








 *   raylib: quadtree (adapted for HTML5 platform)
 *   This example is prepared to compile for PLATFORM_WEB, PLATFORM_DESKTOP and PLATFORM_RPI
 *   As you will notice, code structure is slightly diferent to the other examples...
 *   To compile it for PLATFORM_WEB just uncomment #define PLATFORM_WEB at beginning
 *   This example has been created using raylib 3.7 (www.raylib.com)
 *   raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
 *   Copyright (c) 2015 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
 *   Copyright (c) 2021 Christophe TES (@seyhajin)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "raylib.h"
#include "raymath.h"

// Types and Structures Definition

//----- Frustum

static Vector2 fl, fr; // left/right planes

//----- Camera

typedef struct camera_s {
	Vector2 pos;
	float fov;
	int num;			// 记录编号,解决自己碰撞自己问题
} camera_t;

camera_t create_camera(float x, float y, float fov) {
	return (camera_t) {
		.pos = (Vector2) {x, y},
		.fov = fov

typedef struct target {
	int targeti;
	int targetj;
	int targetwidth;
	int targetheight;
	RenderTexture2D pic;
//	RenderTexture* pic;
	target* linknext;				// 这是四叉树里增加敌人,发现要增加好几个敌人时,追加在敌人后面,最简单修改就是增加一行,于是反过来修改敌人数据
	int number;						// 记录敌人编号
	int islive;
} target;

//----- Quadtree

typedef enum quad_child_e {
	CHILD_TL, // top-left
	CHILD_BL, // bottom-left
	CHILD_BR, // bottom-right
	CHILD_TR, // top-right
} quad_child_t;

typedef struct quadtree_s {
	Vector2 min;
	Vector2 max;
	struct quadtree_s *childs[CHILD_COUNT];
	target* enemy;									// 绑定的数据
} quadtree_t;

quadtree_t *create_quadtree(float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax, int depth) {
	quadtree_t *qt = (quadtree_t*)MemAlloc(sizeof(quadtree_t));
	qt->min = (Vector2) {
		xmin, ymin
	qt->max = (Vector2) {
		xmax, ymax
	// 追加空记录
	qt->enemy = NULL;
	if (depth > 0) {
		float xavg = (xmin + xmax) * 0.5f;
		float yavg = (ymin + ymax) * 0.5f;
		qt->childs[CHILD_TL] = create_quadtree(xmin, ymin, xavg, yavg, depth);
		qt->childs[CHILD_BL] = create_quadtree(xmin, yavg, xavg, ymax, depth);
		qt->childs[CHILD_BR] = create_quadtree(xavg, yavg, xmax, ymax, depth);
		qt->childs[CHILD_TR] = create_quadtree(xavg, ymin, xmax, yavg, depth);
	return qt;

void free_quadtree(quadtree_t *qt) {
	for (int i = 0; i < CHILD_COUNT; i++)

int check(quadtree_t* qt, camera_t cam) {
	if (cam.pos.x > qt->min.x && cam.pos.x < qt->max.x && cam.pos.y > qt->min.y && cam.pos.y < qt->max.y) {
		return 1;
	// 不加return 0 不出格子
	return 0;

// 修改为查找数据并记录
void render_quadtree(quadtree_t *qt, camera_t cam, int depth) {
	if (check(qt, cam)) {
		if (qt->enemy == NULL) {
			qt->enemy = new target;
			qt->enemy->targetj = cam.pos.x;
			qt->enemy->targeti = cam.pos.y;
			qt->enemy->number = cam.num;
		} else if (qt->enemy->number == -1) {
			qt->enemy->targetj = cam.pos.x;
			qt->enemy->targeti = cam.pos.y;
			qt->enemy->number = cam.num;
//		printf("%d\n", qt->enemy->number);
		if (depth > 1) {
			float xavg = (qt->min.x + qt->max.x) * 0.5f;
			float yavg = (qt->min.y + qt->max.y) * 0.5f;
//			DrawLine(xavg, qt->min.y, xavg, qt->max.y, GRAY);
			DrawLine(xavg, qt->min.y, xavg, qt->max.y, GREEN);
//			DrawLine(qt->min.x, yavg, qt->max.x, yavg, GRAY);
			DrawLine(qt->min.x, yavg, qt->max.x, yavg, GREEN);
			// 记录本层区域有敌人
			render_quadtree(qt->childs[CHILD_TL], cam, depth);
			render_quadtree(qt->childs[CHILD_BL], cam, depth);
			render_quadtree(qt->childs[CHILD_BR], cam, depth);
			render_quadtree(qt->childs[CHILD_TR], cam, depth);

