
  • His haphazard approach to study resulted in him missing many homework assignments.
    • hapazard         偶然的;随便的
  • when his basketball broke the window,he immediately apologized and paid for the mishap.
    • mishap             不幸,坏运气

  • The prolific factor handily met and welcomed the increased market demands for more Christmas gifts
    • handily                轻易地
  • His offhand speech was given without notes or preparation.
    • offhand                即兴的,当场的

  • The army invaded the country and picked as a figurehead a local person that people could relate to.
    • figurehead           傀儡

  • The fainthearted boy was too scared to fight the older boy who bullied him

    • fainthearted        懦弱的,胆小的

  • Armed with a stouthhearted spirit,the little boy was able to knock the giant down.

    • stouthearted        勇敢的

  • The purpose of this experiment is to determine the empirical formula of a hydrate
    • hydrate                与水化合;水化物
    • hydrogen             氢气
  • After traveling in the desert for five hours without water,they were dehydrated.
    • dehydration         脱水,干燥

  • The boy's hyperactivity was intensified when he ate sweets
    • hyperactivity        多动症
  • “I could eat a horse” is a hyperbole commonly used to express extreme hunger.
    • hyperbole            夸张法
    • hyperbolic           夸张发的
  • The fathrer was hypercritical of his son in order to make him tough.
    • hypercritical        苛求的,吹毛求疵的
    • hypocritical         伪善的

  • His hypocritical smile did not fool me.
    • hypocritical        伪善的
    • hypocrite            伪君子  
  • Hypochondria often involves experiences of real pain when illness is neither present nor likely.
    • hypochondria        忧郁症
  • A hypothesis can only become a scientific law after it has been replicated and proven consistent under different isolated conditions.
    • hypothesis        假说
    • hypothetically   假设地

  • hab,habit        居住;拥有
  • hand               手
  • hap;chance     机会,运气
  • head                头
  • heart                心
  • hydr                 水
  • hyper               超过;太多
  • hypo                下面;此等

  • ia                     某种疾病
  • ics                    学科
  • insul                 岛屿
  • integer             完整
  • inter                 在...之间

  • A false report of aliens landing on Earth caused mass hysteria
    • hysteria    歇斯底里症
  • Looking at her childhood pictures brought her a sense of nostalgia
    • nostalgia    思乡病
    • nostalgic    怀旧的
  • He had a severe case of paranoia and always looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him.
    • paranoia    偏执狂,妄想症;多疑症
    • paranoid    过分怀疑的;

  • Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality,including the relationship between mind and matter,substance and attribute,fact and value.
    • 形而上学是哲学的分支,主要研究现实的本质,包括意识和物质,物质和属性以及事实和价值之间的关系

  • The polar bear's fur insulates it from the arctic cold.
    • insulate    使绝缘,使隔离
  • The insularity of the islands manifested itself in their suspicion of anything foreign
    • insularity   岛国性格

  • A person of integrity is respected
    • integerity        完整 正直
    • integral           完整的  
    • disintegrate    瓦解
    • Integrate         构成整体

  • You cannot hope to make good at this job by exerting intermittent efforts.
    • intermittent    间歇的
  • The referee had to intercede in the fight between the two basketball players.
    • intercede       调解
    • intercessor     调解人
  • It is not customary for people to interfere in the issue between husband and wife.
    • interference    干预
    • interfere          干涉
  • After the previous director suddenly passed away,an interim director was selected until the trustees could vote on the candidates for the position.
    • director      董事
    • trustees     董事会成员
  • The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers.
    • bed        指花坛

  • judg        判读
  • jur           发誓

  • The Supreme Court is the highest authority in the judicial system and has the power to overturn the decisions of lower courts.
    • judicial      法庭的,法官的
  • With 20 years of experience,the mangaer made calculated and judicious business decisions.
    • 准确而审慎的
  • The claims of the surviving victims of the crash will be adjudicate by an international commission.
    • adjudicate      判决,裁定
    • adjudicator     裁决者
  • Companies in the United States are allowed to hold any prejudices towards people of different races when recruiting employees.
    • prejudice        偏见;损害

  • The newspaper consulted a jurist in order to report on the implications resulting from the new law.
    • jurist       法理学家
  • When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story,he was indicted for perjury.
    • perjury       作伪证
    • indict          控告
  • Most aliens must abjure foreign citizenship before becoming an American citizen.
    • abjure        发誓放弃
  • Her grandfather taught her to conjure.
    • conjure       变魔术;使某物浮现于脑海




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