在微调StyleGAN2模型(一)构建数据集中,我们好不容易弄好了数据集却发现自家的GPU显存不足(RTX2080 8G显存),怎么调参数都没法跑.(后来发现其实是可以跑的,只是我参数没调对)
去谷歌/推特翻了一圈,也没找到想要的答案,但是发现大家都在用Google Colab来做实验.
本着实在不行买点算力来跑的想法,详细了解了下Google Colab.
Google Colab
Google Colab是一个Google提供的云服务,以Jupiter Notebook为载体,专门面向数据科学/人工智能领域的开发者.无需任何配置,免费使用 GPU,轻松共享.
从 https://colab.research.google.com/signup 可以看到,谷歌为免费用户提供
K80 GPU 16G显存
12G 内存
60G 磁盘,可以直接从谷歌云盘挂载
笔记本最长可以运行 12 小时,而且有空闲超时.
这个储存库不但加了很多方便实用的功能,还专门对Google Colab做了优化,可以一键部署,你需要做的基本上就只有git clone.
进入Google Colab环境后,新建笔记本,先点击菜单栏的 修改->笔记本设置
%tensorflow_version 1.x
import tensorflow as tf
print('Tensorflow version: {}'.format(tf.__version__) )
!nvidia-smi -L
print('GPU Identified at: {}'.format(tf.test.gpu_device_name()))
Tensorflow version: 1.15.0
GPU 0: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB (UUID: GPU-99f2b332-d720-4647-7f48-6504f2445523)
GPU Identified at: /device:GPU:0
然后git clone上面提到的储存库,建议是放在谷歌云盘上,因为服务器的磁盘好像重载一次就清空一次.
import os
os.chdir("/content/drive/My Drive")
!git clone https://github.com/pbaylies/stylegan2.git
!git checkout .
!git checkout 90d548243b
!unzip ./data_clean_4.zip
os.chdir("/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2")
!python dataset_tool.py create_from_images_raw ./dataset/lex ./../data_clean_4
!rm -r ./../data_clean_4
!mkdir ./models
!cp ./../2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl ./models
!python run_training.py --num-gpus=1 --data-dir=./dataset --config=config-f --dataset=lex --mirror-augment=true --metric=none --total-kimg=10000 --result-dir="/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2/results" --resume-pkl=./models/2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl
Building TensorFlow graph...
Initializing logs...
Training for 10000 kimg...
tick 0 kimg 0.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 32 time 58s sec/tick 57.7 sec/kimg 450.61 maintenance 0.0 gpumem 8.4
import os
os.chdir("/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2")
!python run_training.py --num-gpus=1 --data-dir=./dataset --config=config-f --dataset=lex --mirror-augment=true --metric=none --total-kimg=10000 --result-dir="/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2/results" --resume-pkl=./models/2020-01-11-skylion-stylegan2-animeportraits-networksnapshot-024664.pkl
Building TensorFlow graph...
Initializing logs...
Training for 10000 kimg...
tick 0 kimg 0.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4m 07s sec/tick 246.7 sec/kimg 321.16 maintenance 0.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 1 kimg 6.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 33m 12s sec/tick 1723.7 sec/kimg 280.54 maintenance 21.3 gpumem 7.4
tick 2 kimg 13.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 02m 01s sec/tick 1721.7 sec/kimg 280.23 maintenance 7.5 gpumem 7.4
tick 3 kimg 19.2 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 30m 48s sec/tick 1720.0 sec/kimg 279.94 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 4 kimg 25.3 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 59m 34s sec/tick 1719.1 sec/kimg 279.80 maintenance 6.8 gpumem 7.4
tick 5 kimg 31.5 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 2h 28m 22s sec/tick 1721.1 sec/kimg 280.13 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 6 kimg 37.6 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 2h 57m 09s sec/tick 1719.9 sec/kimg 279.93 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 7 kimg 43.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 3h 25m 57s sec/tick 1721.3 sec/kimg 280.17 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 8 kimg 49.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 3h 54m 44s sec/tick 1719.6 sec/kimg 279.88 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 9 kimg 56.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4h 23m 30s sec/tick 1719.9 sec/kimg 279.93 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 10 kimg 62.2 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4h 52m 20s sec/tick 1722.6 sec/kimg 280.37 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 11 kimg 68.4 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 5h 21m 10s sec/tick 1722.8 sec/kimg 280.41 maintenance 7.3 gpumem 7.4
tick 12 kimg 74.5 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 5h 49m 57s sec/tick 1718.9 sec/kimg 279.76 maintenance 7.5 gpumem 7.4
tick 13 kimg 80.6 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 6h 18m 45s sec/tick 1720.7 sec/kimg 280.07 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 14 kimg 86.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 6h 47m 36s sec/tick 1724.4 sec/kimg 280.66 maintenance 7.5 gpumem 7.4
tick 15 kimg 92.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 7h 16m 28s sec/tick 1724.3 sec/kimg 280.65 maintenance 7.3 gpumem 7.4
tick 16 kimg 99.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 7h 45m 20s sec/tick 1724.6 sec/kimg 280.69 maintenance 7.3 gpumem 7.4
已使用 14.8 GB, 共 15 GB
一共训练了16 tick,但是只保存了6 tick.
