Unity XR平台更新

Amidst a period of innovation for XR, we want to ensure Unity remains the best development platform for creators and our ecosystem partners. We’re excited to announce our new XR plugin framework designed to empower the ecosystem and provide guidance on how this impacts development in 2019.3 and beyond.

在XR的一段时间创新中,我们希望确保Unity仍然是创作者和我们的生态系统合作伙伴的最佳开发平台。 我们很高兴宣布我们新的XR插件框架,旨在增强生态系统功能并提供有关其如何影响2019.3及以后发展的指南。

Unity XR插件框架 (Unity XR plugin framework)

We have been working to improve our multi-platform offering, enabling direct integrations through a unified plugin framework. The resulting tech stack consists of an API that exposes common functionalities across our supported platforms in a frictionless way for creators while enabling XR hardware and software providers to develop their own Unity plugins. This architecture offers the following benefits:

我们一直在努力改善我们的多平台产品,从而通过统一的插件框架实现直接集成。 最终的技术堆栈由一个API组成,该API以无摩擦的方式为创建者提供了我们支持平台上的通用功能,同时使XR硬件和软件提供商可以开发自己的Unity插件。 该体系结构具有以下优点:

  • Multi-platform developer tools such as AR Foundation and the XR Interaction Toolkit 

    多平台开发人员工具, 例如AR Foundation和XR Interaction Toolkit

  • Faster partner updates from supported plugins via the Unity Package Manager 

    通过Unity Package Manager从受支持的插件中 更快地更新合作伙伴

  • More platforms have access to an interface to leverage Unity’s XR rendering optimizations and developer tools

    更多平台 可以访问界面以利用Unity的XR渲染优化和开发人员工具

Unity has developed new XR plugins for our supported platforms as part of this shift. Additionally, we have deprecated our built-in platform implementations in 2019.3. 

作为这一转变的一部分,Unity为我们支持的平台开发了新的XR插件。 此外,我们已在2019.3。中弃用了内置平台实现。

This framework will influence how we support various types of platforms:


  • Officially supported platforms


  • Verified Solutions Partners


  • Innovators


官方支持的平台 (Officially supported platforms)

“Build once, deploy anywhere” continues to be our core principle, and we work directly with our strategic partners to ensure that all creators are fully supported when developing for these platforms. This involves deep platform integration, improvements to our engine, and optimizations to our XR tech stack for the platform. As of 2019.3, Unity officially works with and supports: 

“一次构建,部署到任何地方”仍然是我们的核心原则,我们直接与我们的战略合作伙伴合作,以确保在为这些平台开发时完全支持所有创作者。 这涉及深度平台集成,对引擎的改进以及对平台的XR技术堆栈的优化。 从2019.3开始,Unity正式与以下组织合作并提供支持:

  • ARKit


  • ARCore


  • Microsoft HoloLens


  • Magic Leap


  • Oculus

  • Windows Mixed Reality


  • PlayStation VR

    PlayStation VR

其他平台更新 (Other platform updates)

  • Gear VR is no longer supported in 2019.3 and beyond, as Oculus focuses on their current generation of hardware. 

    由于 Oculus专注 于其当前的硬件 ,因此在2019.3及更高版本中不再支持Gear VR 。

  • Google VR is no longer supported in 2019.3 and beyond due to Google ending sales of Daydream View and the launch of the Cardboard Open Source Project

    由于Google终止了Daydream View的销售以及 Cardboard Open Source Project 的启动,因此在2019.3及以后不再支持Google VR 。

  • As part of our shift to the new plugin framework, Valve has used our XR SDK to develop their OpenVR Unity XR plugin for 2019.3 and beyond. The latest version can be found here.

    作为我们转向新插件框架的一部分,Valve使用我们的XR SDK开发了适用于2019.3及更高版本的OpenVR Unity XR插件。 最新版本可在此处找到。

Note: Gear VR, Google VR, and OpenVR will remain supported by Unity in the 2018 LTS release. 

