pmp 第4章 错题整理(不定时更新)


第一次 7.29晚挑战地章专题练习。记录下错题:

7.29 :

二 错误

1、 [单选] 项目发起人向项目经理提出高层级项目需求。然后项目经理在制定项目管理计划之前,要求与一名主题专家(SME)进行访谈。根据这些信息,项目发起人使用的文件是什么?
A project sponsor presents the high-level project requirements to the project manager.The project manager then requests an interview with a subject matter expert(SME)before developing the project management plan.

  •  A:项目工作说明书(SOW)
    Project statement of work(SOW)
  •  B:项目战略计划
    Project strategic plan
  •  C:项目商业论证
    Project business case
  •  D:项目章程
    Project charter


参考答案:D 解析:项目章程是由项目启动人或发起人发布的,正式批准项目成立,并授权项目经理使用组织资源开展项目活动的文件。它记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息,例如高层级需求、高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果等。


6、 [单选] —家公司已经为项目经理设计了一份指南,以便在每个项目结束时举行审查会议。其目的是收集项目的负面和正面影响。刚开始一个项目的项目经理发现,这份指南中没有考虑过往项目中获得的经验教训。这份指南应包含什么内容?
A company has developed a guide designed for project managers to conduct review meetings at the end of every project.The purpose is to capture both negative and positive project impacts. A project manager just starting a project discovers that lessons learned from previous projects are not considered in this guide. What should be involved in this guide?

  •  A:头脑风暴
  •  B:对组织过程资产的审查
    A review of the organizational process assets
  •  C:执行摘要数据表
    Executive summary data sheet
  •  D:事业环境因素研究
    A study of the enterprise environmental factors


参考答案:B 解析:收尾指南的内容,指导如何做以下工作:经验教训、项目终期审计、项目评价、产品确认、验收标准、合同收尾、资源重新分配、团队绩效评估,以及知识传递。 题目已暗示漏了如何获得经验教训,那就应包含进去。

考点:收尾指南的内容, 另外, 过往项目经验教训,应该跟组织过程资产挂钩。

17、 [单选] 项目可行性研究确定了应该创建什么产品。现在,开发与原始需求冲突的另一种产品的 一项变更请求,已经获得批准,在变更请求获得批准前已进行数据分析。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project feasibility study determined what product should be createNow,a change request has been approved to develop another product that contradicts the original requirements.Data analysis was conducted before the change request was approve What should the project manager do?

  •  A:实施该变更请求
    Implement the change request
  •  B:拒绝该变更请求
    Reject the change request
  •  C:请求详细的数据分析报告
    Request a detailed report of the data analysis
  •  D:请求新产品的可行性研究
    Request a feasibility study of the new product


参考答案:A 解析:变更请求得到批准并且已经进行了数据分析,项目经理需要实施该变更请求。

考点: 还是杨老师画的那个流程图。批准就实施,拒绝就记录日志。

20、 [单选] —个项目正在执行当中,这时一些变更引起团队的注意。这些变更是必要的,但每个人对于他们认为正确的事情都有不同意见。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is being executed when a few changes are brought to the attention of the team. The changes are needed, but everyone has different opinions on what they think is right. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:确保整个团队和相关方理解并遵循变更管理计划
    Ensure that the entire team and the stakeholders understand and follow the change management plan
  •  B:与项目发起人和董事会开会解决这个问题
    Meet with the project sponsor and the board to address the issue
  •  C:与团队成员来开会审查这个问题,并在需要时请求变更
    Meet with team members to review the issues and request changes when needed
  •  D:对项目实施所有请求的变更,并与团队沟通
    Apply all requested changes to the project and communicate with the team


解析:参考答案:A 解析:实施整体变更控制是审查所有变更请求、批准变更,管理对可交付成果、项目文件和项目管理计划的变更,并对变更处理结果进行沟通的过程。题干描述变更是必要的,但每个人意见不同,需要确保大家对变更管理计划理解一致,确保大家对变更的管理和处理是正确的,符合项目的


25、 [单选] 项目经理识别到一个基于项目例外事项报告的项目基准主要偏差,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager identifies a major variance from a project baseline that was based on the project exception report.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:赶工
    Crash the project.
  •  B:与主要相关方联系
    Engage with the main stakeholder.
  •  C:重新制定项目计划
    Replan the project.
  •  D:与发起人谈判
    Negotiate with the sponsor.

参考答案:B 解析:本题考点不是很明确,无论是问题还是风险,都可用排除法,选B。

排除了a\d, C 不知道怎么排除?(识别了不一定就要重新制定 ,)

26、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,一名关键相关方向项目经理询问为何一个高层级需求未得到满足。项目经理告知相关方,他们不知道这个需求。 项目经理应该查阅哪份文件来捕捉这个高层级需求?
During the execution of a project, a key stakeholder asks the project manager why one high-level requirement was unmet. The project manager informs the stakeholder that they were unaware of the requirement. What artifact should the project manager have referenced to capture this high-level requirement?

  •  A:范围说明书
    Scope statement
  •  B:项目章程
    Project charter
  •  C:工作说明书(SOW)
    Statement of work(SOW)
  •  D:资源管理计划
    Resource management plan

选B 考察点:章程内容。再这里翻了2次车了。不应该犯错。

27、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个新的项目,以解决之前完成的一个项目中的差距。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project manager is working on a new project to address gaps in a previously completed project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:计划使用相同的项目资源
    Plans to use the same project resources
  •  B:准备项目管理计划
    Prepare the project management plan
  •  C:定义需求,并最终确定范围
    Define the requirements and finalize the scope
  •  D:参考经验教训文件
    Refer to the lessons learned documents


参考答案 D 解析:题干中说明是一个新项目,而目标是为了解决上一个项目的问题。所以首先需要制定项目章程,而项目章程的输入之一为“经验教训登记册”。而上一个完成的项目会更新 经验教训登记册

34、 [单选] 项目收尾时,项目经理审查上一个阶段收尾信息,以验证所有项目工作是否完成。项目经理应该做什么?
At project closure, the project manager reviews information from previous phase closures to verify that all project work is completeWhat else must the project manager do?

