


Fetal monitoring is the main wayto ensure the healthy growth of the fetus. It can detect and treat fetaldistress in the uterus, various congenital genetic diseases and slow growth assoon as possible. Cardiotocography (CTG) is the most widely used clinicalroutine to assess the health of the fetus in the mother's uterus. By monitoringthe fetal heart rate and uterine contractions, combining the fetal heart ratecurve and the uterine contraction pressure curve, etc., the fetal developmentstatus in the uterus is evaluated, so as to provide clinicians with importantinformation about the fetus’s physiology and pathology in the pregnant woman’suterus. Before more serious or permanent damage to the fetus occurs, the doctorshall be given theopportunity to intervene in time. With 1,440 records of CTG inspection indicators of "healthy fetus" and "pathologicalfetus", designs a PSO-LSTM diagnostic model to assist medicalevaluation and diagnosis. First, the isolated forest is used to eliminateabnormal samples that may be caused by inspection equipment, manual operations,etc., and the remaining normal CTG samples are used to train the LSTM model. UsePSO algorithm to further optimize the LSTM model to improve the diagnosticeffect and generalization ability of the model. The model has a good diagnostic effect based on CTG indicators, and theaccuracy of the classification of healthy fetuses and pathologicalfetuses reaches 91.5%.


People began to pay attention to thehealth of pregnant women and fetuses during the perinatal period. Among them,premature birth is one of the leading causes of neonatal deaths. In 184countries around the world, the percentage of newborns who are born prematurelyranges from 5% to 18% . Even if these premature babies survive, they willface learning disabilities, visual and hearing problems and even life-longdisabilities. Fetal monitoring is the main way to ensure the healthy growth of thefetus. It can detect and treat fetal distress in the uterus, various congenitalgenetic diseases and slow growth as soon as possible. Fetal monitoringtechnology refers to the rational use of biophysical or biochemical methods toaccurately assess the development of the fetus in the uterus of pregnant women.Electronic Fetal Monitoring is the most widely used in clinical practice.For the fetus, the central nervous system in its body has the weakest toleranceto hypoxia, and the normality of the central nervous system can be reflected inthe changes in the fetal heart rate signal, which can assist the clinician injudging the growth of the fetus, growth status and abnormalities in the uterus, to preventthe birth of abnormal fetuses and the intrauterine death of normal fetuses.Since 1960, electronic fetal monitoring has been first used for intrapartummonitoring, and then extended to prenatal monitoring. Ultrasound Dopplermeasurement method is currently the most commonly used external non-invasivefetal heart rate monitoring method. CTG, also known as fetal electronic monitoring, is the most widely usedclinical routine to evaluate the main detection method of fetal intrauterinestatus.

CTG prenatal care chart containstwo key physiological signals, fetal heart rate and uterine contraction. Fetalheart rate is the number of times the fetal heart beats per minute. The fetaldistress in the uterus will cause the abnormality of the fetal heart rate to below or high. Pay close attention to the changes in the fetal heartrate, you can observe the development of the fetus, and greatly reduce thefetal birth defects caused by the fetus's intrauterine distress state, and eventhe phenomenon of fetal death. In clinical fetal prenatal health diagnosis, CTG is an importanttechnique for "early detection and early diagnosis" of fetalabnormalities. It monitors the fetal heart rate and contractions, andevaluates the fetal heart rate curve and contraction pressure curve. Theinternal development provides doctors with important information about thephysiology and pathology of the fetus in the pregnant woman’s uterus. Beforemore serious or permanent damage to the fetus occurs, doctors are given theopportunity to intervene in time to effectively prevent premature birth. It isone of the main measures to reduce perinatal mortality and improve populationquality.

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