







#include <dwa_local_planner/dwa_planner.h>
#include <base_local_planner/goal_functions.h>
#include <base_local_planner/map_grid_cost_point.h>
#include <cmath>

//for computing path distance
#include <queue>

#include <angles/angles.h>

#include <ros/ros.h>

#include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h>

namespace dwa_local_planner {
  void DWAPlanner::reconfigure(DWAPlannerConfig &config)

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(configuration_mutex_);


    double resolution = planner_util_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
    pdist_scale_ = config.path_distance_bias;
    gdist_scale_ = config.goal_distance_bias;
    occdist_scale_ = config.occdist_scale;
    alignment_scale_  = config.alignment_scale;
    goal_front_scale_  = config.goal_front_scale;
    additional_goal_scale_  = config.additional_goal_scale;
    forward_point_distance_ = config.forward_point_distance;
    alignment_point_distance_ = config.alignment_point_distance;
    additional_goal_distance_ = config.additional_goal_distance;

    // pdistscale used for both path and alignment, set  forward_point_distance to zero to discard alignment
    path_costs_.setScale(resolution * pdist_scale_ * 0.5);
    alignment_costs_.setScale(resolution * alignment_scale_ * 0.5);
    goal_costs_.setScale(resolution * gdist_scale_ * 0.5);
    goal_front_costs_.setScale(resolution * goal_front_scale_ * 0.5);
    additional_goal_costs_.setScale(resolution * additional_goal_scale_ * 1.0);

    obstacle_costs_.setScale(resolution * occdist_scale_);

    stop_time_buffer_ = config.stop_time_buffer;
    oscillation_costs_.setOscillationResetDist(config.oscillation_reset_dist, config.oscillation_reset_angle);
    // obstacle costs can vary due to scaling footprint feature
    obstacle_costs_.setParams(config.max_trans_vel, config.max_scaling_factor, config.scaling_speed);

    int vx_samp, vy_samp, vth_samp;
    vx_samp = config.vx_samples;
    vy_samp = config.vy_samples;
    vth_samp = config.vth_samples;
    if (vx_samp <= 0) {
      ROS_WARN("You've specified that you don't want any samples in the x dimension. We'll at least assume that you want to sample one value... so we're going to set vx_samples to 1 instead");
      vx_samp = 1;
      config.vx_samples = vx_samp;
    if (vy_samp <= 0) {
      ROS_WARN("You've specified that you don't want any samples in the y dimension. We'll at least assume that you want to sample one value... so we're going to set vy_samples to 1 instead");
      vy_samp = 1;
      config.vy_samples = vy_samp;
    if (vth_samp <= 0) {
      ROS_WARN("You've specified that you don't want any samples in the th dimension. We'll at least assume that you want to sample one value... so we're going to set vth_samples to 1 instead");
      vth_samp = 1;
      config.vth_samples = vth_samp;
    vsamples_[0] = vx_samp;
    vsamples_[1] = vy_samp;
    vsamples_[2] = vth_samp;


  DWAPlanner::DWAPlanner(std::string name, base_local_planner::LocalPlannerUtil *planner_util) :
      path_costs_(planner_util->getCostmap(), 0.0, 0.0, false, base_local_planner::Last),
      goal_costs_(planner_util->getCostmap(), 0.0, 0.0, true, base_local_planner::Last),
      goal_front_costs_(planner_util->getCostmap(), 0.0, 0.0, true, base_local_planner::Last),
      alignment_costs_(planner_util->getCostmap(), 0.0, 0.0, false, base_local_planner::Last),
      additional_goal_costs_(planner_util->getCostmap(), 0.0, 0.0, false, base_local_planner::Last)
    ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/" + name);

    goal_front_costs_.setStopOnFailure( false );
    alignment_costs_.setStopOnFailure( true );

    //Assuming this planner is being run within the navigation stack, we can
    //just do an upward search for the frequency at which its being run. This
    //also allows the frequency to be overwritten locally.
    std::string controller_frequency_param_name;
    if(!private_nh.searchParam("controller_frequency", controller_frequency_param_name)) {
      sim_period_ = 0.05;
    } else {
      double controller_frequency = 0;
      private_nh.param(controller_frequency_param_name, controller_frequency, 20.0);
      if(controller_frequency > 0) {
        sim_period_ = 1.0 / controller_frequency;
      } else {
        ROS_WARN("A controller_frequency less than 0 has been set. Ignoring the parameter, assuming a rate of 20Hz");
        sim_period_ = 0.05;
    ROS_INFO("Sim period is set to %.2f", sim_period_);


    bool sum_scores;
    private_nh.param("sum_scores", sum_scores, false);

    private_nh.param("publish_cost_grid_pc", publish_cost_grid_pc_, false);
    map_viz_.initialize(name, planner_util->getGlobalFrame(), boost::bind(&DWAPlanner::getCellCosts, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6));

    std::string frame_id;
    private_nh.param("global_frame_id", frame_id, std::string("odom"));

    traj_cloud_ = new pcl::PointCloud<base_local_planner::MapGridCostPoint>;
    traj_cloud_->header.frame_id = frame_id;
    traj_cloud_pub_.advertise(private_nh, "trajectory_cloud", 1);
    private_nh.param("publish_traj_pc", publish_traj_pc_, false);

    // set up all the cost functions that will be applied in order
    // (any function returning negative values will abort scoring, so the order can improve performance)
    std::vector<base_local_planner::TrajectoryCostFunction*> critics;   //为什么要将所有的cost都要进行压入操作呢,这是因为后面调用的计算代价的函数需要进行迭代相加计算
    critics.push_back(&oscillation_costs_); // discards oscillating motions (assisgns cost -1)
    critics.push_back(&obstacle_costs_); // discards trajectories that move into obstacles
    critics.push_back(&path_costs_); // prefers trajectories on global path
    critics.push_back(&goal_costs_); // prefers trajectories that go towards (local) goal, based on wave propagation
    private_nh.param("use_goal_front", use_goal_front, true);
      critics.push_back(&goal_front_costs_); // prefers trajectories that make the nose go towards (local) nose goal
    private_nh.param("use_alignment", use_alignment, true);
      critics.push_back(&alignment_costs_); // prefers trajectories that keep the robot nose on nose path
    private_nh.param("use_additional_goal", use_additional_goal, true);
      critics.push_back(&additional_goal_costs_); // add addtional goal to avoid stuck

    // trajectory generators
    std::vector<base_local_planner::TrajectorySampleGenerator*> generator_list;//此处压如了一次,因此只有一种生成器,即base_local_planner::SimpleTrajectoryGenerator generator_。

    scored_sampling_planner_ = base_local_planner::SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner(generator_list, critics);

    private_nh.param("cheat_factor", cheat_factor_, 1.0);

  // used for visualization only, total_costs are not really total costs
  bool DWAPlanner::getCellCosts(int cx, int cy, float &path_cost, float &goal_cost, float &occ_cost, float &total_cost) {

    path_cost = path_costs_.getCellCosts(cx, cy);
    goal_cost = goal_costs_.getCellCosts(cx, cy);
    occ_cost = planner_util_->getCostmap()->getCost(cx, cy);
    double goal_front_cost = goal_front_costs_.getCellCosts(cx, cy);
    double alignment_path_cost = alignment_costs_.getCellCosts(cx, cy);
    double additional_goal_cost = additional_goal_costs_.getCellCosts(cx, cy);

    if (path_cost == path_costs_.obstacleCosts() ||
        path_cost == path_costs_.unreachableCellCosts() ||
        occ_cost >= costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE) {
      return false;

    double resolution = planner_util_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
    total_cost =
        pdist_scale_ * resolution * path_cost +
        gdist_scale_ * resolution * goal_cost +
        occdist_scale_ * occ_cost;

    total_cost =
        path_costs_.getScale() * path_cost +
        goal_costs_.getScale() * goal_cost +
        goal_front_costs_.getScale() * goal_front_cost +
        alignment_costs_.getScale() * alignment_path_cost +
        additional_goal_costs_.getScale() * additional_goal_cost +
        obstacle_costs_.getScale() * occ_cost;
    return true;

  bool DWAPlanner::setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan) {
    return planner_util_->setPlan(orig_global_plan);

