiv, point1, &e0, &p ); if(loc==CV_PTLOC_INSIDE) { cout<<"落入某些面,箭头的方向用来说明图的方向"<<endl; draw_edge(e0,img,"fisrt"); CvSubdiv2DEdge e_lnext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e0,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); draw_edge(e_lnext,img,"second"); CvSubdiv2DEdge e_Onext=cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(e_lnext,CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT); draw_edge(e_Onext,img,"third"); }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_ON_EDGE) { cout<<"点落在边缘上"<<endl; }else if(loc==CV_PTLOC_VERTEX) { cout<<"和顶点重合"<<endl; }else { cout<<"输入变量无效"<<endl; } cvShowImage( win, img );// cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyWindow( win ); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { (void)argc; (void)argv; help(); run(); return 0; } #ifdef _EiC main( 1, "delaunay.c" ); #endif
- #include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
- #include <atlstr.h> // use STL string instead, although not as convenient…
- #include <atltrace.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <string>
- #include<time.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- /*
- pts,要剖分的散点集,in
- img,剖分的画布,in
- tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out
- */
- // used for doing delaunay trianglation with opencv function
- //该函数用来防止多次重画并消去虚拟三角形的 顶点
- bool isGoodTri( Vec3i &v, vector<Vec3i> & tri )
- {
- int a = v[0], b = v[1], c = v[2];
- v[0] = min(a,min(b,c));//v[0]找到点插入的先后顺序(0….N-1,N为点的个数)的最小值
- v[2] = max(a,max(b,c));//v[2]存储最大值.
- v[1] = a+b+c-v[0]-v[2];//v[1]为中间值
- if (v[0] == -1) return false;
- vector<Vec3i>::iterator iter = tri.begin();//开始时为空
- for(;iter!=tri.end();iter++)
- {
- Vec3i &check = *iter;//如果当前待压入的和存储的重复了,则停止返回false。
- if (check[0]==v[0] &&
- check[1]==v[1] &&
- check[2]==v[2])
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iter == tri.end())
- {
- tri.push_back(v);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- pts,要剖分的散点集,in
- img,剖分的画布,in
- tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out
- */
- void TriSubDiv( vector<Point2f> &pts, Mat &img, vector<Vec3i> &tri )
- {
- CvSubdiv2D* subdiv;
- CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //创建存储器
- Rect rc = Rect(0,0, img.cols, img.rows);//矩形是图像的大小
- subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv),
- sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint),
- sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D),
- storage );//为剖分数据分配空间
- cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rc );
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint *pt = cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, pts[i] );//利用插入法进行剖分
- pt->id = i;//为每一个顶点分配一个id
- }
- CvSeqReader reader;//利用CvSeqReader遍历
- int total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的总数
- int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小
- cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 );
- Point buf[3];
- const Point *pBuf = buf;
- Vec3i verticesIdx;
- Mat imgShow = img.clone();
- srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
- {
- CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);
- if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))
- {
- CvSubdiv2DEdge t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;
- int iPointNum = 3;
- Scalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255);
- //Scalar color=CV_RGB(255,0,0);
- //bool isNeg = false;
- int j;
- for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//获取t边的源点
- if( !pt ) break;
- buf[j] = pt->pt;//将点存储起来
- //if (pt->id == -1) isNeg = true;
- verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;//获取顶点的Id号,将三个点的id存储到verticesIdx中
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//获取下一条边
- }
- if (j != iPointNum) continue;
- if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri))
- {
- //tri.push_back(verticesIdx);
- polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum,
- 1, true, color,
- 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出三条边
- //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y);
- //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]);
- //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow);
- //waitKey();
- }
- t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge+2;//相反边缘 reversed e
- for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ )
- {
- CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );
- if( !pt ) break;
- buf[j] = pt->pt;
- verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;
- t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
- }
- if (j != iPointNum) continue;
- if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri))
- {
- //tri.push_back(verticesIdx);
- polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum,
- 1, true, color,
- 1, CV_AA, 0);
- //printf(“(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n”, buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y);
- //printf(“%d\t%d\t%d\n”, verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]);
- //imshow(“Delaunay”, imgShow);
- //waitKey();
- }
- }
- CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
- }
- //RemoveDuplicate(tri);
- char title[100];
- sprintf_s(title, 100, ”Delaunay: %d Triangles”, tri.size());//tri存储的为3个顶点为一个vec3i,故tri.size()表示三角形的个数。
- imshow(title, imgShow);
- waitKey();
- }
