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ImageNets Structure

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The main purposes of ImageNets are:

  1. 3D-Visualization of Computer Vision results (especially for Robotics -> Create Robot)
  2. rapid prototyping of Computer Vision function combinations
  3. utilization of the execution speed of OpenCV
  4. Feedback Loops in Computer Vision (See: ImageNet_Designer_-_Graphical_Programming_Tutorial#Feedback_Structures_in_Computer_Vision_Tutorial)

Example VideosData Fusion Bumblebee & SwissrangerColored Point CloudTable Detection and SimulationPlane ThresholdingIntegrated HelpFeedback Loops


3D-View in ImageNets


BookCart Detection in Library Scenario

With the easy-to-understand graphical user interface ImageNet Designer, an ImageNet is created and saved as an XML-File. TheImageNet Designer helps to fine-tune your algorithm in the testing phase and to visualize results in 2D and 3D.

After creating an ImageNet, you can load and execute it (without the ImageNet Designer) in your own C / C++ code. SeeImageNet_Designer_-_Execution_Tutorial.

Neither the ImageNet Designer, nor an ImageNet have image processing functionality. This is provided by ImageNets Plug-Ins. They have to be loaded to create an ImageNet with the ImageNet Designer and to execute an ImageNet from code.

Links to ImageNets


IconDescription / Link
ImageNetsInstallationImageNet Designer - Installation Tutorial
GraphicalTutorialIconImageNet Designer - Graphical Programming Tutorial
CodingTutorialIconImageNet Designer - Coding Tutorial
ImageNetsExecutionFromCodeImageNet Designer - Execution Tutorial

Data Types

Port undefinedUNDEFINED      
Port grayGRAYImageIPL_DEPTH_8U10...255XX
Port gray32fGRAY32FImageIPL_DEPTH_32F10...1XX
Port binaryBINARYImageIPL_DEPTH_8U10 or 255XX
Port camera matricesCAMERA_MATRICESImage  The camera matrices like LayerType "Image" but without an image.XX
Port disparityDISPARITYReprojectionIPL_DEPTH_16S1Darker means less disparity. Unit: pixels, upscaled by 16 to achieve sub-pixel storage capability. X
Port pointcloudPOINTCLOUDData  XYZ and RGB information is stored in an Octree Octree in ImageNetsX 
Port frameFRAMEFrame  1 4x4 Matrix, representing a coordinate transformation (rotation and translation)XX
Port keyKEYData  CV-Sequence of SIFT Key Points X
Port matchMATCHData  CV-Sequence of SIFT Matches X
Port histogramHISTOGRAMData  1 256x1 Matrix - Normalized bins. The sum of all bins is 1. X
Port 2DPointsPOINTS2DData  N 1x2 Matrices with double values (sub-pixel accuracy) X
Port contourCONTOURData  N Mx2 Matrices with double values (sub-pixel accuracy) X
Port contour3DCONTOUR3DData  N Mx3 Matrices - Two points each (P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z)XX
Port linesLINESData  N 1x4 Matrix - Two points each (P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y) X
Port lines3DLINES3DData  N 1x6 Matrix - Two points each (P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z)XX
Port fundamental matrixFUNDAMENTAL_MATRIXData  1 3x3 Matrix which describes the relation between two cameras X
Port scalarSCALARData  N 1x1 Matrices (normally only one is used; N Matrices can be used to draw a resulting scalar as the output of a feedback loop.) X
Port bodiesBODIESData  N Bodies (cuboids, cylinders and spheres)XX
Port feedbackFEEDBACKData  N 1x1 Matrix, same as SCALAR X
Port matricesMATRICESData  N MxL Matrices with double values X
Port rectanglesRECTANGLESData  N 1x5 Matrices, center point x and y, width and height, angle in degrees [0...180[ X
Port ellipsesELLIPSESData  N 1x5 Matrices, Description of the surrounding rectangle: center point x and y, width and height, angle in degrees [0...180[ X
Port robotROBOTData  1 Nx1 Matrix of Robot Joint Angles (For 3D Visualization Convert to Bodies) X
Port user dataUSER_DATAData  Arbitrary user data via a derived interface. Container class for convenience is available.  
Port triggerTRIGGERData  This input is only used to trigger the execution of the block. No data is passed.  
Port pan tilt anglesPAN_TILT_ANGLESData  2x1 Matrix saving pan and tilt angles. X
STRINGSTRINGData  A vector of strings (std::vector<QString>). Useful for passing the marker type (as a string value) into a subnet. X