   * This function is used when other strategies are to be applied,
   * but the cost functions for obstacles are to be reused.
  bool DWAPlanner::checkTrajectory(
      Eigen::Vector3f pos,
      Eigen::Vector3f vel,
      Eigen::Vector3f vel_samples){
    base_local_planner::Trajectory traj;
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goal_pose = global_plan_.back();
    Eigen::Vector3f goal(goal_pose.pose.position.x, goal_pose.pose.position.y, tf::getYaw(goal_pose.pose.orientation));
    base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits limits = planner_util_->getCurrentLimits();
    generator_.generateTrajectory(pos, vel, vel_samples, traj);
    double cost = scored_sampling_planner_.scoreTrajectory(traj, -1);
    //if the trajectory is a legal one... the check passes
    if(cost >= 0) {
      return true;
    ROS_WARN("Invalid Trajectory %f, %f, %f, cost: %f", vel_samples[0], vel_samples[1], vel_samples[2], cost);

    //otherwise the check fails
    return false;

  //in fact, only setTarget to the score functions, we should call prepare to compute cost before using
  void DWAPlanner::updatePlanAndLocalCosts(
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose,
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& new_plan) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < new_plan.size(); ++i) {
      global_plan_[i] = new_plan[i];

    // costs for going away from path

    // costs for not going towards the local goal as much as possible

    // alignment costs
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goal_pose = global_plan_.back();

    Eigen::Vector3f pos(global_pose.getOrigin().getX(), global_pose.getOrigin().getY(), tf::getYaw(global_pose.getRotation()));

    //distance between current pose and local goal
    double sq_dist =
        (pos[0] - goal_pose.pose.position.x) * (pos[0] - goal_pose.pose.position.x) +
        (pos[1] - goal_pose.pose.position.y) * (pos[1] - goal_pose.pose.position.y);

    // we want the robot nose to be drawn to its final position
    // (before robot turns towards goal orientation), not the end of the
    // path for the robot center. Choosing the final position after
    // turning towards goal orientation causes instability when the
    // robot needs to make a 180 degree turn at the end
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> front_global_plan = global_plan_;
    double angle_to_goal = atan2(goal_pose.pose.position.y - pos[1], goal_pose.pose.position.x - pos[0]);
    front_global_plan.back().pose.position.x = front_global_plan.back().pose.position.x +
      forward_point_distance_ * cos(angle_to_goal);
    front_global_plan.back().pose.position.y = front_global_plan.back().pose.position.y + forward_point_distance_ *


    //now we'll add some addtional goals for avoiding struck
    bool addtional_start = false;
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> addtional_global_plan;
    for(int i =0; i < global_plan_.size() ; i++) {
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goalPose = global_plan_[i];
        double dist =
            (pos[0] - goalPose.pose.position.x) * (pos[0] - goalPose.pose.position.x) +
            (pos[1] - goalPose.pose.position.y) * (pos[1] - goalPose.pose.position.y);
        if(dist >= additional_goal_distance_*additional_goal_distance_)
          addtional_start = true;
    //if the robot is not near the goal, we using alignment cost; if the robot is very near the goal, we disable the alignment cost.
    // keeping the nose on the path
    if (sq_dist > forward_point_distance_ * forward_point_distance_ * cheat_factor_) {
      double resolution = planner_util_->getCostmap()->getResolution();
      alignment_costs_.setScale(resolution * alignment_scale_ * 0.5);
      // costs for robot being aligned with path (nose on path, not ju
    } else {
      // once we are close to goal, trying to keep the nose close to anything destabilizes behavior.

   * given the current state of the robot, find a good trajectory
  base_local_planner::Trajectory DWAPlanner::findBestPath(
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose,
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_vel,
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& drive_velocities,
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint_spec) {


    //make sure that our configuration doesn't change mid-run
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(configuration_mutex_);//确保程序在运算的过程中,配置发生变化

    Eigen::Vector3f pos(global_pose.getOrigin().getX(), global_pose.getOrigin().getY(), tf::getYaw(global_pose.getRotation()));//当前位姿
    Eigen::Vector3f vel(global_vel.getOrigin().getX(), global_vel.getOrigin().getY(), tf::getYaw(global_vel.getRotation()));//当前速度
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goal_pose = global_plan_.back();//路径的最后一个点设置为目标点
    Eigen::Vector3f goal(goal_pose.pose.position.x, goal_pose.pose.position.y, tf::getYaw(goal_pose.pose.orientation));//获取目标位姿
    base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits limits = planner_util_->getCurrentLimits();//获取各种局部路径规划的参数

    // prepare cost functions and generators for this run

    result_traj_.cost_ = -7;//刚开始轨迹设为不可行
    // find best trajectory by sampling and scoring the samples
    std::vector<base_local_planner::Trajectory> all_explored;
    scored_sampling_planner_.findBestTrajectory(result_traj_, &all_explored);//===========>发现最优路径。result_traj_就是最优路径,all_explored就是所有的路径是为了后面的显示时使用。

        base_local_planner::MapGridCostPoint pt;
        traj_cloud_->width = 0;
        traj_cloud_->height = 0;
        std_msgs::Header header;
        pcl_conversions::fromPCL(traj_cloud_->header, header);
        header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        traj_cloud_->header = pcl_conversions::toPCL(header);
        for(std::vector<base_local_planner::Trajectory>::iterator t=all_explored.begin(); t != all_explored.end(); ++t)
            // Fill out the plan
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < t->getPointsSize(); ++i) {
                double p_x, p_y, p_th;
                t->getPoint(i, p_x, p_y, p_th);

    // verbose publishing of point clouds
    if (publish_cost_grid_pc_) {
      //we'll publish the visualization of the costs to rviz before returning our best trajectory

    // debrief stateful scoring functions
    oscillation_costs_.updateOscillationFlags(pos, &result_traj_, planner_util_->getCurrentLimits().min_trans_vel);

    //if we don't have a legal trajectory, we'll just command zero
    if (result_traj_.cost_ < 0) {
    } else {
      tf::Vector3 start(result_traj_.xv_, result_traj_.yv_, 0);
      tf::Matrix3x3 matrix;

    return result_traj_;



#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>

#include <tf/transform_listener.h>

#include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
#include <dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerConfig.h>

#include <angles/angles.h>

#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>

#include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d_ros.h>
#include <nav_core/base_local_planner.h>
#include <base_local_planner/latched_stop_rotate_controller.h>

#include <base_local_planner/odometry_helper_ros.h>

#include <dwa_local_planner/dwa_planner.h>
#include <std_msgs/builtin_string.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>

namespace dwa_local_planner {
   * @class DWAPlannerROS
   * @brief ROS Wrapper for the DWAPlanner that adheres to the
   * BaseLocalPlanner interface and can be used as a plugin for move_base.
  class DWAPlannerROS : public nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner {
       * @brief  Constructor for DWAPlannerROS wrapper

       * @brief  Constructs the ros wrapper
       * @param name The name to give this instance of the trajectory planner
       * @param tf A pointer to a transform listener
       * @param costmap The cost map to use for assigning costs to trajectories
      void initialize(std::string name, tf::TransformListener* tf,
          costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros);//初始化

       * @brief  Destructor for the wrapper

       * @brief  Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot,
       * compute velocity commands to send to the base
       * @param cmd_vel Will be filled with the velocity command to be passed to the robot base
       * @return True if a valid trajectory was found, false otherwise
      bool computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel);//计算控制速度

       * @brief  Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot,
       * compute velocity commands to send to the base, using dynamic window approach
       * @param cmd_vel Will be filled with the velocity command to be passed to the robot base
       * @return True if a valid trajectory was found, false otherwise
      bool dwaComputeVelocityCommands(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose, geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel);

       * @brief  Set the plan that the controller is following
       * @param orig_global_plan The plan to pass to the controller
       * @return True if the plan was updated successfully, false otherwise
      bool setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan);//设置全局路径

       * @brief  Check if the goal pose has been achieved
       * @return True if achieved, false otherwise
      bool isGoalReached();//判断是否到达目标点

      bool isInitialized() {
        return initialized_;

