Qt Design Studio 3.0发布

Qt Design Studio 3.0 Released

Qt Design Studio 3.0发布

Thursday February 03, 2022 by Thomas Hartmann | Comments

​2022年2月3日星期四 Thomas Hartmann | 评论

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Design Studio 3.0.

我们很高兴地宣布Qt Design Studio 3.0的发布。

Qt Design Studio is a UI design and development tool that enables designers and developers to rapidly prototype and develop complex UIs. Qt Design Studio outputs a functional user interface as code so developers can use it as-is making integration and cooperation a breeze. To get an impression, you should watch this video.

​Qt Design Studio是一种用户界面设计和开发工具,它使设计师和开发人员能够快速原型化和开发复杂的用户界面。Qt Design Studio将功能用户界面输出为代码,这样开发人员就可以使用它,从而轻松实现集成和协作。为了给人留下印象,你应该看这段视频。

For detailed information about Qt Design Studio, visit the online documentation page.

​有关Qt Design Studio的详细信息,请访问在线文档页面。

New Licensing Model


Starting with Qt Design Studio 3.0 we introduce a new license schema. For Open Source users we keep the Community Edition without any changes.

从Qt Design Studio 3.0开始,我们引入了一个新的许可模式。对于开源用户,我们保留社区版,不做任何更改。

We introduce a commercial offering separated into two products. There is the Qt Design Studio Professional, which is part of all Qt license bundles and allows you to create and update user interfaces together with 2D and 3D.

我们推出了分为两种产品的商业产品。Qt Design Studio Professional,它是所有Qt许可证捆绑包的一部分,允许您与2D和3D一起创建和更新用户界面。

For designers requiring more advanced features, we have Qt Design Studio Enterprise Edition. This comes packed with features like import bridges, support for Simulink and multi-language editor to ease the work done in the user interface design process in larger scale projects. Additionally, the good thing about the Enterprise Edition is that it can be purchased independently, therefore the designer using Qt Design Studio Enterprise does not have to have a Qt Development license anymore. For more details of the Enterprise features, please refer to the Getting Started paragraph.

对于需要更高级功能的设计师,我们有Qt Design Studio Enterprise Edition。它具有导入桥接、支持Simulink和多语言编辑器等功能,可以简化大型项目用户界面设计过程中的工作。此外,Enterprise Edition的优点是可以独立购买,因此使用Qt Design Studio Enterprise的设计师不再需要拥有Qt开发许可证。有关企业功能的更多详细信息,请参阅入门部分。

New Welcome Page


The most obvious change in Qt Design Studio 3.0 is the redesign of the Welcome Page. The new design follows our theming, has a clearer structure, and supports a responsive design for the grid view. Projects, examples, and tutorials have now descriptions and tags.

Qt Design Studio 3.0中最明显的变化是重新设计了欢迎页面。新设计遵循我们的主题,结构更清晰,支持网格视图的响应性设计。项目、示例和教程现在都有描述和标记。

The new Welcome Page is developed by our designer in Qt Design Studio itself. For this, we created a standalone version of the Welcome Page, where the theming and backend are mocked up with QML. The standalone version is fully functional and this way the welcome page can be fully developed in Qt Design Studio. The resulting QML files are used without any changes in actual application, by simply exchanging the mockup backend with the real C++-based one.
All the examples from the Welcome Page are now downloaded on demand. This allows us to maintain the examples independently from the Qt Design Studio release cycle.

新的欢迎页面是由我们的设计师在Qt Design Studio自己开发的。为此,我们创建了一个独立版本的欢迎页面,其中主题和后端用QML模拟。独立版本功能齐全,这样就可以在Qt Design Studio中充分开发欢迎页面。生成的QML文件在实际应用程序中没有任何更改,只需将原型后端与真正的基于C++的后端交换即可。
欢迎页面上的所有示例现在都可以按需下载。这允许我们独立于Qt Design Studio发布周期来维护示例。

UI/UX Improvements and Bug Fixes


As always we fixed bugs and did a couple of smaller and some bigger improvements to the UI. Some superfluous UI controls and elements were removed and we fine-tuned the color theme. Another notable change is improved anti-aliasing for our studio controls like ArcItem and SvgPathItem. 


Getting Started


As with the previous versions, Qt Design Studio 3.0 is also available as a free Community Edition that is part of the online installer. The Community and Professional Editions lacks Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD bridges, that are included in the Enterprise Edition and also the Simulink integration and multi-language editor support.

​与之前的版本一样,Qt Design Studio 3.0也可以作为在线安装程序的一部分作为免费社区版提供。社区版和专业版缺少Photoshop、Sketch、Figma和Adobe XD bridges,这些都包含在企业版中,还缺少Simulink集成和多语言编辑器支持。

Qt Design Studio 3.0  is available under Tools > Qt Design Studio 3.0.0 in the online installer. 

Qt Design Studio 3.0可在在线安装程序的工具>Qt Design Studio 3.0.0下获得。

You can find the latest online documentation for Qt Design Studio 3.0 here. The documentation is also available from inside Qt Design Studio.

​你可以在这里找到Qt Design Studio 3.0的最新在线文档。这些文档也可以从Qt Design Studio内部获得。

The welcome page of Qt Design Studio contains examples and links to video tutorials to help you get started.

​Qt Design Studio的欢迎页面包含示例和视频教程链接,帮助您入门。

Of course Qt Design Studio contains many more bug fixes and small improvements. Please check the change log for more details.

​当然,Qt Design Studio包含了更多的错误修复和小的改进。请查看更改日志以了解更多详细信息。

Please post issues you find or suggestions you have in our bug tracker.






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