【SCI论文写作】笔记一:Writing in the Sciences -Unit1

该笔记为斯坦福大学Kristin教授为其校内研究生及学者提供的具有CME学分的高品质课程《Writing in the Sciences》的个人学习记录,希望可以相互学习,共同进步。




1.1 Introduction

what makes good writing?

  1. 清晰有效传达一个想法
  • takes having something to say and clear thinking.
  1. elegant and stylish(first draft初稿不需要考虑)
  • takes time ,revision,and a good editor!

what makes a good writer?

  • having something to say

  • logical thinking

  • 简单可学的风格规则 (the tools you’ll learn in this class)

  • other things

    • 广泛阅读 、注意作者写作方式/技巧、尝试模仿

    • 尝试写日记(练习)

    • 放弃一些学术写作习惯

    • 在你写作之前试着与别人讨论你的研究,用简短的语言更能帮助表达、整理思路

    • 有趣的写作方式去吸引你的读者——不要让他们感到厌烦

    • 停止等待灵感

    • 写作对任何人都很难,即使是专业作家

    • 修正(nobody gets it perfect on the first try)

      • 优雅的部分,发生在修改版,而不是初稿
    • 无情地删减(Never become too attached to your words)删除、否定自己,不要依恋自己写的句子

    • Find a good editor! 找一个小伙伴一起修改

    • Take risks!去冒险,写一些有趣的事

Take-home message: Good writing can be learned!

1.2 Examples of what not to do

  • 名词会使句子变得笨重,动词是句子的灵魂,意味着我们可以把那些名词还原成动词去描述

  • 即使我们写的是关于科学的复杂的技术上的东西,并不意味着我们必须使用复杂的语言,即使用简单的语言,我们也可以表达复杂和技术的思想。

1.3 Overview: principles of effective writing


  • 注意名词替代动词,动词使句子向前移动,而名词使读者减速
  • 注意模糊(Vague)的词,词意模糊的词不提供任何信息
  • 注意不必要的行话(jargon)和缩写词(acronyms)的用法,除非耳熟能详,不然少用缩略词
  • 注意被动语态(passive voice),被动语态难以读懂,因为他们不是我们说话的方式
  • 注意句子的主语(subject)和主动词(main verb)的距离不要太长,否则难以理解核心意思


  • 删掉不必要的单词和短语
  • 使用主动语态(subject+verb+object)
  • 用动词写作:用强动词(strong verb),避免把动词变成名词,也不要掩埋主动词(mian verb)

1.4 Cut the Clutter


  • 重磅单词和短语(Dead weight words and phrases): as it is well known; as it has been shown; it can be regarded that; it should be emphasized that, etc. 清喉咙的词,直接删除,可以提供引文证明其众所周知
  • 空单词和短语(Empty words and phrases): basic tenets of; methodologic; important , etc.
  • 注意可以变短的长单词或短语(Long words or phrases that could be short)
  • 不必要的行话和缩写(unnecessary jargon and acornyms)
  • 额外的重复(repetitive):studies/examples; illustrate/demonstrate; challenges/difficulties; successful solutions, etc. 形容词重复名词中的内容
  • 没有用处的副词(Adverbs): very, really, quite, basically, generally,etc.


  • a majority of = most
  • a number of = many
  • are of the same opinion = agree
  • less frequently occurring = rare
  • all three of the = the three
  • give rise to = cause
  • due to the fact that = because
  • have an effect on = affect
  • based on the assumption that = if
  • have been related to = be associated with

1.7 Demo Edit 1

1.6 Practice : cut the clutter!

  • i. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be protective for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease. => Anti-inflammatory drugs may protect against Alaheimer’s Disease.

    • protect the occurrence of sth --> protect against
    • the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease --> Alzheimer’s Disease
  • ii. Clinical seizures have been estimated to occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of the neonatal population. => Clinical seizures occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of newborns

    • neonatal population --> newborns
    • 有数字范围,表示为估计,have been estimated to可省略
  • iii. Ultimately p53 guards not only against malignant transformation but also plays a role in developmental processes as diverse as aging, differentiation, and fertility. => Besides preventing cancer, p53 also plays roles in aging , differentiation, fertility.

    • ultimately 类副词可直接省略
    • guard against = prevent from = protect against/from
    • not only,but also可与besides句型替换
    • 存在as diverse as, such as, for example时,检查是否可直接省略
  • iv. Injuries to the brain and spinal cord have long been known to be among the most devastating and expansive of all injuries to treat medically. => injuries to brain and spinal cord are among the most devastating and expansive.

    • have long been known to 与 as it is well known 等清喉咙的词,可直接省略
    • all injuries to treat medically 与前面讨论的injuries有语义重复,删除
  • v. An IQ test measures an individual’s abilities to perform functions that usually fall in the domains of verbal communication, reasoning, and performance on tasks that represent motor and spatial capabilities. => An IQ test measures individual’s verbal, reasoning, or motor and spatial capabilities.

    • usually fall in the domains of 多余,用in+范围或直接加范围即可
    • 存在多个名词,若主题一致,将前面的n改为adj.,省略前面的n.
    • or比较灵活,IQ测试一次性无法测出多种能力,因此用or代替and
  • vi. As we can see from Figure 2, if the return kinetic energy is less than 3.2Up, there will be two elevctron trajectories associated with this kinetic energy. => Figure 2 shows that a return kinetic energy less than 3.2 up yields two electron trajectories.

    • as we can see from较为冗余,直接用show, demonstrate,illustrate代替
    • kinetic energy重复,删除重复语义
    • 同义替换:yield <-- produce=generate
    • 句型可用来表述:因某个数值低于/高于一定值,从而导致…影响。

1.5 Cut the Clutter,more tricks

采用肯定的结构,思路更清晰. Turn negative into a positive

  • 语义为否定时,将not改为否定实词

    • Not honest
      Not harmful
      Not important
      Does not have
      Did not remember
      Did not pay attention to
      Did not succeed

      • dishonest
  • 语义为肯定时,将双重否定改成肯定实词

消除there be句型的多余. Eliminate there be.

  • there be是常见句型,尽量减少,多余时删除
  • 有时可用实义动词比be动词能将形象生动
  • 检查there be是否有必要存在,

消除多余介词. Omit needless prepositions.

  • that和on为较易省略的介词
  • 比如that做宾语时可省略



“I have only made this letter rather long because I have not had time to make it shorter.” 你花了这么长的时间去写了这么长的句子,最后一步要做的确是把它缩减,对它进行提炼,把多余的杂质清除,并深入到你想表达的本质,这就是写作的优雅之处。

Get it down to the key ideas! 当你用最少的语言表达你的想法时,你的写作会更具可读性,吸引力和力量!

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