       * @brief Callback to update the local planner's parameters based on dynamic reconfigure
      void reconfigureCB(DWAPlannerConfig &config, uint32_t level);

      void publishLocalPlan(std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& path);

      void publishGlobalPlan(std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& path);

      tf::TransformListener* tf_; ///< @brief Used for transforming point clouds

      // for visualisation, publishers of global and local plan
      ros::Publisher g_plan_pub_, l_plan_pub_;

      base_local_planner::LocalPlannerUtil planner_util_;//存储运动控制参数以及costmap2d,tf等,会被传入dp_

      boost::shared_ptr<DWAPlanner> dp_; ///< @brief The trajectory controller,dwa运动控制类

      costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros_;//地图

      dynamic_reconfigure::Server<DWAPlannerConfig> *dsrv_;
      dwa_local_planner::DWAPlannerConfig default_config_;
      bool setup_;
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> current_pose_;

      base_local_planner::LatchedStopRotateController latchedStopRotateController_;// 到达目标点后的停止旋转运动控制类

      bool initialized_;

      base_local_planner::OdometryHelperRos odom_helper_;//用来获取odom信息,传入dp_
      std::string odom_topic_;
      ros::Publisher dwaPub_;
      std_msgs::String dwa_msg;




#include <dwa_local_planner/dwa_planner_ros.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cmath>

#include <ros/console.h>

#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>

#include <base_local_planner/goal_functions.h>
#include <nav_msgs/Path.h>

//register this planner as a BaseLocalPlanner plugin
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(dwa_local_planner::DWAPlannerROS, nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner)

namespace dwa_local_planner {

  void DWAPlannerROS::reconfigureCB(DWAPlannerConfig &config, uint32_t level) {
      if (setup_ && config.restore_defaults) {
        config = default_config_;
        config.restore_defaults = false;
      if ( ! setup_) {
        default_config_ = config;
        setup_ = true;

      // update generic local planner params
      base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits limits;
      limits.max_trans_vel = config.max_trans_vel;
      limits.min_trans_vel = config.min_trans_vel;
      limits.max_vel_x = config.max_vel_x;
      limits.min_vel_x = config.min_vel_x;
      limits.max_vel_y = config.max_vel_y;
      limits.min_vel_y = config.min_vel_y;
      limits.max_rot_vel = config.max_rot_vel;
      limits.min_rot_vel = config.min_rot_vel;
      limits.acc_lim_x = config.acc_lim_x;
      limits.acc_lim_y = config.acc_lim_y;
      limits.acc_lim_theta = config.acc_lim_theta;
      limits.acc_limit_trans = config.acc_limit_trans;
      limits.xy_goal_tolerance = config.xy_goal_tolerance;
      limits.yaw_goal_tolerance = config.yaw_goal_tolerance;
      limits.prune_plan = config.prune_plan;
      limits.trans_stopped_vel = config.trans_stopped_vel;
      limits.rot_stopped_vel = config.rot_stopped_vel;
      planner_util_.reconfigureCB(limits, config.restore_defaults);

      // update dwa specific configuration

  DWAPlannerROS::DWAPlannerROS() : initialized_(false),
      odom_helper_("odom"), setup_(false) {


  void DWAPlannerROS::initialize(
      std::string name,
      tf::TransformListener* tf,
      costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros) {
    if (! isInitialized()) {

      ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/" + name);
      g_plan_pub_ = private_nh.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("global_plan", 1);
      l_plan_pub_ = private_nh.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("local_plan", 1);
      dwaPub_ = private_nh.advertise<std_msgs::String>("/dwa_file", 2);
      tf_ = tf;
      costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;

      // make sure to update the costmap we'll use for this cycle
      costmap_2d::Costmap2D* costmap = costmap_ros_->getCostmap();

      planner_util_.initialize(tf, costmap, costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID());//costmap的初始化处理

      //create the actual planner that we'll use.. it'll configure itself from the parameter server
      dp_ = boost::shared_ptr<DWAPlanner>(new DWAPlanner(name, &planner_util_));

      if( private_nh.getParam( "odom_topic", odom_topic_ ))
        odom_helper_.setOdomTopic( odom_topic_ );
      initialized_ = true;

      dsrv_ = new dynamic_reconfigure::Server<DWAPlannerConfig>(private_nh);
      dynamic_reconfigure::Server<DWAPlannerConfig>::CallbackType cb = boost::bind(&DWAPlannerROS::reconfigureCB, this, _1, _2);
      ROS_WARN("This planner has already been initialized, doing nothing.");
  bool DWAPlannerROS::setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan) {
    if (! isInitialized()) {
      ROS_ERROR("This planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner");
      return false;
    //when we get a new plan, we also want to clear any latch we may have on goal tolerances

    ROS_INFO("Got new plan");

    dwa_msg.data = "Dynamic_path_planning_start.wav";
    return dp_->setPlan(orig_global_plan);//将全局路径输入

  bool DWAPlannerROS::isGoalReached() {//判断是否已经到达目标位置
    if (! isInitialized()) {
      ROS_ERROR("This planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner");
      return false;
    if ( ! costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(current_pose_)) {
      ROS_ERROR("Could not get robot pose");
      return false;

    if(latchedStopRotateController_.isGoalReached(&planner_util_, odom_helper_, current_pose_)) {
      ROS_INFO("Goal reached");

      dwa_msg.data = "The_goal_has_arrived.wav";
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  void DWAPlannerROS::publishLocalPlan(std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& path) {
    base_local_planner::publishPlan(path, l_plan_pub_);

  void DWAPlannerROS::publishGlobalPlan(std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& path) {
    base_local_planner::publishPlan(path, g_plan_pub_);

    //make sure to clean things up
    delete dsrv_;

  bool DWAPlannerROS::dwaComputeVelocityCommands(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> &global_pose, geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel) {
    // dynamic window sampling approach to get useful velocity commands
    if(! isInitialized()){
      ROS_ERROR("This planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner");
      return false;

    tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_vel;

    //For timing uncomment
    struct timeval start, end;
    double start_t, end_t, t_diff;
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

    //compute what trajectory to drive along
    tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> drive_cmds;
    drive_cmds.frame_id_ = costmap_ros_->getBaseFrameID();
    // call with updated footprint
    base_local_planner::Trajectory path = dp_->findBestPath(global_pose, robot_vel, drive_cmds, costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint());//=================》核心调用,发现最优路径,其中globalpose是机器人的位姿,robotvel是根据odom获取的速度,drivecmds为产生的最优速度,最后的参数是机器人的footprint
    //ROS_ERROR("Best: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", path.xv_, path.yv_, path.thetav_, path.cost_);

    //For timing uncomment
    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
    start_t = start.tv_sec + double(start.tv_usec) / 1e6;
    end_t = end.tv_sec + double(end.tv_usec) / 1e6;
    t_diff = end_t - start_t;
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("dwa_local_planner","Cycle time: %.9f", t_diff);

    //pass along drive commands
    cmd_vel.linear.x = drive_cmds.getOrigin().getX();//对规划出的速度进行填充,可以看出上面的findbestpath产生的就是速度,并没有产生加速度。只是速度的变化,导致产生了加速度而已。
    cmd_vel.linear.y = drive_cmds.getOrigin().getY();
    cmd_vel.angular.z = tf::getYaw(drive_cmds.getRotation());

    //if we cannot move... tell someone
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> local_plan;
    if(path.cost_ < 0) {
          "The dwa local planner failed to find a valid plan, cost functions discarded all candidates. This can mean there is an obstacle too close to the robot.");
      return false;

    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("dwa_local_planner", "A valid velocity command of (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) was found for this cycle.", 
                    cmd_vel.linear.x, cmd_vel.linear.y, cmd_vel.angular.z);

    // Fill out the local plan
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < path.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
      double p_x, p_y, p_th;
      path.getPoint(i, p_x, p_y, p_th);

      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> p =
                      tf::Point(p_x, p_y, 0.0)),
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
      tf::poseStampedTFToMsg(p, pose);

    //publish information to the visualizer

    return true;

  bool DWAPlannerROS::computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel) {
    // dispatches to either dwa sampling control or stop and rotate control, depending on whether we have been close enough to goal
    if ( ! costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(current_pose_)) {
      ROS_ERROR("Could not get robot pose");
      return false;
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> transformed_plan;
    if ( ! planner_util_.getLocalPlan(current_pose_, transformed_plan)) {//=====================》将全局路径根据机器人的位置获取要跟踪的局部路径
      ROS_ERROR("Could not get local plan");
      return false;

    //if the global plan passed in is empty... we won't do anything
    if(transformed_plan.empty()) {
      ROS_WARN_NAMED("dwa_local_planner", "Received an empty transformed plan.");
      return false;
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("dwa_local_planner", "Received a transformed plan with %zu points.", transformed_plan.size());

