
B2U8Cultural Awareness

Reading Text One>Text One

Culture Wars in the Lab

Gad Yair
Culture Notes

1 Culture matters when it comes to science. An uncomfortable and regrettable incident at Duke University in January sent shock waves through the scientific community when a professor and program administrator suggested that her Chinese students “commit” to speaking English in professional settings. Although the administrator later apologized, the incident continues to reverberate.



2 Cultural misunderstandings like this are growing as campuses internationalize. In recent interviews with scientists at Harvard, MIT, Boston University and other institutions, I found that respondents embrace diversity in their workplaces but also raise concerns about puzzling behaviors of their international students. They say that cultural diversity in research settings is crucial but point out that some international students are “too obedient” or “hard working yet lacking in originality.” Without training in cultural sensitivity, they are often surprised and occasionally make errors of communication.



3 We scientists must learn to work together with our differences and appreciate that we are as culturally unique as any other cultural group. Indeed, most scientists are unaware of the intricate ways by which cultural elements enter their lab, for they do so in subconscious ways. Culture affects the way scientists perform and document their work in laboratories, respond to reviews, and talk with their students. Scientists, after all, are bearers of culture — just as their international students are. For an effective meeting of minds, we need to understand how cultures actually form them.



4 Cultures differ in their conceptions of truth and instill different perceptions of reality. They even affect the way we think — and international students bring these attributes into American laboratories and classrooms and challenge American professors. These encounters may create frustrating relationships and unproductive communications for both sides, as the Duke example illustrates. This is why scientists need to understand such differences. They need to learn to embrace the cultural richness foreign students bring while showing them how to make the most of American customs and American science.



5 My study of German and Israeli science, for example, shows the two cultures differ in crucial aspects that affect scientists and their intellectual styles. Notwithstanding those cultural differences, scientific collaborations can create win-win situations. In a forthcoming paper in the American Journal of Cultural Sociology titled “Hierarchy versus Symmetry in German and Israeli Science,” I expose how those two sets of cultural values predetermine scientific practices and intellectual styles.



6 Part of our problem is that culture is a taboo topic. Most scientists claim that “science is science.” They presume that cultural differences are irrelevant in science. However, upon reflecting on their concrete practices, most of my interviewees admit that culture affects the way they think, organize, teach and interact. They also suggest that culture unconsciously defines their scientific priorities. German culture, for example, instills habits that support rigorous and methodical incremental science. Israeli culture, in contrast, equips scholars for engaging in bold, innovative leaps.



7 The differences are systematic. In recent talks about “Fire and Ice,” I presented these contrasting intellectual styles through interviews with 144 Israeli and German scientists. The Germans, suggested respondents, are orderly, exacting, formalistic, systematic, well organized, rigorous, strict, punctual and disciplined. In Germany, they explained, emotions are not allowed into the lab. In Israel they are.



8 Respondents suggested that in contrast with German soberness, the Israeli intellectual style is creative, entrepreneurial, open, disorderly, flexible, courageous, associative and intuitive. While describing their “unruly” intellectual style, Israeli scientists often employed an emotional “language of fire” in contrast with German “cold cognition.” “Science burns in my bones,” said one Israeli.



9 As a mathematician explained, “Israeli scholars think with flashes and insights.” A neurobiologist agreed, stating that Israeli scientists often succeed thanks to “brightness” rather than by hard work. Those cultural tendencies explain the success of Israel as the “Start-Up Nation.” However, those cultural tendencies also explain its challenges in pushing forward creative inventions and engaging in long-term planning.



10 Notwithstanding the difficulties of the cross-cultural collaborations of “ice with fire,” respondents affirmed diversity. They suggested that those cultural differences provided for win-win encounters. Each side has strengths, they said; each side suffers from deficiencies. By combining their cultural habits, German and Israeli scientists advance beyond their independent capabilities. True, German-Israeli scientific collaborations also have a political justification in correcting for the past trauma of the Holocaust. Scientists on both sides report that, as a consequence, they do better science.



11 As campuses become global, scientists and administrators would do well to learn these lessons. Cultural diversity might be a boon for science, but for collaborations to succeed we ought to embrace diversity and make the most of our cultural differences.


Reading Text Two>Text Two

Does Rice Farming Lead to Collectivist Thinking?

David Biello

Culture Notes

1 Rice farming still shapes the personalities of people in southern China, according to new research from a group of psychologists. The cooperation required to plant, tend and harvest rice makes those born in southern China think more communally than those born in northern China, where the primary crop is easier-to-farm wheat. The study purports to help explain why some Asian cultures remain more communal despite growing as rich as their European and more individualistic peers.



2 “Rice farmers form cooperative labor exchanges, and the irrigation systems create commons dilemmas that villagers have to solve — things like dredging the common canals and coordinating common flooding times,” explains cultural psychologist Thomas Talhelm, who led the study and is currently completing his PhD at the University of Virginia. “I set out to test people from all over China and see whether cultural differences I had seen fell into the historic outlines of rice and wheat farming in China.”