The connections between two blocks should be possible, only if both connected ports are of the same ImageType. There are the following ImageTypes:

3D and 2D mean if the ImageNet Designer is capable of displaying the ImageType in 3D or in 2D. If there is a 'X', it should generally make sense to display the ImageType in this space. If the 'X' is black, the display possibility is implemented and if the 'X' is red, the display possibility is not yet implemented.


LayerType Image has

  1. a 3x3 Intrinsic Matrix ( CV_64FC1 )
  2. a 4x1 Distortion Coefficients Vector ( CV_64FC1 )
  3. a 4x4 Extrinsic Matrix ( CV_64FC1 ) (Same as Frame)

All of these 3 matrices are saved in CLayer.itsData.m_vpCvMat (vector of OpenCV-Matrix).

LayerType Reprojection has

  1. a 4x4 Extrinsic Matrix ( CV_64FC1 ) and
  2. a 4x4 Reprojection Matrix ( CV_64FC1 ) This matrix holds information about the Field Of View of the two stereocameras and their distance between each other

LayerType Frame has

  1. a 4x4 Extrinsic Matrix ( CV_64FC1 )

LayerType Data can have arbitrary data (Matrices, Sequences)

Location of the enumeration ImageType_E: MachineVision.rpy/ImageNet_pkg/Types.

Locations where ImageTypes are used:

  1. ImageNet_pkg/Packages/Common/Classes/INGUI/toQImage() - Transformation from IplImage - and others - to QImage to display it as the small preview image and in the 2D-3D-Dialog
  2. ImageNet_pkg/Packages/Common/Classes/INTRANS/imageType() - Transformation from imageType to its string and vice versa
  3. ImageNet_pkg/Packages/Designer/Packages/ImageDialogClasses/C2DTabFactory/Constructor - how to display the data

User Data

The USER_DATA type represents abritrary user data. It is stored in a vector of pointer to the type CUserData. CUserData defines the following interface.

virtual void* AccessData() ; // Access user data via pointer that has to be cast to the desired type.
virtual CUserData* GetCopy() ; // Returns copy of derived class.
virtual std::string GetType() ; // Returns an abritrary identifier string for the user data type.

To use user data, this interface must be implemented in a derived class, or the class CUserDataStore can be used. It is a template class that stores an abritrary object of any type. It implements additionally the method AccessStoredData to access the object via a reference and SetType to specify an identifier string.

CUserDataStore< MyDataType > MyData ;
MyData.SetType( "MyData" ) ;
MyData.AccessStoredData() = ObjectToStore ;
MyData().AccessUserData().SetSomething() ;

Folder Structure

buildsource code
binThe compiled ImageNetDesigner & The compiled Plugins
resources/ImageNetsQt-Designer files (The ImageNetDesigner and the edit Dialogs) and icons for the ImageNetDesigner
etc/ImageNetsThe saved ImageNets (*.imagenet files) and example images

Stability of Blocks

To test the stability of blocks the Image Nets Block Tester is introduced.

Functionality (323 Blocks)

This table is generated with the ImageNet Designer. Select Statistics from the Help Menu. Copy and paste the generated Wiki-code here.

