【文献阅读】Forecasting multivariate realized stock market volatility


The variances and covariances of stock returns vary over time (e.g. Andersen et al., 2005). As a result, many important financial applications require a model of the conditional covariance matrix. Three distinct categories of methods for estimating a latent conditional covariance matrix have evolved in the literature.


In the first category are the various forms of the multivariate GARCH model where forecasts of future volatility depend on past volatility and shocks (e.g. Bauwens et al., 2006).

In the second category, authors have modeled asset return variances and covariances as functions of a number of predetermined variables (e.g. Ferson, 1995).

The third category includes multivariate stochastic volatility models (e.g. Asai et al., 2006).

In this paper, we introduce a new model of the realized covariance matrix. 

We use high-frequency data to construct estimates of the daily realized variances and covariances of five size-sorted stock portfolios.


By using high-frequency data we obtain an estimate of the matrix of ‘quadratic variations and covariations’ that differs from the true conditional covariance matrix by mean zero errors (e.g. Andersen et al. (2003) and Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2004a)).


This provides greater power in determining the effects of alternative forecasting variables on equity market volatility when compared to efforts based on latent volatility models.

We transform the realized covariance matrix using the matrix logarithm function to yield a series of transformed volatilities which we term the log-space volatilities.

使用矩阵对数函数将已实现协方差矩阵转化为log-space volatilities.

The matrix logarithm is a non-linear function of all of the elements of the covariance matrix and thus the log-space volatilities do not correspond one- to-one with their counterparts in the realized covariance matrix.

Matrix logarithm是一种非线性函数,因此转化后log-space volatilities与已实现协方差矩阵并不一一对应。

However, modeling the time variation of the log-space volatilities is straightforward and avoids the problems that plague existing estimators of the latent volatility matrix. In particular, we do not have to impose any constraints on our estimates of the log-space volatilities.


We then model the dynamics of the log-space volatility matrix using a latent factor model. The factors consist of both past volatilities and other variables that can help forecast future volatility. We thus are able to model the conditional covariance matrix by combining a large number of forecasting variables into a relatively small number of factors.

我们使用一个潜因子模型对log-space volatiliyt的动态建模:因子包括过去波动率及其他预测变量。将大批预测变量转化为少数因子。

Indeed we show that two factors can capture the volatility dynamics of the size-sorted stock portfolios.

我们发现两个因子即可捕捉size-sorted porfolios的波动动态。

The factor model is estimated  by  GMM  yielding  a  series of filtered estimates. We then transform these fitted values, using the matrix exponential function, back  into  forecasts  of the realized covariance matrix.


Our estimated matrix is positive definite by construction and does not require any parameter restrictions to be imposed. The approach can thus be viewed as a multivariate version of standard stochastic volatility models, where the variance is an exponential function of the factors and the associated parameters.

In addition to introducing our new realized covariance matrix we also test the forecasting ability of alternative variables for time-varying equity market covariances. Our motivation is that researchers have examined a number of variables for forecasting returns but there is much less evidence that the variables forecast risks.


The cross-section of small- and large-firm volatility has been examined in a number of earlier papers (e.g., Kroner and Ng (1998), Chan et al. (1999), and Moskowitz (2003)).


However, these papers used models of latent volatility to capture the variation in the covariances. In contrast, we construct daily measures of the realized covariance matrix of small and large firms over the 1988 to 2002 period. Our precise measures of volatility allow a more detailed examination of the drivers of conditional covariances than prior work.

但是,先前的研究主要是使用latent volatiliry建模。我们则用日度高频数据,更加detailed.

Naturally all of these advantages come at a cost. The main cost is that by performing our analysis on the log-space volatilities and then using the (non-linear) matrix exponential function, the estimated volatilities are not unbiased. However, as we show below, a simple bias correction is available that greatly reduces the problem.

我们的方法带来biased问题,但通过simple bias correction可以解决。

Another cost is that direct interpretation of the effects of an instrument on expected volatility is difficult due to the non-linear nature of the model.


However, using our factor model estimates, we can obtain the derivatives of the realized covariance matrix with respect to the forecasting variables. We are able to calculate the derivatives at each point in our sample, yielding a series of conditional volatility elasticities that are functions of both the level of the volatility and the factors driving the volatility. The time series allows us to determine which variables have a large impact on time-varying expected volatility.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present our model of matrix logarithmic realized volatility. In Section 3, we outline our method for constructing the realized volatility matrices and give the sources of the data. In Section 4, we give our results. In Section 5, we conclude.