  •  A:集合团队,认可她们对项目付出的努力
    Gather the team to recognize their efforts on the project.
  •  B:通知项目发起人项目已收尾
    Inform the project sponsor that efforts on the project.
  •  C:在组织过程资产中更新经验教训
    Update the lessons learned in the organizational process assets.
  •  D:执行偏差分析
    Perform a variance analysis.


解析:参考答案:C 解析:更新经验教训是项目收尾的工作内容。

35、 [单选] 在一次迭代结束时,一位团队成员告诉项目经理,由于几天前出现且无法解决的问题,一个计划任务未完成。若要在将来避免这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
At the end of an iteration, a team member tells the project manager that a planned task is unfinished because of an issue that appeared days ago but unable lo be resolve What should the project manager do to prevent do to prevent this type of situation in the future?

  •  A:在回顾总结会议上讨论该问题
    Discuss the issue during the retrospective
  •  B:在演示中说明该问题
    Address the issue in the demo
  •  C:在下一次迭代规划会上讨论该问题
    Discuss the issue during the next iteration planning meeting
  •  D:在下一次每日站立会上审查该问题
    Review the issue in the next daily stand up meeting


参考答案:A 解析:根据题目关键词“将来避免”发生类似情况,需要在回顾总结会上总结经验教训,作为未来项目的一个输入。





37、 [单选] 由于缺乏资金,一个项目在启动阶段被终止,项目经理必须对项目收尾。项目经理首先应该做什么?
Due to lack of funding, a project is terminated during its initiation phase and the project manager must close the project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:查阅沟通管理计划,适当地通知所有相关方
    Refer to the communication management plan to properly inform all stakeholders
  •  B:审查组织的项目收尾指南
    Review the communication’s project closure guidelines
  •  C:执行风险分析,确定终止项目的潜在影响
    Perform a risk analysis to determine the potential impact of the termination the project
  •  D:结束所有项目采购过程
    Close all project procurement processes


参考答案:B 解析:4.7结束项目或阶段子过程输入前的内容:“如果项目在完工前就提前终止,结束项目或阶段过程还需要制定程序,来调查和记录提前终止的原因。为了实现上述目的,项目经理应该引导所有合适的相关方参与本过程。”


38、 [单选] 在经验教训会议上,团队的反馈非常积极,项目经理意识到这是因为团队不想损失可能获得的奖金。若要获得团队的诚实反馈,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a lessons learned meeting, team feedback is overwhelmingly positive, The project manager realizes that this is because the team does not want to jeopardize a possible bonus. What should the project manager do to obtain honest feedback from the team?

  •  A:进行匿名电子调查
    Conduct an anonymous electronic survey
  •  B:使用分析技术收集绩效和其他指标
    Use analytical techniques to collect performance and other metrics
  •  C:让发起人参与获得独立评估
    Engage the sponsors to contain an independent assessment
  •  D:正视团队成员的明显偏差
    Confront team members about their obvious bias


参考答案:A 解析:德尔菲技术:采用匿名或背靠背的方式,能使每一位专家独立地作出自已地判断,不会受到其他干扰因素影响。






43、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,团队成员提出纠正措施,帮助满足项目需求。项目经理应该怎么做?
During project execution# team members proposes to corrective action to help meet project requirements..What should the project manager do

  •  A:将其包含在经验教训数据库中
    Include it in the lessons learned database
  •  B:遵循变更管理计划
    Follows the change management plan
  •  C:将其正确地记录在问题日志中
    Property document it in the issue log
  •  D:更新项目管理计划
    Update project management plan


参考答案:B 解析:4.6实施整体变更控制 审查所有变更请求,批准变更,管理对可交付成果、组织过程资产、 项目文件和项目管理计划的变更,并对变更处理结果进行沟通的过程。

考点: 整体变更控制。

44、 [单选] 在执行阶段,项目经理意识到需要偏离项目管理计划才能实现理想的项目成果。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the execution phase, a project manager realizes that a deviation from the project management plan is required to achieve desired project outcomes. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:更新项目进度计划
    Update the project schedule
  •  B:执行实施
    Execute the Implementation
  •  C:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request
  •  D:修改项目基准
    Modify the project baselines

D是干扰项。 对于变更请求影响到项目基准的,需要CCB批准。

参考答案:C 解析: 纠正措施。为使项目工作绩效重新与项目管理计划一致,而进行的有目的的活动。


45、 [单选] 在一个为期两年的新高速公路建设项目的前八个月中,由于缺乏一种机械,项目落后于 进度计划。这属于哪一种事业环境因素?
During the first eight months of a two-year project to build a new highway, the project fails behind schedule due to a lack of machinery. To what enterprise environment factor can this be attributed?

  •  A:组织结构
    Organizational structure
  •  B:基础设施
  •  C:相关方风险界值
    Stakeholder risk threshold
  •  D:可持续性


参考答案:B 解析:机械,属于基础设施。

考点:2.2 事业环境因素,2.2.1 组织内部的事业因素







50、 [单选] —家咨询公司的负责人发起一个项目,拟开发一种新的业务,以增加市场份额和收入,由于该公司很成功,管理团队和顾问并不认为需要新的业务模式,并要求在启动项自之前提供项目概念。应该用什么来制定项目概念?
The owner of a consulting company initiates a project to develop a new business model that will increase market share and revenue .because the company has been successful,the management team and concept before initiation. What should be used to develop the project concept?

