



 * @addtogroup actions
 * @{

@brief Progress to percentage.
@details This action show the target node from current percentage to the specified percentage.
        You should specify the destination percentage when creating the action.
@since v0.99.1
/// 进展动作
/// 这个动作将显示target从当前百分比到指定百分比
/// 你应该指定最终的百分比,在创建这个动作的时候
class CC_DLL ProgressTo : public ActionInterval
     * @brief Create and initializes with a duration and a destination percentage.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param percent Specify the destination percentage.
     * @return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of ProgressTo action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个进展动作
    static ProgressTo* create(float duration, float percent);

    // Overrides
	virtual ProgressTo* clone() const override;
	virtual ProgressTo* reverse() const override;
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    ProgressTo() {}
    virtual ~ProgressTo() {}

     * @brief Initializes with a duration and destination percentage. 
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param percent Specify the destination percentage.
     * @return If the creation sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.
	 /// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, float percent);

    float _to;
    float _from;


@brief Progress from a percentage to another percentage.
@since v0.99.1
/// 从一个百分比进行到另一个百分比
class CC_DLL ProgressFromTo : public ActionInterval
     * @brief Create and initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.
     * @param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.
     * @return If the creation sucess, return a pointer of ProgressFromTo action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个动作
    static ProgressFromTo* create(float duration, float fromPercentage, float toPercentage);

    // Overrides
	virtual ProgressFromTo* clone() const override;
	virtual ProgressFromTo* reverse() const override;
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    ProgressFromTo() {}
    virtual ~ProgressFromTo() {}

     * @brief Initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.
     * @param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.
     * @return If the creation sucess, return true; otherwise, return false.
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, float fromPercentage, float toPercentage);

    float _to;
    float _from;


// end of actions group
/// @}



 * @addtogroup actions
 * @{

@brief ShakyTiles3D action.
@details This action is make the target node shake with many tiles.
        You can create the action by these parameters:
        duration, grid size, range, whether shake on the z axis.
 /// 3D瓦片震动动作
class CC_DLL ShakyTiles3D : public TiledGrid3DAction
    @brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.
    @param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
    @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    @param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
    @param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
    @return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShakyTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
	/// 创建一个3D瓦片震动动作
    static ShakyTiles3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shakeZ);

    // Override
	virtual ShakyTiles3D* clone() const override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    ShakyTiles3D() {}
    virtual ~ShakyTiles3D() {}

    @brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.
    @param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
    @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    @param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
    @param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
    @return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shakeZ);

    int _randrange;
    bool _shakeZ;


@brief ShatteredTiles3D action.
@details This action make the target node shattered with many tiles.
        You can create the action by these parameters:
        duration, grid size, range, whether shatter on the z axis.
/// 3D瓦片破碎动作
class CC_DLL ShatteredTiles3D : public TiledGrid3DAction
     * @brief Create the action with a range, whether of not to shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
     * @param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.
     * @param shatterZ Specify whether shatter on the z axis.
     * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShatteredTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个3D瓦片破碎动作
	 /// duration 持续时间
	 /// gridSize 网格尺寸
	 /// range 指定的破碎效果的范围
	 /// shatterZ 指定在Z轴上是否有破碎效果
    static ShatteredTiles3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shatterZ);

    // Override
	virtual ShatteredTiles3D* clone() const override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    ShatteredTiles3D() {}
    virtual ~ShatteredTiles3D() {}

    @brief Initializes the action with a range, shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.
    @param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
    @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    @param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.
    @param shatterZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
    @return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	/// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, int range, bool shatterZ);

    int _randrange;
    bool _once;
    bool _shatterZ;


struct Tile;
@brief ShuffleTiles action.
@details This action make the target node shuffle with many tiles in random order.
        You can create the action by these parameters:
        duration, grid size, the random seed.
/// 瓦片洗牌动作
class CC_DLL ShuffleTiles : public TiledGrid3DAction
    * @brief Create the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @param seed Specify the random seed.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShuffleTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
	/// 创建一个3D瓦片洗牌动作
    static ShuffleTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int seed);
	/// 洗牌,传入数组和数组的长度
    void shuffle(unsigned int *array, unsigned int len);
    Size getDelta(const Size& pos) const;
    void placeTile(const Vec2& pos, Tile *t);