2.1 The matrix log transformation

In this paper, we use the matrix exponential and matrix logarithm functions to model the time-varying covariance matrix. The matrix exponential function performs a power series expansion on a square matrix A

 The matrix logarithm and matrix exponential functions are used in our three-step procedure to obtain forecasts of the conditional covariance matrix of stock returns. In the first step, for each day t, we use high-frequency data to construct the P  × P  realized conditional covariance matrix Vt .

第一步:对于特定t日,使用高频数据构建 P  × P 已实现条件协方差矩阵。应用矩阵对数函数,得真实对称矩阵A。

The Vt  matrix 
is positive semi-definite by construction. Applying the matrix logarithm function,


第三步: 使用向量a形成对称矩阵A,再应用矩阵指数函数,得到条件协方差矩阵拟合值,半正定矩阵V。


2.2 Factor models of volatility

2.2.1 Forecasting variables

We will use several different groups of variables to forecast the conditional covariance matrix. Based on the existing literature, we can separate the variables into two groups. The first are matrix- log values of realized volatility which are used to capture the autoregressive nature of the volatility.

使用已实现波动率的矩阵对数值,用于捕捉波动率的autoregressive nature.

There are three potential problems in using these variables to forecast volatility. First, the existing literature shows that capturing volatility dynamics will likely require a long lag structure.

To overcome this, we adapt the Heterogeneous Autoregressive model of realized volatility (HAR-RV) of Corsi (2009) and Andersen  et al. (2007) to a multivariate setting. These authors show that the aggregate market realized volatility is forecast well by a (linear) combination of lagged daily, weekly and monthly realized volatility.

 使用HAR-RV,解决RV的log lag structure。即通过多项滞后日度、周度、月度波动率的线性组合预测综合市场RV。

The second problem is that other authors have indicated that lagged realized volatility may not be the best predictor. In particular, both Andersen et al. (2007) and Ghysels et al. (2006) find that bi-power covariation – an estimate of the continuous part of the volatility diffusion – is a good predictor of the aggregate market’s realized volatility. We thus construct bi- power covariation matrices aggregated over the  and 20 days.

 and monthly log-space bi-power covariation series. In turn, these principal components are sufficient to model the realized covariance matrix.

对bi-power covariation matrix提取主成分

Our approach can thus be viewed as a multivariate approach to the HAR-RV model using the principal components of bi-power variation as predictors.

因此,我们的方法可以被视为HAR-RV模型的多元方法,使用bi-power variation的主成分作为预测因子。

The second group of forecasting variables, denoted Xt , are those variables that have been shown to forecast equity market returns.


In equilibrium, expected returns should be related to risk, so it is natural to question whether these variables also forecast the components of market wide volatility. Below, we use a number of variables that has been shown to predict equity market returns.

We combine the two groups of forecasting variables as

Below, we select different subsets of Zt that correspond to existing approaches to modeling volatility.

2.2.2 Latent factors

结合所有预测变量建模:at为log-space波动率,Z为预测变量。a的common variation可能可以由少数因子决定。

 为了对rv matrix的common variation建模,我们使用潜因子方法。我们假设预测变量Z与潜因子存在映射关系,第K个波动率因子uk,t为Zt中N个预测变量的线性组合。



We note that using latent factors to model covariance matrices has a number of advantages over existing methods. First, it allows us to combine both lagged volatility measures (the principal components in (4)) as well as the Xt  variables in a  parsimonious manner. Previous models required each variable to be a separatefactor. While the large number of variables may help forecast the covariance matrix, it is unlikely that each variable represents a specific volatility factor. Our approach can be used to weigh (via the θ coefficients) all of the variables in a way that is optimal for forecasting the covariance matrix. A second advantage to our approach is that it avoids using expected returns in modeling the volatility matrix. Aggregating squared return or bi-power covariation data over high frequencies means that the expected return variation can be ignored. As the realized covariance matrix can be estimated more precisely than can the expected returns, we should obtain more precise measures of the determinants of the covariance matrix. 