  •  A:A头脑风暴
  •  B:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  C:六西格玛技术
    Six Sigma technique
  •  D:预测


解析:书中原话“制定项目章程时可通过头脑风暴向相关方、主题专家和团队成员收集数据、解决方案或创意”。 由于公司成功,管理团队有经验,可以说是专家,加上顾问,已经给出判断,也就是说,已经作了专家判断,不需要新业务。那再选B就重复了。建议选A,对于新业务,应充分收集数据信息。


52、 [单选] 为了增加销售量,销售部门需要开发一个新项目,项目团队之前没有执行过类似项目。项目经理首先应该做什么?
To increase sales, the sales department requires the development of a new project. The project team has not performed a similar project before. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:审查其他公司类似项目的经验教训
    Review other companies lessons of learned from similar projects
  •  B:为销售部门开会讨论需求
    Meet with the sales department to discuss requirements
  •  C:定义项目的主要可交付成果
    Define the project’s key deliverables
  •  D:参与制定项目章程
    Participate in the development of the charter


参考答案:A 解析:没有经验,需要查阅历史经验,即组织过程资产,同时组织过程资产是制定项目章程的输入。


59、 [单选] 项目团队完成了一个从旧数据库转变到新数据库的项目。在经验教训方面,项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The project team completes a project that migrates from the old database to the new database. In terms of lessons learned, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在相关方收尾会议上提交给发起人
    To submit it to the sponsor at the stakeholder' closing meeting
  •  B:提交给客户确保协议
    To submit it to the customer to ensure that the agreement is honored
  •  C:确保信息储存在项目文件中
    To ensure that the information is stored in a project document
  •  D:确保信息储存在公司知识库中
    To ensure that information is stored in the Company's knowledge base

我理解是组织过程资产,C,D 不知道怎么选。就选了C、










64、 [单选] 在项目启动阶段,项目发起人得知一项新的政府规定可能要求更改项目的现有采购计划。项目发起人要求项目经理提供能够说服高级管理层继续该项目的相关信息。项目经理可以从哪里找到这个信息?
At the kick-off phase of the project, the project sponsor is informed that a new government regulation may require an existing procurement plan to change the project. The project sponsor asks the project manager to provide information that would convince the senior management of continuing the project. Where can the project manager find this information?

  •  A:商业论证
    Business case
  •  B:项目章程
    Project Charter
  •  C:项目批准要求
    Project Approval Requirements
  •  D:组织过程资产
    Organizational Process Assets


解析:参考答案:A 解析:商业论证是回答项目值不值得做的问题。要断续项目,过程中必须持续审查商业论证。书中原话“高于项目级别的经理和高管们通常使用该文件(商业论证)作为决策的依据。”商业论证和效益管理计划都是在项目启动之前编制的,并且要成为项目完成之后评估项目成功的依据;文档化的经济可行性研究报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选方案的收益进行有效性论证,是启动后续项目管理活动的依据。

65、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,一名项目相关方要求项目经理加入一个新过程的优化。项目经理应该 怎么做?
In the project implementation phase, a project stakeholder asks the project manager to join the optimization of a new process. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行实施整体变更控制过程
    To execute and perform the overall change control process.
  •  B:与过程专家一起审查项目
    To review the project with the process expert.
  •  C:将优化项目分配给团队
    To assign the optimization project to the team.
  •  D:拒绝范围蔓延的尝试
    To refuse to attempt of scope spreading.


参考答案:A 解析:涉及到基线变动,需要整体变更控制。


66、 [单选] 在项目执行中途,项目经理发现一种方法,可以解决并避免一个重复发生的组织问题。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
In the midway of the project execution, the project manager finds a way to solve and avoid a recurring organizational problem. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将其记录在经验教训中
    To record it in the lessons learned
  •  B:通知高级管理层
    To notify the senior management
  •  C:更新风险管理计划
    To update the risk control plan
  •  D:处理变更请求
    To process change requests


解析:参考答案:A 解析:避免再次发生,要记录在经验教训中。

74、 [单选] 一个建筑项目的施工过程已经完成,项目经理希望结束该项目,一些团队成员已经被分配到一个新项目,剩余团队成员不确定在收尾报告中要收集什么信息。 项目经理应该怎么做?
The construction process for a building project is complete and the project manager wants to close the project.Some team members are already assigned to a new project and the remaining team members are unsure about what to capture in the close-out report. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用从以前类似项目中收集的经验教训完成该报告
    Complete the report using the lessons learned from previous similar projects.
  •  B:召集已重新分配的团队成员,并立即举行收尾会议
    Convene team members who have been reassigned and immediately close the meeting
  •  C:与剩余团队成员一起进行项目收尾工作
    Conduct the project close-out work with the remaining team members
  •  D:将项目收尾阶段交给负责新项目的项目经理
    Hand over the project close-out phase to the project manager working on the new project.


参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P127- 最终报告在产品、服务移交之后,团队成员转交之后,仍然要完成收尾工作。


81、 [单选] 首席执行官宣布一个新项目,该项目具有成本和时间限制目标,商业论证尚未最终确定。根据经验,项目经理强烈感觉将不能实现这些目标。 若要确保项目成功,项目经理应该怎么做?
A CEO announces a new project with cost and time constraint targets.The business case is not yet finalizeBased on experience,the project manager feels strongly that these targets will not be met. What should the project manager do to ensure the project’s success?

  •  A:与项目团队协商承诺长时间工作,并快速跟进该项目
    Negotiate with the project team to commit to working long hours,and fast track the project.
  •  B:与首席执行官会面,并强调可以实现的目标
    Meet with the CEO,and highlight what is achievable.
  •  C:修改项目章程以适应首席执行官的期望
    Revise the project charter to accommodate the CEO's expectations.
  •  D:将首席执行官的假设条件更新到假设日志中
    Update the assumption log with the CEO's assumptions.


解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P80-数据收集、冲突管理。项目仍在启动阶段,应采取访谈、冲突管理与相关方达成一致意见。

90、 [单选] 项目经理为一个为期12周的项目安排一次启动大会。两名相关方表示他们无法参加会议。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager schedules a kick-off meeting for a 12-week project. Two stakeholders indicate they are unable to attend the meeting. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将会议重新安排在每个人都有空的时间
    Reschedule the meeting for a time when everyone is available.
  •  B:在开始启动大会之前分别与两名相关方开会,以收集他们的意见和承诺
    Meet separately with the two stakeholders prior to the kick-off meeting to capture their comments and commitment.
  •  C:按计划继续开会,并将会议记录发送给两位缺席的相关方
    Continue with the meeting as planned and send the meeting minutes to the two absent stakeholders.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人,已获得缺席相关方的承诺
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor that obtains confirmations from the absent stakeholdrs.