    // update plan in dwa_planner even if we just stop and rotate, to allow checkTrajectory
    dp_->updatePlanAndLocalCosts(current_pose_, transformed_plan);//对局部路径进行更新,在旋转停止等情况下

    if (latchedStopRotateController_.isPositionReached(&planner_util_, current_pose_)) {//判断位置上是否已经到达目标
      //publish an empty plan because we've reached our goal position
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> local_plan;
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> transformed_plan;
      base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits limits = planner_util_.getCurrentLimits();
      return latchedStopRotateController_.computeVelocityCommandsStopRotate(//计算达到目标位置后的旋转以调整位姿
          boost::bind(&DWAPlanner::checkTrajectory, dp_, _1, _2, _3));
    } else {
      bool isOk = dwaComputeVelocityCommands(current_pose_, cmd_vel);
      if (isOk) {
      } else {
        ROS_WARN_NAMED("dwa_local_planner", "DWA planner failed to produce path.");
        std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> empty_plan;
      return isOk;



#include <base_local_planner/goal_functions.h>

namespace base_local_planner {

  double getGoalPositionDistance(const tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose, double goal_x, double goal_y) {
    return hypot(goal_x - global_pose.getOrigin().x(), goal_y - global_pose.getOrigin().y());

  double getGoalOrientationAngleDifference(const tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose, double goal_th) {
    double yaw = tf::getYaw(global_pose.getRotation());
    return angles::shortest_angular_distance(yaw, goal_th);

  void publishPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& path, const ros::Publisher& pub) {
    //given an empty path we won't do anything

    //create a path message
    nav_msgs::Path gui_path;
    gui_path.header.frame_id = path[0].header.frame_id;
    gui_path.header.stamp = path[0].header.stamp;

    // Extract the plan in world co-ordinates, we assume the path is all in the same frame
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < path.size(); i++){
      gui_path.poses[i] = path[i];


  void prunePlan(const tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan){
    ROS_ASSERT(global_plan.size() >= plan.size());//保证裁剪全局路径是大于局部路径的
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>::iterator it = plan.begin();
    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>::iterator global_it = global_plan.begin();
    while(it != plan.end()){
      const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& w = *it;
      // Fixed error bound of 2 meters for now. Can reduce to a portion of the map size or based on the resolution
      double x_diff = global_pose.getOrigin().x() - w.pose.position.x;
      double y_diff = global_pose.getOrigin().y() - w.pose.position.y;
      double distance_sq = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;
      if(distance_sq < 1){
        ROS_DEBUG("Nearest waypoint to <%f, %f> is <%f, %f>\n", global_pose.getOrigin().x(), global_pose.getOrigin().y(), w.pose.position.x, w.pose.position.y);
      it = plan.erase(it);
      global_it = global_plan.erase(global_it);

  bool transformGlobalPlan(
      const tf::TransformListener& tf,
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan,
      const tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose,
      const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap,
      const std::string& global_frame,
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& transformed_plan){//将全局路径进行最表转换转换到局部的跟踪路径

    if (global_plan.empty()) {
      ROS_ERROR("Received plan with zero length");
      return false;

    const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& plan_pose = global_plan[0];
    try {
      // get plan_to_global_transform from plan frame to global_frame
      tf::StampedTransform plan_to_global_transform;
      tf.waitForTransform(global_frame, ros::Time::now(),
                          plan_pose.header.frame_id, plan_pose.header.stamp,
                          plan_pose.header.frame_id, ros::Duration(0.5));
      tf.lookupTransform(global_frame, ros::Time(),
                         plan_pose.header.frame_id, plan_pose.header.stamp, 
                         plan_pose.header.frame_id, plan_to_global_transform);

      //let's get the pose of the robot in the frame of the plan
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_pose;
      tf.transformPose(plan_pose.header.frame_id, global_pose, robot_pose);//获取机器人在局部规划的位姿

      //we'll discard points on the plan that are outside the local costmap
      double dist_threshold = std::max(costmap.getSizeInCellsX() * costmap.getResolution() / 2.0,
                                       costmap.getSizeInCellsY() * costmap.getResolution() / 2.0);

      unsigned int i = 0;
      double sq_dist_threshold = dist_threshold * dist_threshold;
      double sq_dist = 0;

      //we need to loop to a point on the plan that is within a certain distance of the robot
      while(i < (unsigned int)global_plan.size()) {//将在局部地图之外的路径消除掉
        double x_diff = robot_pose.getOrigin().x() - global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
        double y_diff = robot_pose.getOrigin().y() - global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
        sq_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;
        if (sq_dist <= sq_dist_threshold) {

      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tf_pose;
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped newer_pose;

      //now we'll transform until points are outside of our distance threshold
      while(i < (unsigned int)global_plan.size() && sq_dist <= sq_dist_threshold) {
        const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose = global_plan[i];
        poseStampedMsgToTF(pose, tf_pose);
        tf_pose.setData(plan_to_global_transform * tf_pose);
        tf_pose.stamp_ = plan_to_global_transform.stamp_;
        tf_pose.frame_id_ = global_frame;
        poseStampedTFToMsg(tf_pose, newer_pose);


        double x_diff = robot_pose.getOrigin().x() - global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
        double y_diff = robot_pose.getOrigin().y() - global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
        sq_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff;

    catch(tf::LookupException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("No Transform available Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf::ConnectivityException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Connectivity Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf::ExtrapolationException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Extrapolation Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      if (!global_plan.empty())
        ROS_ERROR("Global Frame: %s Plan Frame size %d: %s\n", global_frame.c_str(), (unsigned int)global_plan.size(), global_plan[0].header.frame_id.c_str());

      return false;

    return true;

  bool getGoalPose(const tf::TransformListener& tf,
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan,
      const std::string& global_frame, tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& goal_pose) {
    if (global_plan.empty())
      ROS_ERROR("Received plan with zero length");
      return false;

    const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& plan_goal_pose = global_plan.back();
      tf::StampedTransform transform;
      tf.waitForTransform(global_frame, ros::Time::now(),
                          plan_goal_pose.header.frame_id, plan_goal_pose.header.stamp,
                          plan_goal_pose.header.frame_id, ros::Duration(0.5));
      tf.lookupTransform(global_frame, ros::Time(),
                         plan_goal_pose.header.frame_id, plan_goal_pose.header.stamp,
                         plan_goal_pose.header.frame_id, transform);

      poseStampedMsgToTF(plan_goal_pose, goal_pose);
      goal_pose.setData(transform * goal_pose);
      goal_pose.stamp_ = transform.stamp_;
      goal_pose.frame_id_ = global_frame;

    catch(tf::LookupException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("No Transform available Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf::ConnectivityException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Connectivity Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      return false;
    catch(tf::ExtrapolationException& ex) {
      ROS_ERROR("Extrapolation Error: %s\n", ex.what());
      if (global_plan.size() > 0)
        ROS_ERROR("Global Frame: %s Plan Frame size %d: %s\n", global_frame.c_str(), (unsigned int)global_plan.size(), global_plan[0].header.frame_id.c_str());

      return false;
    return true;

  bool isGoalReached(const tf::TransformListener& tf,
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan,
      const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap __attribute__((unused)),
      const std::string& global_frame,
      tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose,
      const nav_msgs::Odometry& base_odom,
      double rot_stopped_vel, double trans_stopped_vel,
      double xy_goal_tolerance, double yaw_goal_tolerance){

    //we assume the global goal is the last point in the global plan
    tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> goal_pose;
    getGoalPose(tf, global_plan, global_frame, goal_pose);

    double goal_x = goal_pose.getOrigin().getX();
    double goal_y = goal_pose.getOrigin().getY();
    double goal_th = tf::getYaw(goal_pose.getRotation());

    //check to see if we've reached the goal position
    if(getGoalPositionDistance(global_pose, goal_x, goal_y) <= xy_goal_tolerance) {
      //check to see if the goal orientation has been reached
      if(fabs(getGoalOrientationAngleDifference(global_pose, goal_th)) <= yaw_goal_tolerance) {
        //make sure that we're actually stopped before returning success
        if(stopped(base_odom, rot_stopped_vel, trans_stopped_vel))
          return true;

    return false;

  bool stopped(const nav_msgs::Odometry& base_odom, 
      const double& rot_stopped_velocity, const double& trans_stopped_velocity){
    return fabs(base_odom.twist.twist.angular.z) <= rot_stopped_velocity 
      && fabs(base_odom.twist.twist.linear.x) <= trans_stopped_velocity
      && fabs(base_odom.twist.twist.linear.y) <= trans_stopped_velocity;