Block Name 
2D EntropyFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
2D UncertaintyFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
2D VarianceFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
3D Distance3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
3DLine 2 Frame3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
Adaptive ThresholdingSegmentationUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Add Black Image BorderSegmentationUnstableStefan Heyer
Add White Image BorderSegmentationUnstableStefan Heyer
AdditionScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Affine Transformation EstimationDrawUnstableMarkus Janku
Approximate RectangleFeature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Bilateral SymmetryFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Bodies 2 Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/BodiesUnstableUwe Lange
Body NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Book GeometryFeature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Boundary PointsFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Bounding BoxFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstablePedro Cochon Rios
Bubble Sort LinesConversion/LinesUnstableStefan Heyer
Calculate Extrinsic MatrixHardware/PTHUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Calculate Pan Tilt Angles3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange & Stefan Heyer
Calibrate Camera ExtrinsicCalibrationUnstableUwe Lange & Adrian Leu & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Calibrate Camera IntrinsicCalibrationUnstableNina Loftfield & Uwe Lange
Camera Matrices NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Canny Edge DetectionSegmentationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Canny Hysteresis ThresholdFeature ExtractionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Centroid ExtractionFeature ExtractionUnstableBashar Enjarini & Faisal Saeed
CFilterBrightAreaFilterUnstableStefan Heyer
CFilterBrighterPointsInDarkEnvFilterUnstableStefan Heyer
CFilterDarkerPointsInDarkEnvFilterUnstableStefan Heyer
CFilterTillWhiteBorderFilterUnstableStefan Heyer
CGray32F 2 GrayConversionUnstableStefan Heyer
Chessboard DetectionCalibrationUnstableUwe Lange
Collect 3D LinesJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Collect ImagesJoinUnstableHenning Kampe
Collect Point CloudsJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Collect ScalarsJoinUnstableHenning Kampe
Color 2 3 GrayConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Color 2 GrayConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Color 2 Gray32FConversionUnstableMarkus Janku
Color 2 HSVConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Color 2 Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableAmmar Najjar & Uwe Lange
Color 2 ToF IntensityConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Color 2 YCrCbConversionUnstableBashar Enjarini
Colour SegmentationSegmentationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
Combined Book CornersFeature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Compare DisparitiesTesting/AhmedUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Compare Fundamental MatrixCalibrationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Hao Chen
Compute Correspondence Points3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Concatenate StringsConversionUnstableStefan Heyer
Contour DetectionDetectionUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange & Bashar Enjarini
Contour SmoothingFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Convert 2D Point To 3DConversionUnstableBashar Enjarini
Convex HullFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
cosineScalar OperationsUnstableBashar Enjarini
Count ContoursFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Count LayersFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableStefan Heyer
Count MatricesFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableUwe Lange
Count Non Zero ScalarsFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableUwe Lange
Count Non ZerosFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Count PixelsFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Create 2 ScalarsCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create 2D PointsCreateUnstableKhizar Abbas & Uwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Create 3D LineCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create 3D PointCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create Altering ValueCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create BodyCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create Camera MatricesCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create Color ImageCreateUnstableKhizar Abbas
Create Distortion CoeffsCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create EllipsesCreateUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Create FolderCreateUnstableStefan Heyer & Uwe Lange
Create FrameCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create Frame 2CreateUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Create Intrinsic MatrixCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create LinesCreateUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Create MatrixCreateUnstableKhizar Abbas & Uwe Lange
Create Pan Tilt AnglesCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create RectanglesCreateUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Create RobotCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create Robot 7CreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create ROICreateUnstableStefan Heyer