B 解析:pmbok 项目开工会议通常意味着规划阶段结束和执行阶段开始,旨在传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责。

93、 [单选] —个为期两年的项目即将结束。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A two-year project reaches its en What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:完成团队成员的评估并将他们从项目中解散
    Complete team members’ assessments and release them from the project.
  •  B:获得发起人的验收以结束该项目
    Obtain the acceptance from the sponsor to end the project.
  •  C:审查风险登记册以确保没有未完成的事项
    Review the risk register to ensure that there are no outstanding items.
  •  D:执行质量控制程序以结束该项目
    perform quality control procedures to close the project.


参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)4.7 收尾工作的四个步骤:验收,移交,总结和释放。

95、 [单选] 一名团队成员建议使用移动即时通讯应用程序,以便团队及时批准优化项目进度和项目成本的措施。项目经理应查阅下列哪一项文件来实施这项建议?
A team member suggests using a mobile instant messaging application to allow the team to approve measures to optimize project process and project costs in time. To what should the project manager consult to implement this recommendation?

  •  A:变更管理计划
    Change management plan
  •  B:范围管理计划
    Scope manangement plan
  •  C:进度基准
    Schedule baseline
  •  D:相关方参与计划
    Stakeholder engagement plan

D 是干扰项,题目是改变沟通方式,属于变更。

参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK 4.6实施整体变更控制的输入 变更管理计划。变更管理计划为管理变更控制过程提供指导,并记录变更控制委员会(CCB)的角色和职责。



96、 [单选] 由于经济问题,客户取消了一个仅完成三个阶段中的第一个阶段的项目。在执行实施整体变更控制过程后,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
Due to economic issues, a client cancels a project that has completed only the first of three phases. After implementing the Perform Integrated Change Control process What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:审查范围基准
    Review the scope baseline.
  •  B:应用监管风险过程
    Apply the Monitor Risks process.
  •  C:更新经验教训知识库
    Update the lessons learned repository.
  •  D:解散项目团队
    Release the prbject team.


参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P123-4.7项目提前终止,为项目的结束阶段,都要总结经验教训。

99、 [单选] 在授权资源分配之前,公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)要求项目经理出示批准的项目章程。 但是,项目发起人将在未来三周内休假,相关方希望项目尽快开始。 项目经理该怎么做?
Before authorizing resource assignments, a company’s project management office(PMO) requires that the project manager present the approved project charter. However, the project sponsor is on vacation for the next three weeks. Stakeholders want the project to start as soon as possible. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:暂停项目,直到发起人批准项目章程为止
    Hold the project until the sponsor approves the project charter.
  •  B:获得指导委员会的授权
    Obtain authorization from the steering committee.
  •  C:找到可以非正式启动项目的资源,以避免延期
    Find resources that can informally start the project to avoid delays.
  •  D:审查主要项目里程碑,识别潜在的任务压缩以避免延期
    Review the main project milestones to identify potential task compression to avoid delays.


参考答案:B 解析:除了发起人,还有可以批准章程的人,见 PMBOK77 页第二段第 1-2行。指导委员会,即项目组合治理委员会。

100、 [单选] 项目团队每周与指导委员会一起召开一次整体变更控制会议。在这些会议期间,与会者讨论纠正导致变更请求的缺陷紧迫性,然后会对其严重性进行投票。 在委员会同意变更请求的严重性和优先级后,项目经理应该更新哪一份文件?
A project team has weekly integrated change control meetings with the steering committee. During these meetings, attendees discuss the urgency of correcting deflects that cause change requests, and then vote on their severity. After the committee agrees on the severity and priority of the change requests, what should the project manager update?

  •  A:变更日志
    Change log
  •  B:变更管理计划
    Change management plan
  •  C:范围基准
    Scope baseline
  •  D:需求踪矩阵
    Requirements traceability matrix


参考答案:A 解析:变更日志 批准的变更请求 PMBOK 由项目经理、CCB或指定的团队成员,根据变更管理计划处理变更请求,做出批准、推迟或否决的决定。批准的变更请求应通过指导与管理项目工作过程加以实施。对于推迟或否决的变更请求,应通知提出变更请求的个人或小组。 以项目文件更新的形式,在变更日志中记录所有变更请求的处理情况。

107、 [单选] 一个漫长的施工项目在采购过程中遇到一些问题,这些问题还在继续发生在调查过程中,一些团队成员希望知道他们应该在何时收集经验教训。 项目经理应该如何答复?
A lengthy construction project encountered some issues during the procurement process,which continue to occur. During an investigation, some team members want to know when they should capture lessons learne How should the project manager respond?

  •  A:在项目生命周期期间和之后不久
    During and shortly after; the project's life cycle.
  •  B:在项目收尾时
    At the end of the project.
  •  C:在项目阶段收尾期间
    At the end of the project phase.
  •  D:在每个学习关口
    At each learning level.


参考答案:A。解析:PMBOK(4),见 PMBOK98 页第3行,以及 PMBOK39 页最后一段倒数第2行。总结经验教训同属于知识管理和更新组织过程资产。故选A。

108、 [单选] 在一个项目接近完工时,发起人要求承包商改变已安装的照明以符合新标准。承包商应该怎么做?
As a project nears completion,the sponsor asks the contractor to change the installed lighting to comply with a new standarWhat should the contractor do?

  •  A:审查工作并提交一份显示工作已完成的报告
    Review the work and submit a report showing that work is already complete.
  •  B:请求延长工期并提交变更请求以完成工作
    Request a schedule extension and submit a change request to complete the work.
  •  C:与发起人一起检查新规定,然后提交变更请求
    Examine the new regulation with the sponsor and then submit a change request.
  •  D:评估成本和进度影响,然后向项目经理提交变更请求
    Evaluate the cost and schedule impact and then submit a change request to the project manager.