注意:Unity在2018 LTS版本中仍将支持Gear VR,Google VR和OpenVR。

经过验证的解决方案合作伙伴 (Verified Solutions Partners)

As we continue to see new entrants in the XR space, we want to make sure our framework enables better integrations for the whole ecosystem. We are excited to pair the Unity XR SDK with our Verified Solutions Partner program, which is designed to help third-party providers deliver direct value to their creators. The program offers various levels of support, including test verification and promotion of the plugin once released. Being a Verified Solutions Partner helps establish developer trust and improve adoption of your plugin. 

随着我们继续在XR领域看到新进入者,我们希望确保我们的框架能够为整个生态系统实现更好的集成。 我们很高兴将Unity XR SDK与我们的“验证解决方案合作伙伴”计划结合使用,该计划旨在帮助第三方提供商向其创造者提供直接价值。 该程序提供各种级别的支持,包括测试验证和插件发布后的升级。 成为经过验证的解决方案合作伙伴有助于建立开发人员的信任度,并提高您插件的采用率。

Learn more about the program and how you can join our network of Verified Solutions Partners. 

详细 了解该计划以及如何加入我们的“验证解决方案合作伙伴”网络。

创新者 (Innovators)

Unity would not be the platform it is today without our community of creators and innovators. To enable our ecosystem without getting in the way of innovation, we’re excited to announce that users who want to experiment can now develop their own Unity plugins for our interface, though these solutions and partners are not supported directly by Unity. 

没有我们的创造者和创新者社区,Unity不会成为今天的平台。 为了使我们的生态系统不受阻碍,我们很高兴地宣布,尽管Unity不直接支持这些解决方案和合作伙伴,但现在想进行实验的用户现在可以为我们的界面开发自己的Unity插件。

Sign up for access to the headers, documentation, and test suites of our XR SDK. 

注册 以访问我们的XR SDK的标题,文档和测试套件 。

迁移到XR插件 (Migration to XR plugins)

As mentioned earlier, built-in XR support has been deprecated in 2019.3 and we recommend using our supported XR plugins.*


See the table below for our latest guidance on how to develop for each platform.


ARCoreAR developers using ARCore in their projects should continue using AR Foundation, and XR Management to load in the ARCore XR Plugin.
ARKitAR developers using ARKit in their projects should continue using AR Foundation, and XR Management to load in the ARKit XR Plugin.
Magic LeapMagic Leap developers should continue using AR Foundation, and XR Management to load in the Magic Leap XR Plugin. Developers will also need to download the Magic Leap Lumin SDK.
Microsoft HoloLens / Windows Mixed RealityHoloLens developers using 2019.3 and later should continue using AR Foundation, and XR Management to load the Windows XR Plugin. Microsoft is also releasing a new version of their Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK 2.3) later this month to be compatible with the Windows XR Plugin in 2019.3 and later.

Developers using Unity 2018 LTS to stay on a stable version can continue developing for HoloLens and Windows MR devices. 

Note: Built-in support for Windows MR (Windows Mixed Reality) has been deprecated in 2019.3.* 

OculusOculus developers using 2019.3 and later should use XR Management to load the Oculus XR Plugin.

Developers using Unity 2018 LTS to stay on a stable version can continue developing for Oculus devices. 

Note: Built-in support for Oculus (Oculus Android & Oculus Desktop) has been deprecated in 2019.3.* 

OpenVRAs part of our shift to the new plugin framework, Valve has used our XR SDK to develop their OpenVR Unity XR plugin for 2019.3 and beyond. The latest version can be found here.

OpenVR will remain supported in Unity 2018 LTS, and developers can continue using the built-in integration of OpenVR in their existing projects. 

Note: Built-in support for OpenVR (OpenVR (Desktop)) has been deprecated in 2019.3.*

Gear VRGear VR is no longer supported by the Oculus XR Plugin in 2019.3 and beyond. 

Gear VR will remain supported in Unity 2018 LTS, and developers can continue developing for Gear VR in their existing projects. 

Note: Built-in support for Gear VR (Oculus Android) has been deprecated in 2019.3.*

Google VRGoogle VR is no longer supported in 2019.3 and beyond. 

