代码 | 自适应大邻域搜索系列之(2) - ALNS算法主逻辑结构解析
00 前言
01 总体概述
1.1 成员变量
//! 当前解。
ISolution* currentSolution;
//! 判断接受准则。
IAcceptanceModule* acceptanceCriterion;
//! ALNS算法运行的相关参数。
ALNS_Parameters* param;
//! destroy和repair方法的管理者。
AOperatorManager* opManager;
//! 最优解的管理者。
IBestSolutionManager* bestSolManager;
//! 局部搜索的管理者。
ILocalSearchManager* lsManager;
//! 自上次重新计算重新的权重以来的迭代次数。
size_t nbIterationsWC;
//! 当前迭代次数。
size_t nbIterations;
//! The current number of iterations without improvement.
size_t nbIterationsWithoutImprovement;
//! The number of iterations without improvement of the current solution.
size_t nbIterationsWithoutImprovementCurrent;
//! The number of iterations without acceptation of a transition.
size_t nbIterationsWithoutTransition;
//! The number of iterations since the last call to a local search
//! operator.
size_t nbIterationsWithoutLocalSearch;
//! 求解的总时间。
clock_t startingTime;
//! 最优解的下界。
double lowerBound;
//! A set containing the hash keys of the encountred solutions.
std::set<long long> knownKeys;
//! 用于计算求解过程的一些状态量。
Statistics stats;
//! 最近一次迭代的状态。
ALNS_Iteration_Status status;
//! 每次迭代完成后需要更新的对象。
std::vector<IUpdatable*> updatableStructures;
//! ALNS实例的名字。
std::string name;
1.2 成员函数
//! Constructor.
//! \param name the name of the instance.
//! \param initialSolution the starting solution that is going to be optimized.
//! \param acceptanceCrit the module that determine whether or not a new solution
//! is accepted as the current solution.
//! \param parameters the set of parameters to be use by the ALNS.
//! \param opMan an operator manager.
ALNS(std::string instanceName,
ISolution& initialSolution,
IAcceptanceModule& acceptanceCrit,
ALNS_Parameters& parameters,
AOperatorManager& opMan,
IBestSolutionManager& solMan,
ILocalSearchManager& lsMan);
//! Destructor.
virtual ~ALNS();
//! This method launch the solving process.
//! \return true if a feasible solution is found,
//! false otherwise.
bool solve();
//! This method seeks if a solution is already known,
//! if not it is added to the set of known solutions.
//! \param sol the solution to be checked.
//! \return true if the solution was un