    // Overrides
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
	virtual ShuffleTiles* clone() const override;
    ShuffleTiles() {}
    virtual ~ShuffleTiles();

    * @brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @param seed Specify the random seed.
    * @return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	/// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int seed);

    unsigned int _seed;
    unsigned int _tilesCount;
    unsigned int* _tilesOrder;
    Tile* _tiles;


@brief FadeOutTRTiles action.
@details Fades out the target node with many tiles from Bottom-Left to Top-Right.
 /// 3D瓦片渐隐动作,从左下角到右上角渐隐
class CC_DLL FadeOutTRTiles : public TiledGrid3DAction
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutTRTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutTRTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
	/// 创建一个渐隐动作
    static FadeOutTRTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize);

    @brief Calculate the percentage a tile should be shown.
    @param pos The position index of the tile.
    @param time The current percentage of the action.
    @return Return the percentage the tile should be shown.
	/// 计算当前需要关闭的title
    virtual float testFunc(const Size& pos, float time);

    @brief Show the tile at specified position.
    @param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
	/// 打开某个title
    void turnOnTile(const Vec2& pos);

    @brief Hide the tile at specified position.
    @param pos The position index of the tile should be hide.
	/// 关闭title
    void turnOffTile(const Vec2& pos);

    @brief Show part of the tile.
    @param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
    @param distance The percentage that the tile should be shown.
	/// 变换title
    virtual void transformTile(const Vec2& pos, float distance);

    // Overrides
    virtual void update(float time) override;
	virtual FadeOutTRTiles* clone() const override;

    FadeOutTRTiles() {}
    virtual ~FadeOutTRTiles() {}


@brief FadeOutBLTiles action.
@details Fades out the target node with many tiles from Top-Right to Bottom-Left.
 /// 3D瓦片渐隐动作,从右上角到左下角
class CC_DLL FadeOutBLTiles : public FadeOutTRTiles
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutBLTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutBLTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
    static FadeOutBLTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize);

    // Overrides
    virtual float testFunc(const Size& pos, float time) override;
	virtual FadeOutBLTiles* clone() const override;

    FadeOutBLTiles() {}
    virtual ~FadeOutBLTiles() {}


@brief FadeOutUpTiles action.
@details Fades out the target node with many tiles from bottom to top.
 /// 瓦片渐隐动作,从下到上
class CC_DLL FadeOutUpTiles : public FadeOutTRTiles
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutUpTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutUpTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
    static FadeOutUpTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize);

    virtual void transformTile(const Vec2& pos, float distance) override;

    // Overrides
	virtual FadeOutUpTiles* clone() const override;
    virtual float testFunc(const Size& pos, float time) override;

    FadeOutUpTiles() {}
    virtual ~FadeOutUpTiles() {}


@brief FadeOutDownTiles action.
@details Fades out the target node with many tiles from top to bottom.
 /// 瓦片渐隐动作,从上到下
class CC_DLL FadeOutDownTiles : public FadeOutUpTiles
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutDownTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutDownTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
    static FadeOutDownTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize);

    // Overrides
	virtual FadeOutDownTiles* clone() const override;
    virtual float testFunc(const Size& pos, float time) override;

    FadeOutDownTiles() {}
    virtual ~FadeOutDownTiles() {}


@brief TurnOffTiles action.
@details Turn off the target node with many tiles in random order.
 /// 瓦片转向动作
class CC_DLL TurnOffTiles : public TiledGrid3DAction
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the TurnOffTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of TurnOffTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
	/// 创建一个瓦片转向动作
    static TurnOffTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize);
    * @brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the TurnOffTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @param seed Specify the random seed.
    * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of TurnOffTiles action; otherwise, return nil.
    static TurnOffTiles* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int seed);

    @brief Shuffle the array specified.
    @param array The array will be shuffled.
    @param len The size of the array.
	/// 洗牌
    void shuffle(unsigned int *array, unsigned int len);

    @brief Show the tile at specified position.
    @param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
	/// 打开某个title
    void turnOnTile(const Vec2& pos);

    @brief Hide the tile at specified position.
    @param pos The position index of the tile should be hide.
	/// 关闭某个title
    void turnOffTile(const Vec2& pos);

    // Overrides
	virtual TurnOffTiles* clone() const override;
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    TurnOffTiles() {}
    virtual ~TurnOffTiles();