// 修改为查找数据并记录为已标记为“无” -1 表示没有敌人
// 修改自刚刚实现的查找记录功能数据

void render_quadtreev3_delete(quadtree_t *qt, camera_t cam, int depth) {
	// 注释check 后清空数据未果
	if (check(qt, cam)) {
		if (qt->enemy == NULL) {
			qt->enemy = new target;
		qt->enemy->targetj = -1;
		qt->enemy->targeti = -1;
		qt->enemy->number = -1;
		if (depth > 1) {
			float xavg = (qt->min.x + qt->max.x) * 0.5f;
			float yavg = (qt->min.y + qt->max.y) * 0.5f;
			// 记录本层区域有敌人
			// 注释掉render_quadtree 发现报错,原来是没有改旧函数导致直接重新标记 -_-|
			render_quadtreev3_delete(qt->childs[CHILD_TL], cam, depth);
			render_quadtreev3_delete(qt->childs[CHILD_BL], cam, depth);
			render_quadtreev3_delete(qt->childs[CHILD_BR], cam, depth);
			render_quadtreev3_delete(qt->childs[CHILD_TR], cam, depth);

// 检测最小一个格子检测
// 追加返回值
//void render_quadtreev4_only_one(quadtree_t *qt, camera_t cam, int depth) {
int render_quadtreev4_only_one(quadtree_t *qt, camera_t cam, int depth) {
	// 原来禁用check可以打印全部记录数据
	// 这是对比12.绑定敌人数据与四叉树 对应名称的代码得知的
	// 不禁用,就是开始检测碰撞
	// 追加检测碰撞
	if (check(qt, cam)) {
		if (depth > 1) {
			float xavg = (qt->min.x + qt->max.x) * 0.5f;
			float yavg = (qt->min.y + qt->max.y) * 0.5f;
			DrawLine(xavg, qt->min.y, xavg, qt->max.y, GRAY);
			DrawLine(qt->min.x, yavg, qt->max.x, yavg, GRAY);
			// 先检测空
			if (qt->enemy != NULL) {
				if (cam.num != qt->enemy->number && qt->enemy->number != -1) {
					int a = 0;
					a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(qt->childs[CHILD_TL], cam, depth);
					if (a > 0) {
						return 1;
					a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(qt->childs[CHILD_BL], cam, depth);
					if (a > 0) {
						return 1;
					a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(qt->childs[CHILD_BR], cam, depth);
					if (a > 0) {
						return 1;
					a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(qt->childs[CHILD_TR], cam, depth);
					if (a > 0) {
						return 1;
		} else {
			// 最小格子记录
			// v4_only_one 绘制颜色仅绘制一格
			if (qt->enemy != NULL) {
				if (qt->enemy->number != cam.num && qt->enemy->number != -1) {
//					printf("%d\n",qt->enemy->number);
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj && cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 30 && cam.pos.y > qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 30 ) {
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj && cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 130 && cam.pos.y > qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 130 ) {
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj-10 && cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 130 && cam.pos.y > qt->enemy->targeti-10 && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 130 ) {
//					if (cam.pos.x >= qt->enemy->targetj && cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 130 && cam.pos.y >= qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 130 ) {
//					if ( cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 130  && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 130 ) {
//					if ( cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 100  && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 100 ) {
//					if ( cam.pos.x <  qt->enemy->targetj + 10  && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 10 ) {
					// 复制粘贴自47.发现实现碰撞检测
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj + 1 && cam.pos.x < qt->enemy->targetj + 10 && cam.pos.y + 1 > qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 10) {
					// 自100 进行对照移植
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj + 1 && cam.pos.x < qt->enemy->targetj + 10 && cam.pos.y + 1 > qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 10) {
//					if (cam.pos.x > qt->enemy->targetj && cam.pos.x < qt->enemy->targetj + 10 && cam.pos.y+1 > qt->enemy->targeti && cam.pos.y < qt->enemy->targeti + 10) {
					if (qt->enemy->number != cam.num && qt->enemy->number != -1) {
						printf("%d\n", qt->enemy->number);
// 测试之后,反而是黑色比红色准确
//						DrawRectangle(qt->min.x, qt->min.y, qt->max.x - qt->min.x, qt->max.y - qt->min.y, RED);
						DrawRectangle(qt->enemy->targetj, qt->enemy->targeti, 10, 10, BLUE);
						return 1; // 碰撞上了
//					DrawRectangle(qt->enemy->targetj, qt->enemy->targeti, 100, 100,BLUE);
	// 没有碰撞就返回0
	return 0;