参考答案:C 解析:本题如果没有提到新标准,就直接选D了。由于发起人变更的理由是符合新标准,应首先了解新标准是什么,才好进行变更,C 优先于 D。

112、 [单选] 项目经理正在为客户管理一个跨国项目,拟采用最新技术替换其电信基础设备。项目经理得知,在某些国家,必须遵循特定的环境规定来处置被替换的硬件。在制定商业论证时,未考虑到这些规定,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a multinational project for a customer to replace its telecommunications infrastructure with the latest technology. The project manager learns that, in some countries, specific environmental regulations must be followed to dispose of the replaced hardware. In the development of business arguments these rules have not be considere What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新商业论证以包含硬件处置成本
    Update the business case to include the cost of the hardware disposal.
  •  B:建议发起人将遵守这项规定的成本纳入商业论证
    Recommend the sponsor to incorporate the cost of complying with this provision into the business case.
  •  C:提出一个包含遵守环境法规成本的实施策略
    Propose an implementation strategy that includes compliance with environmental regulations.
  •  D:根据业务需求识别主要可交付成果,以管理客户期望并遵守该规定
    Identify key deliverables based on business needs to manage customer expectations and comply with this requirement.



113、 [单选] 在收尾会议上,项目发起人表示根据项目评估,项目取得成功。但一位相关方却不同意, 因为没有实现他们的需求。项目经理指出,相关方的需求在项目范围说明书中被称为项目除外情况。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the close-out meeting the project sponsor slates that the project is success based on its evaluating.stakeholder disagrees because their requirements were unfuirilleThe project manager states that the stakeholder’s requirements were mentioned as project exclusions in the project scope statement What shoulthe project manager do next?

  •  A:忽略该相关方的争论并继续进行收尾会议
    Ignore the stakeholder’s argument and continue the close-out meeting
  •  B:建议进行项目评估以确保项目已完成
    Propose conducting a project assessment to ensure that the project is complete
  •  C:建议将这些需求作为另一个项目的范围
    Suggest using these requirements as scope for another project
  •  D:在问题日志中添加该问题
    Add the issue to the issue log


参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P123-4.7结束项目或阶段。A忽略相关方的意见不可取;B项目已经按照计划完成了,除外责任不属于项目范围;D更新问题日志是执行或监控过程组的工作,不是收尾过程组的工作。

115、 [单选] 项目经理完成项目章程的制定,并与关键相关方一起审查项目章程。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager completes the development of the project charter and reviews it with key stakeholders. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:制定项目管理计划
    Develop the project management plan.
  •  B:与项目团队一起召开项目启动大会
    Conduct a kick-off meeting with the project team.
  •  C:获得项目发起人对项目章程的批准
    Obtain project charter approval from the sponsor.
  •  D:获得相关方对项目章程的批准
    Obtain project charter approval from the stakeholders.


参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P81,获得发起人对项目章程的批准,以及对项目经理正式授权,并得到其对项目的支持和认可。

117、 [单选] 项目经理收到项目章程,并安排召开一次初步项目启动大会。然而,参加这次会议的公司资源很少。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该考虑哪一点?
A project manager receives a project charter and schedules an initial kick-off meeting. However the meeting is poorly attended by company resources. What should the project manager have considered to avoid this?

  •  A:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets.
  •  B:事业环境因素
    Business environment factor.
  •  C:协议
  •  D:沟通管理计划
    Communications management plan.


参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P78,刚收到项目章程,参加会议的资源很少,有可能是项目事业环境因素考虑不够。不选D答案的原因在于刚收到项目章程,还没有完成规划,未生成沟通管理计划。

121、 [单选] 在一个工厂的项目建议书谈判期间,客户通知项目经理需要进行一项变更来提高性能。项目经理该怎么做?
During project proposal negotiations for an industrial plant, the customer informs the project manager that a change is required to improve performance. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:让项目发起人增加额外资金
    Ask the project sponsor for additional funding.
  •  B:征求高级管理层的建议
    Call senior management for advice.
  •  C:更新工作分解结构(WBS)
    Update the work breakdown structure (WBS).
  •  D:修订风险应对计划
    Revise the risk response plan.


参考答案:B。 解析:项目早期(启动之前),客户想要变更内容,应优先高级管理层(包括发起人)的参与。

126、 [单选] 当面临缺乏历史数据时,项目经理会做出各种假设,许多这些假设被证明是不正确的,至少引发了一个高影响的问题 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先使用什么?
When faced with a lack of historical data a project manager makes various assumptions.A number of these assumptions prove incorrect triggering at least one high-impact issue. What should the project manager have used to avoid this?

  •  A:显性知识
    Explicit knowledge
  •  B:事业环境因素
    Enterprise environmental factors
  •  C:专家判断
    Expert judgement
  •  D:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets


参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的78页4.1.1.3事业环境因素:缺少历史信息是现实情况,也是项目经理无法影响的客观因素。

127、 [单选] 涉及一家全球公司10家分公司的项目即将完成,项目经理正在安排召开一次经验教训总结会议,项目经理应该邀请谁来参加会议?
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方
    All stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管
    Director of the project manager’s business unit
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员
    A11 members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层
    Senior management


参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的103页4.4.2.2研讨会,包括问题解决会议和经验教训总结会议:总结经验教训,来的人越多越好。

128、 [单选] 在启动阶段,项目经理意识到主要里程碑与范围不一致,这可能导致误解,项目经理下 一步应该怎么做?
During the initiating stage,a project manager realizes that main milestones are misaligned with the scope,which may cause misinterpretation.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在项目管理计划中详细说明范围和可交付成果
    Detail the scope and deliverables in the project management plan.
  •  B:提出一项变更请求,以修改范围和可交付成果
    Submit a change request to modify the scope and deliverables.
  •  C:在项目章程中规定范围和可交付成果
    Specify the scope and deliverables in the project charter.
  •  D:在问题日志中记录误解范围和可交付成果的可能性
    Document the possibility of scope and deliverables misinterpretation in the issue log.


