






  “让我觉得有意思的是,中等的增长速度完全掩盖了你到底是在哪个领域获得了强劲的增长或是令人激动的增长,”Frank Gens指出。他是IDC的研究部高级副主管。他说,这些高速增长的领域包括软件,外包以及服务器销售。


  “三年以内,50%至80%的转销商们将会被淘汰出局。” McLellan预言;这个比例将是正常的VAR失败的三倍。她说,“将会出现三到五种商业形式,这些商业形式将得到飞速发展,并且它们都是与中间商竞争的。”



  Forrester 研究所的分析家Andrew Bartels 说, IT行业增长速度的放慢与世界经济增长速度的放慢有关,Forrester公司估计,世界经济增长速度在07年将是6%,比今年预期的8%减慢了。






  据IDC的分析家Stephen Graham 称,IDC预测,2007年将是“超级瓦解”的一年中间商们必须自我调整以求生存。




  随着像IBM和AT &T等公司加入竞争,降低价格,可控制服务的提供商将看到越来越少的生意,他们亟需将它们的注意力转向相关服务的提供。




  Bartels说明年或者明年后年将是终端使用公司,利用主办或者外包的办法使风险达到最小的应用和SOA 模型试验的一个研究与开发阶段,

  但是在2008 和2009年,他说公司能开始结合他们使用的SOA技术并把这些技术引入到网页中。



Analysts predict 2007 will be a tough year for the channel

Analyst companies differ on the details of their predictions for 2007, but all agree that it will be a difficult year for channel companies – which have a good chance for moderate growth but will have to deal with a flurry of changes in technology and business models.

The software market will be among the strongest areas but will undergo changes from an increased focus on service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), according to the predictions of analysts from IDC and Forrester Research, Inc.

Declining hardware prices and increased demand from users for managed services could make times tough for resellers who focus on systems integration or who use hardware sales as the lead for solutions using custom software, networking or services packages.

Managed service providers (MSPs) may benefit from the disruption, analysts said, if they can adapt to not only changes in customer demands, but increased competition from large vendors like IBM, SAP and Oracle.

To survive, in fact, channel partners will have to keep a close eye on vendors who will increasingly compete with the channel on services as well as product

Both IDC and Forrester project that the market's overall growth will remain between 6% and 7% in 2007; disagreements on their estimations about the growth of this year's market means Forrester called this a decline compared to 2006, and IDC said it would be a very slight increase.

"To me the interesting story is, that [moderate growth] totally masks where you've got very strong growth and very exciting growth," said Frank Gens, senior vice president of research at IDC. Among those high-growth markets, he said, would be software, outsourcing and blade servers.

But Laura McLellan, of Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner, Inc. who specializes in IT marketing and channel strategies, isn't sure that VARs and integrators will be able to keep up with the disruption.

"Fifty to 80% of all resellers will be out of business in three years," McLellan predicted; that would be triple the usual rate of VAR failure, she said. "You've got at least three to five business models that are popping up that are all working against the channel."

For instance, even those who make the switch from reselling software to providing software as a service (SaaS) will have to adjust to being paid for an application in monthly payments spread over several years rather than in lump sums as they reach particular project milestones. Even while encouraging VARs to provide its products as a service as well as a licensed application, Microsoft estimates that SaaS resellers won't be able to break even until 30 months into a sale, McLellan said.

"I talk to a lot of software providers, and they're all trying to figure out how to keep their channel partners in business," she said.

Forrester research analyst Andrew Bartels said that a slowdown of the world economy will be responsible for lower growth in IT, which Forrester predicts will be 6%, down from an estimated 8% this year.

But the strongest sector, software development, is a double-edged sword. Take for example Oracle's and SAP's enterprise resource management (ERP) software, which both companies have started offering as SOA.

"You have some upgrading of ERP systems in advance of the arrival of SOA suites from Oracle and SAP in 2007," Bartels said. "At the same time, though, a lot of companies are waiting to do big investments until those new SOA suites really arrive."

And while SMBs continue to be a huge market – Bartels said 48% of total spending in IT comes from companies with 1,000 or fewer employees – those companies tend to avoid taking risks, especially during an economic slowdown, he said.

It's also unclear whether vendors shifting from enterprise customers to SMBs will try to reach their audience directly or go through the channel, which traditionally has been strong in that market.

"I think it really will vary by vendor," Bartels said. "I think some will recognize that the software still needs to be adapted for vertical industries."

IDC predicts that 2007 will be marked with "hyperdisruption," and channel members will have to adapt to survive, according to IDC analyst Stephen Graham.

For instance, he said, systems integrators will need to focus less on reselling software and hardware and more on consulting – helping customers determine what the new technologies are and why they need them, rather than how to implement them.

But McLellan said that even that could be a difficult transition. Even though systems integrators have traditionally been good at consulting services, she said, "hardware is still the foot in the door for a lot of them."

As hardware sales dip because of virtualization and hardware consolidation, so will the integrators' consulting leads.

Managed services providers could see less business from hosting, as companies like IBM and AT&T come in and cut prices, but should shift their attention to the services around the hosting.

"Any company that's involved in the channel needs to be basically aware of their surroundings, and I think success in the IT market is less and less about lining yourself with a traditional vendor to sell a part customization, and more and more about the ecosystem you're in and how you interact with that ecosystem," Graham said.

For instance, a data-management provider may team up with a legal firm to offer a comprehensive product that combines data management with legal compliance and other non-technical issues. Graham said vendors have pitched that kind of cooperation before, but he thinks channel companies are starting to figure out how to implement it.

At the same time, channel companies should be careful to look past just the next year and make sure they'll be able to survive changes even farther down the line.

Bartels said that the next year or two will be a research and development phase for end-user companies experimenting with new applications and SOA models, using hosted or outsourced solutions to minimize their own risk.

But in 2008 and 2009, he said, companies could start integrating technologies they were using as SOA and bringing them back on site.





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