
B2U2 Food Safety

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Food Fraud: It’s What’s for Dinner?
David Edwards

Culture Notes
1 What’s for dinner would seem to be one of life’s more straightforward questions. However, if my 36 years of food safety experience have taught me anything, it is that the answer to that question isn’t as simple as it once was. Most consumers would be surprised to find just how complex simple meals have become. For example, pizza is a seemingly simple family favorite in American homes, so how complex could it possibly be? A recent analysis of the components of a pizza, carried out for the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, found that it was made from 35 different ingredients that passed through 60 countries on five different continents.

2 With ingredients of a simple dish like pizza coming from so many different countries, it’s not surprising that this complexity has given rise to food fraud. Increasingly, what’s on your plate at dinner, not to mention breakfast and lunch, may not be quite what it’s supposed to be. Food fraud — beef that’s horsemeat, salmon that’s rainbow trout — thins the global economy every year by an estimated $49 billion. That’s a lot of fake burgers and suspect sushi. Yet containing the problem is no small task. Some experts estimate that approximately 5 to 7 percent of the U.S. food supply is affected by food fraud. Another study found that about 10 percent of the food Americans buy is likely adulterated. The sprawling, complex modern food industry can be difficult to monitor and regulate — making it an easy target.

3 Food fraud, the deliberate substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food, ingredients or packaging, is not new. For as long as people have sold food to one another and not just grown it to feed themselves, the road to market has been mapped with cut corners. By the 17th century, governments started to act, introducing food purity laws to detect, among other things, watered-down milk and bread plumped up with chalk. But that kind of after-the-fact reaction is not enough to discourage sophisticated 21st century criminals, who are sometimes armed with high tech resources like encrypted websites and who know that they can depend on often inconsistent or ill-defined regulations to raise their odds of getting away with it.

4 Much of the challenge is rooted in the extraordinary reach of the global marketplace. When a Chilean summer strawberry can make it to the top of a banana parfait in a Manhattan restaurant in mid-winter, we’re in a new world that demands a whole new level of vigilance. It’s a food supply network with so many links that tampering with just one can easily go unnoticed.

5 The 2013 European horsemeat scandal is a good illustration of this concept. By the time French authorities identified a French meat wholesaler as the prime suspect in passing off horsemeat as beef throughout Europe, sales had stretched over several months, across 13 countries and reached into 28 companies. At the same time, Great Britain’s food regulatory agency reported that samples of six horse carcasses tested positive for a horsey painkiller, which may have entered the human food chain in France. Then, almost simultaneously, arrests were made on suspicion of fraud at two meat plants in Wales.


6 Along with the ever increasing complexity and vulnerability of our food supply chain, the fact is that when it comes to what we eat, most of us want it all — we want what’s on our plates to be affordable, high quality and authentic. That’s not an easy recipe, which is another reason the crooks start cooking up schemes. Consider what’s happened in those seemingly excellent fish restaurants, Boston. Investigative reporters from The Boston Globe found that fish served in local restaurants was wrongly identified about half the time. That means frozen fish declared fresh and lower class fish passed off as top of the line, with prices raised accordingly. Investigations by public interest groups from Florida to California have reported numerous instances of the same kind of fraud, as well as fish shipped from afar labeled as locally caught.

7 So what is being done to protect consumers? Many companies are developing a food defense plan to limit intentional food tampering and to comply with food safety certifications, seller qualifications and regulation. Many of the world’s largest food retailers are now mandating supplier certification to Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards, which emphasize food security and defense. These active strategies require a lot of work in defining and resolving hazards in every aspect of the food supply chain, but they make it much harder for crooks to get their hands into our food.

8 From a regulatory standpoint, the United States took a step forward in protecting its food supply with the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act. FSMA provides a science- and risk-based approach for companies to verify their ingredient suppliers, including ways to assure the public and FDA that industry has processes in place to detect food adulteration.

9 But more is needed. Increasing engagement and collaboration is also essential to protecting our global food supply. The key is for everyone with a stake in food fraud to work together, sharing data and insight from every level of the food supply network before fraud happens. For example, when manufacturers and retailers pool resources to work in smaller, more robust and collaborative networks, they dramatically magnify their ability to examine their supply chains. That makes it much more difficult for someone to cheat without someone noticing.

10 Additionally, partnerships between national and international governments can change the current fragmented, catch-as-catch-can approach to a more comprehensive, manageable regime of continuous oversight and rigorous enforcement. As part of this integration, shared standards and intelligence are crucial to addressing threats that are further magnified by globalization.

11 These are just a few examples of what more can be done to help keep our food supply chain honest. Food fraud is a problem that affects all of us. And, in the end, the most important drivers of change will be — all of us. Heightened awareness of the problem, greater understanding of the challenge and more determined insistence that the food industry and government work together to combat the deception in our diets is how we can all play a role in ensuring that what’s for dinner is for real.