参考答案:C。解析:PMBOK(6)P81,题目中处于项目启动过程,还未进行到规划阶段和监控过程,故不选A和B。根据项目章程包含高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果和总体里程碑进度计划 ,故选C。

130、 [单选] 在一个项目的最终收尾活动期间,项目经理发现项目章程包含的原始项目范围比最终项目范围的成本低,项目经理应如何处理这项信息?
During final closeout activities for a project,the project manager identifies that project charter contains an original project scope that is less costly than the final project scope.What should the project manager do with this information?

  •  A:在项目报告中记录原始和最终范围
    Document the original and final scopes in ihc project report.
  •  B:更改项目章程以反映本文件创建后所做的所有变更
    Change the project charter to rcilect all the changes made post-creation of this document.
  •  C:核实项目管理计划是否已更新
    Verify whether the project management plan has been update
  •  D:审查变更请求,且如果没有包含必要的信息,则更新该变更请求
    Review the change request and,if it docs not contain the necessary information ,update it.


参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P127- 最终报告总结绩效,以及产生任何偏差的原因。

32、 [单选] 在新项目启动会议期间,生产经理拒绝接受批准的章程,因为项目需要采购新设备。然而,项目经理通知项目发起人,由于生产经理缺席,章程未能包括设备采购。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During a new project’s kick-off meeting.a production manager refuses to accept the approved charter because the project will require the procurement of new equipment.The project manager then informs the sponsor that the charter failed to include equipment procurement because the production manager was absent.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:与客户一起审查生产经理关切的问题
    Review the production manager’s concern with the client.
  •  B:记录生产经理关切的问题,并在项目启动大会之后获得他们的支持
    Record the production manager’s concern and obtain their support after the kick-off meeting.
  •  C:开展另一项成本效益分析,包括生产经理的反馈
    Conduct another cost-benefit analysis that includes the production manager’s feedback.
  •  D:向生产经理解释设备成本不会影响项目业务价值
    Explain to the production manager that equipment costs will not impact project business value.

C 是干扰项

参考答案B解析:4.1 制定项目章程 启动大会的作用为获得章程的批准以及相关方的承诺。出现相关方反对,会后还是务必要获得其支持与承诺,否则项目无法继续开展的。此题容易误选C,成本效益分析在立项前已经做过,不需要再做;B的意思是先开会并记录生产经理的关切,会后还是务必要获得生产经理对章程的批准,否则项目无法继续开展的。

133、 [单选] 项目经理在收尾一个项目时遇到问题,因为相关方不接受项目章程中描述的大部分可交付成果,项目经理应该做?
A project manager is having problems closing a project because the stakeholders did not accept the majority of the deliverables described in the project charter. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新项目章程
    update the project charter
  •  B:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request
  •  C:更新范围管理计划
    Update the scope management plan
  •  D:核实范围
    Validate the scope


参考答案:D 解析:4.7 结束项目或阶段 客户验收不通过,先确认一下结果,再提变更请求。

136、 [单选] 一次项目会议后,市场营销经理要求在公司网站上添加一个在线服务功能,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
After a project meeting, the marketing manager asked to add an online service feature to the company’s website. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:审查预算并合并该变更
    Review the budget and incorporate the change
  •  B:更新变更管理计划
    Update the change management plan
  •  C:执行变更控制过程
    Execute the change control process
  •  D:对请求的变更进行失效模式与影响分析(FMEA)
    Conduct Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) of the requested change


参考答案C,解析:4.6 实施整体变更控制 尽管也可以口头提出,但所有变更请求都必须以书面形式记录,并纳入变更管理和(或)配置管理系统中。典型的范围变更,走流程。项目团队外部提出的,先提变更请求,再分析。

141、 [单选] 敏捷团队正在根据商业分析师团队提供的用户故事开发产品。在第四次冲刺之后,相关方举行了一次演示,其中三个已完成的故事获得通过,其余两个故事未能满足相关方的期望,项目经理应该怎么做?
An Agile teams is working on product according to the user stories provided by a team of business analysts. After the fourth sprint, a demo for stakeholders is held and Three completed stories pass, The remaining two stories fail to meet stakeholders expectations. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求商业分析师开发新的用户故事
    Ask the business analysts to develop new user stories
  •  B:审查用户故事并签发变更请求
    Review the user stories and issue a change request
  •  C:确认相关方的期望,然后更新并重新编写用户故事
    Confirm stakeholder expectations, then update and rework the user stories
  •  D:启动一个新项目,将修订后的用户故事纳入工作范围
    Initiate a new project to incorporate revised user stories into the scope of work


参考答案C 解析:敏捷问题,敏捷方法用用户故事来显示项目范围(相关方需求和期望),如果没有满足,要重新编写故事即重新确定范围。

142、 [单选] 根据批准的商业论证,项目必须在12个月内完成,以最大限度地提高经济效益,在审查商业论证之后,项目经理识别到一些制约因素,这些制约因素将导致无法在规定时间范围内完成项目,项目经理应该怎么做?
According to the approved business case, a project must be completed within 12 months to maximize financial benefits. After reviewing the business case, the project manager identifies a few constraints that will make it impossible to complete the project within this time frame. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:在项目章程中包括12个月的项目持续时间
    Include the 12-month project duration in the project charter
  •  B:在考虑到这些制约因素的影响后,在项目章程中更新修订后的完成日期
    Update the project charter with revised completion date after consideration of the impact of these constraints
  •  C:通知管理层无法实现项目时间表
    Inform management that the project timeline is not achievable
  •  D:与管理层开会讨论此事并最终确定行动计划
    Meet with management to discuss the matter and finalize an action plan



146、 [单选] 在项目完成执行阶段后,一位相关方意识到忽略了一个重要功能,该相关方向项目经理提供详细的理由,说明为什么这项变更对业务至关重要。项目正处于哪个过程?
After the project completes the execution stage, a stakeholder realizes that an important feature was overlooked,the stakeholder provides the project manager with a detailed justification for why this change is critical to the business. In what process is the project ?

