1. SOME/IP Motivation
The automotive industry is currently facing disruptive changes in multiple areas. Examples are more ADAS w/ the goal of fully autonomous vehicles, the switch from internal combustion engines towards electric motors /fuel cell, and the increasing connectivity internally as well as w/ its environment due to wirless interfaces. As a result, modern vehicles can be assigned to cyber-physical systems claass, while the relevance of software and electronics in terms of innovation and value creation in the automotive industry will continue to increase significantly. This evolution transforms the vehicle from a hardware-driven product to a software-driven device, which requires new approaches, especially in the area of software and electrical and electronical architecture (E/E architecture).
In order to meet increasing communication needs, BMW group designed SOME/IP in 2011, and it's compatible to AUTOSAR standards. It relies on using Ethernet and TCP/IP.
2. Key features of SOME/IP
- SOME/IP provides service oriented communication over a network;
- SOME/IP supports a wide range of middleware features;
a. Serialization - transforming into and from on-wire representation
b. Remote Procedure Call(RPC) - implementing remote invocation of functions
c. Service Discovery(SD) - dynamically finding functionality and configuring its access
d. Publish / Subscribe(Pub/Sub) - dynamically configuring which data is needed and shall be sent to the client
e. Segmentation of UDP messages - allowing the transport of large SOME/IP messages over UDP without the need of fragmentation
- SOME/IP can be implemented on different operating systems(AUTOSAR, GENIVI and OSEK) and even embedded devices without operating system;
- SOME/IP is used for inter-ECU Client / Server serialization
3. SOME/IP Protocol Stack based on OSI Model
4. Services of SOME/IP
Therea are 4 most common patterns:
- Request / Response
Request - a message from client to server calling a method
Response - a message from server to client transporting the results of the method invocation
- Fire and Forget
Request - a message from client to server calling a method
Fire and Forget - a method invocation with just a Request message
Does NOT support answers and errors
- Events
Event - a Fire & Forget callback, that is sent out by the Server(e.g. cyclically or on change)
Sent from Server to Client
- Field
Field - represents a remote accessible property that includes Getter / Setter and /or Notification
Getter - Method to read field value
Setter - Method to write field value. Notification(Sends out Events with new values on change of field value)
5. Data Package of SOME/IP
Data package includes Header and data.
SOME/IP Header format:
SOME/IP Header Format
- Message ID distinguishes different services and service interfaces. It consists of Service ID and Method ID, the most significant bit(MSB) of Method ID judges comminucation method.
If MSB is set to 0, Client --> Server; if MSB is set to 1, Server --> Client or Notifier.
- Length represents the length from Request ID to Payload
- Request ID is used to respond to a specific data request and send. Client ID is an unique identifier for each ECUs. Session ID is an unique identifier. In case of Session handling is active, the Session ID shall be incremented for each invocation, incremental value is 1.
- Protocol version represents current version information of SOME/IP, default value 0x01.
- Interface version represents version information of service interface.
- Message Type represents the detailed message types
Message Types
- Return code represents error handling of RPC communication. Regarding the detailed information, please refer to [PRS_SOMEIP_00191].
Data Field represent the specific contents.
For UDP protocol: SOME/IP Header +payload ≤1416 Byte
For TCP protocol: SOME/IP Header +payload≤4095 Byte
6. Communication Concept
- Request / Response Method
Request message from Client
Response message from Server
Exception error message from Server
- Fire & Forget Method
Fire & Forget Communication
- Notification / Event
Notification - Publish / Subscribe FlowChart
7. SOME/IP Serialization
8. SOME/IP-SD Header Format
SOME/IP-SD is a kind of special SOME/IP Service.
Entry Format
There are two format types (Services vs. Eventgroups):
1. Both have a Service ID, Instance ID (0xffff = all), and TTL.
TTL: Describes the lifetime of the entry in seconds(以秒为单位来描述entry的生命周期)
2. Services need major and minor version.
3. Eventgroup need Eventgroup Ids.
Options - Endpoint options
- L4-Proto:
Based on IETF/IANA Protocol-Numbers
0x06: TCP / 0x11: UDP
- Options provide a higher level of detail for the entries:
1. IP Address
2. Transport Protocol
3. Port No.