Reading Text Two>Text Two

Are GMO Foods Safe?

Jane E. Brody

Culture Notes

1 It’s human nature, it seems, to resist change and fear the unknown. So it is no surprise that genetic engineering of food and feed crops resulted in their resounding condemnation as “Frankenfoods” by many consumers, who seem as terrified of eating an apple with an added anti-browning gene or a pink pineapple genetically enriched with the antioxidant lycopene as I am of self-driving cars.


2 Trek down the grocery aisles of any large market and you’ll find many products prominently labeled “No GMOs.” It’s much harder to spot the small print on many other foods stating “Partially produced with genetic engineering,” a result of a 2016 federal law that mandated uniform labeling of all food products containing genetically engineered ingredients.


3 The labeling requirement arose in response to public pressure and a confusing array of state rules. But while I endorse the public’s right to know and honest labeling of all products, in an important way it is very misleading. Farmers and agricultural scientists have been genetically engineering the foods we eat for centuries through breeding programs that result in large and largely uncontrolled exchanges of genetic material. What many consumers may not realize: For many decades, in addition to traditional crossbreeding, agricultural scientists have used radiation and chemicals to induce gene mutations in edible crops in attempts to achieve desired characteristics.


4 Modern genetic engineering differs from crossbreeding in two ways: Only one or a few new genes with a known function are introduced into a crop, and sometimes the new genes come from an unrelated species. Thus, a gene meant to transfer frost tolerance into, say, spinach, might come from a fish that lives in icy waters.


5 In the decades since the first genetically modified foods reached the market, no adverse health effects among consumers have been found. This is not to say there are none, but as hard as opponents of the technology have looked, none have yet been definitely identified.


6 Although about 90 percent of scientists believe GMOs are safe — a view endorsed by the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the World Health Organization — only slightly more than a third of consumers share this belief.


7 It is not possible to prove a food is safe, only to say that no hazard has been shown to exist. The fears of GMOs are still theoretical, like the possibility that insertion of one or a few genes could have a negative impact on other desirable genes naturally present in the crop.


8 Among commonly expressed concerns — again, none of which have been clearly demonstrated — are unwanted changes in nutritional content, the creation of allergens and toxic effects on bodily organs. According to an interview in Scientific American with Robert Goldberg, a plant molecular biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, such fears have not yet been quelled despite “hundreds of millions of genetic experiments involving every type of organism on earth and people eating billions of meals without a problem.”


9 Establishing long-term safety would require prohibitively expensive decades of study of hundreds of thousands of GMO consumers and their non-GMO counterparts.


10 Meanwhile, a number of impressive benefits have been well established. For example, an analysis of 76 studies published in February in Scientific Reports by researchers in Pisa, Italy, found that genetically engineered corn has a significantly higher yield than non-genetically modified varieties and contains lower amounts of toxins commonly produced by fungi.


11 Both effects most likely stem from the genetically engineered resistance to a major insect pest, the western corn rootworm, which damages ears of corn and allows fungi to flourish. The researchers said that the change has had little or no effect on other insects.


12 By engineering resistance to insect damage, farmers have been able to use fewer pesticides while increasing yields, which enhances safety for farmers and the environment while lowering the cost of food and increasing its availability. Yields of corn, cotton and soybeans are said to have risen by 20 percent to 30 percent through the use of genetic engineering.


13 Billions of edible animals are raised in this country each year on feed containing GMOs, with no evidence of harm. In fact, animal health and growth efficiency actually improved on the genetically engineered feed, according to a 2014 review in the Journal of Animal Science.


14 Wider adoption of genetic engineering could greatly increase the food supply in areas where climate change will increasingly require that crops can grow in dry and salty soils and tolerate temperature extremes. I continue to be distressed by the resistance to Golden Rice, a crop genetically engineered to supply more vitamin A than spinach that could prevent irreversible blindness and more than a million deaths a year from vitamin A deficiency.


15 Nonetheless, gene modification scientists are focusing increasingly on building health benefits into widely used foods. In addition to pink pineapples containing the tomato-based antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes are being engineered to contain the antioxidant-rich purple pigment from blueberries.


16 And people in developing countries faced with famine and malnutrition are likely to benefit from attempts to improve the protein content of food crops, as well as the amount of vitamins and minerals they provide.


17 This is not to say that everything done in the name of genetic engineering has a clean bill of health. Controversy abounds over the use of genetically modified seeds that produce crops like soybeans, corn and cotton that are resistant to a widely used herbicide, the health effects of which are still unclear.


18 The bottom line: Consumers concerned about the growing use of GMOs in the foods they depend on might consider taking a more nuanced approach than blanket opposition. Rather than wholesale rejection, take some time to learn about how genetic engineering works and the benefits it can offer now and in the future as climate change takes an ever greater toll on food supplies. Consider supporting efforts that result in safe products that represent improvements over the original and focusing opposition on those that are less desirable.


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