  •  A:控制范围
    Control scope
  •  B:监控项目工作
    Monitor and Control project work
  •  C:核实范围
    Validate scope
  •  D:实施整体变更控制
    Perform Integrated change control



150、 [单选] 在初始项目会议期间,有权做出重要项目决策的关键相关方无法参加,若要避免潜在的项目交付风险,项目经理应该怎么做?
Key stakeholders with the authority to make important project decisions were unavailable during initial project meeting. What should the project manager do to avoid potential risk to project delivery?

  •  A:将关键相关方集合在一起,以澄清业务需求
    Assemble key stakeholders to gain clarify on business requirements
  •  B:与项目发起人开会,以获得对项目目标的批准
    Assemble key stakeholders to gain clarify on business requirements
  •  C:将会议纪要发送给关键相关方
    Send the meeting minutes to key stakeholders
  •  D:与项目发起人一起审查相关方参与计划
    Review the stakeholder engagement plans with the project sponsors



153、 [单选] 在一个敏捷项目的演示期间,项目经理缺席,在审查已完成的工作之后,产品负责人要求进行一项变更,然后获得会议中每个人的一致同意,开发团队立即开始实施这项变更,当项目经理回来工作后,这项变更已经完成,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
during the demon of an agile project, the project manager is absent, after review the completed work, the product owner requests a change, when is then agreed upon by everyone in the room, the development team immediately begins implementing the change, when the project manager returns to work they are faced with after the completed change, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将该不一致性问题通知相关方
    Notify stakeholders of the inconsistency
  •  B:将已完成的变更更新到工作范围中
    Update the scope of work with the completed change
  •  C:与项目团队开会,讨论变更控制过程
    Meet with the project team to discuss the change control process
  •  D:向变更控制委员会(CCB)登记这项变更并请求批准
    Log the change with change control board(CCB) and request approval



154、 [单选] 一个组织正在严格的时间限制下进行重大的技术升级,项目团队由内部和外部相关方、职能经理、顾问和供应商组成,其中一位关键职能经理提出多项项目变更。项目经理应该怎么做?
An organization is making significant technology upgrades under strict time constraints. The project team comprises internal and external stakeholders, functional managers, consultants and vendors, one of the key functional managers suggests multiple project changes. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将建议的变更纳入项目中
    incorporate the suggested changes into the project
  •  B:询问顾问如何实施这些变更
    Ask the consultant how to implement the changes
  •  C:向相关方咨询建议的变更
    Consult the stakeholders about the suggested changes
  •  D:要求供应商对这些变更报价
    Request vendor pricing for the changes



155、 [单选] 准备项目收尾时,项目经理整理了整个项目生命周期中持续记录的经验教训。随后项目经理安排项目相关方会议,继续收尾项目。为准备这次会议,项目经理应查看哪些内容?
While preparing for project closure.the project manager collates the lessons learned that were continuously documented throughout the project’s life cycle.The project manager then schedules a stakeholder meeting to proceed with project closure.What should the project manager review to prepare for this meeting?

  •  A:组织过程资产、项目管理计划和已验收的可交付成果
    Organizational process assets,project management plan,and accepted deliverables
  •  B:事业环境因素、项目管理计划和变更请求
    Enterprise environmental factors,project management plan,and change requests
  •  C:工作绩效报告、项目管理计划和已验收的可交付成果
    Work performance reports,project management plan,and accepted deliverables
  •  D:风险登记册、项目管理计划和组织过程资产
    Risk register,project management plan,and organization process assets

概念题。就是4.7 的输入

解析:本题考收尾输入,见PMBOK4.7.1,A正确。 4.7 结束项目或阶段

158、 [单选] 收到项目发起人批准项目章程后,项目经理安排召开项目启动大会,但是,七位关键相关方中有四位没有参加这次会议,项目经理应该怎么做?
After project sponsor approves for the project charter, the project manager schedules a kick-off meeting. However, four out of seven key stakeholders do not attend this meeting. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:告知这些相关方的经理已经召开该会议
    Inform the stakeholders’managers that the meeting has taken place
  •  B:组织发起人与四个缺席的相关方开会,以讨论该项目
    Ask sponsors to meet with the four absent stakeholders to discuss the project
  •  C:向所有相关方提供项目计划、范围和风险
    Provide the project plans, scope and risks to all stakeholders
  •  D:计划向缺席的相关方更新项目进度报告
    Plan to update the absent stakeholders with project progress reports



167、 [单选] 一个涉及国家教育新标准的项目正在执行中,在确认准备好的教科书期间,团队成员发现某些书籍不符合事先定义的项目标准。项目经理应该参考下列哪一项来确认这个问题?
A project involving new national education standard is underway. During the verification of the prepared textbook, a team member discovers that some books are noncompliant with predefined project standar Which should the project manager reference to verify this confirm ?

  •  A:范围基准和质量核对单
    Scope baseline and quality checklist
  •  B:进度基准和质量核对单
    Schedule baseline and quality audit
  •  C:项目基准和质量核对单
    Project baseline and quality metrics
  •  D:范围基准和质量测量指标
    Scope baseline and quality metrics


解析:P165确认范围。p289控制质量。5.5.1 确认范围输入范围基准,输出验收的可交付成果。8.3.3 控制质量输入质量测量指标,输出核实的可交付成果,控制质量过程的一个目的就是确定可交付成果的正确性。这两个都是验收标准的输入,因此选择D。

169、 [单选] 项目经理希望从最近完成的一个项目中复制良好实践。然而,项目经理在有时间评估最近完成项目的项目信息之前就已经开始负责管理另一个项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager wants to replicate good practices from a recently completed project.However,the project manager assumes another project before having time to assess the previous project’s information. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:遵从分配调到新项目
    Move to the new project according to assignment.
  •  B:召开实施后评审会议
    Conduct a post-implementation review meeting.
  •  C:与新团队分享之前项目的经验教训
    Share the lessons learned from the previous project with the new team.
  •  D:要求项目管理办公室(PMO)和过程经理收集经验教训
    Ask the project management office(PMO)and the process manager to collect the lessons learne


解析:pmbok p127 4.7结束项目或阶段是终结项目、阶段或合同的所有活动的过程。题目重点是前一个项目的收尾工作。


170、 [单选] 一个项目即将完成,高级管理层要求项目经理开始收尾过程,即使该项目还有许多待完成的可交付成果。项目经理应该使用什么来决定是否继续收尾?
A project is nearing completion, senior management asks the project manager to begin the closing process, even though the project has a number of outstanding deliverables. What should the project manager use to decide whether to procees with project closure?

