




Text Analysis Steps

• Parsing
– Takes unstructured text and imposes a structure for further analysis.

• Search and retrieval
– Identification of the documents in a corpus that contain search items (key terms).

• Text mining
– Use the results of the prior steps to discover meaningful insights.
– Clustering and classification techniques can be adapted to text mining. For example:

• Cluster documents into groups.
• Classify texts for sentiment analysis.
– Utilises various methods and techniques
• Statistical analysis.
• Information retrieval.
• Data mining and Natural Language Processing.

A Text Analysis Example

Challenges 语法,语义,语用

Syntax concerns the sentence structure and the rules of grammar.
Semantics is the study of the meaning of sentences.
Pragmatics concerns the meaning of sentences in a certain context.
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling but have different meanings
Acronyms are abbreviated versions of words.

Collecting Raw Text
For text analysis, data must be collected before anything can happen.
这对应于数据分析生命周期的第 1 阶段和第 2 阶段
Raw text needs to be transformed with text normalization techniques.

Representing Text
• Raw text needs to be transformed with text normalization techniques.

The task of separating words from the body of text.
Tokenizing based on spaces. • “day” vs “day.”
Tokenizing based on punctuation marks & spaces.

Case folding
Reduces all letters to lowercase (or uppercase)
May need to create a lookup table of words not to be case folded. 举例:WHO; US

Stop words
Not all the words from a given language may need to be considered. 举例:the, a, of, and, to

Lemmatization and stemming.
Walk: walking, walk, walks, walked… (stemmed)
Goose: geese, goose, gander, ganders (lemmatized)
Good: good, better (lemmatized)

Bag-of-words representation
A document becomes a high-dimensional vector, indicating the presence/absence/frequency of various words in this document.

“a dog bites a man” same as “a man bites a dog”
博主在写文章 same as 文章在写博主
A corpus is a collection of documents, usually focused on specific domains.
Some corpora include the information content of every word in its metadata.

Information content (IC)
– A metric denotes the importance of a term in a corpus.
– Terms with higher IC values are more important.
However, information content (IC) Cannot satisfy the need to analyse the dynamically changed, unstructured data.
• Two problems
– Both traditional corpora and IC metadata do not change over time.
– Traditional corpora limits the entire knowledge used for a text analysis algorithm.
We need a metric that adapts to the context and the nature of text (not like IC) 

Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)
TFIDF is based entirely on all the fetched documents.
TFIDF can be easily updated once the fetched documents change.
TFIDF is a measure widely used in text analysis.

Zipf’s Law: the i-th most common word occurs approximately 1/i as the most frequent term.
Document Frequency
• Document Frequency of a term:– The number of documents in a corpus that contain a term.
Inverse Document Frequency
Inverse Document Frequency of a term
• The IDF of a rare term would be high.
• The IDF of a frequent term would be low.
• IDF solely depends on the DF.

Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)
• A measure that considers:
– The prevalence of a term within a document (TF).
– The scarcity of the term over the corpus (IDF).
• The TFIDF of a term t in a document d is

• TFIDF scores a term higher if it appears more often in a document but less in a corpus.
一个词的 TFIDF 的值越高,它在一个文档中出现的越频繁,但在语料库的所有文档中出现
注意 TFIDF 应用于特定文档中的词语,所以同一个词在不同的文档中很可能得到不同的 TFIDF 值

Categorizing Documents by Topics

• Topic modelling:
– Provides short descriptions for documents.
– Helps to organize, search, understand, and summarize text.
• Topic models are statistical models that:
– examine words from a set of documents,
– determine the themes over the text, and
– discover how the themes are associated or change over time.

The process of topic modeling

  1. Uncover the hidden topical patterns within a corpus.
  2. Annotate documents according to these topics.
  3. Use annotations to organize, search, and summarize texts.

• A topic is formally defined as a distribution over a fixed vocabulary of words.
– Different topics have different distributions over the same vocabulary.
• A topic can be viewed as a cluster of words with related meanings.
– A word from the vocabulary can reside in multiple topics with different weights.

The simplest topic model is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

A generative probabilistic model of a corpus.

In LDA, documents are treated as the result of a generative process
LDA assumes
– There is a fixed vocabulary of words.
– The number of the latent topics is predefined.
– Each latent topic is characterised by a distribution over words in a vocabulary .
– Each document is represented as a random mixture over latent topics.

How to process a document via LDA
– Choose the length N of the document.
– Choose a distribution over the topics.
– For each of the N words of this document
• Choose a topic based on the above distribution.
• Choose a word from the corresponding topic

图的左边显示了从一个语料库构建的 4 个主题,其中每个主题包含词汇中最重要的一组关键词。这 4 个主题分别与 problem、policy、neural 以及 report相关。如图右则的直方图中显示,每个文档有一个在主题上的分布。接下来,为文档中的每个词分配一个主题,并且选中相应的主题(色盘)中的词。在现实中,只有文档(如图的中间所示)是可用的。LDA 的目标是为每一个文档推断潜在的主题、主题比例以及主题分配。

Determining Sentiments

Sentiment analysis
– Uses statistics and NLP to mine opinions to identify and exact subjective information from texts.

• Applications
– Detect the polarity of product or movie reviews.

• Analysis level
– Document, sentence, phrase, and short-text.

• Classification methods are often used to extract corpus statistics for sentiment analysis
– Naïve Bayes classifier, Maximum Entropy, Support Vector Machines, ….

• Movie review corpus
– Consists of 2000 movie reviews.
– Manually tagged into 1000 positive and 1000 negative reviews .

Using Naïve Bayes classifier python code:

在理想情况下,一个好的分类器的准确率和召回率应该接近 1。

在信息检索中,一个完美的准确率 1,意味着搜索检索到的每一个结果都是相关的。
一个完美的召回率 1,意味着所有的相关文档都被搜索到了。

Gaining Insights

Word cloud (tag cloud)

TFIDF can be used to highlight the informative words in text
其中具有较大字号的每个单词对应于一个较大的 TFIDF 值。每条评论被当做一个文档。

Circular graph of topics obtained from LDA.
– The disc size represents the weight of a word.


  1. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data, EMC Education Services, John Wiley & Sons, 27 Jan. 2015

  2. Data Mining: The Textbook by Charu C. Aggarwal, Springer 2015

  3. C.M. Christopher, P. Raghavan and H. Schutze. Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 20084.

  4. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach (2nd Edition), by David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce, Pearson, 2011.


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Data Science and Big Data Analytics is about harnessing the power of data for new insights. The book covers the breadth of activities and methods and tools that Data Scientists use. The content focuses on concepts, principles and practical applications that are applicable to any industry and technology environment, and the learning is supported and explained with examples that you can replicate using open-source software. This book will help you: Become a contributor on a data science team Deploy a structured lifecycle approach to data analytics problems Apply appropriate analytic techniques and tools to analyzing big data Learn how to tell a compelling story with data to drive business action Prepare for EMC Proven Professional Data Science Certification Corresponding data sets are available at www.wiley.com/go/9781118876138. Get started discovering, analyzing, visualizing, and presenting data in a meaningful way today! Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Big Data Analytics Chapter 2 Data Analytics Lifecycle Chapter 3 Review of Basic Data Analytic Methods Using R Chapter 4 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Clustering Chapter 5 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Association Rules Chapter 6 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Regression Chapter 7 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Classification Chapter 8 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Time Series Analysis Chapter 9 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Text Analysis Chapter 10 Advanced Analytics—Technology and Tools: MapReduce and Hadoop Chapter 11 Advanced Analytics—Technology and Tools: In-Database Analytics Chapter 12 The Endgame, or Putting It All Together
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