3 The study sprang from Talhelm’s time spent teaching in the southern city of Guangzhou. There he found that people often avoided conflict. “When I was in the narrow aisles of my local supermarket, and people inevitably bumped into me, I noticed that they would tense up, look at the floor and shuffle away quietly,” he recalls.



4 But Talhelm had a very different experience once he moved north to Beijing, including being praised for his skill at speaking Mandarin Chinese by a museum curator at the direct expense of his roommate who was also attempting to communicate. “It seemed that people in the north were more brash, more direct,” Talhelm says.



5 As part of his psychology studies back in the US, Talhelm decided to explore whether the differing agricultural needs of ancient China were reflected in cultural differences between north and south today. To do that, he and a team of Asian colleagues surveyed nearly 1,200 Chinese college students from the major ethnic group in China: the Han. The Han students were drawn from five provinces and one municipality ranging from north to south: Liaoning, Beijing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Fujian and Guangdong. In short, the researchers found that, as the paper publishing the findings in Science on May 9 puts it: “People from provinces with a higher percentage of farmland devoted to rice paddies thought more holistically.”



6 Stop for a moment and test yourself. Here is a list of three items: Without thinking too much, which two go together? Bus, train, tracks.



7 If you picked bus and train because they are both vehicles, then according to social psychologists, you favor “abstract” or “analytic” pairings. People from most modern and more individualistic cultures favor this choice, a group that has been dubbed WEIRD (for Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic) by psychologists.



8 On the other side, if you picked train and tracks because a train travels on tracks, then you favor “relational” or “holistic” pairings, a thinking style that embraces contradiction, according to psychologists.



9 The Chinese college kids did not answer just one such question, but eight (like this alternate set of three: carrot, dog and rabbit) along with 12 random questions designed to keep participants from guessing what the psychologists were testing for specifically. The results were tallied, resulting in a percentage score that reflected more analytic (0 percent) or totally holistic (100 percent), controlling for gender — because women generally are found to think more holistically than men.



10 Regardless of where the students were currently living (for example, a kid from Fujian currently studying in Beijing), Chinese men and women who grew up in areas that traditionally farm rice thought more holistically.



11 The rough dividing line in thinking styles and farming techniques is carved by the Yangtze River through the center of modern China. The river also splits China’s major language dialects, among other cultural differences. The finding also held at the level of bordering cities. A sample of 224 people from two neighboring cities in Anhui Province — Bozhou, which devotes only 2 percent of its land to rice, and its neighbor Huainan, where 67 percent of its land is used to grow the Chinese staple — found the same effect. The people of Huainan thought more holistically.



12 Talhelm and his colleagues further verified the finding with other tasks. For example, they had some study participants draw a diagram of a person and his or her set of friends, each person represented as a circle — a task known as a sociogram. People from rice provinces were more likely to draw themselves as smaller than their friends (as do the Japanese, according to prior research) than people from wheat provinces. Wheat provincials drew their personal circles roughly 1.5 millimeters bigger than their peers, which compares with Europeans who draw their circles 3.5 millimeters bigger and Americans who draw their circles an average of 6 millimeters bigger.

塔尔赫尔姆和同事们通过其他测试任务进一步验证了这一发现。例如,他们让一些受试者画一个自己与一组朋友的关系图,每个人用一个圆圈来表示──这个任务被称为“ 社会关系图”。与来自产小麦省份的人相比,种植水稻省份的人更有可能把自己的圆圈画得比朋友的小(据之前的研究,日本人也是如此)。而小麦省份的人画出的代表自己的圆圈要比他们同伴的大1.5毫米左右,欧洲人画的大3.5毫米,美国人画的则平均大6毫米。


13 “The question of how rice culture is passed down is the real mystery of this study,” Talhelm says, noting that rice culture persists even as the majority of people stop directly farming rice. “Is it values? Is it parenting? Is it schooling? Is it institutions? I suspect it’s a little of all of it.”



14 This “rice culture” theory purports to explain the differences between the WEIRD and the East or why Japan, South Korea and southern China, among other parts of Asia remain less individualistic than their modern peers in Europe despite similar levels of economic development, Internet penetration or employment by private industry. Provinces historically devoted to growing rice seem to have lower divorce rates than those historically devoted to growing wheat — more evidence in favor of the idea.



15 If true, the impact of rice culture should also be found in people from places like Indonesia or west Africa, which have similar divides between rice and wheat culture. Talhelm says he has also found similar cultural differences in people from rice regions in India. Similarly, the prevalence of wheat farming may explain why European cultures are so WEIRD, as noted by psychologist Joseph Henrich of the University of British Columbia in a perspective on the study also published in Science on May 9. In other words, the W in WEIRD may not be “Western” but rather “wheat.”


16 But it is not clear if rice culture will persist as more and more Chinese cluster in cities and lose any connection with rice (or wheat) farming. As it stands, Talhelm and his colleagues’ study showed that rice culture persisted whether people grew up in the countryside or a big city. In other words, ancient farming practices may shape the thinking of modern descendants living in a sprawling, crowded city. Or, as Talhelm says: “Most of my Chinese friends have told me the findings fit with their experiences in China.”






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