

Dubins 曲线是在满足曲率约束和规定的始端和末端的切线(进入方向)的条件下,连接两个二维平面的最短路径,而且限制目标只能向前行进。Dubins 曲线的规划的目的是找到一条从起始点到目标点的最短距离,并且需要满足最小转弯半径、前进方向、初始相对位置和速度方向的曲线。将路径分为三段,依据每段路径的方向,Dubins 集合 D = {LSL,RSR,RSL,LSR, RLR, LRL}。L 表示从沿逆时针方向的圆弧运动,R 表示沿顺时针方向圆弧运动,L 表示沿直线运动。



import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as Rot
show_animation = True
# 计算角度
def mod2pi(theta):
    return theta - 2.0 * math.pi * math.floor(theta / 2.0 / math.pi)
# 转角
def pi_2_pi(angle):
    return (angle + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi
# 定义dubins曲线集合里的各个元素,dubins只能直行
# 1.左转-直行-左转
def left_straight_left(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)
    tmp0 = d + sa - sb
    mode = ["L", "S", "L"]
    p_squared = 2 + (d * d) - (2 * c_ab) + (2 * d * (sa - sb))
    if p_squared < 0:
        return None, None, None, mode
    tmp1 = math.atan2((cb - ca), tmp0)
    t = mod2pi(-alpha + tmp1)
    p = math.sqrt(p_squared)
    q = mod2pi(beta - tmp1)
    return t, p, q, mode

# 2.右转-直行-右转
def right_straight_right(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)
    tmp0 = d - sa + sb
    mode = ["R", "S", "R"]
    p_squared = 2 + (d * d) - (2 * c_ab) + (2 * d * (sb - sa))
    if p_squared < 0:
        return None, None, None, mode
    tmp1 = math.atan2((ca - cb), tmp0)
    t = mod2pi(alpha - tmp1)
    p = math.sqrt(p_squared)
    q = mod2pi(-beta + tmp1)

    return t, p, q, mode

# 3.左转-直行-右转
def left_straight_right(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)

    p_squared = -2 + (d * d) + (2 * c_ab) + (2 * d * (sa + sb))
    mode = ["L", "S", "R"]
    if p_squared < 0:
        return None, None, None, mode
    p = math.sqrt(p_squared)
    tmp2 = math.atan2((-ca - cb), (d + sa + sb)) - math.atan2(-2.0, p)
    t = mod2pi(-alpha + tmp2)
    q = mod2pi(-mod2pi(beta) + tmp2)

    return t, p, q, mode

# 4.右转-直行-左转
def right_straight_left(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)

    p_squared = (d * d) - 2 + (2 * c_ab) - (2 * d * (sa + sb))
    mode = ["R", "S", "L"]
    if p_squared < 0:
        return None, None, None, mode
    p = math.sqrt(p_squared)
    tmp2 = math.atan2((ca + cb), (d - sa - sb)) - math.atan2(2.0, p)
    t = mod2pi(alpha - tmp2)
    q = mod2pi(beta - tmp2)
    return t, p, q, mode
# 5.右转-左转-右转
def right_left_right(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)

    mode = ["R", "L", "R"]
    tmp_rlr = (6.0 - d * d + 2.0 * c_ab + 2.0 * d * (sa - sb)) / 8.0
    if abs(tmp_rlr) > 1.0:
        return None, None, None, mode

    p = mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(tmp_rlr))
    t = mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(ca - cb, d - sa + sb) + mod2pi(p / 2.0))
    q = mod2pi(alpha - beta - t + mod2pi(p))
    return t, p, q, mode

# 6.左转-右转-左转
def left_right_left(alpha, beta, d):
    sa = math.sin(alpha)
    sb = math.sin(beta)
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    c_ab = math.cos(alpha - beta)

    mode = ["L", "R", "L"]
    tmp_lrl = (6.0 - d * d + 2.0 * c_ab + 2.0 * d * (- sa + sb)) / 8.0
    if abs(tmp_lrl) > 1:
        return None, None, None, mode
    p = mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(tmp_lrl))
    t = mod2pi(-alpha - math.atan2(ca - cb, d + sa - sb) + p / 2.0)
    q = mod2pi(mod2pi(beta) - alpha - t + mod2pi(p))

    return t, p, q, mode

def dubins_path_planning_from_origin(end_x, end_y, end_yaw, curvature,
    dx = end_x
    dy = end_y
    D = math.hypot(dx, dy)
    d = D * curvature

    theta = mod2pi(math.atan2(dy, dx))
    alpha = mod2pi(- theta)
    beta = mod2pi(end_yaw - theta)
    # 遍历,比较路径代价,得到最短路径
    planners = [left_straight_left, right_straight_right, left_straight_right,
                right_straight_left, right_left_right,
    best_cost = float("inf")
    bt, bp, bq, best_mode = None, None, None, None
    for planner in planners:
        t, p, q, mode = planner(alpha, beta, d)
        if t is None:
        cost = (abs(t) + abs(p) + abs(q))
        if best_cost > cost:
            bt, bp, bq, best_mode = t, p, q, mode
            best_cost = cost
    lengths = [bt, bp, bq]

    x_list, y_list, yaw_list, directions = generate_local_course(
        sum(lengths), lengths, best_mode, curvature, step_size)

