1. CIFAR10的数据集描述
整个CIFAR10数据集包括5个batch,一个test,整个数据集文件如图1所示。其中数据集以字典形式存放,包括数据集的名称、标签、数据矩阵、图片文件名称四个数据。标签范围从0到9变化,数据矩阵大小为10000*(3*32*32),后面的数字表示图像的大小为32*32的彩色图像。具体键名称为'batch_label', 'labels', 'data', 'filenames'。
图1 CIFAR10数据集
2. CIFAR10图像生成
(1) 通过图像生成程序得到CIFAR的数据集图像,如图2所示。
Class Name | Class Num | Images |
airplane | 0 | |
automobile | 1 | |
bird | 2 | |
cat | 3 | |
deer | 4 | |
dog | 5 | |
frog | 6 | |
horse | 7 | |
Ship | 8 | |
truck | 9 |
图2 data_batch_1数据集生成的图像展示
(2) 生成文件目录如图3所示:
airplane automobile bird
图3 data_batch_1生成的图像目录与内容
(3) 代码内容如下:
import os
import pickle
import pylab as pl
import imageio
import numpy as np
def unpickle(file):
with open(file,'rb') as fo:
dict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
return dict
# 目录的创建,存在不创建
def create_dir(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
# 保存CIFAR10的指定数据集为图片
def save_images(data_name):
path = 'cifar-10-batches-py'
dict = unpickle(path+'/'+data_name)
data = dict.get(b'data')
labels = dict.get(b'labels')
filenames = dict.get(b'filenames')
# make file dir
classification = ['airplane','automobile','bird','cat','deer','dog','frog','horse','ship','truck']
for i in range(10):
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
img = data[i,:].reshape(3,32,32)
img = img.transpose(1,2,0)
# save_images('test_batch')
3. NN图像分类
(1) NN算法python代码如下:
# 最近邻算法
class NearestNeighbor:
def __init__(self):
def train(self, X, y):
'''X is N x D where each row is an example. Y is 1-dimesion of size N'''
self.Xtr = X
self.ytr = y
# 多个类别的预测
def predict(self, X):
'''X is N x D where each row is an example we wish to predict label for'''
num_test = X.shape[0]
# make sure that the output type matches the input type
Ypred = np.zeros(num_test, dtype=self.ytr.dtype)
# loop over all test rows
for i in range(num_test):
# find the nearest training image to i'th test image
# using the L1 distance
distances = np.sum(np.abs(self.Xtr - X[i,:]), axis=1)
min_index = np.argmin(distances) # get the index with smallest distance
Ypred[i] = self.ytr[min_index]
return Ypred
(2) 通过测试集的数据看分类准确率
# 图像分类,最邻近算法调用
top_num = 50 # 取倒数50条数据做检测
path = 'cifar-10-batches-py'
train_data = unpickle(path+'/data_batch_5')
test_data = unpickle(path+'/test_batch')
nn = NearestNeighbor()
# print(np.array(train_data[b'labels']).reshape(-1,1))
Ypred = nn.predict(test_data[b'data'][-top_num:,:])
accur = np.sum(np.array(Ypred)==np.array(test_data[b'labels'][-top_num:])) / len(Ypred)