














    Image format

    Annotation format

    Result format

    Pre-calculated features


    HOG features

    The file contains three sets of differently configured HOG features (Histograms of Oriented Gradients). The sets contain feature vectors of length 1568, 1568, and 2916 respectively. The features were calculated using the source code from
    http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/soft/olt/. For detailed information on HOG, we refer to

    N. Dalal and B. Triggs. Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 886-893, 2005

    Haar-like features

    The file contains one set of Haar-like features. For each image, 5 different types of Haar-like features were computed in different sizes for a total of 12 different features. The overall feature vector contains 11,584 features.


    Hue Histograms

    For each image in the training set, the file contains a 256-bin histogram of hue values (HSV color space).



    Code snippets


    The Matlab example code provides functions to iterate over the datasets (both training and test) to read the images and the corresponding annotations.
    Locations where you can easiliy hook in your training or classification method are marked in the code by dummy function calls.
    Please have a look at the file Readme.txt in the ZIP file for more details



    The C++ example code demonstrates how to to train a linear classifier (LDA) using the
    Shark machine learning library.
    This code uses the precalculated features. It was used to generate the baseline results.
    Please have a look at the file Readme.txt in the ZIP file for more details



    The Python example code provides a function to iterate over the training set to read the images and the corresponding class id.
    The code depends on
    matplotlib. Please have a look at the file Readme.txt in the ZIP file for more details


    The data is free to use. However, we cordially ask you to cite the following publication if you do:

    J. Stallkamp, M. Schlipsing, J. Salmen, and C. Igel. The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark: A multi-class classification competition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1453–1460. 2011.

        author = {Johannes Stallkamp and Marc Schlipsing and Jan Salmen and Christian Igel},
        booktitle = {IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks},
        title = {The {G}erman {T}raffic {S}ign {R}ecognition {B}enchmark: A multi-class classification competition},
        year = {2011},
        pages = {1453--1460}
    Thank you.

    Result Analysis Application

    We provide a simple application to facilitate result analysis. It allows you to compare different approaches, analyse the confusion matices and inspect which images were classified correctly.
    The software is supplied under GPLv2. It depends on Qt 4.7, which is available here in source code and binary form. Qt is licensed under LGPL. Qt is a trademark of Nokia Corporation.

    The software is provided as source code and Win32 binary. The files can be found in the download section. The code is platform-independent, however, it has only been tested on Microsoft Windows with Visual Studio. So there might be a couple of issues left where GCC is more strict than Visual Studio. We appreciate any comments, patches and bug reports.

    The project uses CMake, an open-source, cross-platform build system which allows you to generate project files/makefiles for your preferred compiler toolchain.

    Here are some screenshots to get an idea of this tool.

    Applications main

    Main window: Performance of one or more approaches

    Compare multiple

    Compare multiple approaches and on which images they erred

    Confusion matrix

    Confusion matrix: See which classes got confused.

    Incorrect images
        for class 'Speed limit 60'

    Clicking cells, rows or columns in the confusion matrix shows which images were misclassified.
    Here: All "Speed limit 60" images that were incorrectly classified as some other class.


    Training dataset

    This is the official GTSRB training set. If you either intend to participate in the final competition session at IJCNN 2011 or you want to publish experimental results based on GTRSB data, you must use this dataset for training.

    The training data set contains 39,209 training images in 43 classes.


    Test dataset

    Thís is the official GTSRB test set. It was first published at IJCNN 2011 during the special session "Traffic Sign Recognition for Machine Learning". All experimental results that are reported on GTSRB data must use this dataset for testing (apart from the ones already published at IJCNN 2011). The structure of the dataset follows the test set that was published for the online competition (and is now part of the training data).

    The test dataset contains 12,630 test images or the corresponding pre-calculated features in random order.

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KNN算法(K-Nearest Neighbors)是一种常用的分类算法,它的核心思想是利用已知类别的样本数据集,通过某种距离度量方法(如欧氏距离、余弦相似度等)计算待分类样本与各个已知样本的距离,选取距离最近的K个样本,根据这K个样本的类别进行投票,将待分类样本归为投票数最多的类别。 对于识别车辆类型的问题,可以将车辆标志数据看作样本,每个样本包含车辆标志和车辆类型两个属性。首先需要将数据集分为训练集和测试集,训练集用于训练模型,测试集用于测试模型的准确度。 具体实现步骤如下: 1. 数据预处理:将车辆标志数据转换为特征向量,例如可以使用图像处理技术将车辆标志转换为数字矩阵,然后将矩阵展开为一维向量。 2. 特征提取:提取特征向量中的重要特征,例如可以使用主成分分析(PCA)算法进行降维处理,以减少特征向量维度,提高算法效率。 3. 计算距离:使用距离度量方法计算待分类样本与各个已知样本的距离,常用的距离度量方法包括欧氏距离、余弦相似度等。 4. 选取K个邻居:根据计算出的距离值,选取距离最近的K个样本,K的取值需要通过实验确定。 5. 进行投票:根据K个邻居的类别进行投票,将待分类样本归为投票数最多的类别。 6. 模型评估:使用测试集对模型进行评估,计算模型的准确率、召回率、F1值等指标,以评估模型的性能。 需要注意的是,KNN算法对于高维数据集,容易出现“维度灾难”的问题,即随着维度的增加,距离计算变得困难,同时需要更多的样本数据来保证算法的准确性。因此,在实际应用中,需要对数据进行特征选择和降维处理,以提高算法效率和准确性。


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