#include <base_local_planner/local_planner_util.h>

#include <base_local_planner/goal_functions.h>

namespace base_local_planner {

void LocalPlannerUtil::initialize(
    tf::TransformListener* tf,
    costmap_2d::Costmap2D* costmap,
    std::string global_frame) {
  if(!initialized_) {
    tf_ = tf;
    costmap_ = costmap;
    global_frame_ = global_frame;
    initialized_ = true;
    ROS_WARN("Planner utils have already been initialized, doing nothing.");

void LocalPlannerUtil::reconfigureCB(LocalPlannerLimits &config, bool restore_defaults)
  if(setup_ && restore_defaults) {
    config = default_limits_;

  if(!setup_) {
    default_limits_ = config;
    setup_ = true;
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(limits_configuration_mutex_);
  limits_ = LocalPlannerLimits(config);

costmap_2d::Costmap2D* LocalPlannerUtil::getCostmap() {
  return costmap_;

LocalPlannerLimits LocalPlannerUtil::getCurrentLimits() {
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(limits_configuration_mutex_);
  return limits_;
bool LocalPlannerUtil::getGoal(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& goal_pose) {
  //we assume the global goal is the last point in the global plan
  return base_local_planner::getGoalPose(*tf_,

bool LocalPlannerUtil::setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan) {
    ROS_ERROR("Planner utils have not been initialized, please call initialize() first");
    return false;

  //reset the global plan
  global_plan_ = orig_global_plan;

  return true;

bool LocalPlannerUtil::getLocalPlan(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& global_pose, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& transformed_plan) {//将全局路径根据机器人的位置获取要跟踪的局部路径
  //get the global plan in our frame
      transformed_plan)) {
    ROS_WARN("Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller");
    return false;

  //now we'll prune the plan based on the position of the robot
  if(limits_.prune_plan) {
    base_local_planner::prunePlan(global_pose, transformed_plan, global_plan_);
  return true;




#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <base_local_planner/trajectory_inc.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>

#include <base_local_planner/map_cell.h>
#include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>

namespace base_local_planner{
   * @class MapGrid
   * @brief A grid of MapCell cells that is used to propagate path and goal distances for the trajectory controller.
  class MapGrid{
       * @brief  Creates a 0x0 map by default

       * @brief  Creates a map of size_x by size_y
       * @param size_x The width of the map 
       * @param size_y The height of the map 
      MapGrid(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y);

       * @brief  Returns a map cell accessed by (col, row)
       * @param x The x coordinate of the cell 
       * @param y The y coordinate of the cell 
       * @return A reference to the desired cell
      inline MapCell& operator() (unsigned int x, unsigned int y){//返回的是一个mapcell类型,返回的数据为map_的一个点
        return map_[size_x_ * y + x];//找出map所在的map点:列数*列的点的个数+点所在的行数   //注意此处的map_成员变量的定义即,如何初始化的。

       * @brief  Returns a map cell accessed by (col, row)
       * @param x The x coordinate of the cell 
       * @param y The y coordinate of the cell 
       * @return A copy of the desired cell
      inline MapCell operator() (unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const {
        return map_[size_x_ * y + x];

      inline MapCell& getCell(unsigned int x, unsigned int y){
        return map_[size_x_ * y + x];

       * @brief  Destructor for a MapGrid

       * @brief  Copy constructor for a MapGrid
       * @param mg The MapGrid to copy 
      MapGrid(const MapGrid& mg);

       * @brief  Assignment operator for a MapGrid
       * @param mg The MapGrid to assign from 
      MapGrid& operator= (const MapGrid& mg);

       * @brief reset path distance fields for all cells
      void resetPathDist();

       * @brief  check if we need to resize
       * @param size_x The desired width
       * @param size_y The desired height
      void sizeCheck(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y);

       * @brief Utility to share initialization code across constructors
      void commonInit();

       * @brief  Returns a 1D index into the MapCell array for a 2D index
       * @param x The desired x coordinate
       * @param y The desired y coordinate
       * @return The associated 1D index 
      size_t getIndex(int x, int y);

       * return a value that indicates cell is in obstacle
      inline double obstacleCosts() {
        return map_.size();

       * returns a value indicating cell was not reached by wavefront
       * propagation of set cells. (is behind walls, regarding the region covered by grid)
      inline double unreachableCellCosts() {
        return map_.size() + 1;

       * @brief  Used to update the distance of a cell in path distance computation
       * @param  current_cell The cell we're currently in 
       * @param  check_cell The cell to be updated
      inline bool updatePathCell(MapCell* current_cell, MapCell* check_cell,
          const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap);

       * increase global plan resolution to match that of the costmap by adding points linearly between global plan points
       * This is necessary where global planners produce plans with few points.
       * @param global_plan_in input
       * @param global_plan_output output
       * @param resolution desired distance between waypoints
      static void adjustPlanResolution(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan_in,
            std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan_out, double resolution);

       * @brief  Compute the distance from each cell in the local map grid to the planned path
       * @param dist_queue A queue of the initial cells on the path 
      void computeTargetDistance(std::queue<MapCell*>& dist_queue, const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap);

       * @brief  Compute the distance from each cell in the local map grid to the local goal point
       * @param goal_queue A queue containing the local goal cell 
      void computeGoalDistance(std::queue<MapCell*>& dist_queue, const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap);

       * @brief Update what cells are considered path based on the global plan 
      void setTargetCells(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap, const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan);

       * @brief Update what cell is considered the next local goal
      void setLocalGoal(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap,
            const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan);

      double goal_x_, goal_y_; /**< @brief The goal distance was last computed from */

      unsigned int size_x_, size_y_; ///< @brief The dimensions of the grid


      std::vector<MapCell> map_; ///< @brief Storage for the MapCells






#include <base_local_planner/map_grid.h>
#include <costmap_2d/cost_values.h>
using namespace std;

namespace base_local_planner{

    : size_x_(0), size_y_(0)

  MapGrid::MapGrid(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y) 
    : size_x_(size_x), size_y_(size_y)

  MapGrid::MapGrid(const MapGrid& mg){
    size_y_ = mg.size_y_;
    size_x_ = mg.size_x_;
    map_ = mg.map_;

  void MapGrid::commonInit(){
    //don't allow construction of zero size grid
    ROS_ASSERT(size_y_ != 0 && size_x_ != 0);

    map_.resize(size_y_ * size_x_);

    //make each cell aware of its location in the grid
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y_; ++i){
      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x_; ++j){
        unsigned int id = size_x_ * i + j;
        map_[id].cx = j;
        map_[id].cy = i;

  size_t MapGrid::getIndex(int x, int y){
    return size_x_ * y + x;

  MapGrid& MapGrid::operator= (const MapGrid& mg){
    size_y_ = mg.size_y_;
    size_x_ = mg.size_x_;
    map_ = mg.map_;
    return *this;

  void MapGrid::sizeCheck(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y){
    if(map_.size() != size_x * size_y)
      map_.resize(size_x * size_y);

    if(size_x_ != size_x || size_y_ != size_y){
      size_x_ = size_x;
      size_y_ = size_y;

      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y_; ++i){
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x_; ++j){
          int index = size_x_ * i + j;
          map_[index].cx = j;
          map_[index].cy = i;

  inline bool MapGrid::updatePathCell(MapCell* current_cell, MapCell* check_cell,
      const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap){

    //if the cell is an obstacle set the max path distance
    unsigned char cost = costmap.getCost(check_cell->cx, check_cell->cy);
    if(! getCell(check_cell->cx, check_cell->cy).within_robot &&
        (cost == costmap_2d::LETHAL_OBSTACLE ||
         cost == costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE ||
         cost == costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION)){
      check_cell->target_dist = obstacleCosts();
      return false;

    double new_target_dist = current_cell->target_dist + 1;//由于其相对于 current_cell远离了路径1个格,所以此处加1
    if (new_target_dist < check_cell->target_dist) {
      check_cell->target_dist = new_target_dist;
    return true;

  //reset the path_dist and goal_dist fields for all cells
  void MapGrid::resetPathDist(){
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < map_.size(); ++i) {
      map_[i].target_dist = unreachableCellCosts();
      map_[i].target_mark = false;
      map_[i].within_robot = false;

  void MapGrid::adjustPlanResolution(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan_in,
      std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan_out, double resolution) {
    if (global_plan_in.size() == 0) {
    double last_x = global_plan_in[0].pose.position.x;
    double last_y = global_plan_in[0].pose.position.y;