2.3 Estimation

Our multivariate factor model is derived from the latent factor models of expected return variation that originated with Hansen and Hodrick (1980) and Gibbons and Ferson (1985).


As in these papers, we estimate our factor model of volatility in (7) by GMM with the Newey and West (1987) form of the optimal weighting matrix.




Our model has a potential errors-in-variables problem as the log-space bi-power covariation matrix  is constructed with error. Using its principal components as regressors will result in biased estimates of the coefficients.

 我们的模型存在潜在的变量误差,因为 the log-space bi-power covariation matrix  (公式4)是带着误差构建的。使用其PCA将会造成有偏参数。

 GJ提出:使用工具变量回归所得beta的滞后项可以克服该偏差。我们使用该方法,并使用GMM工具集中的主成分的twice lagged values.

一旦参数被GMM估计算后,其拟合值将被分配为square matrix At. 应用矩阵指数函数得到协方差矩阵的预测值。随后,我们应用标准的预测评价计算对比两者。

2.4 Bias correction

 由于拟合在log-volatility space完成,因此我们所拟合Vt是有偏的。若A与episilon正态分布,可以使用analytic bias correction。但是我们的数据不满足该条件,因此进行简单的numerical bias correction。



保留相关性完整同时完成标准差的纠正。该简单的方法效果很好 。我们也承认有其他更加复杂的纠正方法可以产生更好的结果。

2.5 interpreting expected volatility

The matrix logarithmic volatility model has the disadvantage that the estimated coefficients cannot be interpreted directly as the effect of the variable on the specified element of the realized volatility.







 我们可以计算整体样本的平均影响,或是某一点时间上的条件性影响。比如,A(zt)为dayt的realized log-space volatilities. 为了探求预期协方差矩阵对预测变量的response,我们需要计算导数。因为我们的双因子模型如公式7,可以计算,再将其代入公式10计算得时变弹性。



3.1 Realized volatility

We construct our realized covariance matrices from two data sets: the Institute for the Study of Securities Markets’ (ISSM) database and the Trades and Quotes (TAQ) database. Both data sets contain continuously-recorded information on stock quotes and trades for securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The ISSM database provides quotes from January 1988 through December 1992 while the TAQ database provides quotes from January 1993 through December 2002.

Value-weighted portfolio returns are created by assigning stocks to one of five size-sorted portfolios based on the prior month’s ending price and shares outstanding.


Our choice of portfolios is partially motivated by an interest to see if the systematic components of conditional volatility are common across the size portfolios. We use the CRSP database to obtain shares outstanding and prior month ending prices.


Once we have our time series of high-frequency portfolio returns, we construct our measure of realized covariance matrices using the approach of Hansen and Lunde (2006), who recommend a Newey and West (1987) type extension to the usual realized volatility construction.They note the potential bias in calculating variances if the serially autocorrelated nature of the data is ignored.


Our data likely suffers from this problem as the portfolios of smaller stocks will include securities that are more illiquid than stocks in the larger quintiles. The illiquidity of small stocks suggests that price and volatility responses to information shocks may take more time to be incorporated, leading to time series autocorrelation in the high-frequency returns.



3.2 Forecasting variables



使用bi-power covariation作为预测因子。多个主成分存在共线性,因此只用5天,20天的第一主成分作为预测因子。通过5天的测度希望capture高频波动率方差。






4.1 Model fit



 over-identifying restrictions会导致样本内拟合的下降:

 因此在表1panelB进行检验,分子为由log-space volatilities拟合所得At的方差,即公式7所得;分子为由log-space volatilities最小二乘法拟合值方差,即公式5所示。


In Panel C of Table 2, we measure the restrictions of the factor model on the realized volatility matrix, Vt .

Panel B测度了公式8对log-space volatility A的影响,Panel C则测度了公式8对realized volatility V的影响。

In addition, the calculations for these ratios vary by whether they are for diagonal or off-diagonal elements of Vt . For the diagonal elements, the numerator is the variance of the (bias-corrected) fitted values of the realized volatility from (9).

分子为公式9所得realized volatility:

 The denominator is the variance of the fitted values from an ordinary least squares regression of the realized volatilities on the variables of the model.


For the off- diagonal elements, we repeat the same exercise using the Fisher transforms of the estimated correlations in the numerator and the Fisher transforms of the realized correlations in the dominator.


