Lab 4: Passive Components





Advanced Electronics Lab Manual 40 Lab 4: Passive Components 4.1 Aims The aim for this lab is to get a feel for some of the different types of resistors & capacitors that are available. We will look at some of the different non-ideal parameters for each, in an effort to better understand their normal application areas. We will also look at measuring parasitic elements in breadboards, and wires. 4.2 Equipment  Resistors (47Ω, 220 Ω, 1K Ω, 2.2K Ω,10KΩ, 100KΩ)  Capacitors (0.47μF (Greencap), 0.47μF (Ceramic), 2-10μF (Tantalum), 2-10μF (Electrolytic)  Signal Generator (1Hz-1MHz)  Breadboard (and connecting wires)  Digital Storage Oscilloscope (and coax leads, x10 probe) 4.3 Experiments 4.3.1 Breadboard Parasitic Capacitance The breadboards provided have a small amount (several pF) of Capacitance between adjacent tracks. Try to measure this capacitance. (Hints: You will need to use a high frequency signal. You will probably also need to use a x10 probe, since otherwise, the input capacitance of the oscilloscope will confuse the answers you get. Even in this case, the probe capacitance may be of the order of 20pF, so you will need to measure the probe capacitance as well). Demonstrate: Show your lab demonstrator what measurements you make to determine the track capacitance, and your calculations. See the video 4.3.2. Electrolytic Capacitors Repeat each of the following tests for a tantalum and a regular electrolytic capacitor. Forward Leakage Charge the capacitor (with the correct polarity) and measure the voltage with a DC multimeter. Note, use a series resistor (ESR) of 1KΩ or greater. This limits the surge current during charging, and will also give a measure of protection for polarity mistakes. Disconnect the multimeter, and supply from the capacitor, and leave it for 1 minute. Measure the DC voltage again. From this test, compute and record the leakage current for the capacitor. Report: Using LTspice, simulate the circuit (find the proper model for the capacitor from the software library) and calculate the leakage current. Compare your results with the measurements provided in the video. You will need to use a pulse voltage source to simulate disconnecting the supply. Reverse leakage Using one of the electrolytic capacitors, and a 2.2K series resistor, determine the reverse DC voltage at which the capacitor begins to conduct significantly. Warning! Make sure you have a series resistor to limit the current flow in the capacitor, otherwise, you may well let the smoke out. Significant current flow here means that rather than a leakage current of less than uA, the leakage rises (rapidly) to approximately 1mA. Record the voltage at which the reverse leakage current of the capacitor reaches 1mA. Advanced Electronics Lab Manual Page 41 Report: Using LTspice, simulate the circuit (find the proper model for the capacitor from the software library) and calculate the reverse leakage. Record the voltage at which the reverse leakage current of the capacitor reaches 1mA and compare your results with the measurements provided in the video. ESR Using a 220Ω series resistor (ESR), to a signal source (sinusoid of about 1Vrms, 1MHz) try to determine the Equivalent series resistance of the capacitor. Observe the waveform with a square wave input and comment. Report: Simulate the circuit (use the same voltage sources as mentioned above), calculate the ESR and compare your results with the video measurements. Dielectric Absorption Connect the circuit shown below, using a wire as the switch. Charge the capacitor via the resistor for more than 10 seconds, then very briefly short the capacitor then open circuit it. Observe the waveform, vc(t) and sketch this waveform in your report that illustrate Dielectric Absorption. Report: Explain the waveform. Can this waveform be explained by the ESR of the Capacitor? Why or why not? 4.3.3. Non-Polarised Capacitors: Self Resonant Frequency Try to determine the equivalent series inductance (and hence self-resonant frequency) of both a 0.47F Greencap and a 0.47F Ceramic Capacitor. To do this, apply a 200kHz square to a 50Ω resistor in series with the capacitor, and observe the waveform and sketch this in your lab report at the junction of the two components. If possible, determine the ESL(Equivalent series inductance) from the measurements made. (Note: you will have to be careful of the length of any leads connecting the components in this experiment. The inductances you are looking for are quite small, and even a 10cm piece of wire will have a significant inductance. Also, the 50Ω resistor shown is in fact the internal impedance of the signal generator). Report: Use LTspice to simulate the circuit. Record the self-resonant frequency of the capacitor, and therefore the ESL of the capacitor (you will need to do “AC analysis” ). Marking: Each step (when we say “report”) has equal marks.


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