- ddl:2024.2.1
- 有一位作家是主题专家,附带简历
- 论文不超过9页,包括7页正文和2页参考文献(致谢)
- a big-picture view of the topic rather than discussing a particular aspect 主题文章而不是某个特定方面
- describe how lessons learned from the topic can contribute to new ideas and visions that can stimulate the research community to pursue new directions, e.g., new problems 描述从主题中吸取的经验教训如何有助于产生新的想法和愿景,从而刺激研究界追求新的方向,例如新的问题
- a well-defined scope and be understandable for most of the AI community 清晰的、可理解的范围定义
- clarify why the topic is important 主题的重要性
- and its intended or existing applications 可能的和现存的应用
- comprehensive concerning state of the art, with a personal stance on the topic: the description of the existing work should be structured 对最新文章综合全面的陈述,根据作者对该主题的立场,按照结构组织
- It should contain a discussion (aiming, for instance, at comparing alternative approaches or identifying open questions and challenges). It should not be a simple juxtaposition of summaries of papers or groups of papers 讨论比较方法和开放问题,而不是简单的罗列
- While the authors’ work can sometimes be an important part of a survey, there should be no significant bias towards it: the work of others should be mentioned and appreciated by its relevance and importance 无偏向,讨论现有文章相关性和重要性(赞赏)
- very high quality in terms of presentation 表述上非常清晰
- be at the appropriate technical level 有一定的工程技巧
- be grounded in the existing literature 以现有文献为基础