This analysis allows us to measure the effects of the factor model on both the volatilities and the correlations contained in Vt .

这使得我们可以测度:因子模型对 波动率以及Vt所包含的相关性 的影响。

尽管Panel B中矩阵A(1,4)元素的一些比率很少,但大部分都是大于0.7的,公式8的restriction似乎并没有给log-space volatilities带来太多影响;

 Panel C的结果类似,其中大于1的部分matrix exponential function允许我们捕捉更多的方差(比起简单的最小二乘法)。总而言之,表2的结果表明两因子模型并不会过于严格,预期方差的大部分方差以及相关性都被我们的模型成功capture。

 4.2 Estimated coefficients

表3呈现了beta系数的估计值,使用了所有的forecasting variables。根据矩阵A的元素一一对应得到。正交元素位于左上角。


在第一个因子中,四个对角元素对应loadings是显著且正的,而其他的值要小很多;第二个因子类似。所有的log-space volatilities都具有至少一个因子的显著载荷。因此预测因子的线性组合能够预测矩阵A的元素。

表4A展示了MHAR-RV-BP模型的双因子系数Theta。大部分系数都是显著的。双因子系数的区别表明因子picking up different elements of long-run volatility。但是因为模型的highly non-linear nature,很难说哪个因子对realized volatility有着更多的影响。

 例如,a(20,1)的第二因子系数绝对值大于a(5,1),并不一定说明其对realized volatility的影响就越大。

下面列出的弹性才是:the ultimate impact of any particular forecasting variable on volatilities.

Panel B presents the coefficients for the model that includes the (asymmetric) effects of past stock returns (MHAR-RV-BPA). 


 The coefficients on the lagged principal components of bi-power covariation are similar in size and significance to their values in the first model.

bi-power covariation的主成分滞后参数大小与显著性均类似于4A

In addition an interesting pattern in the asymmetric response of volatility to past negative returns emerges.


The coefficient on lagged negative returns on small stocks is negative in the first factor and not significant in the second factor.

小市值滞后negative returns的系数:在第一个因子上为负,在第二个因子上不显著。

The coefficient on negative returns on large stocks has an opposite sign in the two factors. The elasticities presented below will show how the effects net out.


The coefficients on the variables  usually  used  to  forecast  stock returns, model ‘MHAR-RV-X’, are presented in Panel C.


 滞后short-term interest rate的系数:对于第一个因子显著。

The coefficients on the lagged term spread:对于第一个因子不显著。

The coefficient on the lagged short-term interest rate is significant in  the first factor while those on the lagged credit spread are large  and significant in both factors. The coefficients on the lagged term spread are insignificant. The coefficients on the scorecard and dividend yield variables are negative and mostly significant.

4D呈现了包含lagged volatility variables and standard return forecasting variables的模型系数。包含lagged volatility非常重要。

Panel D presents the coefficients for the model that includes both the lagged volatility variables as well as the standard return forecasting variables (MHAR-RV-BPAX). The results for this model illustrate an important point in determining the effects of various economic factors on volatility: including lagged volatility as a variable to determine the true influence of all variables on the volatility proves to be important.

when regressing volatility on lagged predictive variables which are themselves persistent.


4.3 Estimated elasticities估算弹性



Panel A of Table 4 gives the elasticities for the MHAR-RV-BP model. The first principal components of the lagged weekly and monthly volatilities have a positive effect on all of the realized volatilities.


These components appear to capture the overall level of volatility in the market. In contrast, the second principal factor  of the monthly bi-power covariation has an asymmetric effects on volatility.


The elasticities change sign depending on the particular element  of  V .  For  example,  changing the value of the second principal component by a one standard deviation shock would cause tomorrow’s large stock volatility to decrease by 33.7% while small stock volatility would increase by 11.6%.


We find monotonic decreases in the elasticities associated with this variable as we move from the small stock volatility towards the large stock portfolio, including those portfolio results not reported.


The third principal component has a small influence on realized volatilities.





 短期利率或信用价差的提升会导致协方差矩阵increase,scorecard以及dividend yield上升则会导致。term structure斜率较小。








(1)用bi-power covariation对多维波动率建模,实际应用中似乎效果不佳,我们将从HAR模型着手构建潜因子模型;


















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