  •  A:阶段关卡
    Phase gate
  •  B:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  C:质量审计
    Quality audit
  •  D:偏差分析
    Variance analysis


解析:pmbok p121 结束项目或阶段是终结项目、阶段或合同的所有活动的过程。工具与技术里有专家判断,从题目入手,高级管理层已经要求开始收尾,那么按照流程收尾即可。C,D都是执行和监控过程组的过程。A阶段关口,由于是管理层要求收尾,所以比较下来,B更好。

175、 [单选] 在敏捷项目部署期间,客户对可交付成果不满意并要求进行变更。敏捷项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During an agile project deployment, the customers is dissatisfied with a deliverable and requests that changes be made. What should the agile project manager do next?

  •  A:将这些变更添加进问题日志
    Add the changes to the issue log
  •  B:在交付期间整合实施变更
    Integrate real-time changes during the next review meeting
  •  C:在下次评审会议期间纳入这些变更
    Incorporate the changes during the next review meeting
  •  D:尽可能地限制变更
    Constrain the changes as much as possible



179、 [单选] 一家公司准备重新启动一个暂停的项目。遗憾的是,整个项目团队均已解散。项目经理应该使用什么来重新制定项目计划?
A company is ready to re-initiate a project that was put on hol Unfortunately, the entire project team was release What should the project manager use to replan the project?

  •  A:经验教训储存库
    Lessons learned repository
  •  B:项目发起人的意见
  •  C:商业论证
    Business case
  •  D:可行性研究
    Feasibility study


参考答案A 解析:PMBOK4.1.1.4组织过程资产。曾经做过的项目,其组织过程资产为制定项目管理计划输入。

185、 [单选] 项目经理与生产支持经理开会,将新应用的所有权转移给应用支持团队。会议期间,生产支持经理表达了担忧,指出所提供文件不足以让他们承担支持。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager meets with the production support manager to transfer ownership of a new application to the application support team.During the meeting.the production support manager expresses concern that the documentation provided is inadequate for them to assume support.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:收尾项目并在经验教训中收集该问题
    Close out the project and capture the issue in lessons learne
  •  B:要求生产支持经理让技术文件作者在项目之外更新文件
    Ask the production support manager to have the technical writer update the documentation outside of the projects.
  •  C:请技术文件作者修改文件,并重新安排支持转移会议
    Ask the technical writer to fix the documentation and reschedule the support transfer meeting.
  •  D:在对文件进行任何变更之前,请求更变控制委员会(CCB)的批准
    Request approval from the change control board(CCB)before making any changes to the documentation.


参考答案D 解析:pmbok p113 4.6实施整体变更控制。实施整体变更控制是审查所有变更请求、批准变更,管理对可交付成果、项目文件和项目管理计划的变更,并对变更处理结果进行沟通的过程。变更问题,要走流程。

186、 [单选] 团队成员对问题日志中大量未解决的技术问题感到不满。项目经理应该怎么做?
Team members are unhappy about the significant number of unresolved technical problems in the issue log-What should the project manager do?

  •  A:解释说这些问题应通过让主题专家(SMEs)参与解决
    Explain that issues should be resolved by involving subject matter experts(SMEs).
  •  B:请求更多时间来分析未完成的事项
    Request more time to analyze the outstanding items.
  •  C:将该情况上报给项目发起人,获得支持
    Escalate the situation to the project sponsor to gain support.
  •  D:提交变更请求,替换项目经理
    Submit a change request to replace the project manager.


参考答案B 解析:先对不满的问题进行详细分析,再来提交变更请求是否针对未解决问题进行解决。

188、 [单选] 项目经理正在为新项目确定项目章程。此时一名关键项目相关方提出与原先略有不同的新需求。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is finalizing the project charter for a new project .A key stakeholder then proposes new requirements that vary slightly from the original.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求项目发起人增加额外资金以适应新需求,并对其它方案召开头脑风暴
    Ask the project sponsor for additional funds to accommodate the new requirements and brainstorm other options.
  •  B:审查项目相关方登记册,重新分类项目相关方,并根据新的需求更新项目章程
    Review the stakeholder register to reclassify the stakeholder and update the project charter with the new requirements.
  •  C:审查谅解备忘录(MOU),重新定义项目的初始意图,并将新需求包含进项目章程中
    Review the memorandum of understanding(MOU)to redefine the initial intention of the project and include the new requirements in the project charter.
  •  D:与项目相关方和项目发起人开会,讨论新需求的影响,并获得一致意见
    Meet with stakeholders and the sponsor to discuss the impact of the new requirements and obtain consensus.



193、 [单选] 项目经理与客户开会,以协调一个大型项目。在会议期间,客户要求变更范围。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project manager meets with a customer to coordinate a large project.During this meeting,the customer demands changes to the scope.What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:建议客户提交一份正式的变更请求
    Advice the customer to submit a formal change request.
  •  B:启动范围变更,以维持良好的客户关系
    Initiate the scope changes to maintain a good customer relationship.
  •  C:分析并评估这些变更的影响
    Analyze and evaluate the impact of these changes.
  •  D:拒绝这些变更,因为它们不包含在项目范围说明中
    Reject the changes since they are not in the project scope statement.


参见PMBOK第6版4.3.3.4 变更请求,变更请求是关于修改任何文件、可交付成果或基准的正式提议。如果在开展项目工作时发现问题,就可提出变更请求,对项目政策或程序、项目或产品范围、项目成本或预算、项目进度计划、项目或产品结果的质量进行修改。范围的变更,需要实施整体变更控制流程。


详见4.2.2.4会议关于项目开工会议的定义。kick-off meeting 开在项目规划完成之后,执行之前

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