
Meaning of Symbols

min ⁡ \min minMinimize.
max ⁡ \max maxMaximize.
sup ⁡ \sup supsupremum.
inf ⁡ \inf infinfimum.

Some Specific Sets

R \mathbf{R} RReal numbers.
R n \mathbf{R}^n RnReal n n n-vectors ( n × 1 n × 1 n×1 matrices).
R m × n \mathbf{R}^{m \times n} Rm×nReal m × n m \times n m×n matrices.
R + , R + + \mathbf{R}_{+}, \mathbf{R}_{++} R+,R++Nonnegative, positive real numbers.
C \mathbf{C} CComplex numbers.
C n \mathbf{C}^n CnComplex$ n$-vectors.
C m × n \mathbf{C}^{m \times n } Cm×nComplex m × n matrices.
Z \mathbf{Z} ZIntegers.
Z + \mathbf{Z}_{+} Z+Nonnegative integers.
S n \mathbf{S}^n SnSymmetric n × n n \times n n×n matrices.
S n , S + + n \mathbf{S}^n,\mathbf{S}^n_{++} Sn,S++nSymmetric positive semidefinite, positive definite, n × n n \times n n×n matrices…

Vectors and Matrices

1 \mathbf{1} 1Vector with all components one.
e i \mathbf{e}_i ei i i ith standard basis vector.
I \mathbf{I} IIdentity matrix.
X T \mathbf{X}^T XTTranspose of matrix X \mathbf{X} X
X H \mathbf{X}^H XHHermitian (complex conjugate) transpose of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
t r   X \mathbf{tr~} \mathbf{X} tr XTrace of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
λ i ( X ) \lambda_i(\mathbf{X}) λi(X) i i ith largest eigenvalue of symmetric matrix X.
λ max ⁡ ( X ) , λ min ⁡ ( X ) \lambda_{\max}(\mathbf{X}),\lambda_{\min}(\mathbf{X}) λmax(X),λmin(X)Maximum, minimum eigenvalue of symmetric matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
σ max ⁡ i ( X ) \sigma_{\max}^{i}(\mathbf{X}) σmaxi(X) i i ith largest singular value of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
σ max ⁡ ( X ) , σ min ⁡ ( X ) \sigma_{\max}(\mathbf{X}),\sigma_{\min}(\mathbf{X}) σmax(X),σmin(X)Maximum, minimum singular value of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
X † \mathbf{X}^{\dagger} XMoore-Penrose or pseudo-inverse of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
x ⊥ y x \perp y xyVectors x x x and y y y are orthogonal: x T y = 0.
V ⊥ \mathbf{V}^{\perp} VOrthogonal complement of subspace V \mathbf{V} V.
d i a g ( x ) \mathbf{diag}(x) diag(x)Diagonal matrix with diagonal entries x 1 , . . . , x n x_1 ,...,x_n x1,...,xn .
d i a g ( X \mathbf{diag}(\mathbf{X} diag(X, Y , . . . ) \mathbf{Y},...) Y,...)Block diagonal matrix with diagonal blocks X \mathbf{X} X, Y \mathbf{Y} Y,…
r a n k ( A ) \mathbf{rank}(\mathbf{A}) rank(A)Rank of matrix A \mathbf{A} A.
R ( A ) \mathcal{R}(\mathbf{A}) R(A)Range of matrix A \mathbf{A} A.
N ( A ) \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{A}) N(A)Nullspace of matrix A \mathbf{A} A.

Norms and Distances

∥ ⋅ ∥ \| \cdot \| A norm.
∥ ⋅ ∥ ∗ \| \cdot \|_* Dual of norm ∥ ⋅ ∥ \| \cdot \| .
∥ x ∥ 2 \| x\|_2 x2Euclidean (or ℓ 2 ℓ_2 2-) norm of vector x x x.
∥ x ∥ 1 \| x\|_1 x1 ℓ 1 ℓ_1 1-norm of vector x x x.
∥ x ∥ ∞ \| x \|_\infty x ℓ ∞ ℓ_\infty -norm of vector x x x.
∥ X ∥ 2 \| \mathbf{X}\|_2 X2Spectral norm (maximum singular value) of matrix X \mathbf{X} X.
B ( c , r ) B(c,r) B(c,r)Ball with center c and radius r r r.
d i s t ( A , B ) \mathbf{dist(A,B)} dist(A,B)Distance between sets (or points) A \mathbf{A} A and B \mathbf{B} B.

Generalized Inequalities

x ⪯ y x \preceq y xyComponentwise inequality between vectors x x x and y y y.
x ≺ y x \prec y xyStrict componentwise inequality between vectors x x x and y y y.
X ⪯ Y \mathbf{X} \preceq \mathbf{Y} XYMatrix inequality between symmetric matrices X \mathbf{X} X and Y \mathbf{Y} Y.
X ≺ Y \mathbf{X} \prec \mathbf{Y} XYStrict matrix inequality between symmetric matrices X \mathbf{X} X and Y \mathbf{Y} Y.
x ⪯ K y x \preceq_{K} y xKyGeneralized inequality induced by proper cone K K K.
x ≺ K y x \prec_{K} y xKyStrict generalized inequality induced by proper cone K K K.
x ⪯ K ∗ y x \preceq_{K^*} y xKyDual generalized inequality.
x ≺ K ∗ y x \prec_{K^*} y xKyDual strict generalized inequality.

Topology and Convex Analysis

c a r d   C \mathbf{card}~C card CCardinality of set C C C.
i n t   C \mathbf{int}~C int CInterior of set C C C.
r e l i n t   C \mathbf{relint}~C relint CRelative interior of set C C C.
c l   C \mathbf{cl}~C cl CClosure of set C C C.
b d   C \mathbf{bd}~C bd CBoundary of set C : b d   C = c l   C   \   i n t   C C: \mathbf{bd} ~C = \mathbf{cl} ~C~\mathbf{\backslash} ~ int~C C:bd C=cl C \ int C.
c o n v   C \mathbf{conv}~C conv CConvex hull of set C C C.
a f f   C \mathbf{aff}~C aff CAffine hull of set C C C.
K ∗ K^* KDual cone associated with K K K.
I C I_C ICIndicator function of set C C C.
S C S_C SCSupport function of set C C C.
f ∗ f^* fConjugate function of f f f.


E   x \mathbf{E~x} E xExpected value of random vector x \mathbf{x} x.
p r o b   S \mathbf{prob}~ S prob SProbability of event S S S.
v a r   x \mathbf{var}~x var xVariance of scalar random variable x x x.
N ( c , ∑ ) \mathcal{N}(c,\sum) N(c,)Gaussian distribution with mean c c c, covariance (matrix) ∑ \sum .
Φ \Phi ΦCumulative distribution function of N ( 0 , 1 ) \mathcal{N}(0,1) N(0,1) random variable.

Functions and derivatives

f : A → B f:A \rightarrow B f:AB f f f is a function on the set d o m f ⊆ A \mathbf{dom} f \subseteq A domfA into the set B B B.
d o m   f \mathbf{dom}~f dom fDomain of function f f f.
e p i   f \mathbf{epi}~f epi fEpigraph of function f f f.
∇ f \nabla f fGradient of function f f f.
∇ 2 f \nabla^2 f 2fHessian of function f f f.
D   f D~f D fDerivative (Jacobian) matrix of function f f f.

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