我本来计算过是够空间的,但是我之后一通操作创建了很多文件又删了很多文件,然后删除的文件是放在回收站里的(我明明是rm -rf
import os
os.chdir("/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2")
!python run_training.py --num-gpus=1 --data-dir=./dataset --config=config-f --dataset=lex --mirror-augment=true --metric=none --total-kimg=10000 --result-dir="/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2/results" --resume-pkl=latest
Local submit - run_dir: /content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2/results/00003-stylegan2-lex-1gpu-config-f
dnnlib: Running training.training_loop.training_loop() on localhost...
Streaming data using training.dataset.TFRecordDataset...
Dataset shape = [3, 512, 512]
Dynamic range = [0, 255]
Label size = 0
Loading networks from "/content/drive/My Drive/stylegan2/results/00002-stylegan2-lex-1gpu-config-f/network-snapshot-000037.pkl"...
Building TensorFlow graph...
Initializing logs...
Training for 10000 kimg...
tick 0 kimg 37.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4m 04s sec/tick 244.3 sec/kimg 318.14 maintenance 0.0 gpumem 7.5
tick 1 kimg 43.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4m 07s sec/tick 246.7 sec/kimg 321.28 maintenance 0.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 2 kimg 49.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 33m 14s sec/tick 1726.9 sec/kimg 281.07 maintenance 19.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 3 kimg 56.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 02m 05s sec/tick 1725.2 sec/kimg 280.79 maintenance 6.6 gpumem 7.4
tick 4 kimg 62.2 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 31m 02s sec/tick 1729.7 sec/kimg 281.53 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 5 kimg 68.3 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 1h 59m 59s sec/tick 1730.3 sec/kimg 281.62 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 6 kimg 74.5 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 2h 28m 57s sec/tick 1731.0 sec/kimg 281.73 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 7 kimg 80.6 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 2h 57m 55s sec/tick 1730.4 sec/kimg 281.64 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 8 kimg 86.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 3h 26m 53s sec/tick 1731.2 sec/kimg 281.77 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 9 kimg 92.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 3h 55m 45s sec/tick 1725.6 sec/kimg 280.86 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 10 kimg 99.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4h 24m 42s sec/tick 1729.7 sec/kimg 281.53 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 11 kimg 105.2 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 4h 53m 37s sec/tick 1728.1 sec/kimg 281.26 maintenance 6.9 gpumem 7.4
tick 12 kimg 111.4 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 5h 22m 34s sec/tick 1730.2 sec/kimg 281.61 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 13 kimg 117.5 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 5h 51m 28s sec/tick 1727.0 sec/kimg 281.09 maintenance 7.2 gpumem 7.4
tick 14 kimg 123.6 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 6h 20m 23s sec/tick 1727.5 sec/kimg 281.17 maintenance 7.0 gpumem 7.4
tick 15 kimg 129.8 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 6h 49m 22s sec/tick 1732.4 sec/kimg 281.97 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
tick 16 kimg 135.9 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 7h 18m 22s sec/tick 1732.1 sec/kimg 281.92 maintenance 7.3 gpumem 7.4
tick 17 kimg 142.1 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 7h 47m 20s sec/tick 1731.3 sec/kimg 281.78 maintenance 7.3 gpumem 7.4
tick 18 kimg 148.2 lod 0.00 minibatch 192 time 8h 16m 18s sec/tick 1730.8 sec/kimg 281.71 maintenance 7.1 gpumem 7.4
虽然新开了一个子项目00003,又是从0 tick开始计算的,但是的确是从上次最后保存的.pkl(37.6kimg)开始训练的.