    * @brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
    * @param duration Specify the duration of the TurnOffTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
    * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    * @param seed Specify the random seed.
    * @return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	/// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int seed);

    unsigned int    _seed;
    unsigned int    _tilesCount;
    unsigned int*   _tilesOrder;


@brief WavesTiles3D action.
@details This action wave the target node with many tiles.
/// 3D瓦片波浪动作
class CC_DLL WavesTiles3D : public TiledGrid3DAction
     * @brief Create the action with a number of waves, the waves amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
     * @param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.
     * @param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.
     * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of WavesTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个3D瓦片波浪动作
    static WavesTiles3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);

    @brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
    @return Return the amplitude of the effect.
	/// 得到振幅
    inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }
    @brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
    @param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
	/// 设置振幅
    inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }

    @brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
    @return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
	/// 得到振幅的频率
    inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }
    @brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.
    @param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
	/// 设置振幅的频率
    inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }

    // Override
	virtual WavesTiles3D* clone() const override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    WavesTiles3D() {}
    virtual ~WavesTiles3D() {}

    @brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves count and amplitude.
    @param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
    @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
    @param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.
    @param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.
    @return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	/// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int waves, float amplitude);

    unsigned int _waves;
    float _amplitude;
    float _amplitudeRate;


@brief JumpTiles3D action.
@details Move the tiles of a target node across the Z axis.
/// 3D瓦片跳跃动作
class CC_DLL JumpTiles3D : public TiledGrid3DAction
     * @brief Create the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
     * @param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.
     * @param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.
     * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of JumpTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个3D瓦片跳跃动作
    static JumpTiles3D* create(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int numberOfJumps, float amplitude);

    @brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
    @return Return the amplitude of the effect.
	/// 得到振幅
    inline float getAmplitude() const { return _amplitude; }
    @brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
    @param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set.
	/// 设置振幅
    inline void setAmplitude(float amplitude) { _amplitude = amplitude; }

    @brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
    @return Return the amplitude rate of the effect.
	/// 得到振幅的频率
    inline float getAmplitudeRate() const { return _amplitudeRate; }
    @brief Set the ampliture rate of the effect.
    @param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set.
	/// 设置振幅的频率
    inline void setAmplitudeRate(float amplitudeRate) { _amplitudeRate = amplitudeRate; }

    // Override
	virtual JumpTiles3D* clone() const override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    JumpTiles3D() {}
    virtual ~JumpTiles3D() {}

     * @brief Initializes the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
     * @param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.
     * @param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.
     * @return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	 /// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, const Size& gridSize, unsigned int numberOfJumps, float amplitude);

    unsigned int _jumps;
    float _amplitude;
    float _amplitudeRate;


@brief SplitRows action.
@details Split the target node in many rows.
        Then move out some rows from left, move out the other rows from right.
/// 按行分裂动作
class CC_DLL SplitRows : public TiledGrid3DAction
public :
     * @brief Create the action with the number of rows and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param rows Specify the rows count should be splited.
     * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitRows action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个按行分裂动作
    static SplitRows* create(float duration, unsigned int rows);

    // Overrides
	virtual SplitRows* clone() const override;
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    SplitRows() {}
    virtual ~SplitRows() {}

     * @brief Initializes the action with the number rows and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param rows Specify the rows count should be splited.
     * @return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	 /// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, unsigned int rows);

    unsigned int _rows;
    Size _winSize;


@brief SplitCols action.
@details Split the target node in many columns.
        Then move out some columns from top, move out the other columns from bottom.
/// 按列分裂动作
class CC_DLL SplitCols : public TiledGrid3DAction
     * @brief Create the action with the number of columns and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param cols Specify the columns count should be splited.
     * @return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitCols action; otherwise, return nil.
	 /// 创建一个按列分裂动作
    static SplitCols* create(float duration, unsigned int cols);

    // Overrides
	virtual SplitCols* clone() const override;
     * @param time in seconds
    virtual void update(float time) override;
    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;
    SplitCols() {}
    virtual ~SplitCols() {}

     * @brief Initializes the action with the number columns and the duration.
     * @param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.
     * @param cols Specify the columns count should be splited.
     * @return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false.
	 /// 初始化
    bool initWithDuration(float duration, unsigned int cols);

    unsigned int _cols;
    Size _winSize;


// end of actions group
/// @}






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