    // we can take "holes" in the plan smaller than 2 grid cells (squared = 4)
    double min_sq_resolution = resolution * resolution * 4;

    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < global_plan_in.size(); ++i) {
      double loop_x = global_plan_in[i].pose.position.x;
      double loop_y = global_plan_in[i].pose.position.y;
      double sqdist = (loop_x - last_x) * (loop_x - last_x) + (loop_y - last_y) * (loop_y - last_y);
      if (sqdist > min_sq_resolution) {
        int steps = ((sqrt(sqdist) - sqrt(min_sq_resolution)) / resolution) - 1;
        // add a points in-between
        double deltax = (loop_x - last_x) / steps;
        double deltay = (loop_y - last_y) / steps;
        // TODO: Interpolate orientation
        for (int j = 1; j < steps; ++j) {
          geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
          pose.pose.position.x = last_x + j * deltax;
          pose.pose.position.y = last_y + j * deltay;
          pose.pose.position.z = global_plan_in[i].pose.position.z;
          pose.pose.orientation = global_plan_in[i].pose.orientation;
          pose.header = global_plan_in[i].header;
      last_x = loop_x;
      last_y = loop_y;

  //update what map cells are considered path based on the global_plan
  void MapGrid::setTargetCells(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap,//得到进行局部路径规划需要考虑的全局路径
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan) {
    sizeCheck(costmap.getSizeInCellsX(), costmap.getSizeInCellsY());

    bool started_path = false;

    queue<MapCell*> path_dist_queue;

    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> adjusted_global_plan;
    adjustPlanResolution(global_plan, adjusted_global_plan, costmap.getResolution());
    if (adjusted_global_plan.size() != global_plan.size()) {
      ROS_DEBUG("Adjusted global plan resolution, added %zu points", adjusted_global_plan.size() - global_plan.size());
    unsigned int i;
    // put global path points into local map until we reach the border of the local map
    for (i = 0; i < adjusted_global_plan.size(); ++i) {
      double g_x = adjusted_global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
      double g_y = adjusted_global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
      unsigned int map_x, map_y;
      if (costmap.worldToMap(g_x, g_y, map_x, map_y) && costmap.getCost(map_x, map_y) != costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION) {
        MapCell& current = getCell(map_x, map_y);
        current.target_dist = 0.0;
        current.target_mark = true;
        started_path = true;
      } else if (started_path) {
    if (!started_path) {
      ROS_ERROR("None of the %d first of %zu (%zu) points of the global plan were in the local costmap and free",
          i, adjusted_global_plan.size(), global_plan.size());

    computeTargetDistance(path_dist_queue, costmap);

  //mark the point of the costmap as local goal where global_plan first leaves the area (or its last point)
  void MapGrid::setLocalGoal(const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap,//得到进行局部路径规划所需要的目标
      const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& global_plan) {
    sizeCheck(costmap.getSizeInCellsX(), costmap.getSizeInCellsY());

    int local_goal_x = -1;
    int local_goal_y = -1;
    bool started_path = false;

    std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> adjusted_global_plan;
    adjustPlanResolution(global_plan, adjusted_global_plan, costmap.getResolution());

    // skip global path points until we reach the border of the local map
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < adjusted_global_plan.size(); ++i) {//扫描在局部地图中的全局路径
      double g_x = adjusted_global_plan[i].pose.position.x;
      double g_y = adjusted_global_plan[i].pose.position.y;
      unsigned int map_x, map_y;
      if (costmap.worldToMap(g_x, g_y, map_x, map_y) && costmap.getCost(map_x, map_y) != costmap_2d::NO_INFORMATION) {
        local_goal_x = map_x;
        local_goal_y = map_y;
        started_path = true;
      } else {
        if (started_path) {
        }// else we might have a non pruned path, so we just continue
    if (!started_path) {
      ROS_ERROR("None of the points of the global plan were in the local costmap, global plan points too far from robot");

    queue<MapCell*> path_dist_queue;
    if (local_goal_x >= 0 && local_goal_y >= 0) {
      MapCell& current = getCell(local_goal_x, local_goal_y);
      costmap.mapToWorld(local_goal_x, local_goal_y, goal_x_, goal_y_);
      current.target_dist = 0.0;
      current.target_mark = true;

    computeTargetDistance(path_dist_queue, costmap);

  void MapGrid::computeTargetDistance(queue<MapCell*>& dist_queue, const costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap){
    MapCell* current_cell;
    MapCell* check_cell;
    unsigned int last_col = size_x_ - 1;
    unsigned int last_row = size_y_ - 1;
      current_cell = dist_queue.front();//current_cell会遍历要跟踪的路径上所有的点


      if(current_cell->cx > 0){
        check_cell = current_cell - 1;
          //mark the cell as visisted
          check_cell->target_mark = true;//对该点进行标记,证明其被visist
          if(updatePathCell(current_cell, check_cell, costmap)) {//==========》重要调用获取该点的cost值,注意次函数是依据check_cell比current_cell远离路径这一技巧。

      if(current_cell->cx < last_col){
        check_cell = current_cell + 1;
          check_cell->target_mark = true;
          if(updatePathCell(current_cell, check_cell, costmap)) {

      if(current_cell->cy > 0){
        check_cell = current_cell - size_x_;
          check_cell->target_mark = true;
          if(updatePathCell(current_cell, check_cell, costmap)) {

      if(current_cell->cy < last_row){
        check_cell = current_cell + size_x_;
          check_cell->target_mark = true;
          if(updatePathCell(current_cell, check_cell, costmap)) {



#include <base_local_planner/map_grid_cost_function.h>

namespace base_local_planner {

MapGridCostFunction::MapGridCostFunction(costmap_2d::Costmap2D* costmap,
    double xshift,
    double yshift,
    bool is_local_goal_function,
    CostAggregationType aggregationType) :
    map_(costmap->getSizeInCellsX(), costmap->getSizeInCellsY()),// base_local_planner::MapGrid map_ = map_(costmap->getSizeInCellsX(), costmap->getSizeInCellsY());
    stop_on_failure_(true) {}

void MapGridCostFunction::setTargetPoses(std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> target_poses) {
  target_poses_ = target_poses;

bool MapGridCostFunction::prepare() {//这些操作为了下面的getCellCosts函数使用
  map_.resetPathDist();//对costmap的所有cell进行重置path_dist  goal_dist

  if (is_local_goal_function_) {
    map_.setLocalGoal(*costmap_, target_poses_);
  } else {
    map_.setTargetCells(*costmap_, target_poses_);
  return true;

double MapGridCostFunction::getCellCosts(unsigned int px, unsigned int py) {
  double grid_dist = map_(px, py).target_dist;//============》距离规划出的路径的距离,此处为类对象map_的运算符重载()。map_对象在头文件声明后,在该cpp文件进行了各种操作。类内部的成员变量map_(注意不是该map_对象),进行了相应的初始化等操作
  return grid_dist;

double MapGridCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {
  double cost = 0.0;
  if (aggregationType_ == Product) {
    cost = 1.0;
  double px, py, pth;
  unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
  double grid_dist;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
    traj.getPoint(i, px, py, pth);

    // translate point forward if specified //某些情况下需要对轨迹上的点进行前后平移
    if (xshift_ != 0.0) {
      px = px + xshift_ * cos(pth);
      py = py + xshift_ * sin(pth);
    // translate point sideways if specified  //某些情况下需要对轨迹上的点进行侧向平移
    if (yshift_ != 0.0) {
      px = px + yshift_ * cos(pth + M_PI_2);
      py = py + yshift_ * sin(pth + M_PI_2);

    //we won't allow trajectories that go off the map... shouldn't happen that often anyways
    if ( ! costmap_->worldToMap(px, py, cell_x, cell_y)) {//如果进行平移后,判断轨迹是否超出了地图范围,并且获取costmap对应的点坐标
      //we're off the map
      ROS_WARN("Off Map %f, %f", px, py);
      return -4.0;
    grid_dist = getCellCosts(cell_x, cell_y);//=========================》获取距离规划处的路径的距离
    //if a point on this trajectory has no clear path to the goal... it may be invalid
    if (stop_on_failure_) {
      if (grid_dist == map_.obstacleCosts()) {
        return -3.0;
      } else if (grid_dist == map_.unreachableCellCosts()) {
        return -2.0;

    switch( aggregationType_ ) {
    case Last:
      cost = grid_dist;
    case Sum:
      cost += grid_dist;
    case Product:
      if (cost > 0) {
        cost *= grid_dist;
  return cost;//得到相对于跟踪路径的cost的值