// Global Variables Definition
static int screen_width = 1012;
static int screen_height = 1012;

// Quadtree
static int quad_depth = 8; // depth
static int quad_size = 1012; // size
static quadtree_t *root;

// Camera
static float cam_speed = 2; // speed
static float cam_fov = 60.0f; // field of view
static float view_line = 300; // frustum plane
static camera_t camera;

//int enemysum = 100;
int enemysum = 10;
target* enemy;

// Module Functions Declaration
void UpdateDrawFrame(void);     // Update and Draw one frame

// Main Enry Point
int main() {
	// Initialization
	InitWindow(screen_width, screen_height, "raylib: quadtree");
	// Create camera & quadtree
	fl = Vector2Zero();
	fr = Vector2Zero();
	camera = create_camera(quad_size / 2, quad_size / 2, cam_fov);
	root = create_quadtree(0, 0, quad_size, quad_size, quad_depth);
	SetTargetFPS(60);   // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
	target* enemyv2 = new target[enemysum];
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
		enemyv2[n].targetj = rand() % 1000;
		enemyv2[n].targeti = rand() % 1000;
		enemyv2[n].targetwidth = rand() % 100;
		enemyv2[n].targetheight = rand() % 200;
		enemyv2[n].pic = LoadRenderTexture(enemyv2[n].targetwidth, enemyv2[n].targetheight);
		enemyv2[n].islive = 1;
		enemyv2[n].number = n;
		printf("%d %d\n", enemyv2[n].targetj, enemyv2[n].targeti);
	enemy = enemyv2;
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth; j++) {
				DrawPixel(j, i, {n * 20 % 255, n * 20 % 255, n * 20 % 255 % 255, 255});
	// Main game loop
	while (!WindowShouldClose()) {  // Detect window close button or ESC key
	// De-Initialization
	CloseWindow();        // Close window and OpenGL context
	return 0;