Create ScalarCreateUnstableUwe Lange
Create StringCreateUnstableHenning Kampe
Crossproduct of VectorsMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
Cumulative HistogramPreprocessing/Image EnhancementsUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
CWaitCreateUnstableStefan Heyer
Depth DiscontinuitySegmentationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Depth Image 2 Disparity3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableUwe Lange
Depth Image 2 Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange
Depth Image ToF 2 Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange
DeterminantMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
DifferencePreprocessing/Logical OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Dilate Depth ImagePreprocessing/Morphological OperationsUnstableUwe Lange & Lee Seung Hee
DilationPreprocessing/Morphological OperationsUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Disparity 2 GrayConversionUnstableStefan Heyer
Disparity 2 Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableUwe Lange
Disparity BlockMatching3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Disparity Confidence3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableWoo Hyun Kim & Uwe Lange
Disparity Dynamic Matching3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableWoo Hyun Kim & Uwe Lange
Disparity Fitting3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableWoo Hyun Kim & Uwe Lange
Disparity Right2Left3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Disparity Segmentation3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableAdrian Leu & Nina Loftfield & Carolin Fellmann & Katharina Tegtmeier
Disparity Segmentation 23D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableAdrian Leu & Uwe Lange
Disparity to 32F gray imageConversionUnstableStefan Heyer
Distance Frame 2 Plane3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
DivisionScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
DoG PyramidFeature ExtractionUnstableMarkus Janku
Dominant Shape PointsFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Draw 2D PointsDrawUnstableUwe Lange
Draw 3D ContourDrawUnstableUwe Lange
Draw Bar ChartTesting/AhmedUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Draw ChessboardDrawUnstableUwe Lange
Draw ContoursDrawUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Draw EllipsesDrawUnstableKhizar Abbas
Draw FrameDrawUnstableTorsten Heyer
Draw HistogramDrawUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Draw LinesDrawUnstableCarolin Fellmann
Draw RectanglesDrawUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Draw ScalarsDrawUnstableHenning Kampe & Uwe Lange
Draw SIFT FeaturesDrawUnstableFaraj Alhwarin & Markus Janku
Draw SIFT MatchesDrawUnstableFaraj Alhwarin & Markus Janku
Draw Stereo CorrespondencesDrawUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
ECU SegmentationSegmentationUnstableDario Perez & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Edge Pixel CountFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
EigenValuesMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
EigenVectorsMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
Ellipse DetectionDetectionUnstableKhizar Abbas
Ellipse NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
ErosionPreprocessing/Morphological OperationsUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Executor InputEmbeddingUnstableHenning Kampe
Executor OutputEmbeddingUnstableHenning Kampe
ExponentialScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Extract LayerConversionUnstableStefan Heyer
Extract LineFeature ExtractionUnstableStefan Heyer
Extract Lines inside ROIFeature ExtractionUnstableStefan Heyer
Extract Row or ColumnMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
Extrinsic Matrix 2 FrameConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Face DetectionDetectionUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
FIFO QueueJoinUnstableUwe Lange & Henning Kampe
Filter 2DFilterUnstableUwe Lange
Filter Size Of ContoursFeature ExtractionUnstableUwe Lange
FilterSinglePointFilterUnstableStefan Heyer
Frame 2 MatrixConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Frame 2 PointConversionUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Frame AnalysisFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableUwe Lange
Frame NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Frame Rotation PartMatrix OperationsUnstableAdrian Leu & Saravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
Frame Trans Dif3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Frame Translation PartMatrix OperationsUnstableAdrian Leu & Saravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
Fundamental Matrix ComputationCalibrationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Fuse Stereo And ToF Disparities3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Fuzzy SegmentationSegmentationUnstableTorsten Heyer
Gauss PyramidFeature ExtractionUnstableMarkus Janku
Get date and time stringCreateUnstableStefan Heyer & Uwe Lange
Get Frame EntryMatrix OperationsUnstableStefan Heyer
Graph Color SegmentationSegmentationUnstableBashar Enjarini
Gray 2 ColorConversionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Gray 2 DisparityConversionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Harris Corner DetectionDetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
HistogramFeature ExtractionUnstableUwe Lange
Histogram EqualizationPreprocessing/Image EnhancementsUnstableUwe Lange
HomographyCalibrationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Hough Line DetectionDetectionUnstableNina Loftfield & Uwe Lange
Image DimensionsFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableUwe Lange
Image Gaussian NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas & Uwe Lange
Image MinMaxMedianFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableStefan Heyer
Image NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas & Uwe Lange
ImageNetExecutorEmbeddingUnstableHenning Kampe
In Range SegmentationSegmentationUnstableTorsten Heyer & Uwe Lange
In Range Segmentation GraySegmentationUnstableUwe Lange
Invert ImagePreprocessing/Image EnhancementsUnstableUwe Lange & Lee Seung Hee
Is 2DPoint Inside RectangleSwitchUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Is Empty FrameDetectionUnstableStefan Heyer
Is Unit FrameDetectionUnstableStefan Heyer
IsFrameInsideToleranceDetectionUnstableStefan Heyer
Join 3 Gray ImagesJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Join BodiesJoinUnstableZhu Zhu & Uwe Lange
Join Camera MatricesJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Join Image And FrameJoinUnstableNina Loftfield & Uwe Lange
Join Image and MatricesJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Join LinesJoinUnstableStefan Heyer
Join Non EmptyJoinUnstableHenning Kampe
Join Point CloudsJoinUnstableUwe Lange
Join ScalarsJoinUnstableUwe Lange
JoinerJoinUnstableUwe Lange & Henning Kampe
LaplaceFilterUnstableNina Loftfield
Line 2 PointsConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Line NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Line Splitter (H-V)Feature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstablePedro Cochon Rios & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Load Camera MatricesLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load CSV Point CloudLoadUnstableUwe Lange & Yungeun Choe
Load EnvironmentLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load ImageLoadUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Load Image 2LoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load MatrixLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load Port DataLoadUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Load PTH RP FrameLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load Robot DH ParametersLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load Stereo ImageLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load VideoLoadUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange & Henning Kampe
Load WM FramesLoadUnstableUwe Lange
Load XML 32F fileLoadUnstableBashar Enjarini
Logical ADDPreprocessing/Logical OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Logical ANDPreprocessing/Logical OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Logical NOTPreprocessing/Logical OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Logical ORPreprocessing/Logical OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Low Texture DetectionDetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Low Texture Detection 2DetectionUnstableWoo Hyun Kim & Uwe Lange
LRC Map3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Major Axis Of RectangleFeature ExtractionUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Marker Detection Stereo Cam3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
MaskSegmentationUnstableNina Loftfield & Carolin Fellmann & Uwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Match Contour PointsFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Match ContoursFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Match Correspondence3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Matrix 2 FrameConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Matrix 2 Point CloudConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Matrix 2 RobotConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Matrix AdditionMatrix OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Matrix InverseMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
Matrix Max and MinMatrix OperationsUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Matrix MultiplicationMatrix OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Matrix NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Matrix SummationMatrix OperationsUnstableAhmed Eldeep
MatrixDimensionMatrix OperationsUnstableStefan Heyer
MaximumScalar OperationsUnstableStefan Heyer
Mean Disparity3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Mean Of Frames3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange & Henning Kampe
Mean Of Two Frames3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Mean Shift SegmentationSegmentationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
MedianScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange & Henning Kampe
Merge LinesFeature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Min Rect Of ContoursFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Minimise Stereo Matching Error3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
MinimumScalar OperationsUnstableStefan Heyer
MorphologyPreprocessing/Morphological OperationsUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Move Bodies3D-Reconstruction/BodiesUnstableUwe Lange
Multi Canny Edge DetectionSegmentationUnstableStefan Heyer
Multiple HullFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Multiple Hull Contour3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
MultiplicationScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Neighborhood HistogramFeature ExtractionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange
Normalize Gray32FPreprocessingUnstableUwe Lange
Normalize MatrixMatrix OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Novel ROIConversionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Object Geometry3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Object Model3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Object MomentsFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Object Symmetric AxisFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Occlusion Map3D-Reconstruction/DisparityUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Occurence ProbabilityFeature Extraction/ScalarUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Optimal Stereo Triangulation3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Otsu SegmentationSegmentationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Point Cloud 2 Cuboids3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange & Woo Hyun Kim
Point Cloud 2 Depth Image3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange
Point Cloud 2 MatrixConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Point Cloud 2 Octree3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange
Point Cloud Intensity 2 GrayConversionUnstableUwe Lange & Woo Hyun Kim
Points NoiseNoiseUnstableUwe Lange
Pyramid SegmentationSegmentationUnstableKhizar Abbas
Rectangle NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Region Of InterestConversionUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Remove Jump Edges3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Remove OutliersCalibrationUnstableHao Chen & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Reprojection Error3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
ResizeConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Robot 2 BodiesConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Robot 2 MatrixConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Robot NoiseNoiseUnstableKhizar Abbas
Robot7 2 FramesConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Robust Fundamental MatrixCalibrationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Hao Chen
Robust Triangulation3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Save 32FImage to XML fileSaveUnstableBashar Enjarini
Save Camera MatricesSaveUnstableUwe Lange
Save Camera Matrices 2SaveUnstableUwe Lange
Save ImageSaveUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Save Image 2SaveUnstableUwe Lange
Save MatrixSaveUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Save Port DataSaveUnstableAhmed Eldeep & Uwe Lange
Save Scalars 2 CSVSaveUnstableUwe Lange
Save VideoTesting/AhmedUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Scalar 2 StringConversionUnstableUwe Lange
Scalar NoiseNoiseUnstableUwe Lange
Scalar Noise AnalysisNoiseUnstableUwe Lange & Khizar Abbas
Size Of Gripped Book3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Smooth BILATERALPreprocessing/SmoothingUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Smooth BLURPreprocessing/SmoothingUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Smooth GAUSSIANPreprocessing/SmoothingUnstableUwe Lange & Ahmed Eldeep
Smooth MEDIANPreprocessing/SmoothingUnstableAhmed Eldeep
SobelFilterUnstableKatharina Tegtmeier & Uwe Lange
SplitterConversionUnstableUwe Lange & Henning Kampe
Square RootScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Stereo Calibrate Bumblebee to ToFTesting/AhmedUnstableAhmed Eldeep
Stereo Camera Model3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Stereo Triangulation3D-ReconstructionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Stop NetSwitchUnstableUwe Lange
Sub MatrixMatrix OperationsUnstableKhizar Abbas
SubPixel 2D PointsFeature ExtractionUnstableUwe Lange
SubtractionScalar OperationsUnstableUwe Lange
Switch Compare PortsSwitchUnstableHenning Kampe & Uwe Lange
Switch Compare ScalarSwitchUnstableHenning Kampe
Switch Data AvailableSwitchUnstableHenning Kampe
Switch DemultiplexSwitchUnstableHenning Kampe
Symmetric Axis PointsFeature Extraction/ContoursUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
ThresholdTesting/ExternalUnstableExternal Author
Threshold Gray32FSegmentationUnstableUwe Lange
Threshold Gray32F2GraySegmentationUnstableStefan Heyer
Threshold Intensity3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange & Woo Hyun Kim
Threshold Plane3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableNina Loftfield & Carolin Fellmann & Katharina Tegtmeier & Uwe Lange
Threshold SegmentationSegmentationUnstableUwe Lange
Threshold Sphere3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableUwe Lange
ToF Dilation3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Transform 3D lines3D-ReconstructionUnstableUwe Lange
Transform Point Cloud3D-Reconstruction/PointCloudUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan & Uwe Lange & Woo Hyun Kim
TwoD BookCornersFeature Extraction/Book DetectionUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
Undistort ImageCalibrationUnstableKatharina Tegtmeier
Update Extrinsic MatrixCalibrationUnstableUwe Lange & Saravana Kumar Natarajan
Validate Epipolar ConstraintCalibrationUnstableSaravana Kumar Natarajan
VF-SIFT Feature ExtractionFeature ExtractionUnstableFaraj Alhwarin & Markus Janku
VF-SIFT MatchingClassification and RecognitionUnstableFaraj Alhwarin & Markus Janku
VF-SIFT Matching FullClassification and RecognitionUnstableFaraj Alhwarin & Markus Janku
Warp Affine TransformationDrawUnstableMarkus Janku
Write String To LogfileSaveUnstableStefan Heyer





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