} /* namespace base_local_planner */


#include <base_local_planner/prefer_forward_cost_function.h>

#include <math.h>

namespace base_local_planner {

double PreferForwardCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {//机器人向后走,即扫射运动很不被鼓励,旋转速度越大越不被鼓励
  // backward motions bad on a robot without backward sensors
  if (traj.xv_ < 0.0) {
    return penalty_;
  // strafing motions also bad on such a robot
  if (traj.xv_ < 0.1 && fabs(traj.thetav_) < 0.2) {
    return penalty_;
  // the more we rotate, the less we progress forward
  return fabs(traj.thetav_) * 10;

} /* namespace base_local_planner */


#include <base_local_planner/simple_scored_sampling_planner.h>

#include <ros/console.h>

namespace base_local_planner {
  SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner::SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner(std::vector<TrajectorySampleGenerator*> gen_list, std::vector<TrajectoryCostFunction*>& critics, int max_samples) {
    max_samples_ = max_samples;
    gen_list_ = gen_list;
    critics_ = critics;

  double SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory& traj, double best_traj_cost) {//获取轨迹的得分
    double traj_cost = 0;
    int gen_id = 0;
    for(std::vector<TrajectoryCostFunction*>::iterator score_function = critics_.begin(); score_function != critics_.end(); ++score_function) {
      TrajectoryCostFunction* score_function_p = *score_function;
      if (score_function_p->getScale() == 0) {
      //For timing uncomment
      struct timeval start, end;
      double start_t, end_t, t_diff;
      gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
      double cost = score_function_p->scoreTrajectory(traj);//=================》该函数下的cost
      //For timing uncomment
      gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
      start_t = start.tv_sec + double(start.tv_usec) / 1e6;
      end_t = end.tv_sec + double(end.tv_usec) / 1e6;
      t_diff = end_t - start_t;
      //ROS_INFO("score function time: %.9f, gen_id:%d", t_diff,gen_id);

      if (cost < 0) {
        ROS_DEBUG("Velocity %.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf discarded by cost function  %d with cost: %f", traj.xv_, traj.yv_, traj.thetav_, gen_id, cost);
        traj_cost = cost;
      if (cost != 0) {
        cost *= score_function_p->getScale();
      traj_cost += cost;
      if (best_traj_cost > 0) {
        // since we keep adding positives, once we are worse than the best, we will stay worse
        if (traj_cost > best_traj_cost) {//如果traj_cost已经大于best_traj_cost了,且best_traj_cost,为了节省计算资源,停止计算。
      gen_id ++;

    return traj_cost;

  //get the best cost trajectory and all trajectorys we explored
  bool SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner::findBestTrajectory(Trajectory& traj, std::vector<Trajectory>* all_explored) {//对最优轨迹和所有的轨迹都进行计算和数据填充
    Trajectory loop_traj;
    Trajectory best_traj;
    double loop_traj_cost, best_traj_cost = -1;
    bool gen_success;
    int count, count_valid;
    for (std::vector<TrajectoryCostFunction*>::iterator loop_critic = critics_.begin(); loop_critic != critics_.end(); ++loop_critic) {//对轨迹cost函数的准备,与检查
      TrajectoryCostFunction* loop_critic_p = *loop_critic;
      if (loop_critic_p->prepare() == false) {
        ROS_WARN("A scoring function failed to prepare");
        return false;

    //we can use many generator, at this time, there is only one ,that is dwa use, we can limit the max number tra of every generator
    //every generator use sample velocity space to generate many trajectories, before we use we should initialse first.
    for (std::vector<TrajectorySampleGenerator*>::iterator loop_gen = gen_list_.begin(); loop_gen != gen_list_.end(); ++loop_gen) {//此处之用到了一种轨迹生成器来生成轨迹
      count = 0;
      count_valid = 0;
      TrajectorySampleGenerator* gen_ = *loop_gen;
      while (gen_->hasMoreTrajectories()) {//根据是否还有速度采样没算,检查是否还有轨迹
        gen_success = gen_->nextTrajectory(loop_traj);//=========================》生成下一个轨迹。此处调用的是轨迹生成器的函数,前面的生成轨迹的依据的采样速度已经生成
        if (gen_success == false) {
          // TODO use this for debugging
        loop_traj_cost = scoreTrajectory(loop_traj, best_traj_cost);//==============》对生成的轨迹进行评分
        if (all_explored != NULL) {
          loop_traj.cost_ = loop_traj_cost;

        if (loop_traj_cost >= 0) {
          if (best_traj_cost < 0 || loop_traj_cost < best_traj_cost) {
            best_traj_cost = loop_traj_cost;//将更优秀的cost赋值给best_traj_cost
            best_traj = loop_traj;//将cost更低的轨迹也赋值给best_traj
        if (max_samples_ > 0 && count >= max_samples_) {
      if (best_traj_cost >= 0) {//对最终轨迹的速度和cost进行填充
        traj.xv_ = best_traj.xv_;
        traj.yv_ = best_traj.yv_;
        traj.thetav_ = best_traj.thetav_;
        traj.cost_ = best_traj_cost;
        double px, py, pth;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < best_traj.getPointsSize(); i++) {
          best_traj.getPoint(i, px, py, pth);
          traj.addPoint(px, py, pth);//对最终轨迹的点数据进行填充
      ROS_DEBUG("Evaluated %d trajectories, found %d valid", count, count_valid);
      if (best_traj_cost >= 0) {
        // do not try fallback generators
    return best_traj_cost >= 0;

}// namespace


#include <base_local_planner/simple_trajectory_generator.h>

#include <cmath>

#include <base_local_planner/velocity_iterator.h>

namespace base_local_planner {

void SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::initialise(
    const Eigen::Vector3f& pos,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vel,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& goal,
    base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits* limits,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vsamples,
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> additional_samples,
    bool discretize_by_time) {
  initialise(pos, vel, goal, limits, vsamples, discretize_by_time);
  // add static samples if any
  sample_params_.insert(sample_params_.end(), additional_samples.begin(), additional_samples.end());

//pos. the current pose of robot
//vel. the current velocity of robot
//goal, which goal???
//vsamples, the number of sampales we use in x,y,th
void SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::initialise(//下面产生采样速度
    const Eigen::Vector3f& pos,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vel,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& goal,
    base_local_planner::LocalPlannerLimits* limits,
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vsamples,
    bool discretize_by_time) {//注意discretize_by_time这个参数,如果该参数为1.则生成的轨迹是以共同时间的,为0,则是以共同长度的
   * We actually generate all velocity sample vectors here, from which to generate trajectories later on

  //so the min_rot_vel is not used anyway!! min_rot_vel is used simalar as min_trans_vel
  double max_vel_th = limits->max_rot_vel;
  double min_vel_th = -1.0 * max_vel_th;//旋转速度是有方向的,有最大也有最小,最小为负的最大
  discretize_by_time_ = discretize_by_time;
  Eigen::Vector3f acc_lim = limits->getAccLimits();//三个加速度
  pos_ = pos;
  vel_ = vel;
  limits_ = limits;
  next_sample_index_ = 0;

  double min_vel_x = limits->min_vel_x;
  double max_vel_x = limits->max_vel_x;
  double min_vel_y = limits->min_vel_y;
  double max_vel_y = limits->max_vel_y;

  // if sampling number is zero in any dimension, we don't generate samples generically//采样个数不能为0
  if (vsamples[0] * vsamples[1] * vsamples[2] > 0) {
    //compute the feasible velocity space based on the rate at which we run
    Eigen::Vector3f max_vel = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
    Eigen::Vector3f min_vel = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();

    if ( ! use_dwa_) {//如果use_dwa==false,首先用当前位置与目标位置的距离处理仿真时间sim_time(模拟仿真时间内匀减速到0,刚好到达目标点的情景),这样sim_time一般会明显大于sim_period
      // there is no point in overshooting the goal, and it also may break the
      // robot behavior, so we limit the velocities to those that do not overshoot in sim_time
      double dist = hypot(goal[0] - pos[0], goal[1] - pos[1]);
      max_vel_x = std::max(std::min(max_vel_x, dist / sim_time_), min_vel_x);//最大速度与在模拟时间即可到达目标所需要的速度,取最小;然后与最小速度取最大
      max_vel_y = std::max(std::min(max_vel_y, dist / sim_time_), min_vel_y);