    return x_list, y_list, yaw_list, best_mode, best_cost

    # 数据处理,得到路径

# 插入并更新数据
def interpolate(ind, length, mode, max_curvature, origin_x, origin_y,
                origin_yaw, path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions):
    if mode == "S":
        path_x[ind] = origin_x + length / max_curvature * math.cos(origin_yaw)
        path_y[ind] = origin_y + length / max_curvature * math.sin(origin_yaw)
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw
    else:  # curve
        ldx = math.sin(length) / max_curvature
        ldy = 0.0
        if mode == "L":  # 左转
            ldy = (1.0 - math.cos(length)) / max_curvature
        elif mode == "R":  # 右转
            ldy = (1.0 - math.cos(length)) / -max_curvature
        gdx = math.cos(-origin_yaw) * ldx + math.sin(-origin_yaw) * ldy
        gdy = -math.sin(-origin_yaw) * ldx + math.cos(-origin_yaw) * ldy
        path_x[ind] = origin_x + gdx
        path_y[ind] = origin_y + gdy

    if mode == "L":  # 左转
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw + length
    elif mode == "R":  # 右转
        path_yaw[ind] = origin_yaw - length

    if length > 0.0:
        directions[ind] = 1
        directions[ind] = -1

    return path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions

def dubins_path_planning(s_x, s_y, s_yaw, g_x, g_y, g_yaw, c, step_size=0.1):
        s_x 起始点位置x
        s_y 起始点位置y
        s_yaw 起始点位姿角度
        g_x x 终止点位置x
        g_y y 终止点位置y
        g_yaw 终止点位姿角度
        c 曲率 [1/m]

    g_x = g_x - s_x
    g_y = g_y - s_y
    l_rot = Rot.from_euler('z', s_yaw).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]
    le_xy = np.stack([g_x, g_y]).T @ l_rot
    le_yaw = g_yaw - s_yaw
    lp_x, lp_y, lp_yaw, mode, lengths = dubins_path_planning_from_origin(
        le_xy[0], le_xy[1], le_yaw, c, step_size)
    rot = Rot.from_euler('z', -s_yaw).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]
    converted_xy = np.stack([lp_x, lp_y]).T @ rot
    x_list = converted_xy[:, 0] + s_x
    y_list = converted_xy[:, 1] + s_y
    yaw_list = [pi_2_pi(i_yaw + s_yaw) for i_yaw in lp_yaw]
    return x_list, y_list, yaw_list, mode, lengths

def generate_local_course(total_length, lengths, mode, max_curvature,
    n_point = math.trunc(total_length / step_size) + len(lengths) + 4

    path_x = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    path_y = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    path_yaw = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    directions = [0.0 for _ in range(n_point)]
    index = 1

    if lengths[0] > 0.0:
        directions[0] = 1
        directions[0] = -1

    ll = 0.0

    for (m, l, i) in zip(mode, lengths, range(len(mode))):
        if l > 0.0:
            d = step_size
            d = -step_size

        # 设置最初的状态
        origin_x, origin_y, origin_yaw = \
            path_x[index], path_y[index], path_yaw[index]

        index -= 1
        if i >= 1 and (lengths[i - 1] * lengths[i]) > 0:
            pd = - d - ll
            pd = d - ll

        while abs(pd) <= abs(l):
            index += 1
            path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions = interpolate(
                index, pd, m, max_curvature, origin_x, origin_y, origin_yaw,
                path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions)
            pd += d

        ll = l - pd - d  # calc 为长度

        index += 1
        path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions = interpolate(
            index, l, m, max_curvature, origin_x, origin_y, origin_yaw,
            path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions)

    if len(path_x) <= 1:
        return [], [], [], []
    while len(path_x) >= 1 and path_x[-1] == 0.0:
    return path_x, path_y, path_yaw, directions

def plot_arrow(x, y, yaw, length=0.5, width=0.2, fc="r",
    # 绘制箭头
    if not isinstance(x, float):
        for (i_x, i_y, i_yaw) in zip(x, y, yaw):
            plot_arrow(i_x, i_y, i_yaw)
        plt.arrow(x, y, length * math.cos(yaw), length * math.sin(yaw),
                  fc=fc, ec=ec, head_width=width, head_length=width)
        plt.plot(x, y)

def main():
    # 输入起始终止点
    start_x = 1.0  # 单位[m]
    start_y = 1.0  # [m]
    start_yaw = np.deg2rad(-45.0)  # 转换成弧度[rad]
    end_x = 1.0  # [m]
    end_y = 2.0  # [m]
    end_yaw = np.deg2rad(45.0)  # [rad]
    curvature = 1.0
    path_x, path_y, path_yaw, mode, path_length = dubins_path_planning(start_x, start_y, start_yaw,
                                                                       end_x, end_y, end_yaw, curvature)
    if show_animation:
        plt.plot(path_x, path_y, label="Dubins " + "".join(mode))
        plot_arrow(start_x, start_y, start_yaw)
        plot_arrow(end_x, end_y, end_yaw)
if __name__ == '__main__':


Dubins 曲线在任意的起止位姿之间都存在这样的曲线,即最短路径规划。但是在最小转弯半径较大的话,可能规划出的路径不合理,假设在路径规划中有障碍物,现实中可能很难实现 Dubins 路径,使其做到不会碰撞到障碍物,还需要添加其他算法来进行优化。而且Dubins曲线的局限性很大,车辆只能前向运动。





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