- void main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- Mat imgL(600,600,CV_8UC3);
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Delaunay triangulation */
- /************************************************************************/
- cout<<”doing triangulation…”<<endl;
- vector<Vec3i> tri;
- vector<Point2f> vec_points;
- for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++ )
- {
- Point2f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(imgL.cols-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。
- (float)(rand()%(imgL.rows-10)));
- vec_points.push_back(fp);
- }
- TriSubDiv(vec_points, imgL, tri);
- }
#include <opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp>
include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
include <atlstr.h> // use STL string instead, although not as convenient…
include <atltrace.h>
include <iostream>
include <fstream>
include <string>
#include<time.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; /* pts,要剖分的散点集,in img,剖分的画布,in tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out */ // used for doing delaunay trianglation with opencv function //该函数用来防止多次重画并消去虚拟三角形的 顶点 bool isGoodTri( Vec3i &v, vector<Vec3i> & tri ) { int a = v[0], b = v[1], c = v[2]; v[0] = min(a,min(b,c));//v[0]找到点插入的先后顺序(0....N-1,N为点的个数)的最小值 v[2] = max(a,max(b,c));//v[2]存储最大值. v[1] = a+b+c-v[0]-v[2];//v[1]为中间值 if (v[0] == -1) return false; vector<Vec3i>::iterator iter = tri.begin();//开始时为空 for(;iter!=tri.end();iter++) { Vec3i &check = *iter;//如果当前待压入的和存储的重复了,则停止返回false。 if (check[0]==v[0] && check[1]==v[1] && check[2]==v[2]) { break; } } if (iter == tri.end()) { tri.push_back(v); return true; } return false; } /* pts,要剖分的散点集,in img,剖分的画布,in tri,存储三个表示顶点变换的正数,out */ void TriSubDiv( vector<Point2f> &pts, Mat &img, vector<Vec3i> &tri ) { CvSubdiv2D* subdiv; CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); //创建存储器 Rect rc = Rect(0,0, img.cols, img.rows);//矩形是图像的大小 subdiv = cvCreateSubdiv2D( CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(*subdiv), sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint), sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D), storage );//为剖分数据分配空间 cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D( subdiv, rc ); for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) { CvSubdiv2DPoint *pt = cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( subdiv, pts[i] );//利用插入法进行剖分 pt->id = i;//为每一个顶点分配一个id } CvSeqReader reader;//利用CvSeqReader遍历 int total = subdiv->edges->total;//边的总数 int elem_size = subdiv->edges->elem_size;//边的大小 cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(subdiv->edges), &reader, 0 ); Point buf[3]; const Point *pBuf = buf; Vec3i verticesIdx; Mat imgShow = img.clone(); srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr); if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge )) { CvSubdiv2DEdge t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge; int iPointNum = 3; Scalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255,rand()&255,rand()&255); //Scalar color=CV_RGB(255,0,0); //bool isNeg = false; int j; for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );//获取t边的源点 if( !pt ) break; buf[j] = pt->pt;//将点存储起来 //if (pt->id == -1) isNeg = true; verticesIdx[j] = pt->id;//获取顶点的Id号,将三个点的id存储到verticesIdx中 t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );//获取下一条边 } if (j != iPointNum) continue; if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri)) { //tri.push_back(verticesIdx); polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum, 1, true, color, 1, CV_AA, 0);//画出三条边 //printf("(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n", buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y); //printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]); //imshow("Delaunay", imgShow); //waitKey(); } t = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge+2;//相反边缘 reversed e for(j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++ ) { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t ); if( !pt ) break; buf[j] = pt->pt; verticesIdx[j] = pt->id; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } if (j != iPointNum) continue; if (isGoodTri(verticesIdx, tri)) { //tri.push_back(verticesIdx); polylines( imgShow, &pBuf, &iPointNum, 1, true, color, 1, CV_AA, 0); //printf("(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n", buf[0].x, buf[0].y, buf[1].x, buf[1].y, buf[2].x, buf[2].y); //printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", verticesIdx[0], verticesIdx[1], verticesIdx[2]); //imshow("Delaunay", imgShow); //waitKey(); } } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader ); } //RemoveDuplicate(tri); char title[100]; sprintf_s(title, 100, "Delaunay: %d Triangles", tri.size());//tri存储的为3个顶点为一个vec3i,故tri.size()表示三角形的个数。 imshow(title, imgShow); waitKey(); } void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Mat imgL(600,600,CV_8UC3); /************************************************************************/ /* Delaunay triangulation */ /************************************************************************/ cout<<"doing triangulation..."<<endl; vector<Vec3i> tri; vector<Point2f> vec_points; for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++ ) { Point2f fp = cvPoint2D32f( (float)(rand()%(imgL.cols-10)),//使点约束在距离边框10像素之内。 (float)(rand()%(imgL.rows-10))); vec_points.push_back(fp); } TriSubDiv(vec_points, imgL, tri); }