      // if we use continous acceleration, we can sample the max velocity we can reach in sim_time_
      max_vel[0] = std::min(max_vel_x, vel[0] + acc_lim[0] * sim_time_);//最大速度,当前速度+加速度*时间,取最小
      max_vel[1] = std::min(max_vel_y, vel[1] + acc_lim[1] * sim_time_);
      max_vel[2] = std::min(max_vel_th, vel[2] + acc_lim[2] * sim_time_);

      min_vel[0] = std::max(min_vel_x, vel[0] - acc_lim[0] * sim_time_);//最小速度与当前速度-加速度*时间,取最大
      min_vel[1] = std::max(min_vel_y, vel[1] - acc_lim[1] * sim_time_);
      min_vel[2] = std::max(min_vel_th, vel[2] - acc_lim[2] * sim_time_);
    } else {
      // with dwa do not accelerate beyond the first step, we only sample within velocities we reach in sim_period
      max_vel[0] = std::min(max_vel_x, vel[0] + acc_lim[0] * sim_period_);//只考虑sim_period
      max_vel[1] = std::min(max_vel_y, vel[1] + acc_lim[1] * sim_period_);
      max_vel[2] = std::min(max_vel_th, vel[2] + acc_lim[2] * sim_period_);

      min_vel[0] = std::max(min_vel_x, vel[0] - acc_lim[0] * sim_period_);
      min_vel[1] = std::max(min_vel_y, vel[1] - acc_lim[1] * sim_period_);
      min_vel[2] = std::max(min_vel_th, vel[2] - acc_lim[2] * sim_period_);

    Eigen::Vector3f vel_samp = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();//三维采样速度
    VelocityIterator x_it(min_vel[0], max_vel[0], vsamples[0]);
    VelocityIterator y_it(min_vel[1], max_vel[1], vsamples[1]);
    VelocityIterator th_it(min_vel[2], max_vel[2], vsamples[2]);
    for(; !x_it.isFinished(); x_it++) {
      vel_samp[0] = x_it.getVelocity();
      for(; !y_it.isFinished(); y_it++) {
        vel_samp[1] = y_it.getVelocity();
        for(; !th_it.isFinished(); th_it++) {
          vel_samp[2] = th_it.getVelocity();
          //ROS_DEBUG("Sample %f, %f, %f", vel_samp[0], vel_samp[1], vel_samp[2]);

void SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::setParameters(
    double sim_time,
    double sim_granularity,
    double angular_sim_granularity,
    bool use_dwa,
    double sim_period) {
  sim_time_ = sim_time;
  sim_granularity_ = sim_granularity;
  angular_sim_granularity_ = angular_sim_granularity;
  use_dwa_ = use_dwa;
  continued_acceleration_ = ! use_dwa_;
  sim_period_ = sim_period;

 * Whether this generator can create more trajectories
bool SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::hasMoreTrajectories() {
  return next_sample_index_ < sample_params_.size();

 * Create and return the next sample trajectory
bool SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::nextTrajectory(Trajectory &comp_traj) {//产生下一个采样轨迹
  bool result = false;
  if (hasMoreTrajectories()) {
    if (generateTrajectory(//====================》该函数为根据采样速度生成采样轨迹的函数
        comp_traj)) {
      result = true;
  return result;

 * @param pos current position of robot
 * @param vel current velocity of robot
 * @param sample_target_vel desired velocity for sampling
bool SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::generateTrajectory(
      Eigen::Vector3f pos,//当前位置
      Eigen::Vector3f vel,//当前速度
      Eigen::Vector3f sample_target_vel,//产生的采样速度
      base_local_planner::Trajectory& traj) {//生成的轨迹
  double vmag = hypot(sample_target_vel[0], sample_target_vel[1]);//合成的速度大小
  double eps = 1e-4;
  traj.cost_   = -1.0; // placed here in case we return early//防止每更新即返回,所以将轨迹设置为不可用
  //trajectory might be reused so we'll make sure to reset it

  // make sure that the robot would at least be moving with one of
  // the required minimum velocities for translation and rotation (if set)
  if ((limits_->min_trans_vel >= 0 && vmag + eps < limits_->min_trans_vel) &&
      (limits_->min_rot_vel >= 0 && fabs(sample_target_vel[2]) + eps < limits_->min_rot_vel)) {//确保机器人是可以运动的,满足运动条件
    return false;
  // make sure we do not exceed max diagonal (x+y) translational velocity (if set)
  if (limits_->max_trans_vel >=0 && vmag - eps > limits_->max_trans_vel) {//确保合成速度不大于设定的最大合成速度
    return false;

  int num_steps;
  if (discretize_by_time_) {//使用全程的模拟时间(--上面生成速度时亦是使用了该时间),以此确定积分步数
    num_steps = ceil(sim_time_ / sim_granularity_);
  } else {
    //compute the number of steps we must take along this trajectory to be "safe"
    double sim_time_distance = vmag * sim_time_; // the distance the robot would travel in sim_time if it did not change velocity
    double sim_time_angle = fabs(sample_target_vel[2]) * sim_time_; // the angle the robot would rotate in sim_time
    num_steps =
        ceil(std::max(sim_time_distance / sim_granularity_,
            sim_time_angle    / angular_sim_granularity_));//如果没用discretize_by_time_,求积分步数num_steps

  //compute a timestep
  double dt = sim_time_ / num_steps;
  traj.time_delta_ = dt;

  Eigen::Vector3f loop_vel;
  if (continued_acceleration_) {//对loop_vel进行初始化
    // assuming the velocity of the first cycle is the one we want to store in the trajectory object
    loop_vel = computeNewVelocities(sample_target_vel, vel, limits_->getAccLimits(), dt);
    traj.xv_     = loop_vel[0];
    traj.yv_     = loop_vel[1];
    traj.thetav_ = loop_vel[2];
  } else {
    // assuming sample_vel is our target velocity within acc limits for one timestep
    loop_vel = sample_target_vel;
    traj.xv_     = sample_target_vel[0];
    traj.yv_     = sample_target_vel[1];
    traj.thetav_ = sample_target_vel[2];

  //simulate the trajectory and check for collisions, updating costs along the way
  for (int i = 0; i < num_steps; ++i) {

    //add the point to the trajectory so we can draw it later if we want
    traj.addPoint(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);//对轨迹的位置点的位姿进行添加

    if (continued_acceleration_) {
      //calculate velocities
      loop_vel = computeNewVelocities(sample_target_vel, loop_vel, limits_->getAccLimits(), dt);
      //ROS_WARN_NAMED("Generator", "Flag: %d, Loop_Vel %f, %f, %f", continued_acceleration_, loop_vel[0], loop_vel[1], loop_vel[2]);

    //update the position of the robot using the velocities passed in
    pos = computeNewPositions(pos, loop_vel, dt);//计算模拟轨迹的下一个点的位姿

  } // end for simulation steps

  return num_steps > 0; // true if trajectory has at least one point

Eigen::Vector3f SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::computeNewPositions(const Eigen::Vector3f& pos,//计算轨迹下一个点的位姿
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vel, double dt) {
  Eigen::Vector3f new_pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
  new_pos[0] = pos[0] + (vel[0] * cos(pos[2]) + vel[1] * cos(M_PI_2 + pos[2])) * dt;
  new_pos[1] = pos[1] + (vel[0] * sin(pos[2]) + vel[1] * sin(M_PI_2 + pos[2])) * dt;
  new_pos[2] = pos[2] + vel[2] * dt;
  return new_pos;

 * cheange vel using acceleration limits to converge towards sample_target-vel
Eigen::Vector3f SimpleTrajectoryGenerator::computeNewVelocities(const Eigen::Vector3f& sample_target_vel,//根据dt,和加速度限制。积分式的加减速度
    const Eigen::Vector3f& vel, Eigen::Vector3f acclimits, double dt) {
  Eigen::Vector3f new_vel = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    if (vel[i] < sample_target_vel[i]) {
      new_vel[i] = std::min(double(sample_target_vel[i]), vel[i] + acclimits[i] * dt);
    } else {
      new_vel[i] = std::max(double(sample_target_vel[i]), vel[i] - acclimits[i] * dt);
  return new_vel;

} /* namespace base_local_planner */







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