Cardboard developers using 2019.3 and later should stay tuned on the latest updates regarding a Cardboard Open Source XR Plugin for Unity, which can be found on the Google VR developer site.

Google VR will remain supported in 2018 LTS, and developers can continue developing for Daydream and Cardboard in their existing projects. 

Note: Built-in support for Google VR (Google VR Android & Google VR iOS) has been deprecated in 2019.3.* 

VuforiaThe Vuforia Engine built in package (Vuforia Engine AR) will no longer be natively distributed and directly supported by Unity as of Unity 2019.3. The latest Vuforia Engine package will be available through the Unity Package Manager until March of this year. After March, you will continue to be able to download new versions of Vuforia Engine for Unity via the Vuforia Developer Portal
平台 建议
核心 在其项目中使用ARCore的AR开发人员应继续使用 AR FoundationXR Management 来加载 ARCore XR插件
ARKit 在其项目中使用ARKit的AR开发人员应继续使用 AR FoundationXR Management 来加载 ARKit XR插件
魔法飞跃 Magic Leap开发人员应继续使用 AR FoundationXR Management 来加载 Magic Leap XR插件 。 开发人员还需要下载 Magic Leap Lumin SDK
Microsoft HoloLens / Windows混合现实 使用2019.3及更高版本的HoloLens开发人员应继续使用 AR FoundationXR Management 加载 Windows XR插件 。 微软还将在 本月晚些时候 发布其混合现实工具包( MRTK 2.3 ) 的新版本,以与 2019.3 及更高版本中 的 Windows XR插件 兼容 。

使用Unity 2018 LTS保持稳定版本的开发人员可以继续为HoloLens和Windows MR设备进行开发。

注意: 在2019.3。中已弃用 对Windows MR( Windows混合现实 )的 内置支持 。

使用2019.3及更高版本的Oculus开发人员应使用 XR管理 加载 Oculus XR插件

使用Unity 2018 LTS保持稳定版本的开发人员可以继续为Oculus设备开发。

注意: 2019.3。开始不推荐使用 对Oculus的内置支持( Oculus AndroidOculus Desktop )。

OpenVR 作为我们转向新插件框架的一部分,Valve使用我们的XR SDK开发了适用于2019.3及更高版本的OpenVR Unity XR插件。 最新版本可在此处找到。

OpenVR将在Unity 2018 LTS中继续受支持,并且开发人员可以在其现有项目中继续使用OpenVR的内置集成。

注意:2019.3 。开始不推荐使用 对OpenVR( OpenVR(Desktop) )的 内置支持 。

Gear VR 在2019.3及更高版本中 , Oculus XR插件 不再支持Gear VR 。

Gear VR将在Unity 2018 LTS中继续受支持,并且开发人员可以在现有项目中继续为Gear VR开发。

注意:Gear VR( Oculus Android )的 内置支持 已于2019.3。

Google VR 2019.3及更高版本不再支持Google VR。

使用2019.3及更高版本的纸板开发人员应关注有关Cardboard Open Source XR Plugin for Unity的最新更新,该更新可在 Google VR开发者网站上找到

Google VR将在2018年LTS中继续受支持,开发人员可以在现有项目中继续为Daydream和Cardboard开发。

注意: 自2019.3.3起已弃用 对Google VR( Google VR AndroidGoogle VR iOS )的 内置支持 。*

Vuforia 从Unity 2019.3。开始,内置的Vuforia Engine软件包(Vuforia Engine AR)将不再本地分发并直接由Unity支持。 最新的Vuforia Engine软件包将通过Unity软件包管理器提供,直到今年3月。 3月之后,您将继续能够通过Vuforia开发人员门户网站下载新版本的Vuforia Engine for Unity。

*Deprecation means the built-in implementations are still available for use in 2019.3 and will remain functional in 2019 LTS with no new features, but essential bug fixes.

*弃用意味着内置的实现在2019.3中仍然可以使用,并且将在2019 LTS中保持功能,没有新功能,但已修复一些重要的错误。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/01/24/unity-xr-platform-updates/

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