初始化 0kimg
筛选4 123kimg
筛选5 123kimg
python run_generator.py generate-images --network=config --seeds=0-100 --truncation-psi=0.5
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import dnnlib
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import config
import scipy
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
import math
import moviepy.editor
from numpy import linalg
import numpy as np
import pickle
def main():
# Load pre-trained network.
# url = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MEGjdvVpUsu1jB4zrXZN7Y4kBBOzizDQ'
# with dnnlib.util.open_url(url, cache_dir=config.cache_dir) as f:
## NOTE: insert model here:
_G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open(config.Model, "rb"))
# _G = Instantaneous snapshot of the generator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
# _D = Instantaneous snapshot of the discriminator. Mainly useful for resuming a previous training run.
# Gs = Long-term average of the generator. Yields higher-quality results than the instantaneous snapshot.
grid_size = [2, 2]
image_shrink = 1
image_zoom = 1
duration_sec = 60.0
smoothing_sec = 1.0
mp4_fps = 20
mp4_codec = 'libx264'
mp4_bitrate = '5M'
random_seed = 404
mp4_file = 'results/random_grid_%s.mp4' % random_seed
minibatch_size = 8
num_frames = int(np.rint(duration_sec * mp4_fps))
random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
# Generate latent vectors
shape = [num_frames, np.prod(grid_size)] + Gs.input_shape[1:] # [frame, image, channel, component]
all_latents = random_state.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
import scipy
all_latents = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(all_latents,
[smoothing_sec * mp4_fps] + [0] * len(Gs.input_shape), mode='wrap')
all_latents /= np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(all_latents)))
def create_image_grid(images, grid_size=None):
assert images.ndim == 3 or images.ndim == 4
num, img_h, img_w, channels = images.shape
if grid_size is not None:
grid_w, grid_h = tuple(grid_size)
grid_w = max(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num))), 1)
grid_h = max((num - 1) // grid_w + 1, 1)
grid = np.zeros([grid_h * img_h, grid_w * img_w, channels], dtype=images.dtype)
for idx in range(num):
x = (idx % grid_w) * img_w
y = (idx // grid_w) * img_h
grid[y: y + img_h, x: x + img_w] = images[idx]
return grid
# Frame generation func for moviepy.
def make_frame(t):
frame_idx = int(np.clip(np.round(t * mp4_fps), 0, num_frames - 1))
latents = all_latents[frame_idx]
fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
images = Gs.run(latents, None, truncation_psi=0.7,
randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)
grid = create_image_grid(images, grid_size)
if image_zoom > 1:
grid = scipy.ndimage.zoom(grid, [image_zoom, image_zoom, 1], order=0)
if grid.shape[2] == 1:
grid = grid.repeat(3, 2) # grayscale => RGB
return grid
# Generate video.
import moviepy.editor
video_clip = moviepy.editor.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_sec)
video_clip.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)
def circular():
_G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(open(config.Model, "rb"))
rnd = np.random
latents_a = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
latents_b = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
latents_c = rnd.randn(1, Gs.input_shape[1])
def circ_generator(latents_interpolate):
radius = 40.0
latents_axis_x = (latents_a - latents_b).flatten() / linalg.norm(latents_a - latents_b)
latents_axis_y = (latents_a - latents_c).flatten() / linalg.norm(latents_a - latents_c)
latents_x = math.sin(math.pi * 2.0 * latents_interpolate) * radius
latents_y = math.cos(math.pi * 2.0 * latents_interpolate) * radius
latents = latents_a + latents_x * latents_axis_x + latents_y * latents_axis_y
return latents
def mse(x, y):
return (np.square(x - y)).mean()
def generate_from_generator_adaptive(gen_func):
max_step = 1.0
current_pos = 0.0
change_min = 10.0
change_max = 11.0
fmt = dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True)
current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
current_image = Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
array_list = []
video_length = 1.0
while current_pos < video_length:
lower = current_pos
upper = current_pos + max_step
current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0
current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
current_image = images = \
Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
current_mse = mse(array_list[-1], current_image)
while current_mse < change_min or current_mse > change_max:
if current_mse < change_min:
lower = current_pos
current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0
if current_mse > change_max:
upper = current_pos
current_pos = (upper + lower) / 2.0
current_latent = gen_func(current_pos)
current_image = images = \
Gs.run(current_latent, None, truncation_psi=0.7, randomize_noise=False, output_transform=fmt)[0]
current_mse = mse(array_list[-1], current_image)
print("%s / %s : %s" % (current_pos, video_length, current_mse))
return array_list
frames = generate_from_generator_adaptive(circ_generator)
frames = moviepy.editor.ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=30)
# Generate video.
mp4_file = 'results/circular.mp4'
mp4_codec = 'libx264'
mp4_bitrate = '3M'
mp4_fps = 20
frames.write_videofile(mp4_file, fps=mp4_fps, codec=mp4_codec, bitrate=mp4_bitrate)
if __name__ == "__main__":
python video.py
- 随机梯度插值视频
- 无缝循环插值视频
- 数据集(不同程度人工筛选):
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QxxzutXfqSMv1p7WONnipw 提取码: 3ujb - 训练好的Stylegan2模型:
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FRGzD6MwiD-qbnFcKTE34Q 提取码: v381
感谢 gwern 的笔记和指点.
感谢 @document 提供RTX2080.