// Module Functions Definition
void UpdateDrawFrame(void) {
	// Update
	// TODO: Update your variables here
	//Vector2 mouse_pos = GetMousePosition();
	// update camera position
	if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) {
		camera.pos.x -= cam_speed;
	} else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) {
		camera.pos.x += cam_speed;
	if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) {
		camera.pos.y -= cam_speed;
	} else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) {
		camera.pos.y += cam_speed;
	// camera angle
	float px = (float)GetMouseX() - camera.pos.x;
	float py = (float)GetMouseY() - camera.pos.y;
	float angle = atan2f(py, px);
	float cam_fov_rad = (camera.fov / 2.0f) * DEG2RAD;
	Vector2 cam_dir = (Vector2) {
		.x = camera.pos.x + (view_line * 0.5f) * cosf(angle),
		.y = camera.pos.y + (view_line * 0.5f) * sinf(angle)
	// update frustum left position
	fl.x = camera.pos.x + view_line * cosf(angle - cam_fov_rad);
	fl.y = camera.pos.y + view_line * sinf(angle - cam_fov_rad);
	// update frustum right position
	fr.x = camera.pos.x + view_line * cosf(angle + cam_fov_rad);
	fr.y = camera.pos.y + view_line * sinf(angle + cam_fov_rad);
	// Draw
	// 记录旧数据
	static camera_t oldcamera;
	// draw quadtree
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
//			不能相同名称的 static, 原来版本仅有一个static camera_t b 所以能跑
//			static camera_t b;
		camera_t b;
		// 测试半天,发现没有加入标号
		b.num = enemy[n].number;
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + 0;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			render_quadtree(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + enemy[n].targetwidth;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			render_quadtree(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + 0;
			render_quadtree(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + enemy[n].targetheight ;
			render_quadtree(root, b, quad_depth);
	int playerj = camera.pos.x;
	int playeri = camera.pos.y;
	// 测试碰撞敌群
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
		// 一个点
		camera_t b;
		// 自100追加num
		b.num = enemy[n].number;
		int a = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i ++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + 0;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(root, b, quad_depth);
			if (a > 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i ++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + enemy[n].targetwidth - 1;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(root, b, quad_depth);
			if (a > 0) {
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j ++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + 0;
			a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(root, b, quad_depth);
			if (a > 0) {
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j ++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + enemy[n].targetheight - 1 ;
			a += render_quadtreev4_only_one(root, b, quad_depth);
			if (a > 0) {
		// 随机倒退,减少重叠
		if (a > 0) {
			if (enemy[n].islive == 1) {
				if (enemy[n].targetj < playerj) {
//						enemy[n].targetj += -1 - rand() % 30;
					enemy[n].targetj += -1 - rand() % 10;
				} else if (enemy[n].targetj > playerj) {
//						enemy[n].targetj -= -1 - rand() % 30;
					enemy[n].targetj -= -1 - rand() % 10;
				if (enemy[n].targeti > playeri) {
//						enemy[n].targeti -= -1 - rand() % 30;
					enemy[n].targeti -= -1 - rand() % 10;
				} else if (enemy[n].targeti < playeri) {
//						enemy[n].targeti += -1 - rand() % 30;
					enemy[n].targeti += -1 - rand() % 10;
	// 启用成功,没有旧标记了
	// 改颜色禁用测试碰撞效果
	// 删除旧数据,在敌人移动之前
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
		camera_t b;
		// 测试批量网格
		// 自100追加num
		b.num = enemy[n].number;
		// 在发现进检测周围一周格子,于是原样删除,就仅删除四周一环格子,
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + 0;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			render_quadtreev3_delete(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int i = 0; i < enemy[n].targetheight ; i++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + enemy[n].targetwidth;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + i;
			render_quadtreev3_delete(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + 0;
			render_quadtreev3_delete(root, b, quad_depth);
		for (int j = 0; j < enemy[n].targetwidth ; j++) {
			b.pos.x = enemy[n].targetj + j;
			b.pos.y = enemy[n].targeti + enemy[n].targetheight ;
			render_quadtreev3_delete(root, b, quad_depth);
	DrawRectangleLines(root->min.x, root->min.y, root->max.x - root->min.x, root->max.y - root->min.y, RED);
	// 绘制敌人
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
			{0, 0, enemy[n].targetwidth, enemy[n].targetheight},
			{enemy[n].targetj, enemy[n].targeti, enemy[n].targetwidth, enemy[n].targetheight},
			{0, 0}, 0, WHITE);
	// 敌人移动
	for (int n = 0; n < enemysum; n++) {
		if (enemy[n].islive == 1) {
			if (enemy[n].targetj < playerj) {
				enemy[n].targetj += 1;
			} else if (enemy[n].targetj > playerj) {
				enemy[n].targetj -= 1;
			if (enemy[n].targeti > playeri) {
				enemy[n].targeti -= 1;
			} else if (enemy[n].targeti < playeri) {
				enemy[n].targeti += 1;
	// draw frustum left plane
	DrawLine(camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y, fl.x, fl.y, GREEN);
	// draw frustum right plane
	DrawLine(camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y, fr.x, fr.y, RED);
	//  draw camera
	DrawLine(camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y, cam_dir.x, cam_dir.y, YELLOW);
	DrawCircle(camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y, 10, BLUE);
	// draw texts
	//DrawText(TextFormat("mouse.pos: (%f, %f)", px, py), 0, 0, 20, DARKGRAY);
	//DrawText(TextFormat("camera.pos: (%f, %f)", camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y), 0, 25, 20, DARKGRAY);
	DrawText(TextFormat("FPS %d", GetFPS()), 0, 0, 30, BLACK);





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


